Managing it fair to expect Altruism while playing Solo Queue?

^ Title
I've been playing solo queue lately, and it's the usual struggle. Either 1 of 2 things happen that's particularly frustrating:
- I get hooked and left to die on first hook (while my teammates have an opportunity to save me) OR
- I unhook someone and then I get left to die on hook after the save (while they have an opportunity to save me)
Understanding that there are different Survivor playstyles and experience levels, I wondered if I should even expect altruistic behavior going forward? Would it be more advantageous for me to leave other Survivors on the hook or slugged on the ground? I've started to rethink my playstyle and wanted to see how other players think about it.
Note: I typically run Kindred, so my team can see if the Killer is closeby while I am on hook (or so I can help coordinate hook saves).
Well. I understand that this is frustrating, but you cannot control how others play. You can only affect yourself.
My rule is that if someone saves me I'll go through hell and high water to save them back. Sacrifice myself during EGC. The unspoken camaraderie between solo survivors is a big part of what makes that half of the game fun for me. I do what I can to reinforce it.
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My experience has bee that probably 98% of my solo games, everyone goes for saves and it's totally fine. It's just that the 2% where I get left to die are really memorable because they're so annoying.
I like playing a healer build, so I'm really oriented toward saves and heals, but even I mess up sometimes, and I think someone else went for the save when they didn't, or I misjudge the timing, or I have a Rift challenge where I need to escape and I already failed it five times and I'm super, super sorry but I'm also on death hook and the killer's camping you. But that's the exception, and I think it's the exception for most people.
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Usually people are too eager for altruism early on, then the concept of a team is dead to Randoms later on in the match.
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The bigger, more painful, question to ask is.... am I the damn Solo stuck in with a 3-Person SWF. If so, you have no reason to assume any altruism on their part that involves any real risk. Sadly, they will only save you if it is 100% safe, so they can get those sweet points and steps toward an emblem. If it is not safe, you are the sacrifice they are willing to make because you aren't truly one of them.
One of the great tragedies of SWF is the damage it does to the Solo experience. I suspect, the impact on Solo players is even more harsh and painful than it is on Killers. Trust and cooperation in the Solo Queue is at an all time low, and that is because a large number of matches aren't really Solo anymore. Most of those people in there are a SWF, and you are their Red Shirt.
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You are so right about the lack of trust and cooperation. That's a great way to explain it.
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This is why I almost always run Deliverance now, it doesn't always get used in every match, but it helps limit situations like that from happening and guarantees you can play longer as long as you unhook someone else first. In my experience, most people either save a terrible times and don't protect me for their mistake, or they wait around the hook to get the save while the killer is watching the hook from afar instead of doing something else. In solo queue, I focus on autonomy with my perks (Deliverance, Inner Strength, any exhaustion perk, most info perks) to a great degree rather than altruistic things unless I have a challenge or want a different playing experience.
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I run Kindred and Bond so I can see what my other teammates are doing during my solo matches. Yes, it is frustrating when solo teammates let you go to struggle for no good reason. You would think if half the team is on hooks the others would leave the gen or whatever they are working on to get the saves. I am scared now that some players are going to suicide on the hook in games (which is happening with more frequency) that I try to get the saves as soon as possible. Plus, four players playing is always better than two lol.
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Exactly this, nothing feels better than when you are hooked at the EGC and you see three yellow aura's coming to help you. I try to do this all the time when feasible. If I am hooked at EGC and being camped I will struggle for as long as I can to let everyone else get the gates and out.
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I play solo and I actually don't have the problem of not being rescued. With a few exceptions the others usually try to get me unhooked at first opportunity. Often to the detriment of our progress, actually.
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Ideally yes, but your experience is far from that so no. Try playing selfish next and see how it goes for you.
For me, I lean for self preservation but still help out, just not at my expense.
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It depends on if I can determine the kind of teammates I have in the beginning.
Otherwise, yes I expect it, but I also won’t get mad if it doesn’t happen. People can be selfish or just simply make mistakes.