The Thing - Licensed Killer Chapter

Williamz Member Posts: 143
edited September 2019 in Creations

Hello, I made this idea last year on the steam forums so I thought I'd post it here too. I did just see the new concept art teaser for 2018 December Chapter and it's going to be our first snow map. Excited and it brought me back to the idea of "The Thing" and hopefully we could see this one day. So here it is, I hope you enjoy the read and a lot of it is just concept I don't expect it to be exact if it was ever put into the game just rough guidlines on where to start if BHVR were to ever do it, which I really hope they do. :P

If you haven't heard of the thing before check out the trailer for the original film:

The Thing - Killer

Killer Power - Imitation

You start the round as a randomly imitated survivor. Hitting a survivor earns you one change token to completely imitate that survivor at any time with a maximum of three stored tokens. Can change in and out of imitation by using "M2," takes five seconds changing (vice versa) and one token. Outside of imitation the terror radius is smaller than trapper, when imitating a survivor terror radius is zero. Move speed is 105%. Normal lunge range. Cannot attack in imitation. The killer's imitation doesn't breathe giving survivors a audible clue. The imitation can pretend to work on gens but has no impact. Detection perks do not work on imitation. Bond reveals imitation as ally. Shining a flashlight at the killer while imitated will reveal the killer instantly (if survivors do it too close then the killer can hit them right away).

-"Man is The Warmest Place to Hide."

Ultra Rare Addon - The Perfect Organism

A perfectly pure organism. Any survivor that is put into dying state 3 times and recovers in the next trail becomes infected and gives off a distinctive red glow to the killer. When the power gates are turned on every infected survivor collapses unconscious on to the floor and turns into The Thing, slowly becoming unrecognisable corpse while the body pulseates. Killing them in the process.

  • MacReady "This thing doesn't want to show itself, it wants to hide inside an imitation. It'll fight if it has to, but it's vulnerable out in the open. If it takes us over, then it has no more enemies, nobody left to kill it. And then it's won."

Ultra Rare Addon - Evovled Cell

A Evovled cell of The Thing. Enables the killer to increase the capacity of imitation, umlimited tokens.

  • MacReady: _"Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By spring, it could be all of us." _

Very Rare Addon - Lethal Wound

A lethal wound causing the survivor to slightly turn. Any survivors in the wounded/healthy state have a 50% chance to vomit for 4 seconds every 40 seconds once hit.

  • MacReady: "I know I'm human. And if you were all these things, then you'd just attack me right now, so some of you are still human."

Very Rare Addon - Torn Long Johns

Torn winter long johns with a label missing. Kill a healthy, or injured survivor while coming out of imitiation. Unable to gain imitation tokens. (must kill with starting imitation)

  • MacReady:_ "One other thing: I think it rips through your clothes when it takes you over. Windows found some shredded long johns, but the nametag was missing. They could be anybody's. Nobody... nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired."_

Rare Addon - Contaminated Wound

A contaminated wound causing the survivor to slightly turn. Any survivors in the wounded/healthy state have a 50% chance to vomit for 3 seconds every 120 seconds once hit.

  • MacReady: "I know I'm human. And if you were all these things, then you'd just attack me right now, so some of you are still human."

Rare Addon - Enhanced Cell

A enhanced cell of The Thing. Enables the killer to increase the capacity of imitation, five more tokens.

  • MacReady: "Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By spring, it could be all of us."

Uncommon Addon - Environment Adaption

The Thing has become more resilent to cold and harsh weather of Earth. Comes out of imitation two second less. Can be used with tinker.

  • MacReady: "_I don't know. Thousands of years ago it crashes, and this thing... gets thrown out, or crawls out, and it ends up freezing in the ice." _

Uncommon Addon - Mutated Cell

A mutated cell of The Thing. Enables the killer to increase the capacity with imitation, three more tokens.

  • MacReady: "_Somebody in this camp ain't what he appears to be. Right now that may be one or two of us. By spring, it could be all of us." _

Uncommon Addon - Blood Paranoia

Survivors become more paranoid with checking others wounds. Survivor wounds take 15% longer to heal in all team healing actions.

  • MacReady: "Now I'll show you what I already know..."

Common Addon - Empty Ice Block

A large ice block which looks like something broke out of the center. Come out of imitation one second less. Can be used with tinker.

  • MacReady: "I don't know. Thousands of years ago it crashes, and this thing... gets thrown out, or crawls out, and it ends up freezing in the ice."

Common Addon - Feared

A man kneeling in the snow with a mutated hand. Slightly increased lunge, moderately increased terror radius when out of imitation.

  • Clark: "I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is."

MacReady - Survivor


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  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I love the creature, but frankly the SWF part of this game completely undoes his whole gameplay concept, in a similar way in which Hex: The Third Seal is undone by this.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Any form of shape shifting/disguise ability needs much more. What you're proposing is essentially the Wraith but worse.

    Common sense would have you simply avoid Survivors and you've rendered that power pretty much useless. That's not even mentioning SWF.

  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 67

    an imitation killer will never be added while swf is a thing

    only way I can think to fix this is

    the game needs a voice chat but only for survivors within like 24 meters and have addon walk talky to talk with other globally who also have the item where each second used takes away some durability

    this way survivors keep the fun factor of being able to talk to themselves, and the people who do actually use discord/Teamspeak are cheaters since there in-game way to do it now

    sure it cant be enforced and prolly isn't ban worthy but at least streamers would have to stream cheating if the still used the old way and also if there was a legit way to talk some SWF might respect the rules of the game and use the legit methods

  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143
    edited November 2018

    Obviously SWF would impact the killer's gameplan but that only depends on when you are first visible. If you are a survivor and you see a survivor running towards you from a far while working on a gen and your friends say they are all on gens and that isn't them then sure that can trump his imitation but that's not how you should play the killer. You can make good use of the no terror radius and you can disappear behind cover or terrain until you get close and then go out into the open once you are close and in those few seconds of running towards a survivor the other survivor will be confused on if it's the killer or not and by the time they communicate you get a hit. You also forgetting the mind game power of paranoia with imitation, even against SWF. They have to constantly ID themselves between each other when they see other survivors which can be stressful in some situations and if they are on a gen and survivors pops up behind the tree infront of you then you are instantly going to jump off in the process of communicating and every time you turn a corner or in a building it's less time to ID yourselves. If you spend the game avoiding other survivors and jump off a gen when you see a another survivor and that person has the same game plan then that means you aren't getting any gens done as you are playing too safe. He will be very strong on close quarter maps, less time to react the better he is..

    How the killer should actually be played is switching to your imitation behind cover just in case anyone sees you and to approach gens hugging objects and terrain so that you pop at the last second for the survivor giving them less time to react and communicate giving you a chance to hit them instantly. I guess in some sense he would be similar to Wraith but with more unique addons to expand his ability and gameplan and to passively create paranoia between survivors forcing them having to communicate a lot more and constantly jumping off gens and walking away until they all confirm there locations and that's only killer's pros against SWF. I honestly think he would be fine against SWF. If playing without addons and a strategy then sure I can see it being more of a struggle but it's like that with any killer.

    Post edited by Williamz on
  • Williamz
    Williamz Member Posts: 143

    Almost a year ago I posted this. Wow. Would be awesome if BHVR was still thinking about doing this and would be awesome to have another john carpenter killer and approaching winter it would suite well for it's back story and get another snow map.