to the people who think Meg looks hot.

she being lookin like a damn roach from Jamacia( don't look that up btw)
Look at her damn hair. WHY DOES SHE HAVE A THIRD BRAID. almost all of her hair cosmetics looking like a damn hedgehog wanted to rest on her head. The only good one is Zoey's from left 4 dead.
Look at her shirt. it looks like she threw up on it 11 times. i'd throw up that much if that's what I saw in a mirror every damn day.
I was so hoping that the remodel would make her go through damn plastic surgery but no she looks like sponge bob from that hair episode with her huge poofy hair cut on her 9-head
I'm getting a migraine from looking at her muppet looking face
And what's with every content creator simping on Meg. I see ardetha and The king saying she looks gorgeous while the screen is on some hideous beast. I'm asking myself why are they thinking a damn orangutang is pretty. sometimes a forget she is a survivor so I run away from her when I'm playing killer and survivor.
you know who looks hot Jane. she be looking like a 4-course meal with those thunder thighs of hers. and what does meg have. Popsicle sticks for legs.
omg I'm holding back my lunch trying to lunch at her 9-head.
bubba can rock her face than she can
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She looks like magnus carlson with a wig
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You do realise she's not a real person and this is infact a game don't you sir?
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Damn someone is mad :D
no one forces you to like her. Don’t try to force others to dislike her.
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i know but this is just a meme but I still don't like meg
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girls come in all shapes and sizes
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she ain't no girl she a alien for space
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ardetha was already weirdly horny for meg, but I try not to judge heterosexuals and just let them live their lives in peace
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Big paintball is a terrible game.
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Meg looks like a potato right now. I don't know how anyone could like current meg.
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To me she looks like some horse/human hybrid. I still play her but that's just how she looks to me xD
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Hey don’t say anything bad about Meg!
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But you already know yui's face looks like a smashed in pancake. ;)
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she kinda is in some certain cosmetics.
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Wow you are so cold blooded. Don’t talk about Queen Kimura like that. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m going to have to tunnel you off hook, wait 60 seconds to hook you again, and then mori you after you get unhooked again. Lol just kidding though I love my girls Yui and Meg.
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You think that thing looks pretty. look at her hair looking like a half a bowl cut probably because she got half the IQ from one of the guys from that movie Dumb and Dumber
her sneakers look like she just poured pink paint on some dollar store white shoes
and her shirt damn its looks so dirty
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I'm cool with Meg but can we address Quentin. The only time his looks ok is when your downed, on the other side of the map, while at maximum infection, with tier 3 madness, in the dream world, and when he is facing the other way. At least his voice actor was ok.
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Doesn't stop 50% of the people in the dbd twitter's replies
It's the same joke repeated on a loop
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i mean he looks ugly but meg looking like a monkey with make up
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Do all female characters in games have to be attractive to you? My God, look at the goblin males in this game; Quenton, Ace, Dwight- possibly the only decent looking dude is Felix, and an elderly distinguished Grandpa (because he's my main).
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Meg is sexy ? girl, I know your clown because you out cracking jokes like one
She popular to boot I think you meant I would like to show her my boot and kick her with it probably make her look better
good hair B she looks like a damn warthog. boy love to stare since she is the main attraction of the gorilla exhibit.
im glad I'm not her id probably turn into stone if I looked in the mirror and her is what I saw
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Adam looks decent and definitely agree with you about Bill and Felix.
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True. Forgot about Adam.
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Noone can ever compare to the DBD Queens: Kate & Jane, imo lol
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You know they did specify that this is only a WIP.
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jane and kate are the best surv
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at least i agree with you on something but I do love kate
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i will die where I stand
Meg is hot
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damn you be higher than the empire state building cuz I know that's the only way meg is looking remotely ok
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God I just love first world problems
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Well opinions are opinions, I can find a character to look good all I want, Bill is hot, Feng is Hot, Meg is hot
Everyone sees a different beauty standard, so like I said
Meg is hot
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i suppose your right let us agree to disgaree
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well your right since meg ain't no human she is a damn alien
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i forgot i had that there lol
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Game is so pay to win. I played it once, and it wasn't even fun when the game is pay to win. Poor kids parents wallets must be drained from that game. At least mm2 and arsenal aren't pay to win.
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glad to see im, not the only one that plays roblox and dbd
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Potatoes are tasty and nutritious, what more could you want in a gal
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I think meg looks hot
with the mask you get from playing Deathgarden3 -
i don't judge them because i do the same for the guys :p
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Oh okay... just checking. Only this is dbd and not a fussy tinder choice that's all 😉
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Bills sexy 🤭 he's my survivor main too. I mean its no wonder why the killers are chasing bill for a while. They wanna be having some of "dat" ass ! 😂
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I like Meg's rework tbh, doesn't look like Mrs. Potato Head anymore.
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Because she was hot in concept art
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she looks 100000x better in this concept art
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Goblin males xD
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New Meg is ugly, if you don't play as her who cares what she looks like.
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