Show me your creations like Perks or add-ons or offerings or survivors or killers :)

ThePotatoPlayer Member Posts: 9

I am doing mine, so i will post it later :)


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    I made a post about a killer concept I had, is it ok if I link it?

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I have a fan made concept for a chapter if you'd like to see it.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Alright, here it is. It's a pretty lengthy read.

    Eternity Calls

    New Killer: The Man

    New Survivor: Robert Howell

    New Map: The Pale Castle 

    He goes by many names. The Man With The Cane, The Man With The Watch, The Ticking Man, The Shadow Man, The Man With The Hat, The Grinning Man. His name doesn't matter. No one knows his story, or his origin. All they know is that he haunts the halls of The Pale Castle. 

    Visitors and tourists would report hearing a ticking sound coming from right behind them, but when they turned around nothing would be there. Others claimed to have seen the shadow of an extraordinary tall man peeking at them from the corner of their eye or around corners. Some would even hear the sound of a cane tapping through the hallways and on the floor above them late at night. Hence why this entity was given its many names. 

    People from all around the world would flock to The Pale Castle to try and catch a glimpse of the famous Man. It was all fun and games, until one day, something happened that would change The Pale Castles history forever. 

    One day, a couple split off from their group, and wandered into one of the vacant rooms. In their hormone induced stupor, they failed to notice a particular ticking sound coming from somewhere nearby. It was around an hour before the tour guide noticed they were missing. A thorough search of the castle was conducted, and it wasn’t long until the couple was found. 

    The man was hanging from one of the scones, his fingers were bloody and broken, a sign that he had tried to claw the noose off his neck. The woman was slumped against a table, dark marks covered her entire body, and her eyes were crushed in their sockets. Both had a look of pure terror on their face, and their skin was an eerie grey color, as if all life within them had been drained. The authorities didn’t know what to make of it, but they knew of all the strange occurrences that took place in The Pale Caste. They ultimately decided to close the castle to the public, and it was left to rot. 

    Only the brave or foolish have dared to break into The Pale Castle. Anyone who has wandered in since that day, has never wandered back out.

    Base Movement Speed: 115%

    Terror Radius: 32 Meters

    Height: Tall

    The Man's power is called Void Of Sins.

    Special Ability: Spectral Projection

    At any time, The Man may project himself through the void, as long as he is not within a survivor's line of sight. While projecting:

    • The Man moves at 175% movement speed.
    • Can walk through all walls.
    • Can float upwards.
    • Is invisible to survivors. 
    • Survivors who are not in the void, The Man cannot see. He also cannot see their blood or scratch marks, and he cannot hear survivors. He can, however, see anything in the environment they interact with. 

    After The Man has stopped projecting, he is granted the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds. The Man is slowed down to 50% movement speed for three seconds when entering and exiting Spectral Projection. 

    Special Ability: Command Chronology 

    The Man gains the ability to slow down time. While time is slowed, any survivor in the trial will have their movement speed and action speed halved. The Man is not affected by this. 

    • Injuring a survivor will banish them to the void and remove The Man from Command Chronology.
    • Downing a survivor will remove The Man from Command Chronology. 
    • Grabbing a healthy or injured survivor will remove The Man from Command Chronology.
    • Picking up a survivor in the dying state will remove The Man from Command Chronology.

    Any survivor in the void will be unable to interact with anything except pallets and windows. 

    • To escape the void, a survivor must locate the farthest Grandfather Clock. 
    • The Man will see the aura of any survivor located in the void. 
    • When a survivor is downed in the void, both The Man and the survivor will be transported back to the real world. 

    If a survivor interacts with a Grandfather Clock while Command Chronology is active, it will shorten its duration by 20 seconds.

    • Command Chronology will remain active for 60 seconds.
    • Command Chronology has a cooldown of 120 seconds.

    While The Man is Spectral Projecting, The Man cannot activate Command Chronology. If Command Chronology is currently active, The Man cannot use Spectral Projection.  

    “Woe befalls all who look upon him, and who hear the accursed sound of his stopwatch in the black of night.” - ???

    The Man comes with three teachable perks.

    Hex: Despair: A hex rooting it’s power on the pain and sorrow survivors feel. When you hook a survivor, gain 1 token. For each token you have, decrease your powers cooldown by 2%/3%/4%.

    “You don’t even know how far you have faded.” - ???

    Sceimhle: Your horrifying and eerie presence terrifies your prey. When hitting a survivor, apply the Fear status effect. The Fear status effect will cause the survivor to scream every 30/45/60 seconds. Fear lasts until the survivor is put into the dying state.

    “You’ll never know the time you’ve wasted.” - ???

    Chronophobia: Time is their greatest enemy, and you use it to your advantage. For each 150/120/90 seconds the trial has lasted, gain a token up to four. Each token decreases the visibility of the red stain. At four tokens, the red stain is no longer visible.  

    “You have no time left to borrow.” - ???

    Mori: The Man lifts the survivor high into the air and glares deep into their soul. As their skin begins to turn grey and their eyes glaze over, The Man stabs his weapon directly through the survivor's mouth and pins them to the floor. As the survivors body slowly slides down the weapon and onto the ground, The Man takes a glance at his stopwatch.

    Even at a young age, Robert Howell was fascinated with the paranormal. Growing up in a quiet New Jersey town, his childhood was fairly average. For entertainment, he would watch ghost hunting shows. Robert often questioned whether or not the shows he was watching were making things up, or if they were capturing actual paranormal activity. As a young teen, he would research ghost stories and try to see if they were real or not. Robert himself was a skeptic, and he thought to himself how cool it would be to visit these haunted places for himself, and see if they were really “haunted”. 

    The summer after senior year, Robert got bored of searching for a job. He wandered into his kitchen and prepared a sandwich. As Robert stared out into his backyard, an idea floated into his head. He called up his close two friends, Zach and Alex. The three of them had been friends since the second grade. Robert proposed the idea that they could spend a few hours driving to a proclaimed haunted hospital. Alex added that maybe they could throw together a YouTube channel and post the footage that they captured to it. The three agreed that it was an amazing idea, but Zach added that they should all take an oath to never fake anything in their investigations. All three of them took the oath, and so they drove an hour or two to the hospital. 

    Not surprisingly, they found nothing interesting in the old abandoned hospital. Their video did far better than they expected though, and it garnered lots of views. People seemed to like how “real” their vidoes felt, and the infectious energy the trio possessed. Using saved up money, Robert, Alex, and Zach traveled all around America to visit haunted places. The three of them would goof off and have a great time making light of the eerie buildings they explored. 

    In only about a year, their YouTube channel “RAZ Explored” had gained over 100,000 subscribers. For their channel's 100,000 subscriber special, Robert, Alex, and Zach decided to do something brand new. For the first time, they were going to explore a haunted area that wasn’t in the U.S. Robert knew just where to go. As a child, he remembered watching a police report about a haunted castle in Ireland. Apparently, a couple had actually died there due to unknown causes. The three bought plane tickets, and flew to the closest airport to The Pale Castle. 

    Once they landed, they rented a car and drove a few hours to the castle. The trio had already filmed their intro, and was hyping their audience up by posting pictures of their journey to The Pale Castle on social media. When the three had finally arrived at the castle, they noticed that the front entrance was sealed up tight. It wasn’t a problem though, because Zach spotted a window on the second floor that they could use to get in. Alex hoisted Robert up, and he climbed in through the window. Then, Zach hoisted Alex up so he could get in. 

    Robert and Alex assured Zach that they would find a way for him to get in. Alex stayed by the window as Robert went off to find a way to get Zach in. As he wandered around, he took notice of a particular detail about the castle. Normally abandoned buildings like this would be littered with graffiti, but The Pale Castle didn’t seem to have that much of it. He disregarded it though, and simply chalked it up to the fact that the building was locked, which would dissuade some people from wanting to enter it. Robert navigated his way to the front entrance, and unlocked the door. He walked back and told Alex and Zach what he had done. Robert and Alex held open the old wooden door, and with their help, Zach was able to nimbly squeeze through the metal chains that blocked the door from the outside, and entered the castle. 

    Once inside, the three of them did their usual routine. Robert went off to set up cameras, Zach would walk around with a spirit box to try communicate with spirits. and Alex would set up anything else. In the main foyer of the castle Alex set up their sleeping bags. The trio very rarely stayed the night in the haunted building itself, but this was a special occasion. As Robert set up cameras in various rooms, he couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. As he was walking back to the foyer, he thought for a second that he heard a tapping sound coming from above him, but similar to the graffiti, he disregarded it.

    Once Robert and Zach got back to Alex, the three of them watched through the musty windows as the sun set on the horizon. Zach told the group that he didn’t hear anything from the spirit box. For a while, nothing seemed to happen. The group cracked jokes, laughed, and told scary stories to try and spook each other. 

    At around 11:00pm, Alex pointed out that it looked like something was on one of the cameras. The trio was very excited to finally see something, and they bumbled through the hallways towards the room.

    Once they got there, whatever they saw on the cameras was gone. Zach pulled out the spirit box and started asking questions. The group could barely contain their laughter, until the static on the box was interrupted by a voice. For the first time in their channel's history, something had answered them.

    In a garbled mix of different radios waves, the trio heard the word “hello” come from the box laying in the middle of the room. They paused, and looked at each other. After a moment of shocked silence, Robert asked if anyone was there with them. Again from the box they heard the word “here”. As Alex commented on how cold it had gotten in the room, a sentence came from the box, “why are you here?” Zach sputtered out that they were there to investigate the paranormal, and he followed it up by asking what the being that was there with them actually was. “man”, came from the box, quickly followed by “leave”.

    The three did what the box told them to do, and they all swiftly left the room. Back in the foyer, the group chatted amongst themselves about how weird and frightening the encounter was. Their enthusiastic energy was gone, replaced by a cold and uncomfortable silence. Alex tried to make a few jokes to lighten the mood, but the mood stayed heavy. Though none of them admitted it, Robert could tell that all three of them including himself were pretty freaked out. With that, the trio decided to head off to bed. 

    Sometime during the night, Robert woke up and noticed that Alex was missing. He didn’t think much of it, and figured that he was off taking a piss. Robert opened the doors to the front entrance, and peeked through the chains outside to see if Alex was there. He wasn’t though, which alarmed Robert. He quickly jogged up to the window they climbed in through, to see if he was peeing from there, but Alex was nowhere to be seen. 

    Robert walked back to the foyer, and woke up Zach. Zach was extremely distressed at the news that Alex had disappeared, and the two got up to look for him. As Zach and Robert walked through the stone corridors, suddenly a loud bang emanated from right behind them. Zach and Robert spun around as fast as lightning, yet nothing was there. The two continued to call out for Alex, and eventually they noticed that the door to the room they had talked to spirit in, had been opened. Robert hesitantly opened the door, and froze when he saw what was inside. 

    There, laying on the cold floor, was Alex's dead body. It looked as if every bone in his body had been crushed, and he had a twisted look of terror on his grey skin. Robert stumbled back, allowing Zach to take a glimpse inside of the room. Zach vomited on the spot, and Robert started hyperventilating. Suddenly, a loud ticking sound manifested right behind them. Zach stumbled around and screamed in horror at the tall man staring down at him. 

    The man reached down and grabbed Zach by his throat with one hand, as he tapped his cane against the ground with the other. He glared deep into Zach’s soul. Zach’s skin slowly turned a pale grey color, as he let out a final gasp. A brutal crack came from Zach's neck, as the man  tossed his now lifeless body on the ground. While this had happened, Robert had backed into the room with Alex’s body in it. The man casually took a glance at his stopwatch, before stuffing it back in his pocket. 

    The man slowly looked up at Robert, and positioned himself so he was holding his cane with both hands centered in front of him. The man's top hat covered most of his face, but Robert could still make out that the being was smiling at him. It began to leisurely walk towards him. Robert knew he was going to die. He looked at his camera, and gave a teary goodbye to his family. He backed farther into the room, and opened the door to the balcony overlooking the sea. Robert glanced back at the man still smiling and walking towards him, and he made up his mind. Robert hopped up on the balcony, and flung himself over it. 

    As Robert fell, he felt the tears roll down his face as he thought of all his wishes and dreams that he would never get to complete. He thought of his family, and how they would react. He thought of his fans, and if they would be sad at hearing the news of his death. And lastly, he thought of the man who had killed his friends. He was staring down at Robert from the balcony, and looking at his stopwatch. Robert closed his eyes, and prayed for his soul.

    Then he felt a cool sensation on his skin. He hesitantly opened his eyes, and was surprised to see that he was now in a forest. Robert raised himself from the ground and looked around. In the distance, he saw a campfire, and the silhouettes of people sitting around it. With no other options, and looking for answers, he started walking.

    “RAZ Explored” fans soon noticed that no video was posted about The Pale Castle, and after a few days, with no news on any social media accounts, they notified the nearest police station to The Pale Castle of the trio's disappearance. The police conducted a search of the castle, but they found nothing. No signs of the three, nor their equipment were found in, or outside of the castle. With all other options exhausted, the police hesitantly closed the search, and the case went cold. 

    Robert Howell comes with three teachable perks.

    Adapter: You are able to fill the role of whatever your team needs. At the start of the trial and once during it, you are able to select a class specific buff. Once activated for a second time, this buff is permanent and cannot be revoked.

    • Medic: Altruistic actions speeds are increased by 25%. 
    • Repair Man: Generator repair speeds are increased by 7%.
    • Bait: Vaulting speed is increased by 5%.
    • Survivalist: The sounds of grunts of pain are 50% quieter. 

    “Don’t worry guys, I got this.” - Robert Howell

    Risk-taker: You’re used to taking risks, and you use your confidence to your advantage. Every 60 seconds, this perk will be randomly switched for another Tier 1/2/3 perk. Starts powered.

    “Yeah, this is totally gonna work out! Right…?” - Robert Howell

    Athletic Prowess: Urban exploring requires one to be athletic, and you have done your fair share of exploring. When another survivor is put into the dying state, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 5 seconds. Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

    “You see? Just get a running start and jump!” - Robert Howell

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615

    I have a few good ones if you wanna check them out at some point. I'm not gonna link them since I've made so many, and you can see all of someone's posts by clicking on their profile.

  • ThePotatoPlayer
    ThePotatoPlayer Member Posts: 9

    So there's my perk:

    Name of the killer perk: Don't hide!

    If survivor get into the locker in rush then he/she get stucked in it for 5/10/15 seconds.

  • QwertyXD
    QwertyXD Member Posts: 2

    Here is. My concept for a new survivor. I don’t have any storyline yet though except for the perk quotes. Sorry if it is messy I am 13 and not that good of a drawer. :/

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited May 2021

    Shoooot, just look at my profile, I've done chapters for Jason, ID: Invaded, deadman wonderland, don't be afraid of the dark, repo! The genetic opera, harry potter, a new game mode and more! I'd love to get some feedback on any that stand out to you :D

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    Please critique me very harshly on this, my ego has been a tad too big recently (but seriously I'd like criticism please and thank you)

    Friend to the End (Survivor Perk)

    Your affection for the others inspires those around you.

    All survivors within 8/12/16 meters of you gain a 7% speed boost for 2 seconds after you take a protection hit.

    “I love ya, Sara! You’re my best friend!” - Jou Tazuna

    I'm thinking maybe 7% is too low or maybe 2 seconds isn't enough but I'm not sure.