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It takes WAY to long to gain iridescent shards

Just did the math, if you want to buy one of the shrine perks which in this case the one at the bottom (the tapp perk) it cost 2,700. Rn at my level I amgetting about 270 shards (level 40) and It takes me 3750 to level up but gonna put it up for 4000 for this. Mostly every game or if you get unlucky is about 400-500 xp. So ten times 270 equals 2700 if every level gave you that amount, and then it takes in this case to make it a little bit easier 4000 xp to level up each time. So, if you were to get a shrine perk that cost 2700 it would take 80 OR MORE GAMES (back then it took 550 per perk and you got about 10 each game so it took about 55 matches to get a perk back then) unless if you want somethin from the shop such as a puple cosmetic, well either throw money at them or play more than 310 GAMES FOR A WHOLE PURPLE OUTFIT for iridescent shards. This is kinda like ea's situation with battlefront 2 but not as scummy (but ea was for other things, not cosmetics). It'll take a ######### ton of play time to get it, but you can easily pay money to get it quickly.

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  • Member Posts: 605

    More than before atleast.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Yeah, but on the other hand you dont actually need shards, you can forget about cosmetics anyway

  • Member Posts: 474

    @RemoveSWF said:
    Shrine is a rip off too.

    1500 shards for 200,000 bp? GTFO.

    Yeah, you should get a million for that much.

  • Member Posts: 63

    @IIZeedII3120 said:
    Not going to get even started on how there giving auric cells to people who literaly joined the forums to just get in the raffle and probably not use the forums again. There are more people who have won that have joined june 15th and after. But I see less people who have won which joined in may (one of them being me).

    I counted 18 that join June 11th and after, that's stupid.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Damon22441 said:

    @White_Owl said:
    You're comparing apples to oranges. The perks that once costed 550 shards now cost 2000, not 2700.
    Currently you get around 0.07 shards/xp. Matches usually give 580/600 xp per match at max, which is the equivalent of 40 shards per match instead of the old 10. That means to get a perk from the shrine you would need 50 matches, which, if my math is not wrong, is less than 55.
    If you consider the perks that cost 2700, you need 67 matches, that is still lower than 75.

    Except you can look at the (neglected) wiki and see that it takes over 200 matches to get 9k shards.
    To pass 9,000 shards, you need to reach level 46, which takes 127,020, giving you 9110 shards. If you get an Average of 460 EXP per match, that's 277 matches. At the theoretical maximum (staying alive for 15 minutes a match), that's 580 EXP per >15m match, which takes 219 matches (or 13.6875 in-game hours).

    It's ridiculously slow given the queue times, the average match-length, and peoples' life schedules.

    I can't believe you necro'd an almost 5 month old thread to complain about shards being given for free. So here, now do the math on shards I've earned and yes i bought this very rare outfit with shards plus some others.

    I've also bought tons of bp both before and after the price changes.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    "Doing the math" when looking at the grind you'll have to do to get something in a video game will seriously put you off of the entire thing. It also doesn't take long at all, I'm barely at 450 hours and I bought all the killers with shards (except for spirit and licensed ones). Just play.

    Yeah, if you have a lot of hours to put in this game, you should be able to get most killers and survivors.
  • Member Posts: 30

    TL;DRing most what you typed, I just see excusing and bootlicking for a development team that are clearly being told to be as money-grubbing as possible by StarBreeze, tantalizing the player base.

    They have to pay for their servers


    "Did I[...] say I was upset you necro'd a thread?" - you
    "I can't believe you necro'd..." - also you (formatting, me)

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Damon22441 said:
    TL;DRing most what you typed, I just see excusing and bootlicking for a development team that are clearly being told to be as money-grubbing as possible by StarBreeze, tantalizing the player base.

    They have to pay for their servers


    "Did I[...] say I was upset you necro'd a thread?" - you
    "I can't believe you necro'd..." - also you (formatting, me)

    Translation I just destroyed your argument so you resort to the typical troll insult response. If you're looking for free then Id suggest checking the Steam store since there's lots of free stuff there..

    Also learn what offended actually means, since I can't believe you necro'd is in no way shape or form offended.

  • Member Posts: 770

    Remember only 10 shards for a perfect game?

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Global said:
    Remember only 10 shards for a perfect game?

    How soon people forget let alone realize IT'S FREE.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Why necro this thread, there was no reason :/

    Just for perspective, on my PS4 account I'm D1 level 92 and I have earned a total of 48,939. My most recent game earned me 581 shards (899 with daily and emblem bonus). I feel like when you earn something in game, you should earn it. It doesn't need to be easy or grind free. 

    The old shard system was far more frustrating, this one is easy to forget about for a little while and then come back pleasantly surprised by the 5k earned over the last X number of games. I feel like Devotion rewards need to be added far more than upping the shard count per level.

    Impatient to buy something? Pay real money. There is nothing in the game that you can buy with shards that you can't buy with auric cells other than perks in the shrine. It doesn't take that long to get enough for a shrine perk.
  • Member Posts: 1,809
    edited November 2018

    indeed, it is made to make you give up and purchase with real cash instead

    dont forget this is a business, so they need to make money

  • Member Posts: 1,809

    @Visionmaker said:
    It's worth it to buy killers/survivors with shards. But not cosmetics.


  • Member Posts: 254

    @Blueberry said:
    The company has to make money, if it was that easily acquired hardly anyone would waste their money. I think you should feel lucky they even allowed you to get most those things with play time, they didn't have to do that. This feels very entitled to me.

    I would totally agree with your comment...if the game was f2p.

  • Member Posts: 838

    I like it. I hit Level 100 as soon as I had enough for Bamboozle this Shrine Reset. =]

  • Member Posts: 458
    I have 25k shards and I don’t know what to do with them 
  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @Jed said:

    @Blueberry said:
    The company has to make money, if it was that easily acquired hardly anyone would waste their money. I think you should feel lucky they even allowed you to get most those things with play time, they didn't have to do that. This feels very entitled to me.

    I would totally agree with your comment...if the game was f2p.

    The game's only like 15 bucks

  • Member Posts: 254

    @Blueberry said:

    @Jed said:

    @Blueberry said:
    The company has to make money, if it was that easily acquired hardly anyone would waste their money. I think you should feel lucky they even allowed you to get most those things with play time, they didn't have to do that. This feels very entitled to me.

    I would totally agree with your comment...if the game was f2p.

    The game's only like 15 bucks

    Its 20 bucks...which means it's not f2p. Plus you cant unlock licensed characters by playing the game. Some of these characters happen to have the best perks as well. Sure you can get these perks from the shrine but there's grind and some weekly rng crap that seems to rotate more bad perks then good. You see stuff like this all the time in f2p games.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @Jed said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @Jed said:

    @Blueberry said:
    The company has to make money, if it was that easily acquired hardly anyone would waste their money. I think you should feel lucky they even allowed you to get most those things with play time, they didn't have to do that. This feels very entitled to me.

    I would totally agree with your comment...if the game was f2p.

    The game's only like 15 bucks

    Its 20 bucks...which means it's not f2p. Plus you cant unlock licensed characters by playing the game. Some of these characters happen to have the best perks as well. Sure you can get these perks from the shrine but there's grind and some weekly rng crap that seems to rotate more bad perks then good. You see stuff like this all the time in f2p games.

    Still way cheaper then most games and it goes on sale for even less than that quite frequently. Also, most the best perks are all on NON licenced killers. There's literally only maybe 1 really good perk between all the licenced ones and it's not even "meta" arguably. If there wasn't rng with the shrine no one would bother wasting money, that's kind of the entire point. Compared to most games I think they are more than generous.

  • Member Posts: 27

    It's a ploy from the devs to make us have jobs, those evil scoundrels.

    Yes, it is pretty low but you are going to be playing the game a lot anyway so just keep grinding for now ;). Also 10shards/10minutes

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    What Raffle? Also I agree that the grind for shards is stupidly high. I wish it was toned down too 10k shards so the grind is 80x easier. Would also like it if more then 44% of the skins in the store (excluding common items) were buyable with shards.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2019

    I feel good about it too

    (Don't ban me pls)

  • Member Posts: 850

    And it costs way to much for a decent skin with shards

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I've seen a lot of Necromancers around lately guess they must have farmed enough shards to get the secret Necromancer killer.

  • Member Posts: 442

    i think this game devs most generous about giving their hard works

    even dlc for shards from playing this game its godlike

    this game package also cheaper than others

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    Don't worry

    The devs had the AMAZING idea to introduce a battle pass like Fortnite, so you will get some shards from that as well :)

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Huh, huge necro XD

    Was it such a problem to receive shards per match back then? I saw no problem gaining a small amount in each match. Leveling should always give shards, I agree, but someone told me that it takes multiple prestiging level 100 3 times to get all the killers and survivors possible without paying money. :P

  • Member Posts: 27

    You could get work an hour at Mcdonalds and have enough to buy clown, clearly the devs are trying to give us jobs.

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