Deathsligner: What would you guys change to stop complaining

I've seen many threads about Deathsligner and how unfun or oppressive he is in one vs one. From personal experience playing as him and vs him I've notice that he's far from being as oppressive as people say for a couple of reason.
First let's that about ingame cool-down:
- ADS have a 0.15s Activate/Deactivate delay
- Firing have a 0.5s delay -> that delay is from the moment you click on the attack button to the moment he fire
- Projectile speed is 40m/s aka it take 0.25s for 10m and 0.45 at 18m (max distance)
I think we can agree that most of the time you'll get shot at 10m or more distance wise which mean a delay of 0.15+0.50+0.25= 0.90s from the moment Caleb start aiming or 0.75s delay from the moment he click the attack button.
In addition to this delay the killer has to factor in the lag/latency.
At base minimum the Caleb player have to predict where the survivor is gonna be in 0.75s after he click the attack button + latency which can give enough time for a survivor to drop a pallet or vault a window allowing the survivor to not get downed. Also keep in mind that his hit box is really small.
Now for the other cool-down:
- 0.5s for successful Spear Hit
- 1.5s for missed Spear Hit
- Reload time of 2.75s
- Broken Chain Stun penalty of 4s
Now we may disagree on how strong he is overall but it's quite clear that adding even the tiniest cool-down would add a lot over an entire game.
Personally I wouldn't mind having more cool-down for ADS in exchange for lower firing delay
He also get highly punished for a missed Spear Hit & Broken Chain Stun, more than any other killer. Maybe we could lower these cool-down if his initial ADS take somewhere between 0.5-1.0s.
Nothing, he's just annoying. Doesn't make him unfair or unbalanced.
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Idk. what I don't like in him is the "zoning" with m2 spam. Maybe make him have a wind-up kinda like Huntress' hatchets?
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I wouldn't change anyhing, he's perfect as he is, chase specialist kind of a killer.
People got to realise he's kind of a mini-nurse, you can't stay in his LOS and expect that you'll survive for long without making some insane reads on him.
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I wouldn't really change a lot. He is fine for the most part.
Isn't the only problem with him Is his free zoning when he spam aim the gun?
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Just increase the ads time to 0.35 secs. I'd also allow for his chain to reach 20 meters, and landing a spear more then 15 meters aways increase the health of the chain. This punishes the annoying part of slinger, and rewards actual skillful shots
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Yes but if you increase his ADS you obviously make him weaker. IMO if you increase his ADS he should see his firing delay reduce. The guy is bloated with cool-down already.
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I like the idea of pushing him toward more ranged shot but he has a 4s stun if you break the chain and this is a long cool-down considering you'll have to reload adding 2.75s + slower movement giving effectively more than 7s for the survivor + the free speed boost.
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That's why I would allow for more chain health for longer shots. If you still can't get the hit, just m1 if you don't want the stun. Or let them break it so you can at least injure them.
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What I would change to Deathslinger? I would remove so you don't get injured when the chain breaks
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He have a 4s stun plus 2.75s reload+ slow movement when reloading. If you remove the damage on broken chain you have to reduce the cool-down to make it fair.
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Unpopular opinion but I actually don’t mind deathslinger. I rather go against him over a Freddy. Plus his music is the real catJAM
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Deathslinger is fine, and he isn't even that hard to counter. It's just the weaker end of skill level survivors that complain about him like they complain about every other killer, but basic m1 killers.
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Nothing. he is fine as he is.
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Remove the free zoning. They dealt with that issue with PH and he came out after so idk why slinger has had his ignored. If ADSing takes longer he'd probably have to be buffed in some other way tho
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Yea. I wouldn't mind reducing his stun when it breaks at all.
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Two changes I'd make to Deathslinger
- Give Deathslinger an accuracy meter - Aiming down sights takes a chunk out of it and holding aim down sights gradually but slowly drains it. The less accurate the more shaky Deathslingers aim becomes. You won't notice this until it's about 50% and if you take quick shots you won't ever notice it. Basically a way to balance out the constant Aim Down Sights spam.
- Add little targets on the map Deathslinger can shoot for advantages - Such as a high up post that can help Deathslinger reel himself up vertically to bypass a wall.
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he is not in the position where he'd need to be changed.
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I am ok with this but not the fire delay that would make him feel clunky
What I would of done was he has to be aimed for .2s to shoot or he can stay aimed for 1.5s to have his max shoot range increased from 18m to 24m this makes a click sound for him letting him know that his chain strengths has increased to compsate for the range increase
Finally he can shoot breakable walls and pallets, reeling them in while holding back to break them. while reeling while holding forward giving him a small speed boost without breaking it.
The last part seems useless but I would find it funny seeing a cowboy just speeding across the street of dead dog following his chain like a grapple gun
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Add a cooldown if he ADSes without shooting, something similar to what PH has
Yep,that's what i was thinking aswell.
It's pretty stupid that he can fake his shot multiple times in a row without any penalty
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Force everybody to play as him for a couple of weeks so they can see how gimped he can really be on some maps.
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tbh i'd reduce his movespeed but i'm just mad cus bad. he's perfectly fair, i just suck against him LOL
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The only irritating thing about Deathslinger is the sheer power of his ads zoning. Literally forces you to lose distance because at any second he could quickly aim and fire and you can’t react.
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I don't think there's much that can be down without going too far in one direction or the other. At end of the day he's balanced because he has no map pressure even though his 1v1 is completely uninteractive.
The only thing I would do is to make his terror radius more consistent, because it's too quiet at edges.
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I just don't like that deathslingers counter play is hope he misses
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So you want him nerfed on ADS.. So are you gunna buff his chain health then so he can easily drag Survivors? =D
So you're wanting to Nerf his power so he can't use Stbfl Properly? Gunna buff him on something else?
Cause slinger is 110%. Ph is 115%. There's your difference, Lest you want a 115% buffed Ranged killer that can't use it for zoning purposes,
The Real Issue Is. you can't Expect to nerf him WITHOUT Giving him a actual buff.
He's fine and Balanced on where he is and can be Easily countered..
But people treat him like a regular 115% killer...
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IMO hes not a very strong character to play as. (remember, opinion). I picked up this character when he was launched into the game and tried him out. hes good at low ranks. high ranked play is a "NO". Because survivors can duck, dodge and play pallet loops very well. To avoid the spear.
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Tell me how do you “counter” a good slinger? Aside from LOS breakers but that kinda counters every killer, he doesn’t have much. You don’t dodge his gun, he just misses.
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Just give him a ######### louder terror radius
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His only necessary change is to give him a rocket launcher. I don’t want to reel survivors in, I want to blow them up. 😏
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The free zoning is what makes him unfun to play against. He doesn't need to be nerfed though.
So ideally we'd somehow remove the free zoning but buff him in other ways to compensate.
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As a Slinger/Plague main, here are my ideal changes:
-1.5 second mild slowdown and cool-down after aiming gun and putting it down, like PH.
-When the gun isn't loaded, Slinger moves at 4.6m/s / 115%. Press ctrl while the gun is loaded to instantly eject the bullet and unload the gun.
-Add-on pass.
-(maybe) Not apply deep wounds when the chain breaks if they're healthy. If injured, applies deep wounds.
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Wait for the Resident Evil chapter then 😌
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IMO Deathslinger is incredibly oppressive and strong IN CHASES, his ability to win chases quickly is incredible and incomparable to any other base killer
However he struggles awfully when it comes to map pressure due to his speed and weapon range, and his most prominent weakness being line of sight tends to drag chases on if a bad map is selected for him.
Sure he can down and hook you in 5 seconds but in that time 3 gens have gone off
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You quoted me there but it sounds like you agree with me? I.e. if slinger gets nerfed he needs to be buffed in some other way
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What i'm Referring is with the PH situation,
If you nerf His ADS, you needa buff something in his kit or his M/S. cause.. lemme tell you
These hitboxes are something else,
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Just do what games do about bunny hopping. Just make each ADS progressively slower until a cooldown is done. Problem solved. Deatshlinger maintains his identity without the infinite zoning. He should also have his mobility buffed.
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I think that its stupid how he can shoot you from behind a pallet and still put you in mend. That and that his reeling speed should be 150 percent of what it is now, but the killer can only move left and right.
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if they nerf that they would have to give him full speed while aiming otherwise its a dead killer
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Give him 2 spears before reloading then make him have a longer wind up to ads and remove his ability to hit through windows
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For those who complain about deathslinger obviously does not know his counterplay all you have to do is misdirect him, bait him, dont go to unsafe spots where he can shoot you over, and HOLD FORWARD to a new safer spot if he misses but if he has fast reload that will be different.
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Deathslinger is literally fine. He is my favorite killer to go up against and provides a very fun round. The literal only issue with him is that his gun will sometimes shoot you through the corner of a wall or other objects. Cleanup his hit boxes and no one will complain.
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To TLDR what all these people are asking for:
They want Deathslinger to be completely useless and loss nearly all of his power.
I mean how else can you explain them asking for gutting his zoning and quick scoping.
Removing deep wounds from his kit entirely.
Finally want his shot to be dodgeable even at point blank.
They also want him to have to charge up his shot despite him not charging is one of the main differences between him and huntress.
Needless to say they won't be happy until they never have to play against him again. So no change short of effectively removing him from the game will ever make them happy.
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Be charitable. There's quite a few saying don't touch him at all. I myself, for the sake of those that find his M2 spam annoying would like a tradeoff to weaken the zoning but give him more mobility (his current weakness).
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I guess Scott Jund is the weaker end of skilled survivors then lol
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Once and for all:
Every change that ISN'T dynamic map creation would NOT pan out. Clearer soundscues and better info on how to break the chains might help, but any given change to his ADS, the TR, his speed or general mobility would NOT work.
Because either you'd make him as broken as freddy and bubba, or make him unplayable to the point where removing him entirely would be the better idea.
Let's break it down again
Increasing his windup time: Due to the limited range and projectile travel time you sometimes have to shoot from the hip. Giving him a longer windup would mean increasing his speed while aiming. increasing his speed while aiming would mean increasing his TR while doing so, which in turn means you'd have to increase the length of the chain, increasing the length of the chain however means increasing the strength of the chain, which means he'll be even stronger in chases, which is the main beef a lot of people have with him because they measure how good or bad a killer is by how easily they can be engaged in a chase (that the survivor can win)
in short: You can't alter the abilities (and no, giving him the same wind up as PH or demo also would not work cause the trail and shred have other properties that make up for that), but you CAN alter the maps. And dynamic map creation is not just possible, it would be beneficial for both sides.
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Have his gun make a kazoo sound instead of a gun sound, and I would be okay.
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A larger Disclaimer than the tips for Survivors that personal awareness and stealth are the primary tools for facing him.
Makes no sense for players to complain about chase when his power is solely based on line of sight.
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yeah. and that can be changed by reworking his sounds (and hey, poor sod's in for an audio update anyway, as he has no unique chase music on killer side).
just make the aiming sound more distinct (maybe a cheeky, mocking whistle before the metallic hum?) and start his TR music with maybe a clear rattlesnake sound?
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on survivor side. but on killer side his theme lacks a certain something (i think it's the base theme on killer side. it certainly doesn't sound fitting)
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I would make it so that the survivor can move a bit more when harpooned if the Deathslinger walks backwards but reduce the broken chain stun to 3 seconds to compensate.