Left 4 Dead Chapter Concept.

DBDude Member Posts: 308
edited April 2021 in Creations

So hello again guys and this time I am back with another Chapter concept, with this chapter concept being...

Left 4 Dead.

Now with all the hype recently around Tome 7 and the whole Bill cosmetic stuff, I thought this would have been a perfect time to share this concept I had in mind, so with that out of the way lets begin.

Ok so first off, lets start with the killer, with the killer being...

The Tank.

So before we go on, lets go over some of the Tank's stats.

The Tank would have a 4.6/115% movement speed.

The Tank would have a 32 meter terror radius.

The Tank's height would be somewhere between medium and tall.

The Tank's in game name would be called The Infected.

The Tank's appearance would be based off his Left 4 Dead one.

Ok so with that out of the way, lets go over his power, with his power being called…

Brute force.

So what Brute force does is that if a survivor drops a pallet, you would be given the ability to lift up the pallet.

It takes 3 seconds to lift a pallet up.

When lifting up and carrying a pallet, you move at a 105% movement speed.

You would be given the ability to throw the pallet at a survivor.

When getting ready to throw it, it takes a 3 second wind up time.

If you successfully throw a pallet and it land on a survivor, they will go into the mending state.

If you miss a survivor, that pallet gets destroyed.

Now if you are able to land at least 3 hits by throwing a pallet at a survivor, you would be given a special ability that last for at least 1 minute, with that special ability being called...

Special infected.

When in special infected, you wouldn't have to lift up pallets anymore, instead, you would be given the ability to lift up rocks from the ground.

It would take 3 seconds to lift up a rock.

You would move at a 100% movement speed when lifting up a rock.

When getting ready to throw a rock, it takes a 3 seconds wind up time.

If you land a successful hit on a survivor with a rock, they would go into the dying state.

If you don't land a successful hit with a rock, the rock breaks.

When the 1 minute is up, the Tank goes back to Brute Force.

BUT if you are able to land at least 2 hits with a rock, you will go into your ultimate ability that last for at least 30 seconds, with that ultimate ability being called...

Left 4 Dead.

When in Left 4 Dead, you gain insane ability's.

When landing a M1 on a survivor, the survivor gets launched 12 meters In front of you.

It would take the survivor 2 seconds to get up again.

It would take the Tank 2 seconds to attack again.

Now here's where the insanity begins...

If the survivor is in the dying state while Left 4 Dead is active, similar to Pyramid Head's final judgement ability, the Tank would have his own little mini Mori, with his mini Mori having himself use both of his fist and give the survivors a powerful punch that would end up breaking their bones, specifically their spine.

Once the 30 seconds end, the Tank goes back to Brute force.

Now its time for the Tank's Mori...

So his Mori would have him grabbing the survivors head, tossing them about 10 feet in the air, and then when they land back on the ground, the Tank would use both of his hands to crush the survivor into the ground.

So this is a bit off topic but for the Tank's chase theme he would actually have multiple themes.

When in Brute force his chase theme would be based on his Left 4 Dead theme.

When in Special infected his chase theme would be based on his Left 4 Dead 2 theme.

And finally when in Left 4 Dead his chase theme would be based on his Left 4 Dead 2 Last Stand theme.

Edit: Ok so for different type's of animations, for his base running animation it would literally be his running animation from Left 4 Dead, for his pallet break animations it could have him smashing the pallet with both of his fist, for his breakable wall animation it could have him tearing the wall from it's place and smashing it on the ground, and finally for his M1 animation it would have him pounding on his chest after he gets a hit.

Ok so now as for survivor, It would be pretty obvious that due to popularity it would have to be the One Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse himself...


The reason why I choose Coach is because it's Coach, that's why.

Ok so as for map it would have to be The last act in the sacrifice, which is a very reasonable spot to have.

So here's a list of cool stuff that could be included in the map.

The main gen would be the gen Bill sacrificed himself for, but something unique however, is that instead of your average red and yellow gens, this gen would be the actual gen from the sacrifice.

Bill's body could be found in the building by the gen.

The exit gates would actually be bridges that need to be lowered in order to escape, but they still act the same as exit gates.

And finally when the endgame collapse happens, it would play the theme in Left 4 Dead 2 that is used for when you and your team is close to the escape.

Ok so as for cosmetics they could have the Left 4 Dead 2 Tank as a Tank skin, as well as the sacrifice tank skin, and for legendary skins for other characters, here is a list of stuff they can do.

Ellis skin for Dwight.

Rochelle for Claudette.

Francis for Jake.

Zoey for Meg.

(And I know the skins I just listed are skins that are already in game, but I'm talking as if they were legendary skins).

Nick for Ace.

Louis for Adam.

Smoker for Death Slinger.

Charger for Hillbilly.

Witch for Hag.

Jockey for the Twins, specifically Victor.

Boomer for Clown.

Hunter for Legion.

And finally, Spitter for Plague.

So in all honesty I think that's it my friends, and as of right now, it took me approximately 1 hour and 41 minutes, which in shorter terms took 101 minutes, but it was still fun, nonetheless.

But ya I think that's about it.

Edit: and please remember, if Tank seems way to overpowered, this forum post is just for fun, nothing serious, but just for fun.

Post edited by DBDude on


  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246

    I would love more left 4 dead cross promotion in DBD, although the only criticism I have is the power the Tank would have. It seems really reliant on what ifs... first survivors need to drop pallets in order for him to go into his next stage.

    Then he needs to hit more ranged attacks to unlock another stage. This is all assuming they all hit and the survivors drop these pallets.

    I feel like it might be to counterable, much like how people don't use the pools when facing plague. Survivors might just not use pallets and then you're just an m1 killer. Also you will have to loop someone at minimum three times and hit all three pallets.

    I love the skin ideas though, cute

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @RenDesune Ya I could imagine that being a bit of an issue on Tank, but as long as everything goes right then The Tank is gonna be a beast to deal with.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    i think the witch would be a better choice for a killer since she is much smaller and would fit more into dbd since she has more personality.

    her power could be like rage power.

    Plus it would fit into the lore of bill since they both were left behind alone

  • RenDesune
    RenDesune Member Posts: 246
    edited April 2021

    I actually made a Witch idea, it's in the works but I have a base idea what I wanted. We need a L4D2 infected as killer, they're so fun.

    The Witch

    Base Movement Speed: 110%

    Terror Radius: 24 meters

    Height: Short


    Passively HAUNTING CRIES will activate. Any survivor in the Witch's crying radius(terror radius) will accumulate PARANOIA.

    HAUNTING CRIES will also passively mark survivors with killers instinct when the survivor is looking directly at the Witch.

    Pressing the active ability button will also actively use HAUNTING CRIES, the Witch can temporarily increase her terror radius to 42 meters, increasing the passive crying radius but temporarily is slowed to 100% movement speed for 5 seconds.

    Paranoia DOES NOT accumulate when in chase with survivors.

    Paranoia I: Paranoia I occurs as soon as survivors hear the Witch's crying. The survivors field of view will start to go dark as survivors will only be able to see from 32 meters away, everything beyond 32 meters on the map is black mist and causes a blindness effect for anything outside of the 32 meters.

    Paranoia II: Paranoia II occurs when they have been in the Witch's crying radius for a certain period of time (10 seconds)

    Paranoia II will lessen the survivors vision to 14 meters, granting them the same blindess effect and grant the Witch her Secondary ability, Growling Rage.

    Secondary Ability: Growling Rage

    Paranoid II survivors inside the Witch's terror radius will activate this ability.

    Holding secondary Ability button will have the Witch let out a blood curdling scream and let out her claws.

    She will move at 130% movement speed and be able to one shot any Paranoia II survivors by tackling them and clawing at them for 3 seconds.

    Nearby survivors can push the Witch off causing just deep wounds for the survivor and putting the Witch into a 2 second stun.

    Paranoia slowly decays once outside of the crying radius, Paranoia II decays much faster, being outside of the crying radius for 5 seconds will decay Paranoia II, Paranoia I will decay over thirty seconds.


    Turn Off The Lights:

    Who turned on the lights? You know I hate the light!

    Everytime the killer is blinded they receive a token up to 3 tokens.

    Everytime you successfully hit a basic attack on a survivor, consume a token and blind that survivor for 2/3/4 seconds.

    Once all three tokens are used this perk deactivates.

    On My Lonesome:

    I like being left on my lonesome, but get in my way and you will feel my rage.

    For each new survivor that enters your radius for the first time during the trial, earn a token, up to 4 tokens.

    After you reach 4 tokens the perk will activate.

    Once activated your terror radius disappears for 50/80/120 seconds.

    This perk deactivates once the cooldown ends.

    Unrelenting Rage:

    You will stop at nothing to eliminate the person that got in your way.

    You become obsessed with a survivor.

    Anytime your obsession stuns you, gain 20% haste to breaking pallets, vaulting windows, and regressing generators for 20/25/30 seconds.

    This perk had a 40/35/30 second cooldown.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @piggygooik Although I think the Witch just fits the game more in general, Tank after all was the very infected that killed Bill, so I think he makes just a bit more sense.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @RenDesune That Witch concept you made is actually pretty legit.

  • mama_3000
    mama_3000 Member Posts: 29

    if i have a choice i will pick either the smoker or the hunter because i feel like those two are the most realistic idea to go with.

  • DBDude
    DBDude Member Posts: 308

    @mama_3000 Tbh I can see mostly Hunter working because if we were to go with Smoker, he would kind of feel like another Death Slinger, and I'm not saying that Smoker is not cool, because he's pretty awesome, but Hunter for a power Could leap across the map and jump and land on survivors, which would be pretty cool to see.