thoughts on ghostface?

im a ghostface main and want to see what survivors, other ghost face players/mains, and killers in general think of ghost face (perks included if you want to talk about those)


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I enjoy playing Ghostface, but he's very inconsistent.

    He's one the more map dependent killers as any map with little LoS blockers (like Blood Lodge) you end up playing more like a M1 killer with no power.

    The reveal mechanic itself is always iffy as sometimes survivors can't reveal you despite Ghostface being in the open or you get revealed through walls.

  • myersmain69420Xx
    myersmain69420Xx Member Posts: 31

    i agree, except for the part that certain addons that make marking survivors without leaning from cover easier, which definetly helps him in certain situations

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    I love him. He's my second most played killer behind Nurse. Pretty underrated too. Imo he's a solid B tier killer as opposed to most people thinking he's like c tier. Super fun to play. My main build for him is Enduring Fury, Whispers, and Nurse's Calling. Works pretty good for me👍

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited May 2021

    I don't really like Ghostface too much. His power is really inconsistent and buggy and a lot of Ghostface tend to be toxic teabagging at survivors ( if survivors aren't allowed to teabag killers shouldn't either)

    Other then this he is fine and not difficult to handle.

  • myersmain69420Xx
    myersmain69420Xx Member Posts: 31

    i dont think his power is that buggy and inconsistent, its mainly because some ghost faces hide for cover at the last second to cancel the reveal, although i do think there are moments were i think its reveal is stupid vs survivors, seriously i hate how survivors can crouch under a vault and reveal you but you cant stalk them, its legit a slap in the face