When is spirit getting her well and deserved nerf?

Anyone with half a brain knows spirit is busted.
People don’t ask for a spirit nerf because there “salty survivor mains” or because they need to “get gud”, people ask for spirit nerfs because she’s genuinely just straight up dumb. there is simply no counterplay to her, people say she’s just a guess but it’s barely even that, if a spirit has a headset your getting phased on and there nothing you can do about it.
No matter how good you are, how well you play, how precise your moves are, your getting phased on and it’s as simple as that.
EDIT: Let’s use billy for example (probably the most balanced killer), generally when in chase with a billy it’s the best player that wins. 99% of the time the better player wins and that’s why chases against billy are fun.
With spirit, it’s the spirit that wins, not the better player. always the spirit (unless there brain dead)
Spirit simply does not have counterplay, you could say it’s a guess whether they are phasing or not but even if you guess correctly 99% of the time your still just gonna get phased on anyway.
i don’t even care if spirit is strong, just give her damn counterplay already.
I really love her character and would like to get back to maining her but I just can't right now. I'm so looking forward to that nerf.
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Well there IS counterplay, but the counterplay is just guessing whenever she decides to stand still. It's not meaningful or rewarding to play against a spirit, nor is it rewarding to play her. You don't feel like you got outplayed and the spirit doesn't feel like she's outplaying you, it's such a dumb interaction.
They have nerfed her already but it didn't solve any of her issues, not did it give her any kind of additional skill cap or the like. I think being able to see grass move as she phase walks through it would be enough. At least you'd have an idea where she's coming from if she decides to walk through it, and if she doesn't, she's either standing still or taking a route that doesn't have grass in her way etc. (oh look, information that both sides can use to form a quick strategy that adds to the killer's skill ceiling, wouldn't that be a neat thing to have in the game...)
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You're not supposed to loop a Spirit for 5 gens like Legion, just accept it.
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yeah okay i’ll just accept the fact i get phased on by a spirit and there’s no counterplay to do. shut up spirit main
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Play Spirit and you will find out that there is A LOT of counterplay.
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Spirit isn't that hard to counter to be completely honest. She doesn't need a nerf. She is fine, and I don't even like playing her, so I'm not a spirit player.
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You're not supposed to get downed in 10 seconds either.
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Plz. I'd like to be able to play her without feeling gross
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You’re not supposed to beat a survivor by standing still either
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just remove the husk when she starts to phase so no more stand still to win mind games and make one of her brown addons basekit to compensate it.
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You're right. But it's survivors fault.
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And yet standing still on a jungle gym works....weird
Shhh it is written in the book of David 2:5 "Thou shall not play Spirit but just complain about being mind gamed"
It is also written in Claudette 3:16 "If I cant loop the killer thou is OP and shall be nerfed"
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How do you know what the spirit is going to do though? Every time she phases you’re flipping a coin.
Not to mention if you don’t have iron will you’re just dead no questions about it
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What is said counterplay assuming you don’t have iron will?
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I want to believe they are thinking about it but they dont exactly know how to do it without making Spirit useless, IMO Spirit is one of those hard to nerf Killers because tweaking her numbers wont really hurt her until you pass a point then she is useless.
Imo if they dont nerf the phasing they have to nerf her tracking A LOT.
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rolling the dice on if she's standing still or not, that's the counterplay
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First off, if youre not running iron will youre wrong.
Second, when she stops moving just run away. Thats the simplest move. She gets punished for "not moving"
Are we gonna nerf all killers into the ground who give survivors a hard time? I swear people just want an easy game. When do we start nerfing the plethora of issues with survivors? You have arguably one of the greatest survivor mains (AngryPug) saying the game is not balanced and is survivor sided. FoH with all these "much needed" killer nerfs
Go play Dead by Roblox. Its rated E for easy, just how survivor mains like it. (Not talking about you just ranting now)
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How do I know she's phasing? Forcing her to use the phase. Running from the loop, breaking line of sight (when possible) and not being predictive. At the worst of situations, I am making her to waste her power. If she messes up (believe me, it's not difficult), it's more 20 seconds of chase. Don't forget she is a 4.4 killer.
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I thought just saying run away would be good enough but this is legit. *golf clap*
The way spirit is talked about youd think anyone could pick up spirit and 4k because sPiRiT iS Op
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So I have to run iron will every game? Got it
Spirit moves at 176% move speed assuming no add ons. Running away ain’t gonna do anything when she can move that fast
I enjoy killers who are strong but have counterplay. Blight, oni, billy, bubba, doctor, PH are all examples of strong killers who don’t need no counterplay to be strong.
Also if you’re calling survivors easy how is spirit not?
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This is all assuming you’re not injured though. If you are none of this will work
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I've played her for a long time, there's no counterplay. Survivors can't do anything against me because Stridor exists. "Play Spirit"- I did. I got her to P350 and as @TurboTOne and @NoOneKnowsNova can confirm learned her pretty well.
There's ######### all you can do.
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Spirit isn’t hard to learn though. She’s just behind Freddy in terms of difficulty
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She isnt busted,ive escaped many times against a spirit. You just need some practice
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Just because you’ve escaped a couple of times against her doesn’t make her suddenly fair
People have died using old DS UB does that mean that was fair?
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I can back this up, both from me personally playing Spirit and that Karu is a good Spirit who wins with ease from what I've watched of him.
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I can confirm that Karu has played a lot of Spirit and by now knows how to play her.
If someone says: Play Spirit and you will see there is Counterplay, then you yourself havent played enought Spirit or even killer at all.
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You say there is no counterplay, but you're using Stridor to counter exactly what?
Stridor only works when they are injured, how did you manage to get the first hit being a 4.4 killer?
That's curious!
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How did I manage to get the first hit? By phasing and looking for footsteps/moving grass and hearing them because that's what her power is??
You say there is no counterplay, but you're using Stridor to counter exactly what?
Perks aren't counterplay.
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Survivor is 100x easier than killer. Survivor mains lord and savior even said it. Again, if youre not running iron will every game youre wrong. Easily one of the best survivor perks in the game.
Not hard to learn? Alright go give a person with 50 hours of killer gameplay and put them against a 4 stack and see how they fair. Im not even talking a 4 man death squad, just a average survivors on comms. Who wins? ######### they dont even need comms. 4 stack wins every time.
If you think you need to be able to loop a killer to win, wrong. So what shes fast? Every killers counterplay is break line of sight. Im sorry it is so difficult to grasp that. Oh the killer isnt moving? Let me sit here at this loop and not move. I should be able to do that, killer shouldnt. She stops moving you know what you do? RUN. THE. #########. AWAY. Dont sit at the loop at the pallet hoping for a stun.
Claudette 3:16 If I cant loop the killer thou is OP and shall be nerfed. :)
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Just because 1 streamer said it doesn’t make it true. And if the spirit is running stridor then what?
Clearly you haven’t played any solo survivor
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Pretty much yes, but only if the survivors actually give you this information, supposing you're not playing against robots.
So can we agree that there's counterplay?
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No?? There isn't??
Stridor makes regular breathing 25% louder. You cannot stop breathing without a bug.
There's no counterplay my guy
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Oh boy, I'm sure this will be a civilized and well-mannered discussion.
Spirit should be nerfed, but it should only add counterplay, imo.
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As long survs think "there is no counterplay", they won't even try. It's the same vs. nurse. Just don't DC/######### on the hook.
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That is a faulty point you are making here, lad. Each and every single killer, with no exception, should have the possibility to counter them even WITHOUT a single perk equipped. You don't have to have Iron Will equipped in order to counter a killer, Spirit in this case. You can counter Hag by crouching or with a flashlight, you can counter Plague by not cleansing, you can counter Trapper by disarming or avoiding traps. You can counter Ghostface by revealing him, you can counter Wraith by being highly aware of the surrounding you are actually able to SEE and with a flashlight, you can counter Twins by moving unpredicatbly, same as with Nurse. You can counter PH by crouching on his Trail, you can counter Doctor by healing your madness and hiding in lockers, you can counter Billy and Bubba by looping well and predropping pallets.
I could go on, but I figure you got the point. Spirit and live-server Freddy, instead, CANNOT be properly countered. Freddy will be countered by waking up through an alarm clock, now that mid-chapter goes live. But Spirit? She screams "play me, I'm super easy".
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Rank 1 Solo Survivor bud
That 1 streamer has I believe 20k escapes but yes lets downplay his experience because hes a streamer. LOL
This is gonna go in a circle and we will never agree. Im moving on.
So live server Freddy cant be countered by waking up? ######### Wild.
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Nope, he can't. It's only the softest form of counter if you get instantly put to sleep again, even if he hits you two seconds after you woke yourself up with the alarm clock. Didn't think I'd have to explain this.
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Seeing as how you don’t even know how the perk you’re arguing about works, I think you can have several seats.
I think it’s a problem that I win every single game I play with a certain killer with when I literally only play them for dailies.
Spirit should’ve gotten a do-over a long time ago.
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This comparison makes no sense.
- Most games are solos.
- You should compare killers and survivors with around the same amount of play time.
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i play spirit and i used to main spirit with good headset and stridor she doesnt have counterplay. i can guess your location really accurately.
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is this a bait ? but in case you serious, you see Phasmamain post and how neutral most of member said if spirit is broken. I used to main spirit until i tried other killer and know how easy was to play spirit compared to other killer.
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Y'all who think spirit is fine - there are streamers, who run her with literally 1 random perk like shadowborn or perkless, no addons, and can get consistent 3-4k (depending on hatch luck). Now imagine if they played with actual build. STRIDOR and some ruin, devour, tinkerer, etc.
Also how fun is it to just flip a coin every time spirit stops moving, to guess if she is phasing or not? It's just boring af. Oh, i guess i missed 50/50, guess im going down, haha, such a fun game.
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Ok? And there are some people who can run ANY Killer perkless & win. That does not mean the Killer is OP, it means the player is good.
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If player is good, he is (USUALLY) facing other good players. Yet the spirit players is always winning, no matter what SWF group he is against.
Also fact, that you cant pull this crap on killers like wraith, trapper, legion, clown, demogorgon, myers and actually majority of killers does show something is up with spirit. Given those players sometimes completelly lose with other killers full geared up, but cant really lose as spirit.
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If Spirit was half as strong as Survivors like to pretend, she would have been nerfed already. She does not 'always win'. Not by a long shot.
And yes, people can win as any other Killer, perkless. And even Spirits lose with full perks. You have nothing but hyperbole; if Spirit had a 100% win rate (you said she was 'always winning'), then she would have been nerfed long before now.
This is just more 'I can't EZ loop her, nerf!' couched in hyperbole.
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Appealing to dev actions are a fallacy, since the devs also aren't fixing Huntress' obviously broken hatchet hitboxes, nor are they doing anything about camping, which is absolutely terrible for everyone involved.
Just because she hasn't been nerfed yet doesn't mean she's fine.
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And just because people claim she wins all her matches does not mean she does.
Seriously, whenever a Killer has a power that denies loops, Survivors promptly claim said Killer is OP and 'wins all their matches', because all those Survivors want is 10 minute loops and their safe meta. They don't want to learn new tactics, pick new perks, or have to do something other than loop.
They want to log in, do gens, loop, twerk, and leave. Anything that breaks that chain is 'OP', 'Anti-fun', or 'Broken'.
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If you EVIL and TOXIC survivor mains say that Rin-chan is easy or overpowered one more time I stg I will come to your homes and menacingly stand still in front of a dropped pallet
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Really? Because out of all the killers that are strong at denying loops, the only ones that get complaints about it are Nurse, Spirit and Freddy.
Trapper gets no complaints about loop-breaking, Hag gets no complaints about loop-breaking, Huntress gets no complaints about loop-breaking, Deathslinger gets no complaints about loop-breaking, Clown gets no complaints about loop-breaking, Doctor gets no complaints about loop-breaking, and Pyramid Head gets no complaints about loop-breaking. And the last one in that list has a power built from the ground up specifically for that purpose.
This forum is pretty killer-biased, so if there's any complaint about a killer that gets any kind of traction, there's probably a reason.