Does Tbagging achieve anything survivors?

T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

I've been playing on R8 for a while and have had multiple games with 2Ks or at better scenarios 3Ks. Not that I mind, for someone at my skill level I would consider it a pretty decent result.

I noticed a lot that survivors are purposely teabagging you to try to get your attention, but I know that they are just trying to be toxic, so I automatically leave them alone. :D

Literally harassing 3 survivors who might be worse than me is better than getting tilted and going after a really good juker/looper.

And then at the endgame, I say "gg" and they say something along the lines like "You think so, trash killer, scared to chase me, uninstall you are #########, etc.." Like bruh... I don't chase you because I know you are better. xD

All you achieve is notifying me who to NOT waste my time on. GG honestly, you are just making it worse for your team lmao.

So I want to curiously ask survivors who do this, what are you actually trying to achieve by being a dick? Because I learned to not get tilted anymore, it's pointless.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Yes, it does. You said it yourself, a lot of the time the killer will ignore you and chase someone else. So, the weakest on the SWF is the tbagger. The killer ignores them and chases the other 3, who are a lot better at looping, while the tbagger does the gens.

    Alternatively, it makes the killer tunnel one survivor specifically. In which case, result. The killer tunneling one person out of the game, through BT + DH + DS? That's easily enough time to get 5 gens done and escape against any killer but Nurse, Spirit, or an absolute God at DBD in general.

    So, yeah, there's actually a lot of merit in it for the psychological effects it has on killer players.

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    I guess. But so far I have yet to see a game where the 1 good survivor actually makes the whole team benefit from this. So far it hasn't happened. And when it happens, it's all red ranks SWF or high purple SWF. It happened but only a few times.

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    So you think I wrote it out of anger and not curiosity? How did you come to this conclusion? :o

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    It gets killers who don't want to back down from a challenge to chase them, but IMHO, leaving them is usually smart because I don't do what the survivors want me to do. Or better yet, take chase, and then go the opposite direction from where he leads me, as you'll usually find someone on a gen

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    Exactly my thoughts. It becomes a predictable pattern. Worked for me too so far.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    people will assume rage or hatred in everything posted if they just so happen to be in a bad mood themselves, which is super easy if you use twitter. ignore them, you posted a perfectly valid question and i hope you get the answers you're looking for.

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    Haha thanks man, sounds like it. I guess one part of playing DbD is trying to figure out players. Then mindgaming becomes a strong adversary for them.

  • hak_kie
    hak_kie Member Posts: 12

    Tbagging is a mind game. If there tbagging, there most likely trying to bait you into a loop. Being Toxic is a way of playing. As a just gotta be smarter =D

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Not you persay. But its a commonly asked question. I play both sides and won't do it to killers out of respect. I even try to bodyblock teammates if they do it after the killer played fairly.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Some killers probably really change targets bc if teabagging, but moat of the time its just taunting and they feel better.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    Sadly anything someone writes about after playing killer; not matter the intention is treated like they're upset by survivors.

    I play both sides and any time I've even questioned survivor actions during a game I get the same response.

    "don't be a baby"

    "it's a tactic to win"

    "they did they're job if you're writing about it on here."


    These are not the exact words but the sum of them.

    I try to respect killers when playing as survivor. I don't teabag them ever. the most I've done is slowly crouch twice to thank them for a good game. that's it.

    When I play killer I don't run NOED. Because I know how annoying it is as a survivor to to be hit with it. There are some days I've been really temped to do it after a bunch of bad games but I haven't yet. This might change I haven't made up my mind on it

    either way the teabagging is people being dicks no question about it, but the devs care so little about it they've kept stats on how many times survivors do it per game on average. so there's your answer.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    It can actually be good. Sometimes killers getting tilted can cause them to make a bad play like ignoring a survivor when they shouldn't or chasing a survivor when they shouldn't. Sometimes it can even frustrate them enough to make mistakes in the chase because they're not thinking straight.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Someone already said it but sometimes it's just to taunt you into not chasing them. For me if or when I do it I'm doing it because I wanna taunt them because they've done something I don't like or I just don't care and wanna die.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Probably training to get dem muscles!

    Seriously, I get that it can be used during the trial to distract the killer or force a mistake and that makes sense. The teabagging at the exit gate just shows you were unable to catch a player who dwells in their mother's basement, soaked in cheap cider and crisps, and who ultimately decided their ideal partner was a pillow with a Sailor Moon girl imprinted on it. A little annoying, but reassures you the path you chose in life could have been worse.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Taunting is "video game culture". i dont agree with it. But at the same time when people bag at the exit gate only to realize that WARDEN is activated. It is all the more enjoyable. Because it locks them down!

    I dont think this would be a popular opinion of Survivor mains. But what IF Warden would be more of an EXIT GATE punishment system, for those whom remain in the safety zone and taunt. Those that remain in the exit zones suddenly find that the longer they stay in there. The worse off their situation has just become. Sorta like "exit the match or find out the entity does MORE".

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    It increases my enjoyment of the video game.

  • RiskyKara
    RiskyKara Member Posts: 804
    edited May 2021

    Back when I was a ######### looper and bad at being chased I would often teabag and beckon if I managed to pull off one good moment or pallet stun. Like 70% of the time they would turn around and ######### with someone else (green ranks.) That was my bluff that often paid off. They would then respect my pallets a lot more or make plays as if I were good. I had ran into a killer once because I was stupid, he 180'd and swung into air because he thought I was setting up a dead hard. No I was just dumb.

    Alternatively if you get someone to commit to you and you're kicking their ass (now that I'm better) it gets them to overcommit to you sometimes. (Red ranks)

    Getting a killer to respect your skill even if you don't have it can change games tremendously and taunting can instill that respect. It can also instil ire but that's the risk you take.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Because they think killers are dumb enough to get titled and chase them. All they're doing is showing that they are because a decent killer will know to ignore them until last. Same with flashlights clickers, you ignore them and go for the ones on the gens.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I always assume teabagging means "Please leave me and my teammates alone, we need to do gens." I'm a nice killer, and I don't burn offerings or use add-ons, so it's totally cool with me to go off and do my own thing and ignore them all match. I guess a lot of survivors prefer to do gens and get like almost no points, but maybe it's for a challenge? [shrugs]

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    psychological warfare goes brrrr.... and you lost the battle. evidence: this forum post

  • LilCrapper
    LilCrapper Member Posts: 89

    False!... Bears... Beets... Battle Star Gallatica

    Im not sure how much more clear I can be

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Yes its a great work out for the thighs and calves. Amazing if you want to define you're butt.

  • Lucent
    Lucent Member Posts: 209

    I love when survivors tea bag at the gate. It makes blood warden so much more satisfying.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Teabagging boosts the ego of those with insecurities.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    The only thing it does is activate the 200 "reunited" points because sometimes the game bugs out and doesn't give them to me.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    To be perfectly fair I think that teabagging also happens a lot because there's no human connection. You're just the villain on the screen that wants to kill them. But I was doing a ritual last week and, despite doing plenty of stabbing and some hooking, chose to let all the survivors live. Why not? We all gain something.

    At the exit gate all four were there and at least two of them were teabagging. I just stood there and nodded. They all stopped in their tracks, confused. I nodded again. Two nooded back, I walked away, and they all calmly left. In chat several said "gg" and after I told them what I was doing and to enjoy their points, one of them even thanked me.

    Teabagging is stupid, and many players of this game act like children. But I think it's interesting (and cool) that when I showed some of them that "hey, I'm like you guys, I'm just trying to have fun", they understood and dropped the taunting.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Because I need to juice and toxic loop the baby noob camping tunneling killrushing killer like Noob3. EZ GG

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    Actually I started running Franklin's Demise on LeatherFace and if I see a clicker or flashlight user I hit them because they always expect me to chainsaw down them. The amount of times it worked and seeing their desperation to get the flashlight back and horribly fail, made me laugh so much. I have realized that survivors put their lives on flashlights and if they lose it, that's half their skill set perished from the game, it's amazing!

  • T0thLewis
    T0thLewis Member Posts: 38

    Actually I started running Franklin's Demise on Leatherface and when I see a flashlight user, I go for them and hit them with an M1, because they expect me to chainsaw down them. The amount of times it worked and seeing their desperation to try and get the flashlight back to then fail horribly is amusing, I laugh at that so much sometimes. Some survivors put their lives on their items and when they lose it, there goes half their skill set hahaha.