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I really think the Hillbilly's instasaw should be looked at.

Member Posts: 781

I am expecting a lot of git gud and the likes for this but whatever.

I can't be the only one who thinks that instasaw on Billy is just unfair and unfun to play against.

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  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Vietfox said:
    Wolf74 said:

    Yea, just nerf one of the top killer.
    We need less viable killer at high rank.
    Just trash every killer to Leatherface level or better Freddy.

    Why u so dramatic?
    He doesn't look at both sides of the fence and @Wolf74, killers aren't that far behind as you may think.
  • Member Posts: 4,167
    First i hate playing Billy. Second thing is I love playing against Billy. The instant down gives matches what some killers can't offer; tension. Knowing that the #of chances is tied to the whim of the killer makes me strive to do better. Most fun I've ever had as survivor was against a Billy and he got hex third seal on me at start of game. Hex lasted all game too, I managed to escape and it was the most rewarding win of any match so far.
  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited November 2018

    Yeah, they're not fun to play against. When I get downed like that, I just shrug and say "well it's instaBilly, no fighting against it."

    Those are by far the best addons he has and the rest are more or less mediocre/niche. He has almost no addons that change his gameplay (aside from steering). His addons need an overhaul for sure, just like Wraith's had.

  • Member Posts: 1,243
    edited November 2018

    I use instasaw vs swf. I typically don't use add ons with Billy since they are all pretty meh.

    As far as playing against it. The first down is often free since you aren't expecting it. After that you can dodge it the same as regular billy pretty much. If you play Billy abit you'll learn his saw timings.

    I'd rather see huntress insta down hatchets removed. I main Huntress but refuse to use them.

  • Member Posts: 76

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Decisive strikes and insta heals are also unfair and unfun to play against.

    Why is it when there's a discussion it always has to be "but this thing is also annoying (from the other side)".
    This isn't a discussion about DS & Instas, it's a discussion about Billy Addons.

    Because the user is making a point that flew completely over your head. Both sides have addons and/or perks that are annoying to play against. This in and of itself does not justify a nerf just because of a few whiney children who think the game should adapt to their needs.

  • Member Posts: 76

    @Might_Oakk said:
    I use instasaw vs swf. I typically don't use add ons with Billy since they are all pretty meh.

    As far as playing against it. The first down is often free since you aren't expecting it. After that you can dodge it the same as regular billy pretty much. If you play Billy abit you'll learn his saw timings.

    I'd rather see huntress insta down hatchets removed. I main Huntress but refuse to use them.

    And I use them every time one pops up in my bloodweb. Why? Because there's a distinct satisfaction in seeing a teabagging tryhard go down because they farted around thinking they could take one hit and run away.

    You know what's really not cool? People suggesting major changes to a game because this or that doesn't fit their particular play style. If you don't like an addon, don't use it. If it gets used against you, either suck it up or leave the game. It's not exactly like there's a wave of mean ol' huntresses using insta down hatchets 24/7 and tunneling you specifically. Let it go.

  • Member Posts: 27

    The main weakness of Hillbilly (even if it's a good player) is that he's loopable. So when you play against him try to have a window or a pallet near. Also, if the Billy is good, don't try window fake or fake pallet drops, because it wont work, he will just bodyblock you the window or the pallet denying you to use them, better just tank a hit. Billy is a strong solid killer but he also has his weakness.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    You're most likely not the only one.
    But i get a lot of satisfaction by escaping such a dangerous fellah, so i heavily disagree.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    @trendyfartknocker said:

    @Might_Oakk said:
    I use instasaw vs swf. I typically don't use add ons with Billy since they are all pretty meh.

    As far as playing against it. The first down is often free since you aren't expecting it. After that you can dodge it the same as regular billy pretty much. If you play Billy abit you'll learn his saw timings.

    I'd rather see huntress insta down hatchets removed. I main Huntress but refuse to use them.

    And I use them every time one pops up in my bloodweb. Why? Because there's a distinct satisfaction in seeing a teabagging tryhard go down because they farted around thinking they could take one hit and run away.

    You know what's really not cool? People suggesting major changes to a game because this or that doesn't fit their particular play style. If you don't like an addon, don't use it. If it gets used against you, either suck it up or leave the game. It's not exactly like there's a wave of mean ol' huntresses using insta down hatchets 24/7 and tunneling you specifically. Let it go.

    I'd rather not play with my character being twice as strong just because. Just gitgud and you will have a more satisfying experience with a competitive match.

  • Member Posts: 360

    Yes let's not buff all the other killers and nerf the 2nd best killer but then survivors are like I only get nurse games but then they cry killers are getting to much buffs which wraith got a "buff" still trash trapper got a buff he still trash hag got a buff and is on now. "Surviors get nerfed too much" exhaustion change was needed pallet vacuum was a bug survivors got a pallet buff perk buff then bloodlust got nerfed and the a healing change that basically does nothing. 80% of the killers need buffs period.

  • Member Posts: 91

    @Chi said:
    I am expecting a lot of git gud and the likes for this but whatever.

    I can't be the only one who thinks that instasaw on Billy is just unfair and unfun to play against.

    Just play as Laurie. She has a tiny hitbox and is easier to use to dodge him. Better yet, just use something like Decisive Strike, or drop pallets.

  • Member Posts: 1,269

    I use instasaw vs swf. I typically don't use add ons with Billy since they are all pretty meh.

    As far as playing against it. The first down is often free since you aren't expecting it. After that you can dodge it the same as regular billy pretty much. If you play Billy abit you'll learn his saw timings.

    I'd rather see huntress insta down hatchets removed. I main Huntress but refuse to use them.

    Dude you realize that if a huntress wants a hard not easy game they use the iridescent heads as it's a minus 4 hatches and the second you miss and don't throw anymore and are kept so busy you can't realod it  changes the game while I myself use them I also use them for epic fake outs got a teabagger that's refusing to leave but you got a epic Los from range boom he's dead and you get the hook the instas are designed to make survivors leave the match or pay the price I even got footage I think I was broadcasting a make hiding behind waiting for a chase out or maby a save and I caught a glimpse oh him from the shack window but was not seen I threw it through the window out the door and nailed him dead on it's really satisfying to do or as it was said there just looping and teabagging and boom one hit down but it has two draw backs second you do a one hotter people know you got it hence more dogs a and jukes two as I said it removes for hatches making your shots count
  • Member Posts: 3,647
    SenzuDuck said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Decisive strikes and insta heals are also unfair and unfun to play against.

    Why is it when there's a discussion it always has to be "but this thing is also annoying (from the other side)".
    This isn't a discussion about DS & Instas, it's a discussion about Billy Addons.

    Simply because this build can counter an Insta heal... one of the few that can if the build gets nerfed then theres even fewer that can counter... most players that play this game to have fun and you're not really having fun when you're not competing (unless you're playing survivor in which you don't really have to compete "shrugs")
  • Member Posts: 1,164
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
  • Member Posts: 170
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
  • Member Posts: 1,134
    Chi said:

    I am expecting a lot of git gud and the likes for this but whatever.

    I can't be the only one who thinks that instasaw on Billy is just unfair and unfun to play against.

    Wow...tell it to the 2x2 swf groups that rekt me last night while I played billy.

    One got cocky at the end...was the only reason I got a hook.

    You "git gud" at survivor and I will "git gud" with billy.

    Cuz clearly some survivors are VERY good against a mid-level Billy player. 
  • Member Posts: 1,134
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Clearly you've never played billy.

    Against bad survivors, yup, not much skill required (I 4kd first game I ever played with add-ons or offering)

    Against good survivors, he definitely requires some skill.

    Then again, I appreciate that about this game... "Gitting Gud" involved a learning curve. This is something The younger generation is unfamiliar with. They would obviously prefer hand outs and participation trophies.
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @ConsoleNurse said:
    Wolf74 said:

    Yea, just nerf one of the top killer.

    We need less viable killer at high rank.

    Just trash every killer to Leatherface level or better Freddy.

    Your biased opinion does not count

    And you are unbiased?

  • Member Posts: 170
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Clearly you've never played billy.

    Against bad survivors, yup, not much skill required (I 4kd first game I ever played with add-ons or offering)

    Against good survivors, he definitely requires some skill.

    Then again, I appreciate that about this game... "Gitting Gud" involved a learning curve. This is something The younger generation is unfamiliar with. They would obviously prefer hand outs and participation trophies.
    I am killer main and my billy p3.I dont like the play with him because he does not fit my nurse or huntress style
  • Member Posts: 5
    Quick saw Billy is fine just where it is. Insta-saw doesn’t even exist anymore thanks to the Tinkerer change. 
  • Member Posts: 288
    I actually find it super fun to play against! Those moments where you are able to dodge his chainsaw are so satisfying and it makes his chases rather tense
  • Member Posts: 5
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Billy takes a fair amount of Skill. As a fellow console Nurse, you should know this. He can still be Looped, which gives him the right to require less effort than Nurse to still be effective. The ability to loop him means he’s weaker than Huntress and Nurse by default, a built in balance check if you will. 
  • Member Posts: 76

    Can we not pretend everyone is running around with d strike insta heals...

    HAHAHAHAHA That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Let's ask BEHavior to provide some statistics on how many games contain at least one DS and/or one insta heal. Do you REALLY think the numbers will favor your ridiculous point of view?

  • Member Posts: 170
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Clearly you've never played billy.

    Against bad survivors, yup, not much skill required (I 4kd first game I ever played with add-ons or offering)

    Against good survivors, he definitely requires some skill.

    Then again, I appreciate that about this game... "Gitting Gud" involved a learning curve. This is something The younger generation is unfamiliar with. They would obviously prefer hand outs and participation trophies.
    I am killer main and my billy p3.I dont like the play with him because he is easy and unfun.
  • Member Posts: 170
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Clearly you've never played billy.

    Against bad survivors, yup, not much skill required (I 4kd first game I ever played with add-ons or offering)

    Against good survivors, he definitely requires some skill.

    Then again, I appreciate that about this game... "Gitting Gud" involved a learning curve. This is something The younger generation is unfamiliar with. They would obviously prefer hand outs and participation trophies.
    I am killer main and my billy p3.I dont like the play with him because he is easy and unfun.
  • Member Posts: 102

    You don't play...your p3 Billy?

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @trendyfartknocker said:

    Can we not pretend everyone is running around with d strike insta heals...

    HAHAHAHAHA That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Let's ask BEHavior to provide some statistics on how many games contain at least one DS and/or one insta heal. Do you REALLY think the numbers will favor your ridiculous point of view?

    Last stats are a bit old unfortunatly, but back than it was the 3rd most used perk, so I think you should try a new argument.

  • Member Posts: 838

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Decisive strikes and insta heals are also unfair and unfun to play against.

    On the contrary.
    No they're not. I count to 10 whenever I get Decisive Striked and they're down.
    If you don't get them down in 10 seconds or less, I'm sorry but you're a terrible killer.

    I'm not bashing on anyone, but I've never had a problem with DS, it gives them at most 7 seconds of extra life and that's it.

    Now as for Billy, I wouldn't want a Nerf but I've been saying, stop allowing 1 Shot Killers to carry NOED.

  • Member Posts: 838

    As for Billys.

    At Rank 8, 7 and 6 they camp and tunnel.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @ReneAensland said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Decisive strikes and insta heals are also unfair and unfun to play against.

    On the contrary.
    No they're not. I count to 10 whenever I get Decisive Striked and they're down.
    If you don't get them down in 10 seconds or less, I'm sorry but you're a terrible killer.

    I'm not bashing on anyone, but I've never had a problem with DS, it gives them at most 7 seconds of extra life and that's it.

    Now as for Billy, I wouldn't want a Nerf but I've been saying, stop allowing 1 Shot Killers to carry NOED.

    Nice meme bait.

  • Member Posts: 838

    @Wolf74 said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @EntityDispleased said:
    Decisive strikes and insta heals are also unfair and unfun to play against.

    On the contrary.
    No they're not. I count to 10 whenever I get Decisive Striked and they're down.
    If you don't get them down in 10 seconds or less, I'm sorry but you're a terrible killer.

    I'm not bashing on anyone, but I've never had a problem with DS, it gives them at most 7 seconds of extra life and that's it.

    Now as for Billy, I wouldn't want a Nerf but I've been saying, stop allowing 1 Shot Killers to carry NOED.

    Nice meme bait.

    I'm not kidding. I don't understand how DS has so much hate when I don't have an issue with it.
    I don't use it as a survivor, I don't think it's needed.

  • Member Posts: 1,131
    edited November 2018

    Let's just remove all the good addons and let killers keep only those that barely affect their power!
    The crying from some people in this game is just sad.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @BigBubs said:
    Let's just remove all the good addons and let killers keep only those that barely affect their power!
    The crying from some people in this game is just sad.

    Like Leatherfaces add ons?
    Oh yea, one of the weakest killer in the game to begin with also has weak add ons.
    That's the kind of killer survivor like.^^

  • Member Posts: 72

    Agreed, instasaw takes no skill to use and it's basically impossible to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 72

    @Wolf74 said:
    Yea, just nerf one of the top killer.
    We need less viable killer at high rank.
    Just trash every killer to Leatherface level or better Freddy.

    You do realize Billy literally doesnt need add-ons right? Nerfing instasaw wouldnt hurt good Billies whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 458
    Billy is probably the easiest person to rank up against because there’s plenty of unhooking and healing opportunities since they almost never camp. 
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    billy is probaply the most balanced killer in this game.
    he has counterplay, USE IT.

  • Member Posts: 1,134
    Billy is the perfect killer. A mistake forgiving and skill awarding killer that has plenty of counters for balance. Killers need to be at billies level, not Billy brought down to theirs 
    Nope.He doesnt need skill.Look at nurse,huntress.Not everyone play them because you need to be skilled first.But hillbily lol 8/10 games i play against him.
    Clearly you've never played billy.

    Against bad survivors, yup, not much skill required (I 4kd first game I ever played with add-ons or offering)

    Against good survivors, he definitely requires some skill.

    Then again, I appreciate that about this game... "Gitting Gud" involved a learning curve. This is something The younger generation is unfamiliar with. They would obviously prefer hand outs and participation trophies.
    I am killer main and my billy p3.I dont like the play with him because he does not fit my nurse or huntress style
    He does play very different than those killers. But still requires skill against good  players. 

    I found him easier to get the hang of than those other killers...especially nurse.
  • Member Posts: 781

    @BigBubs said:
    Let's just remove all the good addons and let killers keep only those that barely affect their power!
    The crying from some people in this game is just sad.

    I am not saying remove them. I am saying nerf them. It is too fast, and there is too little you can do to counter it.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    @Chi said:
    I am expecting a lot of git gud and the likes for this but whatever.

    I can't be the only one who thinks that instasaw on Billy is just unfair and unfun to play against.

    It kinda is to be honest, problem really is from the hitbox on the chainsaw.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @only1biggs said:
    Billy main here...Instasaw needs to be nerfed hard.

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