Why is there so many entitled people in this game?

I swear it’s both killers and survivors, there seems to be these made up rules that everyone has for this game and how they expect you to play and if you don’t follow them now your toxic. I swear this whole game would be so much more better if everyone just saw each other as people and not just killer or survivor


  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Just turn off chat - then you don't have to see the idiotic comments - makes the game way better.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    ^ what they said.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Yah most games have a set of unwritten rules that if you break them the other players get mad, mostly because the things your doing while a great way to win suck the fun out of the game.

    Examples include spawn camping in most fps, battlefield didn't like vehicle theft, In certain team deathmatch games hiding in a corner list goes on but you get the idea

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I mean, survivors really aren't the root cause. We'll never know who started this entitled toxic war between both sides but that's also just how games are... it's not just DBD. However, both sides are at fault. I've seen killers call survivors toxic just for knowing how to run a loop. I've been called toxic because I enjoy swf over solo. Killers also have their imaginary set of rules. We can't SWF, we're not allowed to loop or do gens, we can't escape, we can't have hatch, we aren't allowed to do anything and we deserved to be tunneled/camped to heck even if we did nothing wrong, etc. Now, yes, survivors also have their rules but don't just point a finger at one side.

    Just stick with "People choose to play one side and due to that, refuse to understand how the opposite side works" period. Which, yes, is pretty much what it is.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    SWF is toxic.

    The game isn't built for it and has never been balanced around it. It is only here because of the cash it generates and because to a degree it has kept the game alive.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    It's a multiplayer game. Friends or not it is MEANT to be played with others. I've seen SWF not on coms and still beat killers... coms doesn't mean much. There's a difference between having fun with friends and being toxic with friends. Sure, I make callouts but it doesn't make me toxic, sorry that I actually have friends I want to spend time with unlike some others. But guess WHAT? Whether it's balanced or not, its apart of the game and BHVR says its allowed. The day all killers stop camping, tunneling, slugging, etc (which are also apart of the game that bhvr says is allowed) is the day I will stop SWF'ing.

    The toxic part is where all 4 people bring DS, Headon, BT, Flashlights, etc with the INTENT to bully. I do not do that. I bring perks because I like that but never have intent on tbagging or bullying of any kind.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Entitlement stretches so far into issues in society. Those people can get what they want instantly; take offence at the mildest of happenings; get away with what they wish because of online anonymity.

    Those issues within Dead By Daylight feel like a symptom of this and may be found in so many past times.

    It can only change with the individual. Unfortunately, due to so many variations and reasons for the attitude to occur, it is here to stay for some time. People just need to learn to become more empathic and understanding of what triggers them, then own it. If those individuals decide to look at themselves as someone who needs to constantly mould, earn and improve, rather than this whole idea that they are perfection and deserve good fortune, and understand to treat others as they wish to be treated, then maybe we can move beyond it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    No-one ever joked about the Killers Rulebook til a long, long time after the creation of the original meme.

    Edi: *Killers Rulebook For Survivors.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Because scrubs are plentiful in every game on planet earth. That's what it is, people finding some sort of way to basically say "You didn't REALLY win because you didn't win the right way!", which is textbook scrub behavior.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    See, you get it. Anyone who disagrees with this post right here is only doing so because they just don't care about randoms and only want to play with their friends regardless of how damaging to the game it really is.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Thanks for debunking Madlordjack post about the root of the problem.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Because my opinion is the only correct opinion :)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    They exist in most games, this game just brings it out more easily because asymmetrical PvP.

    The amount of hate i got for not bowing against my opponent in any Dark Souls or healing while fighting is huge.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    As much as it is tempting to engage in chat,,,dont. I had to fight the urge to say something after I was hooked by the clown then saved only to be tunneled and camped to death. Everything in me wanted to say something but, I resisted and just moved on to the next game. Dont let entitled players live rent free inside of your head. It never ends well because they WILL take you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Just to add, there probably is no 'side' who did it first. The game has 10's of thousands who people who play/did play and people can be jerks, have unrealistic expectations, or have a bad day/match that they decided to take out on someone else. No one has to be a Killer, Survivor, or only play one side to meet any of those criteria.

    100% agree with you.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    Facecamping is trashy. Plain and simple. Tunneling & SWF is fine because it is a working strategy. Facecamping is not. It actively harms you and just ruins the game for the one poor son of a ######### on the hook while letting everyone else go free with no consequences.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The entitled players usually only play one side so they see the tactics that are able to pull a game back in the other sides favour as toxic instead of understanding why they're doing it.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    i think you should word that better, there's nothing wrong with playing with friends, you just gotta understand that you're on the winning side and not call the killer out

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    No, I mean what I said. You can want to play with your friends all you want, that's fine. But the game was 100% not developed or balanced with that idea in mind. Every promotional item they released for this game as far back as launch said to either work together or die alone in some form. You weren't supposed to be able to coordinate builds pre match, communicate over voice about everything the killer does as it completely breaks the original balance design of the game.

    People defending SWF are either A) Doing it because they just want to play with friends which again is fine, who doesn't. Or B) They like being able to coordinate bullying tactics against killers. But don't sit here and defend the mode as if it belongs here because the developers have never once decided to fix what they started when they added it.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    No I meant what I said. This game was never designed or balanced with SWF in mind. They added it to appease the people complaining they wanted to play with their friends and when they did they never bothered to adjust anything in the game to accommodate the change. Being able to coordinate perks pre match, communicate over voice chat about everything a killer is doing etc was not just flat not intended in this game original design and balance decisions.

    I'm not against people wanting to play with their friends in a game, it makes them more fun but a LOT of people refuse to admit that the mode has been completely busted since its introduction because of the above. They either just don't care about the killers enjoyment or they get some sick thrill out of being able to bully someone and get away with it in a game.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    the big reason why I play SWF is because I hate solo q. I always get matched up with terrible teammates who make stupid plays that cost me and the team the entire game. And I don't ever run a certain build to "bully" a killer because that's not me I don't wanna make someone's match miserable that way. My teams don't usually run the same build like how 90% of SWF squads do. I try to limit myself to one second chance perk because about maybe 70-80% of the time I don't get much use out of them.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    This game, like many games, are a microcosm of society. We live in a profoundly entitled, instant gratification age.

    Trust me, I used to moderate the WWE game forums at THQ. The players there were just as entitled as anyone you see here. It's not unique to DBD.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Oh god, now I'm imagining DBDers in WWE games.

    'Nerf The Rock!'

    'Rick Flair is a crutch wrestler!'

    'Nerf cage matches!'


  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Sort of. It was usually more like "these are the same create-a-wrestler parts that were in the game last year. There's nothing new. The developers are lazy". "Hey, remember that glitch that reset your championship data in the last two games? They said they'd fix it but it's still in the game this year, AGAIN. This is the last time I'm buying one of these games (until the next year, of course). "Wait a minute, the average skill level of Daniel Bryain is only 89? He should be at least a 92 or a 93. Do the devs even watch this show"? "Another year, another round of bugs. Nothing ever changes". "Do they listen to us at all"? "Oh look, the latest patch messed a bunch of other things up. Great job, THQ / 2K". "Why did they remove this? It was one of the best features, the game sucks now". "Why did they change this? That's not realistic, the WWE doesn't work that way, this is stupid". "The game is too much like an arcade fighter". "The game is too much like a realistic simulator". "Online sucks". "Nothing is fair". "I hate everything".

    Literally the same crap, just different details lol.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    There's always going to be outlier people in these types of debates where yes, some are just there to have a good time with friends etc, which is fine and all. Yea randoms can be hit or miss but that's also a part of the challenge and where a lot of the balance decisions are based around. They are specifically balancing around what seems to be Rank 10-20, at least that's the general ballpark people say around here. But yea, BHVR has not once stepped up to the podium and said they are looking to bring Solos up to SWF levels of information and by extension, bringing killers up to par with the amount of tools a SWF has to them.

    There's also the problem of nobody wanting to play killer past a certain time because evidently that's when the toxic bully SWF groups start showing up. BHVR COULD solve a lot of the problems the game has but because of their laid back development cycle and only getting balance changes which seems to be 1 or 2 perks out of the hundreds every 3 months, it's just not going to happen sadly.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I do agree they should stop trying to balance things around new players and just let them try to get good. I don't wanna have a repeat cycle of when new killers and perks and stuff get released but then it becomes an issue to newbies and then they get gutted instead of trying to adapt.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    Unfortunately at this stage of the games life, it won't really matter for the new players. They'll still get gutted because of matchmaking. SWF can STILL abuse the 3 reds 1 yellow to get a Killer that is not prepared to handle the 3 Reds. SBMM is still a pipe dream and it's been at least a year I want to say that they've had it running in the background for testing. Most new players I really doubt stick with this game unless they have friends to play with which just continues the cycle of abuse all around.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    that 3 red and 1 yellow rank I think is the biggest problem with this game. It's not fair to killers who have to deal with that.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2021

    Refer to post below, Website is being dumb.

    Post edited by Ashlich on
  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    Idk if it's the mod just being ######### or the website but anytime I post, even after the "jail" timer, It just up and never posts or it posts and then later gets deleted. Anyway, I've been Rank 1 Killer before, you really have to sweat those matches and it's not fun. I took a long break and came back recently in hopes of better balance but much to my dismay, that Matchmaking abuse is still here. Every 2-3 matches of mine at Rank 12 has been 3 Reds and a yellow or Grey. It's not fun in the least and you're better off just memorizing the map layout, practice running loops by yourself to see how much you can edge before the environment blocks you. The real fun matches are a 4 man SWF, complete with 4 Flashlights and Quad DS/UB/BT and Head-On. Those are the super bully squads that unfortunate new players get and likely uninstall from.