I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Wraith actually moves too fast now.

Just had my first few games of Wraith since they fixed the lunge bug, and wow. I'd imagined the extra speed as being something akin to the old green Windstorm, but now Wraith moves at something that feels close to Billy speeds? What the hell is the point of Windstorm add-ons now?
He's certainly not overpowered, and the lunge buff is so nice to use, but I can't help but wonder if the extra movespeed while cloaked is a little too high. It felt like I was playing Spirit with speed add-ons, but with unlimited duration. What do you guys think? I love how Wraith is now finally good, but I'm a little mixed on just how fast he goes now.
It's just old Purple Windstorm, not even close to Billy/Spirit speed
Post edited by RepostRiposte on13 -
All it did was make an add-on that was considered a must-run on Wraith base-kit. He's the same exact killer, with the new ability to run other add-ons while being somewhat viable at the same time.
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The extra speed just gave camping Wraiths more ammo.
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He was never weak in the first place. He was in a decent spot. Overall for me, he is one of the most annoying killers now. Especially in maps with low amounts of pallets and jungle gyms.
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Wraith is not problem lol. That boi was weakest killer for years. He deserves some good days. Leave him alone.
And Spirit is biggest problem. Before her noone deserves nerf.
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His movement speed is 150% which is the same as spring burst.
This is purple windstorm that became base kit on wraith.
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Clown was weak but not weakest
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Nah,Trapper says hi
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Wraith with add ons =/= Clowns lack of map pressure.
In fact, Clown still lacks pressure atm.
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Clown was and still is better at looping.
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If you use double Windstorm now you end up having the exact same speed as pre-buff Wraith running double Windstorm. He is in a better spot now, he's still an M1 killer that should have a very hard time downing you unless you're a Pepega but he definitely feels better to play.
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Ok? Doesn't mean he has the equivalent pressure that Wraith does and did.
OP is talking about speed, not looping abilities.
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Nah even with his new speed, he’s so lacklustre at chasing @ the majority of loops that his map pressure is still relatively low. Sure you can whiz around from gen to gen reasonably fast, but that doesn’t really achieve too much when he can’t back it up with actual pressure.
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Here you can see the movement speeds the "official but not really but kinda official" wiki has determined, up-to-date.
And his cloaked movement speed is about 80% slower than a Hillbilly Chainsaw-sprinting.
I don't know your situation, but i'm guessing that you're just not used to his new speed.
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Given how many different complaints about wraith are suddenly coming up out of no where I'd have to ask:
Which Streamer/Youtuber complained about wraith this time?
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Only really if you're outpositioned.
If you're near a pallet or window,you're fine
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If you’re out in the open or at a tiny loop/unsafe pallet yes, and rightfully so. Wraith is a sort of “hit n’ run” killer and needs to take advantage of poor positioning to actually benefit from his power in any way that isn’t simply patrolling the map.
If you’re @ a decent loop or safe pallet you can run him around with relative ease whilst your team blitz the generators. In these types of situations Wraith is an m1 killer with no power. Think trapper with no traps.
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I absolutely can't stand the Wraith anymore. I used to enjoy his unique challenge, now he's just phenomenally cheap. It's already a bit of an uphill expectation to be able to adequately evade a killer who moves super fast while invisible, but at the very least he had to reveal himself with the bell and take a few seconds to uncloak. Now, and apparently it's not just me getting this impression, he uncloaks and enters the ready state WAY too fast, catches up WAY too fast, and on top of that can avoid even having to use the bell when uncloaking. I mean good lord, that's a little much.
You know how some people say that they immediately want to DC when they face the Spirit? That's how I feel now when I face the Wraith. The whole game I'm just going crazy looking over my shoulder everywhere I go, anytime I stop, desperately trying to focus on whether I can catch a tiny glimpse of the 95% invisible blur from all potential directions while also doing gens, unhooking teammates, or even just running for a place to hide. Only for a sudden bout of "nope, I guess I happened to be looking in the wrong direction for that 0.03 seconds and now I've been hit. And oh look, I made it twenty feet before he hit me again. It's my fault for not having the map put windows and pallets next to me.
######### the Wraith. I absolutely abhor playing him. It's the absolute epitome of cheapness. How are you supposed to even avoid him now? He's nothing but "zoom around at the speed of light, sneak up on someone, get a free hit, race right over to them and down then. Hook, cloak, step away a few feet, repeat the process". Yay, so fun!
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Trickster says hi, and proceeds to sing as well.
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What difference does it make how many buttons a person has to press in order to successfully attack someone who has literally no way to counter your powers?
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Looks like someone wasn't around during year 1
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That's fair - maybe I am just unused to the new speed. I played Wraith with green or yellow Windstorm pre buff, so the current speed is certainly weird. Still, it feels like the current speed is what you should get with a windstorm add-on. Can't say I'm ever going to use those ever again.
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The wraith is literally a shittier version of the spirit, he cloaks with a loud bell to turn "invisible" if that's what you want to call it and has to outmaneuver the survivor while having to hit the bell again before he can attack while the spirit goes full invisible and has no warning before her exit of phasing she's just there , also she's faster than wraith when she's phasing
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I don't know how to explain this properly, so bare with me, but Wraith's kit is so basic that he doesn't have a lot of things to change about him without it potentially causing a balance problem.
With killers such as The Pig, there's a lot of things you can tweak to balance whereas Wraith only has a few things.
Don't get me wrong, speed is nice on wraith, but since there's not a lot on his kit, that's pretty much the only thing they can touch to balance him (aside from making his uncloak lunge even more powerful, but that would be oppressive).
Wraith needs a second part to his power, something to give the developers more freedom on balancing him and making the killer more dynamic.
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In their defense, people weren't experienced at the game back then, so they probably thought Trapper and Wraith were mega OP.
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He is perfect now, I always liked that killer and now I can finally play him without being humiliated 50% of the games at high ranks.
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The only situation in which Wraith or every killer in the game is unconterable is when you're outpositioned.
Be mindful of your environment,listen for his audio queues and be near pallets and windows to defend yourself once he gets to you.
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Your advice is in theory perfectly valid, but the problem is that Wraith can now pretty much just hang out and wait for you to be anywhere that's to his advantage, then zoom over and smack you halfway before you've even realized that he's uncloaked. I'm not necessarily calling for a nerf, I just thing that the latest buffs he got push him over the line. Invisible AND super fast AND basically totally silent AND he can now uncloak right near you without you even hearing him do it? That's just too much. It's as if the survivors are expected to play the entire game as a group, in the diamond formation, just to avoid him instantly appearing and starting the downing process.
I admit that I'm still a pretty new player, I'm humble in my defeats. I know that with practice it won't be so bad. I just don't understand how I can have a more or less fair game against pretty much any other killer - sometimes I win, sometimes I lose, it's all good - yet whenever I face the Wraith now (definitely NOT before the update), I just pretty much always lose. I can walk, or run, or even try to hide (which I hate doing, I don't like playing that way) yet no matter how aware of my surroundings I try to be, he has every sensory advantage over me AND he's now faster than he was before. Since the update there has not been one time where he uncloaked within my vicinity and failed to land a hit pretty much the SECOND he fully appeared, and chase me so fast that he lands the second hit just a moment later. And I just sit there thinking "what could I have possibly done to avoid this"?
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To put it in a more modern sense then, people still complain about other M1 killers like Ghostface and Clown.
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If they complain about those killers then they're bad at the game because they're pretty balanced. Unless it's about how fun it is to play against them, or the reveal mechanic being bs.
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dude he moves at 150% billy moves at 230% almost a hundred percent more its not even close
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You can post some gameplay from you going against a Wraith.
I could help you to find the mistakes you've made against him and how you could improve your gameplay on that if you want to
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I beg to differ. His buff is well-rounded and makes him significantly more viable to play as. Maining him before the update practically always required some form of windstorm add-on. Now I can see myself actually being able to experiment with more of his add-ons.
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People just need to adjust to new Wraith. At first I too thought he was too fast now but the rational in me was like now wait a minute. We need to REALLY let these changes sink in and see how things go over the next few months.
Like I said, once people get used to the new and improved Wraith I think we'll get a better feel for him. It's too early to tell right now.
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I really enjoy playing Wraith because he actually feels intimidating to play as now. He's pretty good to get that first hit in and patrol gens faster, but he still gets defeated by people splitting up and working on gens all over the map. I'd say the only difference between old wraith and new wraith is that the new version's going to injure a few people and get hooks no matter what, but he's definitely not guaranteed to have kills.
Stay mindful of your environment and try to stay close to structures, buildings or anything else where there is a pallet or window to vault through. He's fast to creep up on you, but once he's uncloaked he's nothing special.
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Nope, Wraith is in a good spot right now. He doesn't need any changes. Unless they're bug fixes.
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As harsh as it sounds, it is your fault if you can't manage to make it to a pallet or window in the space of 2 M1 hits. You've said it yourself. You need to learn and remember where all of your resources are on each map.
Don't just start doing a gen right away. Make a point of scoping out your escape route before committing to the gen.
Listen out for his breathing. It's incredibly loud.
The tension that comes from not knowing where he or other stealth killers are is one of the only aspects of the game that keeps it linked to the horror genre imo.
Playing him has nothing to do with cheapness.by playing as wraith, you are setting yourself up for a world of pain by any competent looper, as he posses little if any antiloop. Despite his speed increase, he still cannot prevent the gens from flying either.
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use spine chill.
it counters him and all stealth killers hard, as soon as you know its wraith and you have this perk its gg. as soon as it lights up go to a loop after that its just about learning your timings when to vault/ throw the pallet just be careful not to use all your recourses to fast.
and is a good perk in general especially when combined with resilience that way when injured all your action speed is increased by 9% and when the killer is looking at you an extra 6% meaning that when injured and in chase your vault speed will be 15%
my recommended build for new survivors is spine chill, resilience, botany knowledge and self-care it nearly removes the slower healing speed of self-care and helps the survivor learn the basics without an exhaustion perk to crutch on.
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It feels equal to or a bit faster than legion which, is nice. maybe with double windstorm you're moving closer to bubba speed but more like spirit/nurse-blink speed
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Do you play with a headset? You should hear him if he tries to uncloak right next to you. He makes a weird sound.
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Well, the people who complain now are the same. I dont think there are many experienced dbd player who think wraith is op.
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Yeah no. Y'all are not about to complain about WRAITH of all people for being OP. What's next, "Trapper is OP"? Smh
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If everyone was running Windstorm on Wraith before because they needed it to do well, then it's a GOOD thing they made it base kit. Wraith has nothing going for him in chase, so he needs to be able to patrol and catch people in unsafe spots. Let's see how he does with this buff for a couple months and if a majority of players agree it's too oppressive then I'm sure it will get toned down.
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He is in a good spot, no reason to complain.
What does the windstorm addons do now? You go even faster with one I would think but put on purple and green will he be insanly fast or reaching a limit?
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I guess you weren't around in 2016, because Wraith was constantly the subject of OP complaints back then.
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Wraith pushing the self care back into meta 2021? Let's go
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If people think he was weak before the buff then they were asleep or never knew how to play him.
He's strong than most people realised, I barely lost a match while I played as him.
There's been only a handful of swf that got away from me and I never used windstorm.
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Myers says *raspy breath*
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If a wraith is actually camping wouldn't speed not matter? Especially with BT not getting changed yet