When is spirit getting her well and deserved nerf?



  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Mr know because the whole event of survivors is loop.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Any killer to can continously loop at the shack is fun right? And billy? They nerfed him and he's a rare killer now. He used to be a balanced killer now he's just weak. But thats not the point if every killer gets nerfed to the point where billy is then its just gonna boost up survivor ques. There is counter play against spirit. Just because your favorite stream/youtuber says otherwise doesn't mean there isn't. Use iron will if you really hate them. Before you claim that you shouldn't use a perk to counter killers, killers use gen defense all the time. Double back, drop pallets early, slow vault, if she used her power earlier keep track of it and loop her as much as you can.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    People talk about spirit not looping, you say loop here.when Spirit can do a mind game against you.Destroys all those mind game of survivors with stridor.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Sorry to disappoint, but there is counterplay against Spirit. Even on high ranks and against experienced players. It's just unconventional. It is quite possible to drop pallets/vault in time by listening to her footsteps (although that is hard on some maps), you can gain distance on her by stop running and backtracking without moving grass. You can also think about what the killer would expect you to do and do something else.

    What actually destroys all this is the common usage of Stridor or not having Iron Will. If you fix that, Spirit is fine. And I've got a lot of experience with this. A LOT.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    If you see her use her power to catch up to you she has to wait for her to use it again. If you're in a good loop area use it until you see her use her power again. She's 110% so she's gonna suffer in most loop tiles without her power. Mindgames? If people are falling for the standing still mind game thats your own fault.

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Charges power very quickly with plugins and moves fast.If you move slowly when you stop, it catches you. If you run, it catches you again.Spirit gets to know more about us with the stridor.Are we only going to play with guesses?

  • 7AJFUN
    7AJFUN Member Posts: 26

    @psionic I love to see your comments. From what I can tell, you are pure Spirit main, just because you are bullied in red ranks. Phasing on top of survivor head without him knowing about that is totally fair, there is surely counterplay (like iam done).

    Just shut your mouth dog.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    well she has to save but unlike nurse which will make his stunned for a while or billy or blight or any other killer. she can continue chase as soon as she finished phasing. see how unfair she is ? combined with stridor then there's no counterplay. I suggest you play other killer first before saying she is not OP, just like i did. compare how easy she can get 4K compare to other killer

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    You dont have to guess if you know what you're doing. Stridor sometimes hurts more than helps. Stridor sometimes makes the survivor seem closer than they are. Have you played spirit without stridor? Survivors makes less noise if they have iron will.

    Right and no one plays billy, nurse is rare and blight? He's a nightmare on console. Nurse can go through objects, blight has 4 times to use his ability, and billy can break pallets and is an insta down if he uses his power see what I mean? Its also worth noting that all those 3 killers can see survivors. Spirit has no indication where survivors are except scratch marks. And people make less noise with iron will. I play every single killer and some are better than others but the difference between spirit and the other killers is that survivors have to actually try to use new tactics against her like double backing, mind game more and adapt to the way she's playing.

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    Spirit has counterplay though. I dislike facing a Spirit but its not like I'll die no matter what because "she has no counterplay".

    She is strong but not as busted as you try to make her appear.

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    nurse is rare ? why in my game it's really common to see nurse ? blight has 4 time to use his ability but spirit has easier control => see what i mean, your argument is really biased but whatever you said is spirit is the only killer with speed boost that doesnt have to be stunned each time she used her skill, you can't deny this

    yeah she has counterplay if you run ironwill and i don't use stridor, if I use stridor pretty much no counterplay, this is how broken she is

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Then you just have bad luck my friend. Nurse is so rare that I see more legions than i see nurse. But I understand why she's buggy in some maps and a cool down on her power and a stun doesn't help her. You're missing the point though every killer has an ability to help them in chases blight can destroy pallets, is 115%, can easily bait dead hard, ability chargers quickly, and has 4 more tries to land a hit. All spirit has is phasing she can't do anything else and is 110%. The only thing going for her is her mind games you can't see her and she can't see you. If you listen closely you can hear her foot steps. Not that hard to loop a spirit unless you don't know what you're doing.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    edited May 2021

    Yeah let me just play against a killer with no counterplay who can down me in under 30 seconds each chase who is also very boring and takes little skill to play (this is her without addons btw, she becomes borderline unstoppable with them).

  • HarleyQuin_n2K16
    HarleyQuin_n2K16 Member Posts: 98

    I love the elusive survivor main when they get a taste of what killers deal with on a game to game basis they salt and cry but when killers complain "We want free 4k, survivors unplayable, no skill games". Go on try to deny you use perks like dead hard, borrowed time, ds, spine chill, soul guard, unbreakable, head on...ill wait...while the one killer we have who requires some sort of brain capacity to kill efficiently gets nerfed into the ground because you made a post on the forum