Hook grabs should be removed

I really think that hook grabs are more unfun and face camper promoting than they’re worth.
If a Survivor is being camped, there should always at least be the option to hook trade. You could still hit someone while unhooking or cancel an unhook if you’re quick and they’re injured.
It wouldn’t be a game breaking change against good Killer players and it would help a lot to make the most unfun Killer “playstyles” more bearable.
At this point, it wouldn't affect my games at all since ALL OF MY ######### GRABS GET CANCELED.
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Since when did grabs work again?
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No thanks.
Hook grabs rarely work for me honestly since survivors can cancel the grab then do a real grab after killers whiffs. Hook grabs should stay and survivors shouldn't be allowed to cancel grabs tbh.
Without hook grabs you are literally asking for free saves which a lot of killer mains already feel like there are free saves in game already
Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on15 -
If you're silly enough to do an unsafe unhook, you deserved to be grabbed.
Asking for anything otherwise is asking for free unhooks.
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-looks at solo queue teammates-
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You can do hook trades just fine if you bait it and the killer isn't running STBFL. Start to unhook, cancel, the grab turns into a basic attack, unhook for real while they're on cooldown. Sometimes the killer is smart and you have to play chicken a few times in order to do it, but the tools are there and I see this work much more often than not.
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Right? i don't think folks can complain about grabs since most of my grabs end up as a light tap on the shoulder. You know, just want to let them know they're doing a good job.
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You're right, a survivor should instead be exposed while doing any action.
Atleast that would be working as intended.
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Sounds to me like somebody hasn't learned the fine art of faking a grab.
Things are fine as it is, just learn to work around it like most reasonable people do.
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It would be nice to have this implemented into the game, but since you're technically making the killer weaker, you need something to compensate.
Perhaps we slightly increase the unhook time so that you're forced to stay vulnerable longer than normal. This would pretty much remove the frustration on both sides.
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Ok, I wish I didn't relate to that as much as I do.
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I had that happen 2 days ago. I actually started the grab animation, touched their shoulder, and then it snapped out of the animation while they ran away.
I was more than somewhat angry that I had gotten cheated out of a grab. 😣
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They don't work anyway since servers were added. I don't agree with removing them but at this point I don't remember last time my hook grabs were canceled 1-5 times consecutively until it just became M1 hit passively.
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Nope; hard pass. There is plenty of counter play to getting grabbed at the hook. How do I know this? I experience it every day. Good Survivors know how to bait a grab and foil it. If you are getting grabbed at the hook all the time, that is on YOU.
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Or we could punish players that try to trade and not reward them. Might stop rushing the hook while being chased and giving the killer an easy time
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This would actually be a buff to killer thanks to the ridiculous grab mechanics that somehow cancel grabs that went through even on the survivors screen.
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Since when did grabs work
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The hook grabs are fine. They don't work half the time as it is.
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If grabs were in any way consistent you might have an argument but as they are now they're buggy as hell so their "fine"
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If you go for an unsafe rescue, I’m going for the grab, not my fault when you make a bad play.
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*love taps survivor
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Also/or remove collision on the hooked survivor so you can guaratee a hit on the unhooker instead of getting auto aimed onto the guy on the hook who is invincible.
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fun fact, they were removed a long time ago, but the animation and code still has fragments in the game, that's why the animation starts but never works
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People can still hook grab? I thought they already removed that
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Better idea, they should remove hooks entirely & killers have to slug to win.
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I agree that hook grabs should be removed but only because I think it's silly that survivors and killers get stuck in this stupid situation of faking and trying to anticipate server latency. It just makes the game look even worse.
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So you're going to have the new borrowed time which activates no matter what, now you want to never be grabbed which barely works anyhow? I swear if I could just have a quick-hit of whatever most of y'all be smoking on on these forums my life would be so much better and comfortable.
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This would be nice, would encourage the killer to go after the savior. 😁
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I thought they were removed, but I guess their removal was cancelled along with the grab action.
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Now this is a pure Survivor Post,
I'd say entitled But then i'll be attacked for my Opinion BUUUUT.
No, =D
This would be 100% Abused.. by every survivor. Especially with the BT changes
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And up next on horrible, spiteful ideas that will never be in the game...'Let's remove BP from the Killer for doing something I don't like.'
Ok; if you do generators too fast, I get your BP. I mean, since you're punishing me for doing my objective...Oh wait; it only works one way, right? Only Killers can play unfairly?
I mean, it's not like they have to counter 16 meta perks in one match that goes by in under 6 minutes...
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I’m Rank 1 on Killer and Survivor. And on Killer I never personally go for grabs because they’re inconsistent. I just hit the unhooker and trade if they wanna hook rush so bad.
I absolutely hate the face campers as Survivor that try to force the grab and you have to keep trying to fake the save a bunch just to avoid being grabbed and still sometimes get grabbed cause of latency. It’s dumb
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They have been removed. Grabs are survivor client sided and get rolled back if they let go.
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you should not feel entitled to get an unhook, just because you happened to be healthy.
you are not ment to just unhook in the killers face and get away with it for free.
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Why stop at giving BT 1 direct and 1 indirect buff, let’s work the Old DS into it for the lols
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Just give the hanging Survivor BP for being camped.
The only reason to punish Killers for what is sometimes a valid play style is pure spite. All these suggestions are just 'Punish Killers for doing something I don't like'.
I've been here 3 days and all I see are posts of people demanding Killers be 'punished' for a play style BHVR themselves have said is valid. A play style that, while I don't do it often, happens frequently enough that I'd flip my blip if I got punished for it.
Sometimes camping is how you get that kill needed to slow stuff down. if I lost BP, or the Survivor COULD NOT DIE (it was suggested elsewhere), thus denying me that momentum-swing I needed to win; there'd be 0 point to playing Killer.
It would become a Survivor bully simulator, where the Killer is only allowed a hook when the Survivors say so and how they say so.
Camping is fine. Man up and accept that it sometimes happens and is sometimes valid, instead of screaming for bad mechanics and massive BP punishments just because you're salty.
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I never complain about gen rushing. it's survivors playing their objective.
And I've been camped, back when I played Survivor; I once had a guy chase me down, hook me, and just stare in my face. My friend was poking him with the 'point' command. When I WAS unhooked, he chased me down again and hooked me again. Then stood there once more.
I was laughing so hard at how absurd it was. This guy HATED me, for some reason. Or hated Dwight.
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I just wish there was a good perk that made unhooking faster, I'd absolutely run it. Borrowed Time only counters face camping and tunneling if you can actually get them off the hook with it. Grabbing bypasses that sadly and some killers will just fish for the hook grab.
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Wait you can grab people in this game?
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Wouldn't have a problem with this if so many killers didn't just camp the first guy to death. What a fun game for thay guy
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Well I’m not one of them, if I can’t find anyone, I’m going back to hook, I’m not going to allow you to heal for free.
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Great to hear.
are you in favor of changing the game so that hook time doesn't progress when the killer hangs around the hook while he isn't in a chase? To stop other camping killers?
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How about the unhooker gets endurance when injured? That’s fair
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Tried hook slow down conditions on the PTB TWICE and both times it got abused so badly by survivors that it never left said PTBs and were never tried again.
Having an ultimately survivor dictated mechanic for how fast hooks goes will always be abused.
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*Gently places hand on survivor's shoulder*
You can get through this.
Your friend, though, is mine.
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Survivors like you are why killers facecamp. You literally make it viable.
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Desperate Measures, Resilience and Spine Chill to name a few off the top of my head
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get rid of grabs add movement speed to killers please, I am barely ever able to land a successful grab when I want to but when I lunge sometimes I grab its just as frustrating for killers as survivors
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To counter hook grabs there's an very easy one.
Don't go for unsafe unhooks or for an unhook when a survivor is being face camped
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Id much sooner get rid of grab cancel for survivors since it can cause killer to glitch and then the survivor gets to grab again for free.