The mid chapter patch notes we want to see

-Project fixing the games lack of perk diversity-
Predator- Walking footsteps are 50% louder
Light Weight- Walking footsteps are silent and running footsteps are 75% quieter.
Dance with Me- Drop the cooldown down to 20 seconds and extend the duration of no scratch marks to 4 seconds.
I'm All Ears- Drop the cooldown down to 20 seconds.
Mad Grit- Survivors hit while carrying also don't get a sprint burst from being injured.
Spies from the Shadow- Instead of triggering from crows within 36m, it now triggers on crows outside of 36m with a 3 second aura read instead of a ping.
Boil Over- Hides all hook auras.
Calm Spirit- Also hides all movement and sound from environmental terrain. IE you don't move grass or make sound going through grass etc etc
Technician- While working on a gen it is silent, no range requirement. IE if you're working on it and the killer just drives by and listens without actually looking at it, it will sound like it has no progression on it. Only hides the sound when solo on a gen.
Visionary- Gen auras within 32m are shown to all survivors. Remove the disabling effect from it.
Wake up- While active, gate sounds and light indicators are all hidden from the killer.
Blood Echo- Remove the cooldown.
Coulrophobia- When survivors leave your TR the effect lingers for 15 seconds.
Blood Warden- If a survivor is hooked once the gates have been touched Blood Warden will activate when opened. Hooking a survivor after Blood Warden has been activated will add 15 seconds more of blocked time.
Deerstalker- Also slows recovery time on the ground by 20%
Dying Light- Removing the healing speed bonus for the Obsession.
Hex: The Third Seal- Blindness status effect also hides survivor portraits. This makes it more difficult to see how much pressure the killer currently has out on the rest the team. Also remove the location ping when a survivor is hooked, this defeats the entire point of not seeing their auras.
Hoarder- Shows auras for 5 seconds when interacting with a chest or item instead of a location ping. When this activates the killer gains Undetectable for 15 seconds.
Insidious- Remove its current effect. When a survivor is unhooked and you are at least 32m away gain the Undetectable status for 20 seconds.
Iron Maiden- Remove the exposed, it's literally just a meme. Instead the killer gains Undetectable for 60 seconds when a survivor leaves a locker. The point of this is so it could actually get repeat value as it wouldn't immediately tell everyone what you're running after 1 activation, never to be seen again. The reload speed can remain.
Oppression- Drop the cooldown to 40 seconds.
No Way Out- While active, every 10 seconds you get a location ping of all survivors.
Remember Me- While opening a gate survivors auras are also revealed.
Thanataphobia- Up the percentage from 5% to 7% per survivor.
Monstrous Shrine- Remove its current effect. While a survivor is hooked in the basement and you are at least 32m from the hook you gain the Undetectable status effect. This rewards basement hooks but encourages you to leave the basement instead of camping them.
Mind Breaker- Up the Exhaustion time from 5 to 15 seconds.
Overwhelming presence- Remove its current effect. While a survivor is using an item and for 15 seconds after they gain the Oblivious status effect.
Thrilling Tremors- Remove the cooldown. Allow it to only activate on a survivor once perk down. This removes the unnecessary cooldown without allowing for abuse.
Trail of Torment- Cooldown dropped to 30 seconds.
Coup De Grace- Remove its current effect. Now it starts the game with 5 tokens and works as a reverse Fired Up. You gain 5% increased lunge on attacks per token. Each gen completed removes 1 token. This makes it very strong early game and periodically get weaker as the game goes on until it's totally dead at end game.
Cruel Limits- Make the blocked windows be within a 32m radius of the killer, not the completed gen.
Dark Devotion- Up the Undetectable duration from 30 to 60 seconds.
Beast of Prey- Remove its current effect. After dropping chase gain the Undetectable status effect for 15 seconds.
Brutal Strength- Kicked gens also regress at 200% of normal regression speed. Basically Ruins rate of regression but only on individual gens you've kicked and only until they've been touched.
Fire Up- Raise its 4% per gen completed up to 7% per.
Hangmans Trick- Raise the aura reading range to within 10m of any hook while carrying.
Hope- The timer is paused when you are unable to benefit from the haste effect. IE on the hook, slugged, healing etc.
No One Left Behind- Allow the bonus blood points to go over the cap.
Poised- In addition to its current effect it also hides scratch marks for 3 seconds any time you let go of a generator.
Red Herring- Allow the survivor to pick which gen the sound notification goes off on similar to how Freddy targets which gen to teleport to.
Camaraderie- Applies not just in the struggle hook phase, but now also during first hook if the killer is within 16m of the hook.
Breakdown- Now also shows the killers aura to you for 6 seconds when any survivor is taken off a hook, not just when you are.
Tenacity- You are also silent while on the ground.
Up The Ante- Luck now also increases the chance of getting skill checks.
Left Behind- Now also causes 2 hatches to spawn when you are the last survivor remaining in the trial.
Distortion- Also hides all sound notification pings you would generate.
Bloodhound- It's current effect is baked into the Hemorrhage status effect. Bloodhounds new effect shows blood auras at a 5m range. This is to say you will see the aura of drops of blood on the other side of walls.
I will be continually updating and adding more to the list.
Numbers are to be determined, just focus on the concept itself.
While i disagree with some of your ideas,most of them seem like fun changes that should be tested.
BHVR biggest problem regarding perk balancing is that they are often times0 too careful with it.
Because of this,many perks remain in an extremely bad/underwhelming state and people stick to the few decent perkd we have in the game.
We need more bolt perks and perk changes,which is why i'm interested how this whole thing with Lucky Break will look like
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Some I agree with I think will be healthy for the game but some I disagree with.
For Iron Maiden I would just change it to see the aura of all survivors in a locker
For distortion I would increase the tokens to 5 and also hide killer instinct.
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Both those seem reasonable, other than the killer instinct part. The devs have already stated they are moving away from any perks directly countering killer abilities.
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Yeah I agree they need to be more bold, if not at least throw some into the PTB. I understand they don't want to waste time making changes for the perks to go into PTB just to not ultimately do them, but it's not really much of a time investment when it's just number changes like cooldown reduction or a higher percentage.
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I like most of your ideas, but as Macaroni said BHVR is too careful with reworking perks most of the times. I think they should do more experiments/take more risks like the incoming lucky break one.
Regarding what i disagree with: thana and DL. No need to buff perks that stacked up already make the game a snooze fest. Actually, DL should give the obsession also a repairing buff, not only a healing one.
Meanwhile for Iron Maiden, while i agree the exposed effect is kind of a meme... Can't say i don't love it and honestly wouldn't want it removed)
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Then for distortion, I think just change the tokens and hidding your aura read effect to making all killers aura reading ranged deceased by lets say 10 or 12 meters.
Also no one left behind is still bad. It needs a better effect or a complete rework.
I'm interested in other survivor perk changes.
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Only one I disagree with is Spies.
All the others are fantastic.
Spies though should stay the same. I'm an avid Spies user. And the change you're suggesting would make it more annoying than helpful.
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That could be reasonable I suppose.
No one left behind could still use more. I wasn't necessarily completing perks but just giving them some bumps in use or power.
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No one actually runs those perks currently because their numbers are too small so I don't really see how it's a snooze fest. The slow is honestly more placebo from seeing a red bar than anything. Also, repairing increases are never a good idea with how fast gens currently are.
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The current Spies is garbage man. If you're close enough to have it activate you could have just manually seen or heard the crow go off yourself. In most cases it serves no purpose currently.
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Yep,the PTB is really underused in that aspect
I understand they don't want to waste time making changes for the perks to go into PTB just to not ultimately do them, but it's not really much of a time investment when it's just number changes like cooldown reduction or a higher percentage
Well,look at the Open Handed buff that is still not in game.
It seems like they are way too busy with new content,map reworks etc.
Which is really frustrating to say the least.
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For real.
The rate we are getting perk changes needs to literally be like least. That's how ridiculously too slow it currently is. It's so slow that we are currently getting bad perks added to the roster even faster than we are getting them fixed.
Not mention when we even look at the quality of the perk changes we do get. Like at least 50% of them are still terrible even after they get changed.
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Yeah,i just hate how damn slow and careful BHVR is with perk changes.
Perfect example is Fixated.
It took them 1.5 years to figure out that it should also work while being injured?
Even though we had the same problem with Urban Evasion back then?
I don't know,i feel like they need another team that only works on perk changes.I'm sick of the terrible perk diversity we have to deal with for all those years.
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I agree. We've basically had the exact same meta for at least 3+ years now for the most part.
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Current Spies is quite good when used properly. Won't help in a chase. But when you realize that most survivors ignore crows, it's great.
And again, Having noise notifications constantly going off would be insufferable. I'd avoid the perk at all costs.
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That information it currently gives is very, very little.
Also we can fix the annoyance of the notifications by making it a 3 second aura instead.
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Too early to change some of these perks since they haven't been out for the full 5 years. Need more data. And if nobody uses the perk, then there isn't any data to go off of and therefore nothing can be changed.
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I havent read all these changes yet, but I think this really is the way to go about encouraging more unique builds. Buffing the underpowered/underused perks as opposed to nerfing the meta perks.
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"reversed nerf of victors, snowball potential" that's all i want to see
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Agree to disagree, gen speeds are perfectly fine and gen regression perks make the game boring af imho
Also i thought about your spies from the shadows one. Honestly I'd keep it like this regarding the range, but 1) it'd spawn more crows if used and 2) crows have higher chance of getting alerted
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The thought of a predator stridor spirit scares me
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Anyone with a decent amount of hours on both sides does not think gen speeds are currently fine. Gen slow down perks are literally required to even have a chance of winning against good survivors with how fast gens are. Agree to disagree though.
Your changes to Spies doesn't make any sense. Those changes make the perk still just as garbage as it is already because you're misunderstanding why the perk is fundamentally bad in the first place. It is giving you redundant information that you already should know. Your change furthers it giving you even more redundant information that you already know. Giving the killer a notification when a survivor disturbs a crow within 36m is near useless information.
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This did cross my mind and I was a little worried.
It's a fun perk though and I'm not sure how we get around this. Ideas?
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You’d probably have to change how spirits power works so it doesn’t get effected by stridor or predator
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And she's not affected by Iron Will as well?
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I’m more for nerfing iron will as a whole but yes. I don’t want perks to be sole counters to killers
This is assuming we give her some other changes to
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If we're nerfing Iron Will then that sounds fine to me.
Aside from Spirit though I do actually like Iron Will as a perk a lot. I think it's one of the most balanced meta perks. However as you mentioned, they don't want perks directly countering killers so I guess it does need something done.
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I may not want to see some of this.
But I will say that the almost complete lack of perk diversity in dbd is something I really hate. If more perks were broken/good, the game would be better for it. But no, doesn't matter I guess. Nerf Freddy.
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I guess an update with so many perk changes wouldn’t really be beneficial, it I definitely agree they should make more changes and experiment more, especially on PTB; maybe even different changes during one PTB to see the effects
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I mean hypothetically if all these changes went through you would see a rainbow of perks in matches.
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I only dislike the tenacity change but bhvr write this down seriously
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Yeah and I imagine analyzing the effects of all the single changes would be hell :)
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I doubt any changes will be going through. Considering how much the community overreacted to the Lucky Break changes, with all the pearl-clutching and doom-saying, BHVR is probably going to tiptoe through subtle changes instead of big, bombastic overhauls.
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I actually read all of the changes you suggested and i really like how you decreased the cooldown of perks like i'm all ears and trail of torment which have an absurd cooldown(in my opinion).The only one i disagree with is tenacity due to how easy it is for survivors to hide under grass and be barely visible.
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Understandable. What if we stuck that on one of the weaker anti-slug perks that no one uses?
My thoughts as well on the cooldown issue. There are a ton of perks with cooldowns that either shouldn't even exist at all or at least need to be reduced tremendously.