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Solo survivor question

Skatla Member Posts: 21

Hi guys, how are y'all doing?

I'm here to ask about how you feel to play as a solo survivor. I'm not the best player in the world, but i feel like it's pretty frustrating, almost impossible to play this game as a solo survivor. I'm always trying to help others, with bt or we'll make it, or extending chases/taking the killer away, just to see people wandering around and doing absolutely nothing. There's not a team spirit, people never try to help others and just do what's best for themselves (which most of the time is rely on sprint burst and play as quiet as possible). I've lost the counting on how my times people let me die on 1st hook, or killed themselves right away, farmed me inf front of killers and etc

I know SWF it's unbalanced, but i feel like playing as solo player just doesn't encourages me to play the game. :/


  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    Solo queue is essentially 1v1v1v1v1 99% of the time and on the very rare occasion do you coincidentally get all four survivors who at least are coordinated and do teamwork.

    SWF is when it's truly 1v4 as they work as a team.

    I also am frustrated with solo survivor. I like playing survivor but solo queue is really unbearable and unfun. I like playing with friends as I like the coordination; it is a team role after all. I don't enjoy survivor since I don't play with the friends who introduced me to this game anymore, or anyone in general.

    Also there is no objectivity in saying SWF is unbalanced. Some people say that, some people don't. In reality when you have four good survivors in solo queue, it's not going to make much of any difference in comparison to if they were on comms with each other.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,404

    Well, I enjoy playing solo survivor. Most of my survivor experience has been solo anyway, since most of my friends do not play DBD as much as I do.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    SWF is NOT always 4 against 1. Up to 4 people can play together but sometimes there might be 2 friends and 2 randoms, etc.

    @Skatla For me, playing solo can be either fun or absolutely unenjoyable. I wish it were consistently more fun but sometimes you really have to look out for yourself. That being said, playing solo is not impossible and you can make the best with the odds stacked against you. My only advice is to play the best you can and try to watch something that puts you in a good mood between matches to help keep your spirits up.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    You have a point; generally when I think of swf I think of a four-man squad, though that's not always teh case

  • Skatla
    Skatla Member Posts: 21

    Yeah, i agree with the SWF statement. And also, when i play with friends, it's not like we're 4 pro players who are toxic and mock the killers, we just casually play with no intentions of humiliate the killer or anything like this

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399

    At solo you are not selecting your teammates so you dont know who they are or what they are capable of. At solo you have to take care of yourself first and that is the most important rule. I love both solo and swf because I think you need both of them. At SWF with or without comms most of the time there is 1-2 person that is responsible of chasing and stalling the killers which gave other 2-3 members to freely do the gens. However at solo you are on your own and you have to be strong at chases, gens, saves and etc... and I think that is why solo give more experience in some content. However for teamwork experience SWF is better. So overall I love both of them.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Back when I used to play with people, none of us were "pro" players. We just wanted to have fun and get as many escapes as we could. I hate this mentality people have here that just because people play SWF, it means that they are gods or masters at the game with zero percent chance the killer can go against them.

    Point is, if you're killer going against skilled survivors, SWF or not, you may have a tough time getting kills.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    What level are you at mostly? I have the opposite problem in red ranks- solo que players tend to be a little too altruistic. I do get the occasional farm in front of the killer which is annoying, even if they have BT. I don’t like falling into purple, cause they tend to play like how you described. A lot of them are not efficient, and sometimes make me want to let myself go on hook after seeing cringy crab walks on the opposite side of map, away from killer (not hag).

  • Skatla
    Skatla Member Posts: 21

    I was a rank 1, but haven't played for a few months, and it's that exact situation at purple ranks. Just unbearable play at those ranks as a solo player

  • shadowwings8810
    shadowwings8810 Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2021

    Hello~ I play both swf and solo. Personally, I love playing solo, but that's probably because it spikes my adrenaline 😅. I'm sorry to hear your frustrations but in my years of playing dbd, It is normal. My rounds tend to go way more lenient than what I hear my friends and other players go through. Now, if you're not looking for tips, you can stop here.

    But if i were to give personal tips, look out for yourself first. Objectives should be first but you also want to keep as many of your teammates on hand as you can. Remember, you can't talk to nobody. You don't know what other survivors are doing. So they could be crouching or running the killer and you won't know. (The perk Bond could help you with that issue). So if you notice nobody is going for saves or straight up not helping to escape, then that's when you can set your priorities there. Just make sure you contribute to the round as much as you can but also know when to play smart. Some survivors will give you ######### now and again but in those times they had messed up just as much as I had in the past so don't sweat the occasional immersion or accidental haunted ground cleanse lol.

    I play with headphones that can practically hear anything and everything. So as survivor i can hear if someone startled a crow or footsteps and it gives me a head start (The perk Spine Chill can help with that too). Over time, you'll learn what you can relax on. I will work on a generator with the killer 2 feet away from me but only if they're focused on another survivor. Terror radius doesn't always mean the killer is breathing down your back. It just means they're nearby and to be cautious.

    I don't know how long you've been playing but I know a hard thing in the game is running the killer. When you're being chased always keep note of a pallet or a window nearby. They can keep you alive longer than if you were running a straight line. Exhaustion perks can also help keep you ahead of the killer. (Balanced Landing, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Lithe, etc. but I recommend using one at a time due to if you use one, you'll have a cool down for 60 sec and wont be able to use the others).

    I've hand picked perks that help me stay alive longer than my team. Unbreakable being my favorite perk. I rely on it solely for the fact that if my team is losing or the killer is distracted I can save myself and/or anybody nearby and flip our odds.

    Each killer also has a unique ability so take notes of what they do and how to dodge them. Play them even. Try their perks and add-ons. It'll help you know you're enemy better.

    So if you want you can try this as a build (Bond, Spine Chill, Lithe, Unbreakable) and see what perk you use most and you'll be able to find out what kind of survivor you are. If you like Bond, you might be a objective player. Put more perks meant for generators and survival. If you like spine chill, you might be and evader player. Find perks that pin point the killer and your team. If you like Lithe or any other exhaustion perk, tend to be chased by the killer often so you might be very altruistic. Put on perks to help yourself and your team. If you like Unbreakable, you could be just in need of those second chances for a successful escape and even win. Find those second chance perks that heal or hide you. Clothing can help with that too.

    Sorry if this was too much. I hope i was helpful to someone.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    i enjoy it but it needs something changed. i personally want a quick chat option to let your teammates know what your doing or gonna do. Maybe a quick chat saying if the killer is near or away from you or asking people to work on gens and other situational chats of the like. I think this will make solo que close to par with SWF and it can allow teammates to recommend newer players on what to do without the toxicity (for the most part) by just having quick chat instead of typing chat.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    I enjoy solo. If I can make myself the obsession (usually use For The People) then my team should know when I'm taking the chase and ideally would work on gens. Of course that's not always how it works out, but that's okay. Kindred is a great perk so you or your teammates know when it's safe to unhook or figure out what the rest of the team is doing.

    I really don't expect to win most matches and that's what makes it rewarding when I do escape. It's fun to go in and just play the best match I can with the teammates I'm given. I still find it less stressful than killer

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I'm a solo survivor and generally don't have many complaints. I feel that I escape a fair amount of times, sometimes with all three of the others. In the beginning it was pretty tough, yes, and I still get games where apparently a fourth member (me) is of such low priority that he's allowed to die on the hook sometimes, but it more or less gets better the more you play.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    It's such an inconsistent mixed bag for me. Sometimes I'll have team mates who are somewhat decent, and then the majority of the time I get terrible team mates who won't work together or do gens. It was unbearable during the ruin/undying days since hardly anyone bothers to look for totems at the start or check if the killer has ruin when they first start working on a generator. Even after the nerf undying received, usually I'm still the only survivor trying to cleanse the hexes.