Scott on Billy's Nerf

He brings up a lot of points that Behavior never really answered.



  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    The devs knew they ######### up with Billy and they knew if they changed huntress they would be screwed. Btw they didn’t change huntress because she only has 5 hatchets once there used she needs to reload, Billy had no limitations his power never ran out imagine if huntress had infinite ammo? To answer your other question I agree why play those 2 when huntress exists it’s because there tough to balance one buff could make them to strong huntress is balanced cause she has a windup and she’s actually fun to verse while the others are not as fun as Huntress

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    there not comparable because even though Leatherface can down people at anytime he wants ghostface can turn his terror radius and red stain off whenever he wants and becomes the stealthiest killer. I do agree with Myers and Bubba though why would I play them if Bubba exists it’s because they didn’t touch Myers yet and his addons are still out of order he’s the last killer who needs his addons updated

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2021

    Nurse/spirit etc have their power from the beginning,and they are stronger killers than billy. If oni had his power immediately he would be busted,something that pre nerf billy WASN’T. Myers is one of the worst killers in this game,thats why no one plays him. The real reason they nerfed billy imo is that people will buy bubba with money,thats why they nerfed billy and buffed bubba at the same patch. They are so greedy,thats the only reason i can think off,they were praising him but butchered him at the same time

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    Nurse and spirit have a cooldown the difference is when spirit used her power she had to wait Billy would stop sprinting and he could sprint again spirit had to wait 30 seconds to use her power again and nurse is so strong the cooldown doesn’t hold her back

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Billy has two cool downs not one,and is way weaker than nurse and spirit. They needed to add an overheat on top of his cool down.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Exactly. They could have add the overheat kept most if not all add-ons but make them not stack or slightly nerf them. Voila.

    A basekit killer should be decent or slightly under power and their add-ons should make them good. Oni, Executionner & Blight all fit that. Trickster is bad but his add-ons make his stronger/slightly modify him, same goes for Twins (her power sadly push her and make her a strong slugger but that's an other issue).

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Yeah that's kind of the problem though I loved going for saws even if they seemed impossible sometimes I'd get them sometimes I wouldn't now Ill just go for saws on back revs or the tiles I know I can curve around. One of my favorite things about old Billy is that you never really needed to m1 ever, there were certainly situations were it was better to m1 but that's boring.

    He cant even do drift king anymore which was the only time I used add-ons and all I got out of his change were a bunch of stacking annoyances that completely killed my love for him as a killer and I only play him for dailies now, sometimes I'll even skip his challenge.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    I think that it's possible that the devs didn't add overheat because they thought that Billy needed it, but instead to standardize the design of killer powers. It's occurred to me that the last killer to not have an overheat-like mechanic of any kind was Pig (or arguably Clown and Slinger), and that includes all the reworked killers.

    Trickster charges up Main Event, Blight and Bubba recover Rush tokens, PH has a trail bar, rework Nurse has Blink charges, Slinger has a reload (arguable, I know, but look at the rest of this list), rework Doctor has Blast cooldown, Oni has a blood bar, rework Freddy has projection cooldown, Demo has portal cooldown, Ghost has Shroud recovery, Plague has Corrupt Purge, Legion has Frenzy duration, and Spirit has Haunting duration.

    (I suppose you could argue that Wraith is an exception, but he didn't even get a full add-on pass rework. He did get buffs and a new mechanic, but he received very little changes compared to any other killer the devs have changed. He even had to share his slot with Clown, who did receive a lot of changes.)

    If it's given that reloading on Slinger or Clown is comparable to a power recharge in a token system, then the last killer to be released or reworked with no charge bar of any kind was Pig. Look deeper at PH, Demo, Trickster, and Nurse. All of them having charge bars is a strange design decision. Demo's only really serves to annoy you if a survivor performs an unhook immediately after you portal away, otherwise the bar has no impact on gameplay. PH's bar doesn't actually do anything to stop him, because he only needs a sliver of charge to PotD. Main Event isn't worth it to use a lot of the time, and it feels like the ult is there to check a box off that says "has an ult/charge bar." Nurse's bar isn't much different than if they just made her fatigue last longer, but they went for a convoluted token system instead. Billy also follows this group of nearly pointless cooldowns.

    Looking at this evidence, it makes sense to me that sometime around Pig's release, someone on the team decided that it would be the pinnacle of game design if every killer had either a power cooldown bar or a power spike bar in their kit. As they've made the game, that means shoving in cooldowns and power bars all over the place where they wouldn't otherwise be.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    I usually like his content but Scott is talking out of his ass there.

    He only has access to one bit of info that was opened by the devs and tries to use that as a valid counter-argument. Not to say there were ulterior motives to the nerf of Hillbilly, but that video is garbage.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited May 2021

    I'm gonna guess you didn't watch it.

    Edit: no, I guess you did...sorry.

    Carry on.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    No, but him deducing a falsehood with incomplete prior information is a naive fallacy at best or malicious speculation at worst.

    In his argument, he says he is in accordance with the nerf of billy addons that made insta saw and crackhead billy viable, but the impact of those addons was never disclosed by Behavior. Furthermore, the statistics of Billy without those addons were never disclosed, just the average pick and kill rates of the killer on all ranks/red ranks. That info alone was not sufficient to isolate Billy's performance as a killer.

    Also, I said that there were possibly ulterior motives for his nerf (possibly motivated by corporate decisions IMO). That doesn't make Scott's argument more meritable in any way tho.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Overheat is a mostly useless mechanic that doesn't affect most good Billies. It's there because they had no other ideas for add-ons, so they created a new mechanic. It's kind of hard to think of good ideas for his add-ons without making them either too powerful or with too much of a downside.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    I didn’t say he was broken also wraiths downside is he can’t attack

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Just like Bubba got overbuffed.

    And I disagree, Billy needed a punishment on zoning survivors. His movementspeed reduction was practically non-existant and he didnt need any perks or addons to get consistent 4k's in red ranks. So yes, Billy needed a nerf in his basekit too.

    So what did they do wrong? A lack of variable addons. There are 2 addons that are linked to overheating, and the only good one of those 2 is a brown addon that increases the cap by 20%.

    So what would I alter?

    1. Big Buckle instead of reducing the TR by 8 meter while overheating, making Billy undetectable(he already has 2 addons making him undetectable WITH his power, so why not without his power?)
    2. Black Grease, instead of it's very weird and niche use right now, instead add 5 or 10% movement speed while overheating(which would go nicely with the above Big Buckle AND current Tuned Carburettor)
    3. A brown addon to actually speed up the normal heat dissipation in exchange of slowing down the dissipation massively while overheating(which would improve his basekit AND gives him more use out of the above Buckle and Grease, but would be severely punishing if used improperly).

    Essentially, giving Billy a playstyle that can only work if he Overheats, adding an extra layer onto Billy that he now so desperately needs. Old Billy was kinda boring, as there wasnt much mindgaming to do with him. You either reached a window in time, or you were downed. You either dropped a pallet in time, or you were downed. Right now, giving Billy players to 99 their overheat mechanic and actually give them a beneficial situation(being undetectable AND being 120/125% MS for 15 seconds is enough to hit a survivor before they can drop a pallet and gives you enough speed to close the gap before they can reach the next tile, let alone that STBFL would actually do wonders in this situation).

    Essentially, I agree with the reasons of his nerf and also agree with the concept of current Billy. I dont agree with the endresult. They need to fix his cam, and give him more variety in addons to make him fun to play again.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "Pre nerf nobody used billy without the "unfair" addons. This is all you can remember him as looking at your post."

    Wrong, I've faced plenty of Billies. Plenty of Billies who didnt use any addons at all. Some not even using any perks. If they ran perks, it was always BBQ, Bamboozle, Enduring and Spirit Fury to negate his only weaknesses.

    "Post nerf billy is the same as pre nerf billy without addons only he can't set things up or do much thanks to the overheat and this is why nobody plays him."

    Which is mainly false, he can do most of those things still, he just no longer can traverse the map as quick. The issue is that once he gets close to overheating, there isnt much you can do other than eat through the overheat mechanic, which is boring, or wait for the overheat mechanic to dissipate, giving you very limited choices in either using his chainsaw to gain distance, or using his chainsaw to zone people. THAT is why no one plays him. It forces people to make very hard decisions. Billy was never about setting things up. He was always about covering the map quickly and being able to shorten chases massively by using perks to block windows and spam his ability to delete pallets very quickly. Considering pallets in general have been reduced, this instantly buffs old Billy as he no longer needs to deal with those pallets and only has to care about windows instead.

    "The animation, sound (roar and volume) and fov changes are the icing on the cake to making him miserable to play."

    The roar is fine. Bubba always had a similar roar and no one complained. Billy had an 0 sound cues to tell survivors the difference between a revving and a running Billy. So yeah, a sound cue was needed, and a roar fits him lore-wise. Perhaps the volume needs to lower a bit on the killer side as killers tend to already increase their volume to hear people breathing and footsteps, which the roar is meant to make more difficult to hear, but it shouldnt deafen the players. The FOV makes him miserable to play. The animations are fine.

    "Way to much effort for little payoff and requiring survivors to make massive mistakes."

    Which is actually false, as you said, post nerf billy is the same as pre nerf billy. So there is no change in effort. The only change is that the timeframe of using his chainsaw has been massively reduced, with no way to take any advantage if you exceed that timeframe. While Bubba also no longer can infinitely rev, but he has addons that take advantage of him exceeding the timeframe. The only bonus Billy gets is that instead of 30 seconds, it will take 15 seconds to go back to 0 charges. In those 15 seconds of overheating, Billy should gain something he can use other than just being a regular m1 killer instead, at the very least addons that give him something he can actually use.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    If you face plenty of billies without addons then where are they now? Nothing has changed so surely they had no reason to quit playing him right?

    You need to set up a survivor at a loop so you can get a curve hit.

    The roar is grating to the ears and his sounds in general are just way to loud. why does he require a sound cue? give me a solid reason that survivors must know what a killer is doing at every single moment.

    The maps have changed and many can't be played around as billy any more. There is more stuff littering the map to stop chainsaw sprints, the loops curve or have bits of junk that prevent curve chainsaws, leaving you to be a simple m1 killer for most of the match.

    I watch someone on twitch who mains billy and he complains about this constantly

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Okay but I think you're missing something here.

    Oni has much more maneuverable dash which further goes into directional lunge that's an instadown, as well as having a separate option to use his instadown much quicker that's easier to land than Billy's chainsaw (no movement loss while charging, charging is less, much more maneuverability during the short period when the lunge begins).

    Myers cannot be looped via vaults while in his tier 3 and plays similar to a stealth killer in tier 1 and 2. Point still stands that his instadown is much better than hillbilly while it's active just like oni except now it's even better, with it instadowning as an extended lunge that's very easy to land (so no charge up this time). With little punishment for missing as well.

    You see the problem here, you're trying to say he was two killers but better, except he wasn't. Both of the killers you mentioned have much less counterplay than Billy does when their powers are active, their powers are effectively many times superior to Hillbilly. To make up for it, they had to charge up their powers and remain in a weaker state than Billy while they don't have it. You're just wrong when you say he needed to be nerfed because he was just like two killers but better.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Then Billy's downside is he can barely turn, and if he bumps into something he gets stunned

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Thats probably the reason I just hate it, such a boring design philosophy

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    its the only info the devs gave us what else is he supposed to go on, the general community from what I saw was confusion as to why they would make the change and they even seem to contradict themselves with their own reasonings. It felt like 2 completely different people wrote those patch notes and 1 wasnt aware they were making changes to his base kit.

    They said h was overperforming when he's only a little higher then most killers and around the same as killers like Myers. So I'd say its pretty fair to say its a pretty baffling decision to change his base kit.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean you could say that Billy can get consistent 4ks without perks or add-ons but I'd argue most people couldn't do that some very good killer players could but they probably also do it with significantly weaker killers, bottom of the line is that if someone has more hours and practice then you they should win all the major content creators for dbd have thousands of hours in the game and as such should win the majority of their games even with handicaps.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    I just wish the overhead did something you now have a chainsaw that is so hot it cant be turned on I vote we can now swing the fire chainsaw for a down >:3

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    A good survivor will sidestep,at red ranks billy was average without double engravings or instasaw. Bubba now can zone survivors way better than pre or post berf billy,so to say they nerfed billy due to zoning is an invalid information. You can’t even explain yourself why they nerfed him so we all agree here

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306
    edited May 2021

    The maps are a HUGE nerf to billy. Try curving on new crotus pen/ironwork of misery/groaning storehouse, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. The new gideon meatplan has unbelievable numbers of pallets so your argument is again invalid