Haddonfield: Problem? Or not?

So, Haddonfield. Ok lets just get to the point.
And yes, before you say anything, Haddonfield is a big problem.
MY LEGS AAAAAA, GoobyNugget.
This map is hell, for killers.
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Haddonfield is equally oppressive as having to write a 3-page essay for Literature class that’s due in less than 24 hours. This map is atrocious and needs a serious overhaul.
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Hopefully when it gets reworked, they don't turn it into the Game map and put loads of pallets next to each other.
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this map needs some serious attention because like yords mentioned it is absolute hell on the killer side.
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If i hit this map more then once a day i take it as sign i need to stop playing dbd.
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Haddonfield is awful but we have a Mid-Chapter and Chapter for it's change at most.
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bro this map sucks and I dont even like running it as survivor
it just fees bad man
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Way too many upstairs/downstairs generators and great walls of china make it hard to get around.
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I curse loudly every time I see a survivor burn a haddonfield offering. One night I had 4 back to back haddonfield offerings. This map is absolute dogsh*t.
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Half of the times I end up going afk turning my face to the corner of the map so survivors can't earn BPs while I'm afk.
Just saying.
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Just go afk and end their fun.
Remember that as a killer you got complete control over the match; if you decide that the match is over, it's over.
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I do not like this map as a Killer at all. Definitely one of my least favorite maps killer-wise.
One of my friends watched "Live and Let Die" for the first time alongside me so he could write a college paper about it that was due only a few hours later that day. He got an A+.
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I’ve been getting cold wind back to back for awhile now. I’m sick of it. That still needs a rework more than anything. SWF and solo alike know it’s terrible for killers and I always get sent there. I would almost prefer Haddonfield just for the variety
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Yes, Haddonfield is a problem. Old Balanced Landing made it ten times worse, thankfully that is long gone, but this map still needs adjustments.
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As Trapper main, once you do down (basement) you never go up.
Bigger problem is the Game, no place to set trap
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Survivors should be injured after falling from a large height after 2-3 times.
That would balance haddonfield out real quick
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Thats when i just facecamp. If they burn a haddonfield offering, i face camp.
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Yep, depending which killer I am. I walk to the exit gate and face it. Once all gens are done I will force the door open and go to the basement and sulk while watching videos XD
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Haddonfield is a huge problem. I am looking forward to see when this house is gonna get finally sold.
Last game I had a really bad rng as a killer on the house with a gen at the corner with 3 opened windows on the second floor and 2 on the first one. I literally cannot do anything there.
Before the Object of Obsession nerf, I also had some Midwitchphobia, but now Haddonfield is the only real killer horror map to me.
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I usually just go to a corner and start browsing these forums haha
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Would be nice if after some potential rework, they could put some TV in the basement with random cat clips from youtube
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God loop into safe pallet into god window into safe pallet into god loop into safe pallet.
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Those fences are in my nightmares. And the houses, ugh. I just refuse to go into the houses when I play killer, now. I won't even chase a survivor if they go in a house, I'm too out of shape for all those stairs.
I hate Haddonfield.
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Maybe some little puppies to play with. Killers only because survivors are mean on that map!
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I really think people need to drop their expectations for the rework. None of the other maps have changed all that much. The Game probably changed the most but that's only because they wanted to make it safe for survivors and it came out horrendous. The devs can't make maps anymore this much is obvious.
Honestly Haddonfield sucks but I'd take it over Badham any day.
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Haddonfield offering + Trickster + 4 toolboxes = Is the true horror aspect of this game.
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There is still infinites on Haddonfield........super outdated and needs to get changed. I literally let survivors win on this map and don’t even try, there’s literally no point.
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we went against a bubba this morning on Haddonfield, and he chainsawed 2 of us and only hit one survivor but didn't get any hooks. I felt bad because it seemed like he was just throwing the game which I can understand because this map is terrible for killers.
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Who ever builds those fences needs to be paid more since they are clearly working overtime
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According to this hilarious and seemingly serious article written by what I assume is a yellow rank player, Haddonfield is the strongest killer map (competing against the likes of pre-rework Ormond and they dont even seem to be taking the piss)
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sounds like something sluzzy would write.
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I think the game is far worse for killers but haddonfield is up there. They desperately need a change
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Haddonfield can be really bad. The only good thing is that bad survivor dont know how to use the full potential.
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As a Trapper main i gotta say i love Haddonfield.
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Thats my line.
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Yep, got sent to Haddonfield with object players, not only that they had the long fences which are practically infinites, usually get 2-4ks a blight but didn’t even get a hook.
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I don't really see the issue. I play this map as killer using different killers a lot and I have no issue (mostly Michael and Ghostface). I also have no issue as survivor. I actually quite like playing on this map as killer or survivor and burn the offering frequently.
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Idk why u talking ######### about Haddonfield. Haddonfield is fine and a great map..... (for survivors) 😂
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The map probably suits him better than all other killers.
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The real question is, what is worse, Hadnofun or RPD? I haven't played on it as killer, but had my first survivor match on it today and all I have to say is that I hope the code for RPD becomes so corrupted that it has to be removed from the rotation and never brought back.
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Haddonfield is just the right balance of unfun and unbalanced. The fences and bushes are annoying time wasters, and the fact that there are still infinites in the map is insane. The house of pain is horribly imbalanced as always, and the generators being in these places of power is not a well thought out design. Considering Badham hasn't had a meaningful rework on its buildings and generator locations, I don't have confidence that they'll properly fix Haddonfield. Get ready for the exact same map, but with breakable walls at the god house and the house of pain.
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I like it as either role but I’m a trapper main too.
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I like the map, because it's different from others, but for killers it really can be a problem.
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Pretty much the only way the map could be more survivor sided is if the killer was automatically shot by a A-10 Warthog the second they load in
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It needs tweaks ASAP, i love Halloween and the fact that the map exists tho, it's just terribly unbalanced
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Massive problem even with good RNG. Last night I got a variant with almost every pallet spot filled and I think the maximum number of windows open (some the worst RNG you can get). If I didn’t want to keep my add-ons, I’d have disconnected no matter the amount of cakes we had.
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There are slim chances it has an Ormond where core issues are fixed. But if not at least it'll look nice and actually spooky.
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It's a Hag paradise.