Camping Bubba (rant)

Bubbas camping potential really needs to be nerfed, its too strong and not fun, no one cares if its a "strategy", we care about fun.
And before you say "JuSt Do GenERatOrs", how are three survivors supposed to do 5 generators in 2 minutes. Especially with potato default teammates that dont deserve to be in red ranks.
EDIT: I just had another camping bubba, this time i was the one hooked and then he tunneled me to death at 4 gens. Thank you again for another day dealing with camping and tunneling.
Doesn't help that they always have NOED on top of it because they are very well aware you can't do all totems in that time either and it's pretty much guaranteed to activate allowing you to secure another kill easily or even a 4k if they slug and Survivors have terrible exit gate spawns.
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no if bubba facecamp run ds while everyone do gens plus he loose point by staying by the hook
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- It's VERY unlikely you're getting off that hook in the first place especially solo
- A camper doesn't give a ######### if they lose points by camping
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then his going to depip to rank 20
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Saying it’s not fun isn’t a very good argument though. Lots of stuff in the game isn’t very fun. Gen rushing with toolkits and or brand new parts for example. Keys etc.
The truth is, doing generators is a great counter. Then you’re @ 3vs1 with 2 gens left which is a very common situation and that’s if you haven’t already done 1 gen by the time camping initiates. If you get 1 gen done first you’re actually at a sizeable advantage.
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Yeah, but that doesn't change the fun factor, nor the ease at which this supposed tactic can be done.
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im not promoting camping but you cant get banned for camping plus you can also get two down with prymaid head
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Bubba is not camping, he is just likes hooks
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No I agree. It is completely part of the game. But I think we can agree that Bubba can totally do it a little too well. I mean he can saw through BT and still get you down.
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If camping isn't okay because it's "unfun," then blinding the killer while they're locked in an animation, bodyblocking, sabotaging the hook in the killer's face, and Dead Hard are not okay, since all of those suck the fun out of the game for the killer.
Unless survivors are going to be punished for using those, killers shouldn't be punished for slugging, tunneling and camping.
And this is coming from a killer main who goes out of their way to make sure they don't do any of those things just out of principle.
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That's just Bubbaist,
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It's a pvp game.
Sometimes your opponents will do things that are not fun to face.
I get it sucks, but at no point is your opponent responsible for making sure you have a fun game.
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well bubba can camp me all day long i wont get mad
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1) The Devs have said its a strategy so yes it is a strategy. might be a bad unfun one but it is still a strategy
2) you have 6 minutes worth of time to do gens not 2.
3) Camping is really hard to solve as in essence it is playing the game pretty optimally. I know people dont like comp bu t it kinda is the highest level of play and facecamping is more or less the status quo there.
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Bubba is just a very unfun killer to play against in general.
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killer mains scream at us 24/7 for not letting them have fun so why shouldn’t we get pissed at them for not letting us have fun?
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I don't think I said that they were. I was referencing the design of Bubba makes it quite easy to utilize these tactics.
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Yeah but it's bubba 🥺 bubbas adorable how can you be mad at that cute face with his little chainsaw.
Leave bubba alone fam, pick on I dunno..... Michael. He has no feelings of remorse. But be wise bout that my babe will hook yall ass.
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Bubba says he's sorry. 🥺
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Our lord cares not for your displeasure, he will do what he deems necessary to achieve his goals.
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it is quite easy to to beat bubba either blind him mid chainsaw distract him have him hold chainsaw with cause tantrum i have a match where i lost and doing the last thing i can do i camped but i lost because surviour blinded me so i coudnt see saw i use a charge but in that window there were able to unhook into bt then they went into a loop which used all my charges then one surviour was full heath so he looped a tight corner and when i tried to wait untill endgame collapse he sprint burst away while everyone left through hatch he not op if u know his weakness.
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I mean how could you be mad at bubs? ... hes adorable with his lil chainsaw. 🥺 I literally love him... I've only been face camped by his sweet heart face once, actually genuinely gutted 😔
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I never said he was OP, just that his camping potential is strong as well easy to do.
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you ever fought a swf with flashlights even with camp buit in his kit i only got one kil
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I thought he just liked gazing into my beautiful eyes.
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And also this.
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😂😂😂 this is gold.
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The problem with the "just do generators" argument is that killers may not realize how few points you get for doing that. I try to play stealthy, carefully, strategically, and only go for saves when I feel it's especially safe to do so. Since everyone loves camping, it doesn't happen often. Well, I'm not going to throw myself out for a free down and make it that less likely that we'll win, so I hang back and do generators, like everyone says to do.
The result? The teammates who get whacked and saved over and over get 15 to 25 thousand points for their heroic efforts. Me, for having hung back and done three generators in an attempt to actually turn the game around, I get maybe 8 or 9.
The game rewards running out there and doing a little bit of everything. When someone's being camped you can't just wait it out and do generators or you get so few points you might as well not be playing the game. The person who runs out for the save and gets clobbered gets twice what I do for being stupid. Me, I get enough to afford a couple of cheap toolboxes.
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I have fought them all my friend after 4 years, mostly killer.
We all face others with more experience than us . From time to time. There will always be a 1k or 0k game. Or else us killers would grow too cocky.
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Apology accepted, killers gotta do what they gotta do 😔
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Bubba is ALWAYS forgiven. I cant stay mad at his face too long 🥰