This is clearly an issue

idc what people say this is exploiting and people know what they are doing... either fix this or start banning im tired of it being "okay".
One survivor was kind enough to kill themselves bc they know they are exploiting, the rest I slugged and luckily got someone in basement. its not okay to say this is just a bug and people are free to "accidentally" run it. no one ran this before in a sabo build. cmon.
I'm trying to do a daily btw and this is my first game.
"Lord forgive me", "I have sinned" - So at least the two have a sense of humor. I don't know why there isn't already a hotfix for this, but I'm also proud of the community that I've only encountered about 5-6 people/swf abusing this bug, especially since it's already very well known.
12 -
I was fuming, now that I notice the names... kinda laughing a bit more about it.
11 -
You're literally playing Freddy, stop complaining
8 -
Killers get a 4k and still complain the game is broken 🤣
11 -
Literally doing a daily... and im not running anything that bad.. wow, go back to playing survivor.
5 -
so... you literally want a recording of how unfair, stressful it was gotcha. you can go back to playing survivor as well. you clearly dont play both.
5 -
Interesting that you would be toxic in the endgame chat even after getting the 4k with the easiest killer to play...
9 -
BHVR is allergic to hotfixes. They might do one shortly after a chapter or mid-chapter patch, if you're lucky.
4 -
That said, hook bug is probably harder to kill than the devs are letting on.
1 -
You get a 4k, and you're playing Freddy. You're still complaining about game mechanics. It looks like you tunneled someone a little too hard because they got 2677 BP.
Stop complaining
6 -
Damn straight. Freddy can teleport to any hook on the map.
Get Gud OP
9 -
you clearly don't read, this person killed themselves bc they knew they where exploiting, in the top of the post.
2 -
Yeah, I can't stand people that use an exploit.
And what is up with the comments vilifying you, and excusing their behavior. Is this what the forums are becoming?
Sorry you had to deal with this, good job countering these shameless exploiters.
16 -
I actually play both sides equally, sometimes I play killer more than survivor
0 -
6 -
some people just want 2016 trapper, where you can break all the hooks and his traps because that was fun for everyone
15 -
Yes this is a bug and using it is wrong but…
can’t you people show end game screens that shows that this is actually a problem? You kind of make a point that this isn’t really that severe and would actually be okay as a buff for the perk if you constantly show that you get 4Ks against SWFs abusing it
3 -
just to clarify the only reason i managed to squeeze a "4k" is because someone killed themselves and damn near slugged everyone to death. if they had one more person i wouldnt have killed anyone.
2 -
I feel that the forums have always been like this. We have two sections fighting each other. Survivor/Killer Mains that pretend to play both roles equally, but show with their posts that they really don't. Sad.
7 -
What? Those 2 were abusing an exploit! It matters not which killer OP was playing as.
9 -
just in case you still havent noticed:
he is complaining about the top
twothree survivors exploiting a known bug to get an unfair advantage over him.neither killer choice, playtime, "main" or match outcome matter even in the slightest.
so please stop treating everything with this stupid "us VS them" mentality.
13 -
just to clarify it was 3 of them together, they managed to take out almost every hook. just between 3 survivors. thats nutty. It's like running old saboteur only you dont even have to take time to break the hook.
0 -
ill just do that for 50 games till i hit rank 10 then i wont have to worry about it. nothing to complain about here.🤣
0 -
oh yeah, youre right.
i actually didnt even notice the perk on the third person xD
and yeah, its stupid having to play against something like this.
and it is even more stupid that there still hasnt been an ingame notification telling people not to abuse this bug, otherwise risking a ban.
this is literally a gamebreaking bug and the official response to that is "eh, thats okay" ?????
2 -
Some of the attitudes in this thread are kinda shocking
You can think what you want of Freddy but at least he's what the devs intended and isn't an exploit
Don't justify people exploiting because "freddy op and boring" (he's getting nerfed anyway)
4 -
Some of these comments are widly off topic complaining about the killer op is using or how well he did in a match.
Literally none of that matters when the topic is someone using exploits.
It'd be akin to killers using the forever mending legion exploit and someone coming in to say "well the survivors were a 4man swf with meta perks so I don't see the problem". Like you aren't achieving anything with it.
3 -
how does that excuse someone abusing an exploit?
10 -
Speaking of that, I remember facing a forever mending legion before the devs made the announcement that it was bannable and having a 4 man escape.
Clearly it wasn't an issue if you could 4 man escape against it. /s
But yeah, it's weird how because the killer still got a 4K it means the exploit isn't a problem.
2 -
Playing Freddy is wrong? Sorry? So we cant complain about anything because we are playing as Freddy? Wow
4 -
If its in the game its clearly not an exploit
0 -
Because the devs are obviously aware and going to fix it and the fact he still got a 4k means it doesn't even matter that 4 people were abusing a bugged perk since it didn't stop him from winning? If the devs thought it was such a big deal they would fix it which if I'm not mistaken should be fixed with tomorrows update so who cares?
1 -
for people who are as confused as i was - currently breakdown is bugged and the hook doesn't respawn.
3 -
That is exactly what an exploit is. Taking advantage of an unintended feature of the game! The description for Breakdown does not indicate that the hooks will be broken forever. Therefore it is an unintended (i.e. bugged) feature of the game.
In what world does it make sense for you to try to defend what the survivors were obviously doing in this case?
4 -
idk if it just isnt a straight buff at this point.... lets be honest
0 -
I like how every screenshot i've seen of the breakdown squads shows them being dead.
2 -
it's pretty satisfying for sure.
1 -
it's so pathetic and not shocking that people think this (BAD WORD) is actually okay.
2 -
permanent hook/trap breaking was patched out long ago, bc it is abusive. these people literally don't read any of the post and say stuff like this. its actually sad.
1 -
What is wrong here?
0 -
Thank you for this. If you're going to complain about an exploit, it strikes me it would be helpful for anyone who doesn't know to actually clarify it.
1 -
so killer should have to be hard as learning the nurse
0 -
I'm the bad guy here. I'm being toxic bc I choose to do a killer daily. How inconsiderate, and braindead of me to think I could try to earn bloodpoints. idk what's more embarrassing, this comment, or the players in the match.
1 -
I never said breakdown wasn't an issue.
I'm just saying that you shouldn't be toxic to Survivors, much like Survivors shouldn't be toxic to Killers.
But like I guess telling someone that they shouldn't be toxic is embarrassing?
0 -
That's not being toxic. The man could've said worse things. That's just venting frustration and rightfully so.
0 -
Thats not even close to an answer.
yes the devs are going to fix it. how does that excuse abusing an exploit?
yes OP got a 4k. how does that excuse abusing an exploit?
" If the devs thought it was such a big deal they would fix it which if I'm not mistaken should be fixed with tomorrows update so who cares?"
YES, they think its a big deal, which is why they are fixing it. Fixing bugs can take time if you don't know what is causing it.
who cares? people who think to abusing am exploit is wrong?
how does that excuse abusing an exploit?
I will never understand this "you won therefore you cant complain" thing
Im guessing your equating this bug to 360. The difference is 360 requires skill, can be countered in a fair way and is generally accepted by the community. The breakdown bug is the complete opposite of that.
0 -
How broken can it be that you still got a 4k?
0 -
It is pretty obvious that someones using the perk purely to exploit when they all run to the same edge of the map to go down. Very annoying. Why can't they hotfix bugged perks?
0 -
how does that excuse someone abusing an exploit?
0 -
Thats exactly my point, and what happened. regardless of the outcome, if they all would have done the same thing, which 2 of them did... It would have been unwinnable. Literally the only counter is to slug, then down and repeat till they bleed out, However people think that is okay?
0 -
Because Freddy is this unbeatable force apparently.