does bhvr want to attemp killer main to use their senses?
with lucky break you wont be able to see scratch marks
with iron will you are not able to hear injured surviviors
only one perk more, do the killer can't move for 30 seconds and we wont be able to use our hands
I main killer, and I use stridor with all my killers because I think it's the only way to counter iron will (unbalanced perk) I have to use it for the mere fact iron will exist because if nobody has equiped iron will I have a 1/4 perk slot wasted. Now with the upcoming update to lucky break things are gonna be worst for new killers trying to enjoy this game. why devs think this would be a good idea?
rework spirit so we can know when is facing
remove iron will and stridor perks from the game.
and leave lucky break as it is right now (4.6 update)
How is Iron will unbalanced.By your logic NOED ,Pop ,rancor is also unbalanced.They are literally waste one perk slot for it .
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i think noed its an unfair perk and it needs a rework but if lucky break goes live Im gonna start using noed as if it was a fair perk
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They made a whole other thread about how "OP" Iron Will is and how they're "forced" to run Stridor in order to counter it, I wouldn't waste your time arguing with them.
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I didn't asked you if noed is balanced perk i asked you why do you think the iron will is unbalanced
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Ever play spirit against good survivors with iron will and no stridor?
as long as both perks exist, a killer that can't see and is all about sound IS forced to use it.
I look forward to your rebuttal that proves me wrong with facts.
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Spirit isnt all about sound you can see grass moving you can predict survivor movement and no you aren't forced to use stridor perks are for this, you should use them if you want to have better efficiency on killer power as well as survivor perks are used to worsen killer powers
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Yes. Not that hard. Even tho, this is mainly because Spirit is stupid strong, not because I am good.
If you have problem with Tracking, you can use Stridor, this will counter Iron Will and Lucky Break will be mainly useless, if you can still hear the Survivor via sounds.
1 Perk Slot to counter 2 Perks from the Survivor sounds like a good deal.
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You know we have to use bt, ds and ub because killers can camp, tunnel and slug, don’t you?
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I think spirit is only overpowered on rank 20 or in the rank 1 with boosted solo teammates nurse is a lot stronger than spirit becuse you can end chases in like 10 seconds even if survivor isn't stupid .You can ofc end chases so quickly with the spirit but the survivor needs to do a lot of mistakes ,which obviously good survivors wont do them very often.Most of the games i play against spirit are 2k or 4 man escape becuse she is focused to much on the one survivor and other survivors can pressure gens really really fast
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Of course Nurse is stronger. But why should anyone invest time in learning her, when you can do far less, "learn" Spirit and be almost as good as Nurse?
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I don't see any of this (¿?) in your previous comment.
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Literally the first sentence in my post "How is Iron will unbalanced" i know i didn't added question mark but you can easily deduce that it was a question
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you actually wrong in that
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Wrong with what please explain your words
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I do like the idea of Iron Will and Stridor being removed. Game sound shouldn't be perk based. And I'm not talking about Quick & Quiet because that's actually fair, like 1 second of silence and only on a vault. But ever since the devs have messed up survivor sounds for killers, this game has been in shambles.
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The fact that I main Spirit without Stridor and that I have a headset. Just because I can't hear their grunts of pain doesn't mean I can't hear other things in the environment. If I can't hear anything at all, I stop phasing and relocate whoever I'm chasing. Not that difficult.
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that it's not an equal comparision, slug, camp and tunnel are mechanics of the game not perks.
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Lucky Break/Iron Will is totally busted. After taking a hit, with the speed boost, you can definitely lose the killer for free.
It's not a counterplay to Stridor Spirit, as she can hear you anyway, but it is a total counter to Nurse. You are slower, one error and you definitely don't know where the survivor is.
Or yes, us killers can use Stridor every game. But I don't think it is healthy for the killer's gameplay and meta.
Tbh, I won't play killer after that buff, play survivor and use Lucky Break Iron Will to completely disgust killers. If people that didn't try it are saying "it's a fair perk", I'll make them change their opinion by using it
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Or you could just play the stealth game and not get found I’ve played multiple game’s out of the killers sight and mind because blending and immersive gaming beats all I understand some have the inability to accomplish that
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stridor it's becoming very useful for me ;)