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Is nurse broken right now

Not played in a while and decided to play a game of nurse Iv never seen my blinks get swalowed up and getting hit locked onto to trees and walls when it should have hit the survivour
She's been broken for well over a year now and it doesn't seem like she's getting fixed anytime soon. Her audio and visual cues are both completely messed up on the survivor end too, she's a complete mess right now.
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Yep she's been majorly bugged ever since her nerf and even more so since dedicated servers. Refer to this video.
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Devs just sent her to the shadow realm literally after her charge meter and visual effect.
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I feel like her being able to see where she is going to teleport shouldn't be a perk but rather a passive of hers. She's just so underpowered and easily looped.
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So here's how to counter a nurse for the new people, when you see the fist run to the fist. After she misses her blink crouch in the environment behind something since she cannot see or blind her coming out of her fatigue. Its not hard she relies on tracking taking iron will also will help but any survivor over rank 15 knows to take that as a mainstay so you can lose killers if needed.
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Think you read that rong we are not asking how to counter nurse we are discussing how buggy she is. Obviously you don't play her or you would understand.
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Yea that was my b I thought I saw someone saying they couldn’t counter play her I haven’t noticed to many bugs but haven’t played her in a min I was focused on Myers spirit and ghost face before I uninstalled
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Nurse being a glitchy broken mess is nothing new unfortunately. And the dev's seem to not care in the slightest so us nurse peasants will just have to deal with it.
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I am scared for my life rn what does this mean?
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I have relatively little trouble against the Nurse. I don't know why. Play cautiously, keep your distance, and listen for her screams. I usually don't even encounter her.
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Well, sorry but that sounds like a immerse gen rusher for some reason.
But. Yeah, stealth is the best way to AVOID a nurse.
Playing unpredictably is your best chance if she finds you.
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Repairing generators is part of the game. I've never understood the counterargument that I should be throwing myself in front of the killer for free hits instead. My teammates already do enough of that.
I play conservatively and attempt to play unpredictably. I'm often discovered. With the Nurse, rarely so.
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wouldnt you like to know Weatherboy
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The amount of bugs she has is just so unbelievable and frustrating to deal with that I honestly do not understand how anyone can play Nurse without losing their sanity after a single game, even worse if it's an indoor map.
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Honestly? Reach green ranks as killer and you'll start getting so much BS from BHVR's broken matchmaking that learning Nurse will be a breeze.
Besides getting a lot of loses when starting her and the need to learn her power, her chases/gameplay and getting the muscle memory for blinks It's not thaaaaaaaat bad.
Ah, also, you need to learn how to circumvent every single bug. But you get there, eventually.
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Oh no don't get me wrong learning Nurse while being painful at first is not necessarily as hard as I expected either, and matchmaking surely helps at times even at red ranks.
I just meant that it feels terrible to be playing a tough game and have your chase completely ruined by a bug (or because you accidentally teleported into the basement you had no idea was even here, that happens too), which happens somewhat frequently too.
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Rule of thumb: always assume the Nurse is bugged after a big patch, especially if it includes any changes to level design.
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Yeah, not touching her untill coldwind get less priority in the rotation now...
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Yeah, I know, but that's something you get used to. Believe me. Unfortunately they won't touch her bugs 'cause - I can assume - they honestly don't know what to do or how to touch her without breaking her even more...
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Sounds about right honestly, but I don't think I could ever used to playing a downright broken and only somewhat functional character, just way too annoying and I'd rather rely on my skill and game knowledge than on luck. If it wasn't for the bugs I might enjoy her much more which is pretty sad.
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And yet the sad thing is, in the most recent patch, they decide to fix a bug that was beneficial to the Nurse. Now I'm not saying I wanted/think that bug deserved to stay, but I am saying it's kind of disappointing that whenever they do touch Nurse nowadays it's just to fix bugs that could be seen as potentially helpful for the Nurse player.
I can live with the whole auto-aim BS, but what I can't live with is that stupid blink bug. It has cost me so many kills/games entirely.
Edit: The aforementioned blink bug and M1 bug, actually. Both of those stupid bugs need to go.