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General Discussions

Is dbd survivour sided



  • Member Posts: 686

    I'd say both.

    But then again I'm one of these that ignore the toxic game play and just have a laugh, and if I die I die like. There's always another match.

    I'd say whoever says it's survivor sided is a bait and clearly killer main.

    And the ones saying its killer sided is also bait and survivor sided.

    I think some people take this game too seriously than they actually like to admit or infact need to and forget to see the game supposedly to be fun?

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    I don't listen to them I know them even biggest streamers admitted only 4k is for them a win balance was always 2:2 not 3 or 4 so we gotta take that in consideration

  • Member Posts: 137

    Neither, a good killer can easily destroy a group of SWF if they know what there doing. But I do agree that the killer nerfs over the years were unnecessary, the pig was fine how she was before the nerf and now she is just bad. Survivors over the years had there buffs/nerfs just like killers, for an example: Gen Speed Changes, DS nerf, Self Care even got a change back in the way when it was better, etc. Why can’t we stop fighting about which side is more favorited and just have fun playing the game??

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    No. It is SWF sided.

    Solo Q is still the most miserable experience in the game.

  • Member Posts: 177

    but if we dont have dicussion about this one side will be completley stonger than the other side

  • Member Posts: 177

    ds at endgame is a gaurented escape no matter what the killer does

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    The game doesn’t always go to endgame, you know? Killers have a very strong perk for the endgame too, NOED, which often can shut down any kind of save if the totem is not found. DS is fine how it is.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    It depends entirely on the skill of the players.

    At a low skill level where the gameplay format revolves more around stealth and safe plays, it's very killer sided, because the killer has nothing to fear.

    At a higher skill level, there's more room for survivors to grow and improve their skill, mastering loops and memorising tile formats, etc. There's four survivors who can all improve in skill, and make more risky but rewarding plays. Whereas there's only one killer, who can only improve in terms of 1v1 plays, and can't compete with three other players also improving in skill.

  • Member Posts: 177

    ds at endgame is balanced huh most times ds is more a ctructh often times than most.

  • Member Posts: 401

    I just play Solo queue on purple / red ranks. On 85 % of the games killer gets 4 kills ez pz. Or at least 3 kills.

    So is very funny reading that game is survi-sided. Maybe SWF have advantage over killers (I dont know because haven´t played that mode). So I really don´t know, but I can imagine this is something happening.

    But playing solo queue is TOTALLY killer-sided as killers destroys survivors 85% of the times. When matchmaking should work for a 50% - 50% win rate on both sides. If this balance doesn´t happen is just because game is NOT BALANCED for solo queue players. Is that simple. No matter how good or bad you are, game rating of the players should tend to 50% win rate (survivor or killer). Because matchmaking is made to compensate killers and survivors so both sides have and appropiate challengue and a close chance of winning.

    And that isn´t happening on DBD for solo queues.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    it depends- the game has way too much rng for it to be either, imo

  • Member Posts: 29


  • Member Posts: 3

    Yes I agree with yah all

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