You love to see the Twins buff

I was worried that the Devs were gonna keep the Victor nerf when they changed the sucessful pounce cooldown from 3 to 5 seconds BUT they saved it.
"Victor can now move during the successful pounce cooldown"
Thank god they saved my child. They're slowing down his slugging potential with the cooldown but making it harder to kick him if he actually plays well and lands pounces.
good to know thanks!
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Oh, that's fantastic! Way harder to yeet the baby now. Definitely like the looks of this.
Still think there should be more of a penalty for failed Vic plays and that his respawn time should be longer, but this gives survivors more time to get away while rewarding successful use of the power, so it's a solid design choice.
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They fixed an issue where he could pounce through window vaults however π
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I wouldn't get your hopes up. I imagine what they mean by "move" is Victor will be able to slowly shuffle around like Charlotte does when shes waking up, not actually having full movement speed.
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Very happy they added this change. This makes the increase pounce delay much less painful and gives Victor more counter play to the kick.
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Depends- how fast does he move? I can't imagine him being faster than a Survivor during the cooldown but if it offsets the additional 2 seconds on successful pounces (still crazy that made it to live, F Twins players) then it could be worth it.
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If true, they actually increased the slug potential, because you can't kick while he moves. That, or I'm missing something.
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Well i wonder what this truly means.
Idk the Twins well, but this sounds like it'll be the same as the movement after a regular successful hit: Slow.
And maybe you'll be able to kick him cause he'll be slow enough?
Speculation btw.
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Oh god, if that's actually what they mean then it's irrelevant and The Twins just got trashed after all.
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That might be, but then I don't understand the reason for the change (probably for the sake of the consistency god.)
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I hope Victor will get full movement speed, but knowing Behavior and how they do things and word stuff this is probably not gonna be the case.
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Well i still don't understand why Nightmare has a Haemorrhage effect on a Very Rare Add-on, so i guess there's just things we won't know. π
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I just played a match. The speed is like if u hit a pounce and slowly were moving and yes u can still be kicked. I don't really like this change and kinda make them feel sluggish. Wish they just did missed pounces
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So yup our worst fears. The movement is basically irrelevant and The Twins got trashed.
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Ahh, so it's pretty much the successful main-weapon hit movement speed?
No wait, what am i saying, it's not out yet. π
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Yup, just as I thought. Victor doesn't have full movement speed.
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Basically. Slow.and vulnerable. Oh well can't say I didn't expect this tbh
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They also kinda changed the animation of victor crawling out or something. Idk exactly but they changed it and it feels slower but I'm pretty sure it's not. Either way, I'll just use fingernail like I usually do