Bring Back Old Freddy But Buffed.

I remember when the Freddy rework was announced, and I was kinda shocked that they were changing his entire ability. To me, his power now makes no sense even after or before the patch 4.7.0 nerf. Freddy is supposed to be a dream demon, to hunt people in there dreams. I think Old Freddy needs to come back to Dbd but not useless like he was before the rework.
Freddy should be how he used to be, not able to hit survivors when awake unless there sleeping, and he should keep the snares, dream pallets, and the gen teleport. Survivors can’t wake up from skill checks or other survivors, only when they get hooked. When he is putting survivors to sleep, he is invisible and will not shown for a bit during the dream transition. Also, buff some of his add ons would you BHVR?
This change will not make him incredibly powerful, nor making him too weak. The change will make him a decent killer in my opinion.
Also, thanks for reading if you see this. <3
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The dream sequence is already a huge plus for Freddy than any other killer.
Brighter map, subtle terror music and plenty of effective powers he can utilize.
Preventing survivors from waking each other up and etc would be unfair since it'll literally be living hell for them.
I'd only be down for this if he loses his teleportation. That makes him the only killer with a map jumping ability. Not even the Nurse can do that.
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i can see this working considering it fits his character a lot more. however they would need to find a way to make his power good enough to at least be in B tier
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I'd only be down for this if he loses his teleportation. That makes him the only killer with a map jumping ability. Not even the Nurse can do that.
Demogorgon? Also, technically Hag, though that requires Survivors to trip the Traps if you're not using Mint Rag.
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why he teleport is accurate to the moive by making something safe into someting scary his teleport stays.
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I most certainly do, my friend! I really want my main back, and this is literally the perfect moment for the devs to give him back to us.
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I honestly do not want to see the 50% generator/heal penalty while a sleep come back.
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I dunno. I feel like giving Survivors a 100% immune state and a 7 second countdown in the current gen rush meta would make Freddy useless.
Back when I played Old Freddy, people would just ignore me and unhook in my face, because they were untouchable.
They would sit on generators for 5 seconds, because they knew 2 seconds was enough to run to a pallet/loop.
They would fail skillchecks because letting me know where they were meant nothing, since I could not hit them.
Old Freddy would be interesting mechanically, but Z-Tier. His power would mean Survivors were immune to damage with a 7 second countdown AFTER Freddy finally found them and THEN he would have to chase & loop them like normal. In the current meta, where a 10 second mistake can cost Killers the game, those forced 7 seconds, per Survivor, per health state/hook, would see Freddy just flipped off by Survivors as they get a 4-Man escape.
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maybe 20% is a decent nerf
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Old Freddy, my boi :( I really wanna him back. He is reason i played this game for years.
Anyway. I liked your idea. But my opinion:
+He has to get survivors to Dream World for attack them. Him old power will back.
+Survivors can not awake with skill check or by other survivors. Only if they get hook or clocks. When one survivor use clock, Freddy will see him aura for 10 seconds.
+He will teleport all gens. Normal gens red, repaired gens will shown as blue.
+For each survivor in dream world, survivors will lose repair, sabo, heal speed 5% (Max 20%)
+Dream Pallets base-kit. But Freddy can not use them himself. Pallets will respawn randomly. Max 7 pallets. When one of them destroyed, one pallet will respawn randomly.
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I'd rather just have it thrown out all together seeing as in this version, you wouldn't be able to actively wake yourself up at all. One of the things that was incredibly boring about old Freddy IMO was the cycle of:
Find a survivor, they run immediately in some random direction once they hear the lullaby, wait 7 seconds to do anything, they fall asleep. If the killer leaves to sleep other survivors, you blow up a gen and wake up, then they either come back and do the whole thing over again or finally commit to a chase. It was just really long and really uneventful for both sides.
And this doesn't include the gen perks we have now that can be stacked on top of it that could be even more into overkill territory. My hope for Freddy was making him into a more faster trap based killer. Like him being able to toggle through all of his abilities, but have separate meaningful cooldown/resources on each of them so you can't just spam them. That way you could set up fake pallets here, puddles there, and teleport to herd survivors into them.
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but that woudnt accurate because in the moives they had to hurt themselve or grab freddy and pull him in id would say stunning with pallets get you out of the dreamworld so its easy to get out dreamworld either that or bring selfcare again
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Hes already stronag enogh. He needs no buffs. They should buff demo firdt
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Demo already got buffed.
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If old Freddy comes back I will jizz. In a good way.
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sounds like your a suviour main
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I actually main demo. And freddu is strong enough he needs no buffs lol. Also you sound like a freddy main
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You think you want it but you don't. Trust me I put so many hours into that killer.
The aura reading alone will make people hate him more than new freddy.
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I have proof of me 4king with him too. Thing is prenerf freddy took little skill. Im actually good at the game, i dont need op kilkers to win.
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i play all kilers and freddy implemation is not the best to say the least
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All DbD players know, Freddy is weakest killer in that game. You are survivor main or you are new at this game idk
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Obvious bait. If your talking about the freddy when he was first added i agree but modern freddy is still strong. Also survivor main is ur only comeback lolz.
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Ok, this thread proves that most people want Old Freddy back, which is amazing and I love y'all for that. But, the few who don't want him back have one complaint in common: his inability to interrupt actions during the Dream Transition.
Said complaint is totally understandable. It was one of his weaknesses, after all. So, please allow me to offer a solution, straight from my proposed idea for a Freddy rework:
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see glimpses of The Nightmare and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
This should prevent those situations from ever happening again.
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Freddy is strong enough.
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I'd like him back simply because I'd like to play Freddy without feeling like I'm boosted again. New Freddy has so much utility that he doesn't feel challenging to play even against decent players.
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Kd personally just make it to where he cant fake qteleporqts
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Ask anyone, they will say Freddy is weakest killer in DbD. He needs buffs. Even trapper stronger than him. If you do not believe me ask @lob
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Obvious bait, 0/10
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That, I could agree with. It would mean Survivors only get a small bonus to loop times. But they could no longer unhook, work on gens, or open exit gates directly in front of a hapless Freddy.
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Who is weakest killer then
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Demo strongest killer in this game. He can teleport everywhere with him portals. Also he have killer version Dead Hard.
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wow are u challenging a veteran who win contstantly with all killers espically trapper and nurse and addonles pfft you must be sluzzy troll account
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Oh, glad to see that you agree with my idea. It is a simple fix, but it would help him immensely.
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When I first started playing and my friend explained The Nightmare to me, I imagined something entirely different. I thought your character's body would fall asleep on the actual map and you would awaken in the Dream World and have to navigate the labyrinth to find the exit and awaken yourself and return to the actual map or if another Survivor found your body sleeping and woke you up. So when the Dream World was just a filtered version of the existing map, it was a big disappointment. This is what I thought going into the Dream World was gonna be!
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I do miss old freddy maybe an add on could make so we can play old freddy. But rework him back to his old self with some buffs? Don't think it will happen. I did enjoy old freddy but his power was very weak to the point that survivors saw him as a free win.
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4man swf squad on pc with optimal perks. 4ked them as demogorgon. Its proof i have skill, unlike you.
Lol lmao
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Sorry for the nad qual.. my tablet camera is doodoo butter
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And with qthat, you forfeited any chance of me qtaking u seriosusly.
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We have pro player here huh
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wow look at you a 4k with a killer i get that with trapper addonless get out my face with ur ego you probaly dc after getting looped for 2 gens
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I wouldnt call me self a pro, but im above average, yeah
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Which was something you could use to your advantage, sometimes. I mean, I have seen good survivors get killed by Old Freddy because of overconfidence.
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I love Old Freddy, he is my boi but i think he was weakest killer in the game. He needed some changes, not rework. Your idea is good, now survivors can not use 7 seconds against Freddy. Also give him dream pallets & teleport power. And survivors can not awake easly. So those changes would make him really good. Not A-Tier maybe but he would be good B-Tier.
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general having look at the moives which way can we implement freddy as a whole to make him like the moives or somewhat like his old self
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If we want to be 100% faithful to the movies, than we would need to make him a god who can do literally anything in the Dream World.
However, bringing back his old self is the right thing to do. Here is my proposed idea:
Pull survivors into the Dream World
-Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.
-Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see glimpses of The Nightmare and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
-When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:
-Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.
-Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.
-To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.
-Failed Generator Skill Checks can also wake up.
-Hooked Survivors wake up.
Special Ability: Dream Projection
-Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.
-Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.
-For each Survivor in the Dream World, the cool-down of using Dream Projection is reduced by stack-able 20%.
“You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger
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this is perfect but surviour will pout do to most people are freddy haters unlike us.