Demo's portals are easily the worst form of map pressure power.

It's just really unfun to use. The stealth side of it sucks since your walking with bricks for shoes so that's useless. You have to have been previously there in order to teleport so it's a setup thing that can easily be destroyed, the portals themselves are slow to teleport (still even with the buff) and loud as hell so everyone's looking around once you teleport.
They take forever to place with a clunky animation when they should be more like placing snares like freddy and yeah, they're just plain not fun to use. Just had to talk about it now that I've played him a few times to try out the buff.
They're a nice little bonus power. Map traversal is always useful, even if it's not Blight-levels of mobility.
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I mean they don't compete with the map pressure of Freddy, Hillbilly or Blight for example, but I disagree that they are bad, and I personally enjoy using them a lot.
If you've got enough setup, they can definitely help you get to a far away point on the map extremely quick, sometimes even quicker than with the former mentioned killers. Their effectiveness kind of decreases the less distance you have to cover with them, but even at not too far ranges they can still be helpful.
I think Demo would be far weaker without them.
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The portal are pretty decent though.
They can can save you a ton of time if you place them right.
The Undetectable part of it isn't meant to give you easy grabs but rather make it easier to get closer to survivors before they notice you similiar to Monitor&Abuse.
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I think it could be really interesting to use the lifeguard whistle + the pumpkin and devour hope.
The pumpkin means you will always have a portal on hand to get back to the totem instead of leaving a bunch of useless portals all over the place. Or the same with the basement.
Haven’t gotten around to trying it though.
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That definetely sounds like a nasty combo but i kinda hate using devour because i hate losing it before i get any value out of it
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Well it could be any totem really; since the whistle gives you a free heads up anytime someone is around. I just thought devour because it’s probably the best one to defend.
Add in a map offering like say, Midwhich, where many of the totems are in rooms with 1-2 entrances you could stick portals on? Sounds pretty nasty since you can essentially always be holding a portal to get back to them with the pumpkin.
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then use freddy
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I don't have Freddy nor am I gonna get him. I may have Demo to P3 but I rarely play him (Same case as PH where I'm not a huge fan of their power but like how their bloody cosmetics looked). Plus his shred is really fun to use, I just have a problem with how clunky his portals are, however it could just do with me knowing how to play him but not having in-depth knowledge on how to use them to their max potential.
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I like them tbh
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the only thing is quiter footsteps and no mapwide screetch and thats it but in my opinion freddy teleport better because it cant get cleansed.
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I just toss them everywhere because no survivor can resist sealing a portal.
Complete generator or seal portal? I mean...the Demogorgon might come through it, maybe...and the portal's glowing so...I mean...