How do people enjoy Hag?...
She's so annoying to play
The entire time you're just getting looped, and your traps are being set off multiples at a time so you waste time laying traps
Not to mention when you do teleport to a trap, you're basically slowed to 1m/s for like a second and the survivor usually gets enough distance to get away anyway, unless you press the teleport button literally right as the trap is triggered
She's just so frustrating to play mechanically and not fun
Seems like you're playing her wrong then.
A good Hag is very scary to go against and only very smart and aggressive teams are able to give her a hard time
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Fun is in the eye of the beholder I'd say
Many people like the methodical planning that playing a set up killer brings. Coralling survivors into your web of traps and so on. It's like asking why people enjoy playing Trapper - most of the game you're chasing people as machete man but your traps can come in clutch, it's the same for hag but on steroids because your traps are so powerful when used right
Also, really good hag players don't really get slowed down when they teleport - they teleport and immediately swing, leaving little recourse for survivors. It's so strong that it's gross. Most hags won't loop, they'll trap every loop for the most part
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People like her set up and defensive playstyle. Not everyone wants to just loop mindlessly
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Which is basically 3/4 teams in red ranks...
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I'd say most people don't know how to play against a hag from my experience
Hell, I hardly know how to beat a hag - I just try to mess with their traps as much as I can and hope my teammates can pick up the slack
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If you’re saying she’s mechanically frustrating, then you’re playing her wrong. Hag is not about the mechanics at all, she’s more about knowledge and strategic gameplay. You don’t chase with Hag and if you do, you won’t be able to do well with her.
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How do I enjoy her? Oh, it's easy.
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The problem is, if I lay a trap, they trigger it on purpose and then run away, and if I chase I lost
If I don't chase and go set another trap, they see me setting the trap an then do the same thing again
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Because you don't need to worry or care about gens going off on the distance she might very well be the only killer who can feel this way. And survivors who are unaware of your traps you will hit them. So if they're setting of your traps don't put them in an obvious spot put them in a spot the survivors won't easily spot. And after you down a survivor wait a moment to see if another trap goes off and start to slug. And whatever you don't chase outside your trap area. Hag is slow and short.
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If you're getting looped a lot as Hag, then your trap placement is off.
Map knowledge is key.
Go for common areas that survivors run through. You can even leave pallets down of you put a trap on one side of it. I get lots of people that way.
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I enjoy playing as her, I absolutely adore trap based play styles. She's also small and has a deceptive terror radius. With Monitor and Abuse I have so much fun sneaking up on Survivors.
I abhor playing against her, she's pure hell to go against as survivor.
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The thing is, putting down a trap takes too long and people see you do it, and then they can just trigger it on the edge of it, and you have 0 chance of catching them
Idk why she's rated so high, she's terrible at high ranks, VERY easy to counter
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Her add on that increases setting speed is one of her best. Let's you put down traps mid loop.
If you're doing it while the surv is watching, think about it as a zoning weapon. Make the surv either run in a bad direction or over your trap. Either way you probably win.
Also, make sure to put down a bunch early as you patrol. Nobody is likely watching then.
And, at high ranks, EVERY killer is pretty counterable. Unless you're good at nurse or spirit, you'll have to work hard to beat a skilled, coordinated group.
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Idk she's just very easy to counter, just follow her around and watch where she puts traps down then just walk to the edge of the trap and then run away, she'll never catch you in time
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What rank are you? She's so hard to play in red ranks since every survivor knows how to counter her
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These are some exemples of why i enjoy Hag:
If you think that she is a weak killer as you described, i asure you that you are playing her wrongly.
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Hag is an incredibly powerful killer in the right hands. Watch how others play Hag, there's probably some great Hag players out there.
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Can you give me some tips? trap placement, chasing style, etc?
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She is kind of stale to play after a match or two though i agree, it would be cool if the killer also just changed the essence of the trial in some way you know?
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From your messages I can see that you play hag wrong/ play her like other killers which is not the way to play her. You need a very different mindset while playing as her. Hag is a character that mirrors your skill perfectly. In that case she is like Nurse. The better your skill the better the killer is in your hands Regardless how the other team behaves your skill with her shows how the game ends.
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From your messages I can see that you play hag wrong/ play her like other killers which is not the way to play her. You need a very different mindset while playing as her. Hag is a character that mirrors your skill perfectly. In that case she is like Nurse. The better your skill the better the killer is in your hands Regardless how the other team behaves your skill with her shows how the game ends.
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You can start with her build:
When the match starts, place a trap near to the closest pallet or window (its usually right where you spawned, dont waste more than 3 seconds for this), look for more loops and trap them while you walk to the middle of the map, aiming for gens not affected by Corrupt.
Trap path intersections, main building / shack, lopps, hooks and gens.
Do not start chasing before you have at least 4-5 traps set at the beggining of the match, if you find someone, you can follow them while you keep trapping and minding your own business...
Dont go too far away from your traps, to get hits you have to instantly teleport to them and if you are out of range u wont be able to do that! Trap half the map with your 10 available traps and sooner or later you will get survivors injured and downed.
Do NOT place trap too close together, they will messup your teleports and are extremely inefficient, try to place them at least 16m from each other, keep them spread.
If you ever teleport to a trap and dont get a free hit becuase the survivor flee, do NOT start chasing (if you notice you cant get a hit within 2 seconds) before setting the same trap on the same spot, if a survivor triggered it, it means that they will probably do it again, so thats a good spot for a trap.
A single trap in front of a hooked survivor is enough, if u dont have all your traps set yet after hooking a survivor, start trapping the surrounding loops of the hook, not the hook itself.
Whenever you are out of a chase, keep pressing the teleport button so u can get a free hit and start a chase right after that. If you are already in a chase, u have to make a decision based on what you see:
- If the chased survivor is going to a trap, stop pressing the teleport until he gets close to it because if another survivor steps on a trap it will mess up the first chase.
- If he is not going to a trap and u are getting looped, keep pressing the teleport so u can start another chase and leave the first survivor injured, do NOT overcommit, you will get them later, dont worry.
There is much more to say about Hag, but most of it is based on experience you will get by playing her, so my advise is to start playing and keep learning as u play, the build i provided will help u a lot and i hope the tips i just gave also help you.
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I don't know why I enjoy Hag. Maybe because you can really f**k with people when playing her. Once I got forced to proxy camp a Yui to death because the whole team where exactly where I hooked her. I felt so bad and they all got so mad at me :(
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Idk how to quote a specific part
but where you said: "If you ever teleport to a trap and dont get a free hit becuase the survivor flee, do NOT start chasing (if you notice you cant get a hit within 2 seconds) before setting the same trap on the same spot, if a survivor triggered it, it means that they will probably do it again, so thats a good spot for a trap."
The problem with that is if I teleport in and the survivor is too far for me to hit, if I stop chasing and just reset trap then they can see me reseting and will just trigger it on purpose again once I leave, but they'll trigger it just on the edge and I won't be able to get a hit. This is the problem I have with had, the fact that when she first teleports in, she's slow as #########
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Unless your trap was set right in front of a strong loop, you shouldnt be caught by surprise on the second time it gets triggered, so instead of instantly trying to hit the survivor (and missing it), just walk and hit them, and if they do go to a strong loop, just trap it and they will go elsewhere, its usually enough time for someone to trigger another trap somewhere else on the map.
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What do you do about survivors that just follow you and watch you place traps? can't do much about them since hag is so slow
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A good Hag is nothing at red ranks. It only takes one good survivor to completely destroy her.
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Okay look, there is one very big thing you need to know about Hag: operate from the shadows. You have to constantly look around you if someone is watching you because surprise traps are 100x times more efficient than the ones the team saw. Make sure all the time that no eyes are on you. I often set up a web on the fly during the few times I follow a survivor. The moment the survivor runs around a corner set a trap. the moment you see during a chase that they have no line of sight towards you, search a good place (should not take more than 0,5 seconds) and trap it, then herd them into this trap. Also constantly look at character models if they look back at you. Also do not trap while being too close to them or they hear the trapping sound
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if you get looped as hag you are playing her incorrectly, you shouldn't chase survivors they should come to you. Hag is all about being rewarded for the waiting game, predicting where the survivors will move, create a web of traps.
DONT. CHASE. AS. HAG unless they are pretty much dead zoned and its a free hit
Put your traps close to gens and choke points where you think survivors will go to
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Everyone have to disturb her trap. That's how you counter her, which it's quite hard, and you need to start immediately.
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Working on setting your traps behind objects in area where survivors won't see you setting it.
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Don't spread your trap far apart increasing the chance of survivors spotting them.
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I enjoy rusty shackles :)
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Yes hate the Hag 😈 she's a very unfun killer to play and I'd recommend playing any of the other 23 killers in the game
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Your reflexes need to be razor sharp. If someones triggering your traps immeidiatly teleporting to punish is key. Do not lay your traps too close to a pallet and the survivor will be unable to trip it without taking a hit. Run sloppy butcher to disincentive survivors from taking hits.
If your reactions speed just isnt there this killer is not for you. If you have any gaming mouse bind the teleport button to an easy to reach place to help with this. Hag can be frustrating vs aggresivee teams but honning your reactions speeds is key.
At the very least your deviousness points will be high XD.
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Listen man, you aren't playing her right period.
You don't trap in obvious places where someone would easily expect a trap..this is alot easier when you start utilizing another aspect of her traps. Start placing traps in loops and areas that aren't dead center to the pallet.
Wat this means try placing your traps around the actual loop, but NOT ON the loop, of that makes sense. Hags traps have a secondary ability associated with them, and that is a screen drag affect. When a survivor pops a hag trap, they look towards it automatically. You can use this to break their stride and offset their position by facing the trap around the loop at an angle you want them to get turned to if they continue a loop and get greedy.
I also wouldn't waste time placing too many traps at small or unsafe pallets.. It wastes more time than it saves in some cases because it might be unnecessary, and they may already be expecting a trap at the more obvious loops anyway. I like trapping structures if I can get to them early, especially if it's a main structure with a gen inside.. those are a great base to build around, and there's no way a survivor can see you placing traps without hugging your butt.
Also, don't make your web TOO tight. Make it fairly loose and cover a good base, hag can really cut off like half a stage from survivors, if gens went any slower she would be OP. Hag is really good once you get used to playing with a different mindset.
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Watch Michi hag videos.
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You can do a lot with her. You can have some big brain plays with her.
For example, I was on Haddonfield last night and she ran me up stairs in a house but didn't follow. I could only escape through the front door or the two second story windows. I decided to go for a window and hag had placed a trap where I'd drop out from knowing I'd vault the windows. Very brilliant play and I was genuinely impressed.
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I'd recommend running Agitation so you have faster hooks and can TP to traps as soon as possible. I used to have traps trigger while carrying someone and miss out on some easy hits.
Her defensive playstyle and setup is really fun, especially when it comes to a hex build and making sure they don't get destroyed.
She can stop pallet loops pretty easily, she makes survivors play differently.
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Last 4K I got on Hag was almost a year ago. Hag on Azarovs, they had zero chance. I easily 3 genned them one end and by the last 10 minutes or so (it was nearly a 40 minute match) the last 2 gave up.
She's kind of like Twins, she's extremely effective if you're willing to commit to a rather boring, defensive playstyle.
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Here is a gameplay from survivors perspective:
I was the Hag using the perks i linked u earlier and no addons. It was a full Rank 1 CWF as u can see in the video and that match ended up really fast.
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Not salty, but don't play her then? If she's not fun for you, there's nothing wrong with that. Play someone you do like. Or work on getting better with Hag and don't worry about getting a 4k. When I play killer I almost always get red rank swfs against my level 18-20 killer. I have no chance, but I'm not going to get upset about it. I still have fun and work on learning the killer and making smart plays when I can, even if I get no kills.
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To be honest they werent very good for red rank survivors
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Hag is actually really fun to play, and I agree with Oni that wants to take my macaroni. As a hag main, I can also see that you kinda play her wrong. Have you considered watching Michi? He's one of if not the best hag players and I highly suggest watching his vid
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I enjoy the feeling of having survivors run into traps one after the other and feeling like my brain is ######### humongous
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Yes, they werent, but thats the result on MOST of my matches, if u still getting rekt as Hag even after all the tips u've got, u either have to Git Gud, or go play another killer.
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I just got a 4k against 4 rank 1s.... and then got my ass handed to me next game by a mix of rank 3--5s and got a 2k just because of camping ...
Idk man Hags just not clicking for me, I always teleport to traps and they're already 6 feet away and I start off slow