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General Discussions

What's your reaction to seeing a No Mither player in your game

Member Posts: 67
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Killers, of course, would be more than delighted unless the No Mithers intend to abuse known bugs or exploits such as the Breakdown bug or extreme lag that prevents them from being picked up.

But for survivors, are you surprised? Angry? Or you just don't care?


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  • Member Posts: 3,558

    "They didn't make it..." And I walk out the game and don't even think twice about going back for them

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    Something about that no mither sign just makes killers so happy. It's a ticket to tunnel town.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Slug them to death

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    "He must be on crack"

  • Member Posts: 215

    As a noob I didn’t know what was no mither, I hit a David and thought he disappeared turns out he was the floor from no mither he picked his self up and I caught him later from the groaning he made

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I think "oh #########, I'm about to deal with 4 second chance perks, one of which is a slower but repeatable Unbreakable".

    I really don't like how underappreciated No Mither is. The significant majority of survivors don't heal so in the hands of a decent SWF team it's not a fun perk to deal with. And I only ever see it if either I'm running it or a SWF team is.

  • Member Posts: 144

    They are either :

    A. Very confident with themselvs and have the skills to back up their perk choice.

    B. A rank 20 who doesn't know what the perk does.

    C. Doing a meme build or as a challenge from a buddy.

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    I expect the killer to promptly tunnel them out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    When I play survivor and see it on a random in the party, I think, "Well -- this is going to be a 3 v. 1 pretty soon". 😂

    When I play killer, I actually have a ton of respect for anyone who's gutsy enough to run the build. I've given hatch/door to No Mither players before because of it, and I actively will try to NOT down them first if I can help it. I actually tried to give hatch to one person playing it in a match and slugged them with one other survivor left so I could kill the other person first -- and literally forgot No Mither would allow them to pick themselves up -- oops. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 727

    'No Mither? Must be going for adept David, then.'

    (The only people I've seen using no mither so far, are David's.)

    And then, I just play like normal.

  • Member Posts: 1,347
    edited May 2021

    oh ######### we gona lose couse of him, oh probably adept match if its david

    edit: and oh well it will be 3v1 since begining

  • Member Posts: 1,075

    "he's gonna get down within 5 seco- yeah"

    Roll my eyes and don't even bother going for the unhook until I'm done with my gen

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    I get pretty annoyed ngl. If I see it as Survivor then I get upset because my teammate is essentially throwing the game from before it even starts. As Killer, I feel bad for the other survivors and angry at the no mither because again, they’re throwing the game for their team. Sure, no mither is essentially infinite unbreakable, but a smart killer just wont slug the no mither if they see the broken icon. Being able to make yourself immune to slugging is decent sure, but you’re also permanently injured which undeniably puts you and your team at a major disadvantage, even if they have dead hard. So yeah, I don’t like people who use no mither.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "Remember... no slugging".

  • Member Posts: 454

    "I hope you know what you are doing..."

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Get the killers attention because a no mither found early is usually a rip.

    As killer I usually find them first unintentionally and leave them be after the first hook but the easy win is always there.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    As killer "Well found my first victim"

    As survivor "we're about to have a bad time"

  • Member Posts: 82

    As a survivor I have major respect for them as I run a No Mither build on Tapp (No Mither, Tenacity, Iron Will, Unbreakable) so I know the struggle.

    As a killer I always make sure to give them as much of a chance as the rest of them, by not tunneling them out of the game and only slugging them if I catch them quickly after being unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    edited May 2021

    "This #########'s why i'm Wraith!"

    I know you said Survivors, but still wanted to share this thought. 😉

  • Member Posts: 368

    "welp, we're all gonna die." Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised, but usually the NM user gets tunneled out pretty quick. Had an SQ game with 2 NM's and it was one of the hardest matches I've ever had. The 2 survs running it were decent, but the Killer's attention was all on them, leaving the other 2 of us to try to slam out gens as fast as we could and run interference when possible.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Really? Not a single person did surprised pikachu. I'm disappointed in this community.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    I laugh and generally give them Hatch if I'm in a winning position as Killer. Life for the memey one.

    If I'm playing Survivor, and not the one with No Mither, I will die for them and then laugh when they die despite my sacrifice.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Do you WANT to die?

  • Member Posts: 994

    As someone who uses no mither because its fun. I cheer. When i play killer. I cheer. Because its fun.

  • Member Posts: 79

    Depends on if they also ran iron will. If they did then awesome stealth killer man go lets keep the boi safe. if not then oh this man wants to be wrecked by a freight train good luck brother.

  • Member Posts: 687

    Why run both No Mither AND Unbreakable if No Mither is basically infinite Unbreakable? Not asking to be rude, I don't play David or use No Mither but from my understanding of the perk, it's basically infinite Unbreakable, no? Or am I missing something about the Unbreakable + No Mither combo?

  • Member Posts: 720

    For the killer: It is a Birthday Present. :-)

    For the team: We know that the player intends to not be here long.


    The perk really SHOULD be re-worked OR for custom games only. Such as for the run-offs in Custom Dead by Daylight tournaments such as Sandbagging matches.

  • Member Posts: 919

    I always think that it's probably a new player that got trolled when looking up " best survivor perks for dbd".

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I play as usual, unless it's a David. I mean, I'm always ready to take protection hit, to trade hook in the end if it's the only way to save a teammate...

    But I see a No Mither David... I'm protecting them like a fragile kitten. I remember when I have done my Adept achievement on David... It was the most terrible thing I ever attempted in DBD.

    So, I wanna them to do it and be free.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    I go "Alright, am i about to get a easy game, a hard game, or a hacker game"

    Always one of those 3 scenarios, either the No Mither is going for adept David and barely knows how to play, is a god and is using No Mither to flex, or is using cheats to make hooking him impossible

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    im always like: come on man whyd you have to make yourself 1 shot all game

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    I'm not talking about that, I'm talking a hack that lets them lag out the game to make hooking completely impossible

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    If its a David

    Step 1) Be nice and give them hatch cause I assume its for the adept

    Step 2) Get irrationally angry when it isnt


    Step 1) Wack

    Step 2) I guess they are dead

  • Member Posts: 82

    DW you're not rude, it's just Unbreakable increases your healing speed during the dying state by 35% (Tier 3)

  • Member Posts: 588

    I think they are a gigabrain survivor, but then they are bad

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