What the Hell am I?

RiskyKara Member Posts: 804

I'm in a weird situation as a survivor. I don't know what rank I am really supposed to be.

My friend assures me swears up and down I play like a Red Rank, and the game agrees that I am actually a Red Rank now. However lots of times when I'm playing against Red Rank killers they will absolutely dominate me. They'll control loops or chases and maybe I'll last 10-20 seconds from the moment I run to the moment I'm downed. My friend alternatively who is also the same rank as me can go to those same exact killers in the exact same games and last 30-45 seconds reliably. I watch them play and it feels like I do the exact same things as them but it never works for me quite as smoothly. Where they barely make the next vault or the pallet stun I end up dying on the other side.

With red ranks I make a lot of mistakes and I get punished very quickly for it.

For that reason it feels like I should be a purple rank, right? Especially when I seem to die far more often at red rank matches than not.

Yet when I go against a purple rank killer it's a totally different story. I've had several several matches with purple ranks where I can keep chases going well over a minute without a problem, I've had loads of games where they just give up on me, or I feel so confident I run in to get a protection hit for a stranger who may be on death hook. With purple I feel far more in control of my own destiny.

I don't feel like I play good enough to be a red rank, (Especially compared to my friend and those I spectate) but I feel like based on the evidence purple rank isn't quite right either. I'm definitely closer to losing 70% of my matches at Red but winning most of my matches on purple (Defined by pipping in this case.)

I have a rank identity crisis, and this is the only game I've ever played that made me feel so confused inside.


  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I kind of have the same issue.

    I'm a green rank killer (10, to be precise) but I've fairly reliably stomped red rank survivors without much trouble (unless I'm playing Huntress or Ghostface. I suck at them for some reason).

    And no, I don't play Hag or Stridor Spirit or Nurse, although I do play a lot of Bubba, Wraith and PH.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited May 2021

    Pretend to play the loops and run away pretend to run away and play the loop watch for getting zoned that's the number one killer strat in my opinion the best counter is accept that you are going to get zoned maybe carry lithe to get out or head on.

    Just keep at it and you'll start seeing a difference some killers just can't be fooled and that's OK too.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    How many hours do you have?

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    the current rank doesn't directly correlate to player skill/experience because of a few major issues:

    1. Any player with an above average pip per match will eventually rank up given enough time. That means that the guy with thousand hours of investment that 1pip or 2 pip every single match will end up in the same place along with the fresh guy that 1pip every 10 games. The difference is just how long it will take.
    2. There is a hard cap to progression (rank 1) and it is low. Players on red ranks are matched against each other. It doesn't matter if it's the legacy HillBilly that can fly across the map or the first-timer rank 4. That explains the outlandish difference between killers you've seen in red and purple ranks.
    3. The rank reset was supposed to setback players to compensate for the time investment factor that players can put towards ranking. In reality, it doesn't.
  • tomtomrc89
    tomtomrc89 Member Posts: 6

    I have the exact same problem as you! It’s ok, you are not alone with your rank identity confusion lol.

    So I think I have a good understanding of the game, how to earn pips and in ability to read the game/make decisions but when it comes to killer chases, against rank 5 and below I’m fine, but against red ranks I feel completely outmatched. I’ve got to Rank 4 (highest 4.2, I think) but these days I just yoyo between Ranks 4 and 5... drop a pip when up against red ranks but then regain it when I go against purple (or below).

    Maybe it’s due to killer ability to chase/read plays and having had more experience if they are red? (Idk, I’ve not played killer before).

    That said, I’m Trying to stop myself caring too much about rank and just enjoy the game.

    But, it does sound like we are on the cusp of red... here for you my fellow rank-identity-crisis friend!

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    It's not about what rank people are, It's about how much experience you have. The more experience you have the better. Meaning there could be a killer who is red rank, same as you. But he could 1000s of hours of experience were you may have 100 hours of experience.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Well honestly, the ranking and piping systems in this game are pretty ass, so most of the time I'd judge how good someone is based on their play time.

    With everything you mentioned in your actual post, and your play time, I'd say you probably don't belong in red ranks.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    In DBD your rank reflects you.

    Brown - You are 💩

    Yellow ‐ Newish player

    Green - Starting to feel sick of the game.

    Purple ‐ Choking on the Toxic nature of other players.

    Red - Frustrated and pissed off

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    This is why some say rank indicates how much you play not how good you are

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    The highest rank I've ever been is rank 12 and I've had the most fun matches around that rank. The Killers are good and my teammates are good and I do really good at that rank. I still die sometimes, but I do way better. I don't play enough to keep that rank or get a higher rank so when rank is reset, I'm booted back down to rank 16 or 17. I have the hardest time getting back to rank 12 too. Most of the matches aren't good and when I do eventually reach rank 12, it resets and boots me back down to rank 17 or 16 and the horrible process begins again xD

    I don't care all that much about saying "Hey, everyone look - I'm rank 12!" I just really want to have fun and rank 12 is the most fun for me. I wish I could just stay at that rank and it not have to be reset and make me start over.