Wraith is the best stealth killer (was and still is in my opinion)

All stealth killers include: Myers, Ghost Face, Pig, and debatably Deathslinger (depending on perks and play style). I know for a while Ghost Face was considered the top of the bunch, but I always felt like with add-ons that Wraith had the slight upper hand. Now that Wraith has received buffs recently, I think it is safe to say that Wraith is the ultimate stealth killer.
I don’t get why he is consistently rated so low compared to the other killers. While his power does not exactly help in chase, it still allows him to get hits on unsuspecting survivors (minus those with Spine Chill) that almost all other killers cannot do. And even then, he now has significantly more chase potential than before. He can catch up quickly with his speed boost in cloak, he dominates small enough loops when uncloaking, and he can bodyblock efficiently. His lunge coming out of cloak in itself is an additional power that functions like a better version of Pig’s dash.
I’m done with the Wraith slander from here on out. He is a low A/high B tier killer and deserves some respect. Thank you for your time.
I agree when I played Wraith he was great I no longer needed windstorm I could use no addons and he felt very strong for a long time he was the worst now he’s actually great.
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Id almost not consider him a stealth killer tbh. He is stealthy in some ways but in some ways he is a sprinter type killer
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As a solo survivor when I hear that dang bell in a game I am thinking, "crap not the Wraith" lol. TBH I think Wraith is OP and needs something to slow him down. He is way too fast and invisible killers are way harder than any other stealth killer. I have yet to win a match with him as the killer and I have had some great teams.
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Wraith is dogshit what are you on? lmao
Yeah he's great fun at rank 20 but ranks 1-5 he's basically useless, survivors HEAR you coming from a mile away due to his mouth breathing, and his "invisibility" is trash
He's fun but no good
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He's absolutely a great killer now with the buffs.
The lunge is insaaane. A good Wraith player is absolutely terrifying. I know that this can be said for pretty much any killer though, those who specialize in said killer are exceptional but I find it especially true on Wraith. He literally goes so fast now, you can't take mobility for granted in a game where every second matters, especially with how fast gens get done.
To anyone who thinks he is still crap, just give it some time. I see him leveling out at A or B. He has a lot of versatility and I really hope we see similar rework / buffs for Trapper, Pig and Myers in the near future.
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Wraith is still hard D tier, C at best
To experienced players his power is just completely useless because they can HEAR you coming from like 20 feet
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As a consistent red rank killer myself, I find Wraith to be very good at handling most red rank teams (some red rank teams aren’t truly deserving of being in red ranks tbh but that’s just how the game is). I might be biased in that Wraith is one of my mains that I have mastered quite well, but I honestly think he has way more potential than you’re giving him credit for. Against some really hard teams, I find that with Wraith you can change up your play style easily to best go against different types of strong teams.
I think he will be similar in perception to when Leatherface was buffed. At first, everyone thought the buff was good but nothing special, but now everyone fears Leatherface because he can be very deadly if played aggressively.