Rank doesn't matter but People don't want to go against 4 Rank 1s

D3spair Member Posts: 715

Title, just a shower thought that Players here keep saying that Rank doesn't matter but don't want going against rank 1s on both side.


  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Because yellow and green ranks means easy games. You can bullying them. You can annoy new players. But in red & purple most of players have same skill. And you can not do that. That is reason.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    It's... Almost like going against lower ranked survivors is a certainty they're terrible, whereas with rank 1 survivors there is a CHANCE they are extremely potato because of severely flawed the ranking/pipping system in the game works.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    There's manny issues here, to me the biggest being what affects matchmaking, the second biggest the Pipin System and lastly how SWF affects ranks and the matchmaking.

    Naturally you have to assume high rank players are good because that's how it should be in any ranked system but that doesn't happen sometimes because matchmaking, swf and the pipin system are huge components when putting people in the right ranks. If you're in an SWF you're most likely with people you know and you're all in the same boat skill wise and game sense wise wich means you are all ranking up accordingly, if that's not the case then you're simply trying to boost a friend wich ends up two ways, you either succeed and you friend is ranking up despite not fully deserving it and it's inflating the rankings or because you're trying to boost someone who isn't ready for higher ranks that player won't be ranking up because he lacks game knowledge and sense and you are risking your rank aswell, meaning you might end up not keeping your rank wich means you're a higher skilled player on a lower rank. Wich creates a higher mid rank grind than it should.

    Also Naturally people who can't play alot of time usually don't wanna rank up too much for the natural fear of facing really good players and not enjoy the game, so if everyone starts playing only around purple ranks, that creates a huge Grind Zone where skill level is all mixed and the matchmaking has a huge problem because despite everyone being within the same rank range, the skill level is all over the place with lower skill players that are playing against high skill players that don't want to go into higher ranks. Alot of people say the Purple Ranks is a good zone to play but i disagree, it will be harder than going for red ranks, this was my exact experience on PS4 and it is my experience now on PC, once i reached red ranks on PS4 i could easily keep but getting there from the mid ranks was really hard, it felt like grinding instead of naturally progressing and i'd have easy matches then hard matches then somewhat easy matches then insanely hard matches, matches that were too fast and either i got destroyed or i destroyed, slow matches where it was hard to find people constantly crouch walking and hidding or people who just went afk or people who didn't know what loops were, it was this huge mix that created very random matches that made me constantly Pip and depip and black pip.

    So this just shows how SWF will make ranks fluctuate alot when the players within the SWF group aren't all on equal skill level. This also shows that SWF's will also change matchmaking and MMR can't solve this problem for SWF's, if the MMR disparity within the SWF is too big the matchmaking won't find a killer that suits all the players, the killer will be better than some, equal to some and below some wich makes the match unfair on mutiple accounts (this ofc just in a pure numbers basis) but the reality is the killer can't still be equal to the better survivors if he manages to use the survivors that aren't as skilled to lure the good survivors out of position so wouldn't that balance things? Yes for the killer, despite requiring more effort, and no for the higher skilled survivors because the rest of the team isn't on par with them and they have to make a bigger effort wich can cause them to screw up when if it was a balanced match they'd have an easier time.

    So the Pipin System, the system rewards you more for Chases and Hooks and Rescues and all middle activities than it does for achieving the objectives itself, fast matches means less chances to Pip for both sides, you have to get specific action points for a specific emblem and then the game will take all of that into the Pipin System, it's just too much middle management wich is inconsistant across ranks, early ranks it's way too easy to rank up because the system acknowledges you're at a beginer level, thus the Emblem requirement for Pipin and ranking up is very low, this will be great for Killers especially and as you progress through ranks you will require not only more Pips but more Emblem for each Pip, so you're battling 2 systems at once to rank up, then for the highest ranks the requirements are so high that you're forced to play optimally. Wich is one of the reasons behind the Hokks vs Kills debate, kill rushing is not rewarded by System but logically you're being a very effective killer and even if it's not you sweating and rushing the kills, it could be survivors that can't loop well and go down early, could be badly position survivors aswell because they lack game sense so going for Hooks and Chases, aka the middle stuff, to boost your Emblems and Pipin Potential is just not easy because the players skill level is so all over the place and there's also manny things that can't be controlled by either side. You can't get Chaser Emblem for the Pipin system if the Killer doesn't chase you and Killer can't get Sacrificial Emblem if he can't hook because people suicide on first hook and killer misses 2 hooks on that survivor, people that die because teammates don't Rescue and in that case both that survivor and killer lose alot, etc this hurts Emblem progression for players wich hurts their Pipin Potential wich again means there's gonna be a disparity between a players real skill and what the match was.

    To me two of the easiest solutions for these problems would be for the exitence of a Ranked playlist to not include SWF and then it's up to each individual survivor to skilfully play the game and for their teamwork to guarantee an escape and for the player actions to count directly towards the Pipin System without the Emblem requirements, wich would make each action much more valuable wich would mean you'd need less amount of the same actions to give yourself a good chance at Pipin and ranking up wich in turn means that even if you die you get a good chance at Pipin because you might have done 1 or 2 gens, might have rescued someone once or twice, might have done 1 or 2 totems and those count directly towards Pipin isntead of individual Emblems that then count towards Pipin. This was mostly for Survivor but for Killer is the same, you will require less gen regression cause each action towards slowing down gens counts more points, you will need less hits, less pallets and walls broken, less hooks aswell wich directly means you need to camp, tunnel and slug less and still have a fair chance at Pipin wich then means you're allowed to play Gimmicky builds on both sides and simply have fun. What this change does, imo, is reward people more for simply playing without needing to sweat or use cheap tactics wich means they will feel worthy as players and encourage them to keep progressing wich then solves the Mid Rank difficulty spike because now people play and keep ranking because they are being rewarded fairly. Then you might say but if it becomes easier then everyone would eventually be red ranks given enough time, and yes that's true but you can also keep rank resets so that you keep the cycle going on just like now or you could give players the ability to fully reset their rank ala old Call of Duty Prestiges, you won't need to rush. We could even give rank up rewards, each rank or Color series gives some Iri Shards or extra BP or Rift Shards or Auric Cells or maybe even Cosmetics and charms, this way everyone gets something for playing Ranked.

    To me this changes make sense in every way, Healthier Game, Consumer Friendly and these are not such hard things to accomplish for BHVR.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Theres a difference between 4 Red Ranks and 4 Rank 1's

    4 Rank 1's means that whole team is capable enough to maintain that rank

    4 Red Ranks just means they played a bit since last rank reset

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,449

    I personally dont mind going against rank 1. But maybe many people say that bc they can only see the rank after the game and if they are rank 1 after the game that means they did good enough to not depip. So if you destroy a rank 1 you only see him as rank 2.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Rank doesn't matter because a team of four rank 1 players can be terrible while another four rank 1 team can be gods at everything. Just because a survivor managed to farm easily farmable emblem points doesn't mean they're good.

    Difference between team of four 200h rank 1 players vs team of four 3000h rank 1 players is massive.

    But there isn't anything in DBD that would rank them in a different spot, they're both just rank 1s even when one side has players far better then the other one.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    That's taking it as an absolute.

    Rank isn't a good metric of skill because it can be so easy to rank up through a few easy matches or some bad matchmaking, but much harder to lose pips unless you do it intentionally. So a lot of people who aren't that good can read red ranks.

    However all of the good players will end up rank 1-3.

    It's a "not all fingers are thumbs" kind of deal.

  • kickasskiel
    kickasskiel Member Posts: 89

    In my opinion rank means nothing, but a persons devotion means more a rank 1 (low devotion under 5 ) in comparison to a devotion 10+ rank 1 should know more about the game style of play on both sides.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I have several hundred hours in the game and, I would say I'm a decent survivor. I usually end up in red ranks but, I don't find that level of play fun.

    Going against red rank killers is too much sweat, same meta perks over and over again. Knowers, that know everything.

    I play solo so my team is a dice roll. If I had friends at my level of play maybe red rank wouldn't be so bad as swf.

    I look forward to rank reset just to have fun.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    I think rank 1s play sweaty in both sides. It's the mentality since a lot of survivors do play sweaty as well. So I assume it's expected. And I seen a lot of survivors use the same build. But can you really blame anyone since those builds are the most effective.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    So you say everyone can get to rank 1, but then said if there's 4 rank 1 survivors is a SWF. Which one is it?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Both. Just because everyone can get to rank 1 doesn't mean every single person will be, it requires time investment. It's theoretically possible for a full rank 1 team to all be solo's, but it's not very likely because most people don't care about rank once they've hit rank 1 for the first time. I know so many good players that sit at purple ranks just because the don't care.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    It's because deep down they know it does mean something, they're just lying to themselves.

    We all know how messed up and flawed the ranking system and rank reset system is. It piles up lots of people to ranks they don't belong in.

    That said, just because there's a lot of potatoes piled up at ranks they don't belong in doesn't change the fact that on average a rank 1 will play better than a rank 10 for example. So while rank doesn't mean a lot, it does mean something.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Because it is where you find the swf squads.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I'd say rank does mean something for survivor once you get from rank 3 and better. It shows the time investment at the very least.

    Pipping is flawed, but even then, survivors can't really pip up consistently in the red ranks unless they're capable of doing decently in chase for the evader emblem.

    So, there's a massive difference between the rank 4 that bounces up and down between purple and red ranks and the actual red ranks that show an overall trend of pipping up over a course of many trials.

    Of course, it occurs to me when I play killer to run into the occasional rank 2 or 3 who plays like a Blendette in her first week of DbD. But those are the fringe cases of someone who was probably boosted by a 4-man or they just had a lucky streak of games.