Dragon's Grip and Trail of Torment Perk Interaction Change
Dragon's Grip
The Perk Cooldown reduced to 80/70/60 Seconds from 120/100/80 Seconds.
The Perk will immediately go into Cooldown after interacting with a Selected Generator. Within 30 Seconds of this Cooldown,the next Survivor interacting with the Generator will be Afflicted by the Debuff Effect,and otherwise the Perk continues the Rest of its Cooldown.
The Killer can choose to apply the Perk Effect to the Generator being Kicked when Kicking the Generator.
Trail of Torment
The Killer can choose to apply the Perk Effect to the Generator being Kicked when Kicking the Generator.
Dragon's Grip: This is intended to be a QOL change within the Interaction of the Perk's Cooldown and in adding selectivity when applying the Perk Effect for more strategic use.
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So wait, doesn't that mean that Dragon's Grip technically has a 50/40/30 second cooldown?
I'm fine with that