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Why (in my opinion) swf isn't a bad thing

Most people have played with and against a swf. Playing with your friends or undeniably fun, but going against a swf is mostly painful for killers. But, I still believe that swf doesn't need a nerf, or a change. Hear me out.

Most people that come into the game want to be introduced to the mechanics of the game by other people. A popular way to learn is to play in a swf, a different one is to watch a ton of youtube videos and streams. But generally, most people agree that playing in a swf with people that know what they are doing can improve both your experience with the game and help flatten the learning curve of this game (I hope i said that right, basically I mean make it easier for newer people to learn this came)

Also, there is this unbelievable fact that people like to play with their friends the same videogame, I know, pretty weird. I don't deny that it's painful for the killer, but completely removing swf or punish swf for playing together in some way, isn't really the way to make it fair for the killer to play against a swf. The killer WILL be in a disadvantage, and if the swf is coordinated then the killer WILL have a bad time, that's why most people flat out refuse to play with swfs if they recognize one, and that's why I personally don't support the idea of showing if a group is a swf at the start of the match, but I do support giving the killer extra bloodpoints and inform them in the endgame screen that they played vs a swf.

According to the data that were last released by bhvr, swfs are pretty rare, so that shows that they don't really break the system, even if they break the games unwritten rules, specifically that the survivors shouldn't have a way to communicate. So even tho I believe that swfs are breaking the immersion of the game, they still are pretty rare to take immediate action. Now, I must admit, that there is a chance for the data to be too old, and that the amount of swfs existing to have raised dramatically, I won't deny that. That's why I'm talking for the data that we have now, and I'll admit that I'm wrong it I'm presented with new data in the future.

So what do you guys believe? Should bhvr keep swfs as they are? Should they delet em? Let me know below

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  • Member Posts: 3,022

    SWF itself isn't the issue, how it's implemented is.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    SWF is fine. It highlights some severe issues with the game when you put good players against good players, but generally speaking SWF does far more good than harm due to the seriously underpowered nature of solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 687

    You know, I used to complain about swfs and the whole, "swfs shouldn't be a thing, f these people." But if they're not a toxic swf, I don't mind anymore. I can tell when I'm going up against randoms and I destroy them. A coordinated swf is hard, sometimes infuriatingly frustrating but I'm competitive by default. I get maybe a new skill or two learned from it even if I lose. If I lose, I'm big enough to simply say, "they were better players." It gives a solid challenge.

    Now toxic swfs on the other hand, I'm going to do everything humanely possible to make the game miserable for you (yes I am that petty, I am also petty and dramatic) even if I have to strategically do it and I have no issues playing dirty. I wanna watch your world burn as I sacrifice your soul to the Entity.

  • Member Posts: 919

    There is no way swf will get deleted, it is already an integral part of the game. It has been here for too long to just simply remove outright.

    LMAO! Yes yes, that's definitely me when I play with my friends.

    Us swf can play like our lives depend on it while at the same time talking about hot guys and how our lives could be so much better if we had a Dwight clone boyfriend irl to simp over. We're definitely not communicating about the game at all, we're just natural mlg pros 360 no scoping as survivors somehow.

  • Member Posts: 171

    Not the issue? So that 5th perk of knowing where the killer is and doing at pretty much all times isnt an issue? Thats laughable, I didnt realize we had comedians in here.

    Only reason why "SWFs" are fine is because they play overly altruistic. If they didnt SWFs would pub stomp through the game. It clouds the stats against SWFs. At high level play survivors are coordinated enough if they have common frickin sense. Solo isnt as underpowered as people like to claim.

    This is straight facts. All they have to do to "buff" solo is add in a VOIP. Imagine that nightmare....I feel Friday the 13th had it right with the finding a walkie talkie to communicate. Somehow disable party chat and make a perk that needs to be equipped to have comms.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Most SWF teams aren't overly altruistic, they're just the most obvious. The majority of SWF's are indistinguishable from solo's except they're more co-ordinated, which is something sorely needed against any decent killer player. Even someone playing Trapper or Pig.

  • Member Posts: 171

    If we could see numbers about SWFs altruism it would help. In my experience solo is much more selfish play vs SWF. You rarely see a member of a SWF killing themselves on first hook too. The stats that BHVR has released makes it seem like killers are this OP thing running around and thats just absurd.

    I play SWF sometimes and most of the times we die is because altruism. Balancing this game is just a nightmare all around, nobody will ever be happy with where its at.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    That's the thing though. Even if the devs wished to remove the comms part, how in the blue hell could they enforce it?

    I dunno about the other platforms, but in Xbox the party chat is entirely separate from any game being played. Heck there could be 7 of us playing all different games in the same party. I believe Microsoft mandated any game they accept cannot interfere with the party chats in any way. I bet PS is similar, and how would they detect Doscord on a PC?

  • Member Posts: 171

    Idk how they would enforce it tbh, thats the only thing I can think of that would buff solo and nerf SWF.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Nice to see you only read the first part of the sentence. I said how it has been Implemented is the issue. I have no issue if you want to play with your friends. That's not a problem. But having no balance or way to counteract that in a game like this is what causes the problem. Better?

  • Member Posts: 459

    SWF is NOT a problem, the problem resides within CWF (Cheat With Friends), if survivors were not using Discord or other forms of BS in order to get information they shouldnt have access to, game would be balanced!

  • Member Posts: 804

    The other day after everyone escaped the killer made a comment about "Oh man I get so flustered when going against a SWF."

    I blinked, "What? I don't know these #########."

    We just played well so they assumed it was a 4-man SWF. To be fair a total random DID give me a flashlight save. I wonder how often people aren't SWF but are accused of it because they play really well.

  • Member Posts: 43

    I think that happens a lot. Haven't played Surv in month (if playing DbD I tend to play Killer) and am currently sloooowly going back up in ranks and I got a few very nice teamworkmatches along the way by now. Most were in green tbh. Killer went in at least half those matches "I wish I could turn swf off" or smth similiar towards the subject swf. I was every time solo and most of the time the others wrote "#########, I am solo" as well. Given they said the truth it actually happens a lot.

    Slightest sight of any teamwork and it's supposed to be swf.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    It's the playstyle. Usually, solos ACT like solos. Won't go for saves, will run into teammates doing gens/totems, will heal under hooks, etc. As a killer, if you see that, you can be fairly confident you're up against solos. So, good survivor gameplay is thought as being SWF exclusive. There are a number of times I've felt like I'm going against a SWF, just by how coordinated they are, yet they say they're solo.

    Then again, they could very well be SWF and just claim they're solo, who knows.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    It's not that hard, red dead redemption 2 does it with poker. You can't play a on-line poker match with randoms when you are in a party with friends. If you own rdr2 online, give it a shot, it won't work, or at least not on consoles. So enforcing it wouldn't be that hard really

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