Does Crashing Give A DC Penalty?


I picked up a survivor, got to the hook, pressed E to hook em, and I crashed.

I didnt force close the game so i would be able to send the crash report hopping that would not give me the penalty, i still got the penalty. Once youre in game if ANYTHING happens and you're game either frezzes or crashes you're outa luck. I sent the report the info is there that the game crashed, so why did i still get the penalty? Why is that, the info is there that the game crashed right?

If the game was in a more stable build yes 100% put the penalties in, but where DBD is now the penalties have no place. I understand why BHVR wants them in, but please dont be too fast to implament a mechanic that will punish innocent players.

Dedi servers I understand why they would put them in for PC. Thats where most of their players are and they can get more information that way and make the servers more stable faster.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes, crashes and anything else that causes you to leave the match is treated as a disconnect and punished accordingly. This is to prevent the system from being bypassed, since it's impossible to tell the difference on the server side between a crash or a network outage and someone killing their game or disconnecting their internet deliberately.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited February 2020

    They can tell the difference between a crash or an outage and someone using the "Leave Game" button, but there is no way to detect, when someone's game does end suddenly or their connection shuts off, whether they did that intentionally or not.

  • ImOldGreg
    ImOldGreg Member Posts: 6

    Same happens to me and I'm getting sick of it. I linked 4 videos showing how broke this game and new ban system is. I'm literally being punished for trying to play.

    Not to mention my rank was reset from a 9 to a 16 and it just keeps regressing with every crash.

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2020

    No is not impossible, why everthing about dbd it's impossible? a lot of games have good hitboxs but "dbd can't have because it's impossible it's just latency" even being tons of games with perfect hitboxs systems that suport much more than 5 players at the same time, second how could be impossible to tell the diference between a person pressing esc and click disconnect from a game crash? "Oh you can just press alt+f4" if you try that dbd shows up a message "Leave the game?" and if you use the task manager the same thing appears on the screen so ins't impossible to tell the diference and above all of that there's games where's they can even detect if you got your internet disconnected and reconnect you IN THE SAME MATCH so again, how is impossible to BHVR implement those things? the unique way to avoid all those things and exploit the system it's literraly plug off the ethernet cable or shut down your pc and this in both cases are extremely things to do...

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    The game should be able to tell when the crash handler is executed. The game client itself executes it, there ought to be some way for it to communicate this to the server accordingly.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    It’s still a system that does more harm than good. My reasoning for this is because this isn’t the game you can rejoin like rainbow 6 siege and survivors can still hook suicide. Installing a DC penalty for survivors that leave is only half the problem. Might as well not have it in there at all. Also, Mori’s, tunneling and camping are All deflating factors in the game causing DC rates to climb as well. I see teammates back out even still just because they see people getting tunneled AND Mori’d as soon as they get off the hook and then the other survivors just can’t get their objectives done losing teammates too fast. The game ends too fast. It’s just not fun for them. Maybe swf teams stand a better chance, but playing solo it’s consistent. I don’t mean to take one side here but I really feel like I’m stating the obvious yet I feel like a lot of people choose to ignore the reasons why people disconnect. Also, I too have experienced internet or server crashes that have netted me a DC penalty. If this penalty is to ensure Killers don’t DC well, who are they harming if they do? They’re out there by themselves. Survivors can just move on. As a killer I’d be upset, but people still do it anyways regardless of the penalty. Rather than inflict punishments On people that can’t rejoin the game they left either willingly or unwillingly, the focus should be on making the game more enjoyable. I think people would disconnect less often that way.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    That's a load of bull. Closing the game's process doesn't ask the application about permission so no, you can't tell how the game was closed.

    Yes game can crash, so is any other game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Extreme, perhaps, and yet people do them. Switching your computer into aeroplane mode temporarily used to stop you from losing your item when you died, and it was quite a common practice because it was quick and easy. So basically, you've answered your own question.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I think you're giving people too much credit by assuming that making the game more fun would stop disconnecting - you said yourself that you're seen people disconnect because the killer is using a mori, and I guarantee (because I've seen it) people disconnect for sillier reasons than that: because the killer is tunnelling, because it's a killer they don't like, or even just because they got downed.

    Point being, there will always be bad sports who will disconnect because they're selfish and losing, regardless of how well-balanced the game is, because it's impossible to please everyone and some people don't understand that a competitive game won't always go the way they want. If the developers waited to implement DC penalties until the entire community agreed that the game was sufficiently fun and balanced, it would never happen.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    That's funny.

    I just got a Blue Screen Of Death.

    No penalty when i got back in.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    Today I had a match i was the last survivor on death hook and after being downed hooked it took along time to get to result screen when i did finally get there it said disconnected from host i was like ok looked at the result only to see the killer dc but when i got out i got the Penalty

    soooo how this disconnected Penalty work again?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I'm using "competitive" in the literal sense of the word - that is, a game in which players compete with one another.

  • Deratarx
    Deratarx Member Posts: 2

    Its extremely frustrating to deal with overheats and internet outages. Its added up to 6 hours for me on several occasions. Its no fair for a player to live with disconnect penalties for something they cannot control. Whether its graphics cards crashing or internet problems. if they can tell the difference between the leave game penalty or errors why isn't there an actual solution to this? If the person said they tried to pick up a survivor and crashed, but got no penalty, then how come I got one?

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    Unless you DC a few times there isn't one. My internet crashed a few times before I started getting bans.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    by the time you got back in perhaps it was over with.... just saying it takes time to restart a pc, get steam up, get dbd up and into a lobby to search. 5 minutes isn't too bad.

    "Out of video memory" is not a game issue, it is a windows issue first, video card hardware issue second and client issue third that was nothing to do with the game itself it's your computer 9 times out of 10. stop blaming the wrong people or things for your issues.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Yes it's still a thing and its annoying.

    *slow clap devs*

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Yes, but if you never DC besides crashing, the timer should always be finished by the time you get back in the game.

    Unless you crash every few hours instead of a few times a week, then you might be out of luck.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    The thing is, if your pc is prone to overheating and your internet connection is usally unstable, then you are not equipped to play online games. Especially games like dbd, lol overwatch and the like in a team vs team fashion because everytime you have a disconnect caused by problems you know of, you willingly screw your individual break over and by some point no one would want to play with you on a regular basis.

    And before you claim that this is unfair, there were times when the internet was new and some people couldn't afford an internet connection at all and were left out of the first online gaming experiences but that's life.

    So buy a new pc/graphic card (they are not that expensive if you only want to run dbd) and switch your internet provider. And if you can't, then tough luck, it is the same principle as not owning the newest generation of console like Playstation, if you can't afford to upgrade with the times then you should not play.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    These disconnects penalties are really getting out of hand considering I have never in my life disconnected on purpose. It is not my internet connection. Has been happening more since the update. I have even installed and reinstalled the game to see if it would help with no luck. I am now up to a six-hour penalty it is happening so much. Yall need to turn the penalty off until you get the bugs worked out in the game. Running me and others away from the game quickly.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I am on console and I had the game kick me out of a match. I was so sure that I'd get a penalty but I didn't get anything.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562


    When the DC penalty was off, I could never have a match play to completion. People would disconnect based on:

    1. What Killer I picked
    2. What perks I picked
    3. If I hit them too early
    4. If I downed them too early
    5. If I was hooking them at any time
    6. What map was rolled
    7. If I closed the hatch
    8. If I downed a SWF member, the whole SWF would leave
    9. What addons I used

    And Killers would leave if:

    1. Gens popped too fast
    2. Final gen popped
    3. Exit gate opened
    4. They missed an attack
    5. They got flashlight blinded
    6. They got pallet stunned

    So no. They should NEVER turn off the DC penalties. It would literally kill the game. No one would get a complete match, and people would leave because they are no longer able to play the game they bought.

    And if it's happening so much to you that you're at SIX HOURS, then it's something your end. If the game or servers were that screwed up, it would be happening to a large portion of the player base.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    It is happening to a large portion of the player base. You must not be paying much attention. I play 8 plus hours a day many days so one or two disconnects a day adds up. It is not on my end. I have the best internet one could have. It occurs on multiple systems and multiple internets. Before they implemented it I never had many people DC at all. Disconnecting makes zero sense at all no matter if you are the killer or survivor. You still lose either way. If you are a survivor you can just not struggle on the first hook same outcome as if you disconnected. If you are a killer just set your controller down. Both have the same outcome as if you disconnected. So the whole penalty system is pointless and only harming good players. But again you must not be paying much attention to forums and FB pages cause I can demonstrate/show where it is happening to thousands of people. Not to mention DBD is the only game it happens on.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I have the best internet one could have.

    I highly doubt that. What country do you live in?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    And I'm telling you, I get less 'quits' or 'disconnects' with the DC penalty than I ever did when it was turned off, or before it existed. I have had ONE person 'disconnect' in the last week. At 4 games a day, that's 1 in 112 players. And they disconnected the second I downed them, so it was probably them doing alt-F4.

    So, out of 112 plays, I had one POSSIBLE drop.

    Whereas, when the DC penalty was turned off, I had 2-3 per match on average.

    And there's 56,000 people playing (and I doubt 'thousands' are complaining). I'd guess MAYBE a few many 2% of the player base, maybe upwards of 5%.

    It's totally in the realm of possibility that 5% of the player base have crap computers, crap internet, have not dusted out their PC, or are even forcing a disconnect then screaming 'I NEVER DISCONNECT!' & blaming BHVR on social media.

    So, using logic:

    1. It's a bad idea to remove the DC penalty for a small section of the player base having PC troubles
    2. And it's probably on your end, even if you don't want to admit it. NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE are having the problem to make it a game/server problem.

    Hell, I play wireless (I can't put holes in the apartment walls, the router is across the apartment, and the roommate refuses to allow a cord to run all that length) and I have never had lag, disconnects, or network issues except when Steam goes down for maintenance & cuts connection to the servers. My ping is always around 40-70ms.

    So I don't know what to tell you, except that it's not a game/server problem, and they don't need to completely torpedo the game because you can't admit that.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    I am in the U.S. I have download speeds of 1,000 Mbps and upload speeds of 35 Mbps. There may be something faster but if so I am not aware of it.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    Well, that is your opinion but coming from someone it is happening to and knowing others as well who it is. I can assure you it is the game/server problem.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Speed does not equal stable.

    You're right, it is. But I have logic on my side. The game would tank if they removed the DC penalty. We know this because they turned it off for some reason I cannot remember a year or two ago, and I went from seeing 1 DC every week (if that) to 2-3 DCs a match.

    It would not take long before people would get fed up with never completing games & just leave.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The US has infamously poor infrastructure. Don't confuse maximum speed for good internet. I have 500/100 Mbps of guaranteed (note the difference between "guaranteed" and "max") download/upload speed and never have any disconnects. It's perfectly stable.

    I know people with faster connections than both mine and yours* who are on a different ISP and have highly unstable connections, because that ISP is #########. It's not as simple as "who has the bigger number". That's just a marketing trick.

    *Same download speed, faster upload speed.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    My ping is even lower than yours and still having issues. My average is around 36.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    My point is this is the only game any of us have problems with. It also didn't start happening with me at least until this recent update. Yet I have removed the game and reinstalled and everything and it is still occurring. I am not sure how much you play but I literally okay 8 plus hours most days. Maybe it is just the fact I play so much that I get more disconnects than others.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    I disagree. I feel like people being banned for reasons out of their control that they paid money for and pumped money into is going to cause more people to leave the game than a few intentional disconnects here and there. Penalties of hours to days are uncalled for.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's not "a few intentional disconnects here and there", it's "multiple disconnects per trial, every trial".

    If you're so sure it's not your system, then write bug reports and help the devs figure out what the problem is. However, the penalty is not going away.

  • JustinMay
    JustinMay Member Posts: 13

    I have been playing this game since it first come out. Maybe we have a different experience with it because I never noticed many Dc's and especially not multiple per trial. Maybe it is the time zones we are in and the people we get paired with. Dont say never cause the devs do whatever they like when they like. As far as bug reports. I send them each and every time. They frankly don't care at the moment and say just wait it out. But I am telling you it is happening more and more to more people since this last update.