Killer Tier List (as of most recent patch)

Many killers have received buffs/nerfs/reworks recently that have had varying degrees of impacts on their strengths, so I figured I’d post my personal updated tier list of every killer. Everyone in B tier or higher is viable at high ranks in my opinion (debatably not Ghost Face). Feel free to give me your thoughts and opinions below! (Keep it civil please!)
My Hot Takes:
Wraith = underrated
Freddy = overrated
Leatherface = scary when killer is knowledgeable and aggressive
Twins = only good for camping or excessive slugging
Deathslinger = too map dependent (IMO)
Hillbilly = against good survivors he can be turned into an M1 killer
Legion is so underrated it hurts, I would put them in B tier personally.
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I wonder if you placed Doctor this high up with or without addons...
Trickster is not Trash tier tho, neither is Trapper.
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Did Twins really get hurt that badly? They were being rated in A tier by most people prior to the nerfs.
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Victor now has 7 seconds of vulnerability after each down and Charlotte cant bodyblock if she remains dormant for more than 30 secs.
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IMO, pretty solid tier list but:
Legion - Definitely not bottom of D tier, either top of D or bottom of C.
Pig - Shes D tier
Trickster - Worst killer in the game
Wraith - Probably a bit lower
I could say other things like you could squeeze blight in S tier just to have less in A tier, but those were the things that stuck out to me the most, maybe ill make my own tier list soon :)
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A decent list, although I'd probably change a few things.
- Nurse is slightly more powerful than Spirit tho I'll leave that on you since that's your opinion
- Demo is DEFINITELY not C-tier, should be B-tier at best.
- I would swap Wraith with GF.
- I would swap Pig with Trickster.
- Clown should be at least high C-tier imho
Once you got all of that, you pretty much have my tier list.
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If a team knows they’re going against legion all they have to do is spread out and he no longer has a power. Being injured for good survivors means nothing too half the time anyways. That’s why he is the worst killer.
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I placed Doctor based on addons/no addons. His tracking is phenomenal, he has a smal bit of game delay with madness III, his anti-loop is decent (just hard to master), and with add-ons/perks he can be very gimmicky in good ways. Trapper is too set up & addon reliant and can have his power denied by good survivors. Trickster is only good at certain loops. I may have been a bit harsh on him naming him second worst killer, but one portion of his power is almost useless (main event) and his power does nothing if you can’t land 8 consecutive hits. Plus he’s 110%. I think he just needs more tweaks to become viable.
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I personally think Pig is a bad killer too, but I have to admit that when her RBTs RNG works I her favor than she can be very lethal. See my previous comment about legion. Wraith could arguably be a little lower than he is but B tier is definitely where he belongs (in my opinion).
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I may have one to share:
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For me, Nurse is just too map dependent. Spirit counter play to me is harder than Nurse counter play. Plus anyone can be a good spirit. It’s hard to become a good Nurse (for most players). Maybe I’m missing something with Demo, but I just feel some of the aspects of his kit (killer instinct and undetectable namely) are too underwhelming. And I could maybe see Clown at the low end of C tier now, but I don’t think he’s better than a lucky Pig.
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Really similar to mine. I could understand some of the subtle differences tho for a few killers. My only gripes would be Doctor and Plague.
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For me:
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Demo is definitely better than the whole C and D tier. Trickster deserves D tier.
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Trickster is stronger than Clown for me. He is clearly C-tier, maybe weak but not so much. And maybe Demo is C tier too but i dont think Demo is B. Look B-Tier killers. Demo is not this level.
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Did add-ons play a part in the decision making behind this tier list? And mostly agree with the list
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Demo High-B to Mid-A.
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I can't imagine how badly you played Demo in order to put him in D-Tier, good lord.
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I am not Demo player. I adepted him easyly, after that i never touched him. I put Demo to D because he is so easy for play against him. And you have not agree with me but show respect lol. I am just saying my opinion, i dont know how i deserved this agressive.
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Sorry, didn't mean to come off as being angry, but if you've put a fair bit of time into him, he can be very powerful, at high or low ranks. He doesn't deserve to be so low. If you don't know how to play him, yes, he is very easy to go against, but if you're good, you can give survivors a very bad time.
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I don't understand why I'm the only one who feels that Wraith has been overly buffed. It seems like he no longer has any cooldown between de-cloaking and striking and more than once I've faced him with no use of the bell. If being invisible, incredibly fast, and almost totally silent isn't enough to make a killer pretty high tier, I don't know what else he needs to get there.
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Ppl who lose against a Legion cant loop a M1 killer and that is not making the killer good. Lemme just make a new account and destroy rank 20 with bamboozle no blink nurse, does that mean its a good build on her?