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Release stats on slowgen perks and show the truth

Member Posts: 3,130

It is way overdue for transparency. I want to see the winrate of killers using Tinkerer, Ruin, and POP. Corrupt Intervention also. And BBQ on a fast killer. Will it show a game breaking problem? Killers love these perks for ez wins and I'm going to take a guess the winrate is above 3K per game. Without these perks I bet it is closer to a fairer 2K. It's the biggest game breaking thing in the game and it is also unfun to verse. I'm sick of these perks being abused.

I have yet to see a team beat an abusing Rank 1 Wraith with Tinkerer and Ruin. It's absolutely a busted combo and biased balancing for leaving this in the game for an overwhelming advantage. The Wraith has to be extremely garbage to lose. I'll be waiting.


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  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I would rather see the NOED stats.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Try playing an M1 killer on a map like Rotten Fields with no slowdown perks and see how much fun you have. I tried it the other day, and let me tell you it was frustrating because my chase mechanics were totally irrelevant to the outcome of the match.

    I don’t enjoy it either and I think slowdown perks need to be nerfed in the long run but only once the devs actually make more maps BALANCED, by which I mean not hugely survivor-favoured or hugely killer-favoured. More Coal Towers and fewer Fractured Cowsheds or Hawkins. As it stands now, there’s a reason so many killers run these perks.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2021

    Um, yes, killers using slowdown perks have higher win rates because without slowdown perks you're relying on survivors not having second chances and also being delicious mashed with butter, salt, pepper and a little cheese. Or you're playing Nurse with IF.

    Edit: Also, I literally just got a 4-person escape agaisnt a Wraith with Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer.

  • Member Posts: 46

    It has reached a point that apparently the developers like the uncertainty in their community about the reality of the game more than giving concrete information on the state of the game.

    I think this hurts the state of the community, increases polarization and toxicity in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Could be interesting.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Sluzzy is a very experienced player, and can easily beat any Rank 1 Wraiths if so desired.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I would like to see the escape rates of swf. I think there we might see a problem.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    So if the stats for kills NOT using slowdown perks comes out lower... will you advocate for slower gen speeds?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Then you'll be waiting for a long time, devs don't consistently do stats anymore.

  • Member Posts: 11

    If survivors split up on gens, gen slowdown perks are really not that effective, in my opinion. Ruin can be cleansed, as someone has already pointed out, and Pop wastes a lot of time (walking over and kicking gen) and can only be used on one gen within a 45-second time frame. For me, that's the most frustrating part about playing killer: survivors can be absolute potatoes at chases, but if everyone is efficient on gens—you'll likely lose since you can't be in multiple places at once. I'm perfectly okay losing to a good team. You can tell based on how they run tiles. But that's just not always the case. 

    Although this will never happen, a small secondary objective would be nice. If you look at Predator Hunting Grounds, for example, the matches only last 15 minutes but fireteam squads are given two objectives with an optional third one for more points. You would, of course, need to reduce gen times or lower the number of gens needed to be completed to make it more balanced but you get my point. 

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I almost always only use 1 sometimes no slowdown perks and I probably win the majority of my games maybe 60/40 or 70/30 idk I dont keep track. I also take into account that a lot of my games have people far lower ranked then me and the rest of the lobby so its not like they were very fair matches anyways.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    If killers are weak and losing most games. But it is far from that. Killers are winning most games.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited May 2021

    Would be neat to see some stats.

  • Member Posts: 184

    Imagine there is a Sluzzy post... And no one write a comment.

  • Member Posts: 990

    Dont feed the troll guys

  • Member Posts: 529

    Sluzzy you have complained for years how impossible it is to play survivor. Why haven't you switched to killer or maybe try CIV 5?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Well, Killers are OP. Even the basic stats show it. Imagine if there was no hatch what the winrate would be.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    You've got to remember, this is a hardcore Nurse main that only ever plays solo survivor. Imagine the game from that perspective. Killer is going to be an absolute cakewalk because it's so rare to get a comp team.

  • Member Posts: 674

    Why do you all entertain this person so much? I get it might be for the silly takes but at a certain point it gets redundant. Killer's are so bad and unbearable to play against yet I see average and below survivors escape against killers many times. Is it just you that's bad at the game @Sluzzy ?

  • Member Posts: 919

    Yes, we need truth and accountability.

    Hey, leave slozzy alone.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Wow a whole list of perks that rely on Survivors making them effective. Next thing you'll be going for is monsterous shrine and killers that camp from across the map.

  • Member Posts: 624
  • Member Posts: 168

    Sluzzy is a bait account , don't feed smh...

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Yeah, unfortunately. I'd very much like to know where I stack up but I play on Console so rip

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I have a lot of objections here. On the one hand, I'd like a chart showing "this was the most popular build with x% winrate and this is the build with the most winrate" , perk popularity and all of the above, but I believe that you've misunderstood the game. I got a bit annoyed on the phrase "killers love these perks for ez wins", so let's go through every single perk, shall we?

    Tinkerer, a bit of an annoying perk that informa the killer where they need to be to stop a gen from being done, I get why it's frustrating, but there are ways to play around it. I, personally, bait the tinkerer. I repair until it hits tinkerer (if you have good knowledge of the game you'll know when it triggered) and then I'll just hide in a corner or run away, so the killer won't find me and I'll finish the gen once he's done. Spine chill also is a good counter, now that it's a bit more meta.

    Ruin, a hex perk that can be destroyed. If you can't find totems there are items and perks that can help you with that.

    Pop, one of the best designed killer perks because it rewards the killer for doing their job. It can only be abused if your teammates are trash.

    Bbq, I don't get why survivor mains hate bbq. Killers need blood points to, leave em alone :( . Good information, rewards you for hooking a survivor and gives you a sense of where to go. Can also be countered by going into a locker or staying close to the killer.

    So these perks alone don't have a problem and they're not abuseable as you say. I think most people use this term a lot. Abusing a perk/add-on is like old ds and old iri head + belt, you quite literally break the game and have little to no counterplay. Even if combined, the build gives a lot of needed information and gen pressure. So they're not abusing it, they really need em, especially in higher ranks.

    "I have yet to see a team beat an abusing Rank 1 Wraith with Tinkerer and Ruin. It's absolutely a busted combo and biased balancing for leaving this in the game for an overwhelming advantage. The Wraith has to be extremely garbage to lose." REALLY? so you either don't play survivor much, or watch yt videos or streams, or lying. The wraith, now, is a killer with a lot of mobility that can apply pressure really well, since he goes to point A to point B relatively unnoticed. Tinkerer just shows him where to go and ruin guarantees that he won't need to kick it afterwards. So again, totem searching and breaking is key. It's a strong and fitting combo for him, but definitely not game breaking.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    That's a lot of unneeded pity for killers. They do not need it. They win enough without needing pity. I think they win too much and these perks are way too strong in a game where survivors are inferior in every way imaginable.

    Just because killers need points doesn't make BBQ fair. Survivors need points way more. I can get only 5K, while a leatherface camps and slugs everyone and gets about 20K. You think that is fair? It was impossible for me to get stacks because of "him" but he gets a mountain of points for just playing. I don't think killers need points, they get plenty. BBQ is too easy to use.

    I don't know a soul that enjoys tinkerer, yet survivor perks are nerfed when killers don't like them.

    I still want to see the godly winrates of this perk with ruin, it has to be through the roof.

  • Member Posts: 716

    You definitely don't play killer at all because if you do then you'll know that in high level gameplay (high ranks) gens go too fast.

    Killers use gen slowdown perks to prevent gens from go too fast so the game doesn't end very short.

    Trust me us killers want to change up our builds and do fun gimmicky builds but we can't because once again... In high level gameplay the gens go to fast.

    Imagine not using a single gen slowdown perk up against a team that are really good at looping and wasting the killers time and also pressuring the gens. That's not gonna be a good time or fun at all for the killer.

    You're complaining that killers are basically over using these perks and you're tired of seeing them.

    How do you think us killers feel when we see survivors running the same over used perks over and over again?

    DS, Deadhard, BT, Unbreakable, Deliverance, SB, BL, Iron Will, Spine Chill, Prove Thyself, Head on, Soul Guard, Adrenaline and OoO.

    If the Devs were to do anything about the rate of how fast gens go (gen speed) then a lot of us killers will gladly change up our builds.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Yup back to the fields fellow peasant we have wheat to perfectly cut with our joysticks...

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Let's assume kill rates increase with the usage of slowdown perks. Your conclusion would be that these perks are too strong, as opposed to the rest of the perks being too weak, right? But there are multiple variables you didn't take into account, such as how many people use those perks to begin with.

    To give an example on the survivor side, practically nobody uses Deception. If you were to compare the survival rates of players using Deception with players using Bond, I'm willing to bet the latter would have a much higher survival rate. Why? It's not because Bond is some super-perk that vastly increases your chances of survival, it's because more people use Bond in the first place, and people who use Deception are probably only doing so because they have nothing better on whatever character they're playing.

    Nothing is as simple as survival/kill rates. If it were, the Nurse would need some pretty heavy buffs.

  • Member Posts: 177

    youre not funny plus if youre not having fun play something else no one is forcing u to play its their game and the devs knows best majority of the time

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    I'd like to see the Barbeque stats, since that perk is incredibly busted on a lot of killers. It's only gotten stronger as a lot of maps have been nerfed, too.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    So you're suffering from a condition known as "entitlement". Basically, you play only one side so you don't know the experience of the other side. That's why you don't know why the killers need this pressure. If anything, killers suffer more than survivors because of bullshit mechanics, in my opinion as a hybrid player. I'm much more anxious and afraid in the loading screen of a game when I play an m1 killer rather than a survivor playing in solo q, and that says ######### much.

    "I don't know a soul that enjoys tinkerer" just because a perk is strong on the one side, that doesn't mean it's unbalanced. I don't know a soul that enjoys bt, unbreakable, dead hard on the killer side, does that mean they're too strong? Now, I know this is a bit of whataboutism, but if you think that what they run is overpowered and demand to see popularity and winrates, I personally suggest looking at your tryharding build and asking "is this any different?". The answer for you will be "no" because you suffer from entitlement. As a dbd medical professional (joke) I suggest playing killer and trying playing without ANY of these perks. Your winrate won't be high, I promise you that.

    Also, bbq is a fair and balanced perk. Just like wglf. If you need bloodpoints just equip wglf, maybe a prove thyself and you'll make off like a bandit. If you're annoyed about the effect of bbq just hide in a locker or stay close to the killer. Bbq simply gives the killer a bit of knowledge on where to go next, and that's not a bad thing, I dunno why you think it is.

    Also, trust me if bbq didn't have a bloodpoints bonus it wouldn't be meta. When new people come into the game and play killer they are suggested to buy the bubba dlc because grinding with killer that doesn't have bbq is a ######### nightmare, trust me I know, I didn't buy the bubba dlc and I luckily got bbq on my 3d month of playing and it was a tremendous improvement

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I thought I'd never said that. But sluzzy has a point.

    We should have access to detailed stats where we could filter everything. Would be really interesting to see how the Undying nerf affected totem cleanses, the mori nerf affected the kill rate and how the addon changes impacted the killers lethality.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    I know I should not respond to our master baiter of this forum, but whatever:

    What is your point about BBQ now? Is it's aura unfair or it's bonus BP? If the first, I assure you, killers would still run it if there wasn't any aura. And it gives the killer incentive to leave the hook. Some do not, as your claimed bubba, sure. But without the aura, EVEN MORE killers could choose to camp. IS that what you want? I guess not. If its about the bonus BP, what's your problem with that? Since all killers play differently, you have to invest a ridicilous amoutn of BP into them to get the perks you want. With survivors, you practially only need to level one, since all play the same. So if you do not play killer, you simply do not NEED as much BP as a killer player!

    "BBQ is too easy to use." Downing a survivor can be easy or difficult, depending on the survivors skill. Even if it's simple, just yesterday I had a game as billy with BBQ, 11 hook game. I did not see an aura A SINGLE TIME! Bc. the survivors seemed to make sure i would not see them. BBQ as an information perk is mediocre at best, there are so many better perks for finding survivors at a gen (Thrilling Tremors, Tinkerer, Surveilance, Tinkerer). I really do not get the hate about this perk.

    "I don'T know a soul that enjoys tinkerer" Guess what, I enjoy it, bc its easily baitable. Now you know a soul!

    "yet survivor perks are nerfed when killers don't like them" You mean like DS after FOUR FKN YEARS? You mean OoO which arguably got even better now? You mean like BT loosing it's activation requirement alltogether?

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    I disagree, to be honest. Yes it would be really nice to have some more statistics. The problem is, the data will then be skewed and taken out of context to prove ones agenda, as happened with the last data that was given. Devs said multiple times to not use that data for trying to prove a point, but that did not stop anyone from posting ridiculous claims "based" on the data.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    But people already claim that this killer or perk is OP. Nothing would change in that regard.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Yes, but that's their opinion. WIth "data" on their hand. they will claim it is proven (bc of the data). Which is likely not, bc they misinterpret the data, but know you have to explain them why they read their data wrong, and not why their opinion is flawed.

    Yes there should be more data, so the devs can make better decisions (I'm sure there is, already). But I do not see any great benefit of releasing the data to the community, bc if will not be used objectively.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    If all the data is out, then the same evidence could be used to debunk their claims.

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