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How in the world do people tolerate solo survivor queue?

I'm more of a killer player, though I enjoyed dipping into survivor to chill with friends often. But most of my friends have as of recent lost interest in DBD, so with the new tome I've been forced to solo queue to do challenges and, good lord, it's been by far the least fun I've ever had playing this game.

Face-camping NOED Freddies and Ghostfaces every other match. Claudettes hiding in the corner self-caring for 90 seconds. Sometimes I think Kindred is more of a hindrance than a help because with low-mid rank teammates it means they all freeze up and crouch-walk into the corners of the map while you sit on a hook. People hiding in lockers the whole match, and then just camping the hatch waiting for you to die on your first hook. The most infuriating DBD game I've ever had, where I lost two teammates early, did 3.5 gens by myself and looped the killer in between while the other teammate crouch-walked and hid, only to get NOED'd just as I opened the exit gate and killed while the other teammate waltzed out. And because every other game I wind up getting chased and downed first and die soon after because everyone is self-caring or locker-hiding or crouch-walking around corners while I hit stage 2, I'll never rank past these kinds of players. I'm far from the best survivor player out there, but yeesh.

I don't know how anyone does it. I've finished the survivor half of the new tome's challenges and I don't know if I'll ever queue survivor again. Jeepers creepers.


  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I try to play 50/50 for each role, but I've found that 95% of my rage quits were from playing survivor (I only play solo queue)

  • CriticalWeasel
    CriticalWeasel Member Posts: 378

    I only play Solo Queue, despite being very selfless sometimes the best way to win is to save yourself.

    I try to pull my weight when there's something lacking in one sector. (No one doing generators, No one going for rescues, No one drawing attention)

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If I play survivor I only play solo queue. Tbh for me it all just depends on my mood with the game, if I'm feeling good I don't take it seriously and have a laugh and don't care if I get camped, tunnelled etc and just have fun with it regardless. If I'm not feeling great with the game then I have a couple of bad matches and then just play something else until I want to give dbd a try again.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    You carry no hope for escaping and define your win condition as being able to do useful things in the match and get over 15k BP.

    The occasional killer that wants to meme keeps me going.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    My favourite build is No Mither/Mettle of Man. I feel like that explains things nicely.

  • trashgirl
    trashgirl Member Posts: 28

    Gotta take perks that allow you to see just how stupid your teammates are (bond or kindred) and play around that. I only really play solo queue because my friends don’t like the game as much as I do.

    Escaping shouldn’t always be end goal either, it’s just not feasible sometimes.Two gens, two safe unhooks and two heals while getting chased for a bit will still grant you blood points while giving you a pip in most of my solo games. I’m only green rank tho so I’m not sure how this acts in purple and red.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I def hear ya! Solo q sucks badly because most players hang around at the edges of the map doing nothing or crouching around hooks for those God awful saves with the killer in tow. Had a solo match last night where someone brought in the add on for hatch at the killer shack and they sat there the entire time. While I was on the hook I saw them in the distance tbagging letting me know they wanted to get it and I should just suicide myself so they could win when they have done NOTHING the entire match. But,,,, just once in a while when you get those games when you are hooked as the last gen is done and you see three other yellow auras running to you to help is awesome!!

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Copious pain tolerance and absolutely 0 expectations.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I only do solo and it's the best way to play. Forget about teammates, it's about how well you can do on your own. I go into matches and expect my teammates to die before I do. Either I make mistakes and die or the team performs as well as myself resulting in escape. I escape far more often alone then with the team. Camping or tunnel I like the killer to show no mercy and use every opportunity, that's challenging fun.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    Sorry brother but, remind me to NEVER play with you. This is a team sport and the dynamics change drastically when a teammate dies so it is always better to do your best to keep everyone playing and doing something where possible.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Yes solo survivor is just cancer. I've pretty much given up on it other than the one game per day to get bonus shards.

    It's not worth the sanity loss to continue.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited May 2021

    Pretty much never quit as killer, but as a solo queue survivor it's pretty regular. Solo survivors put generators on their lowest priority, and even with (multiples of) Kindred in play it doesn't change how they play for the better.

    To compound this, most killers are dicks that will waste additional time by slugging and screwing around or trolling you. Camping hooks is nearly every game at red ranks, so the amount of time I play grinds down considerably once I'm stuck here due to the auto ranking of the Emblem system. Like, it's not fun when it's a mobility killer that goes 20 meters from the hook and turns around and walks all the way back and repeats until the survivor dies. It's auto-win because the person being camped is just going to suicide and I don't blame them.

    Making suiciding take longer when the game is already over sucks, too.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    I play both quite a lot but still mainly play killer. When I am playing survivor I prefer solo queue. I have ever since I got this game so I just got used to it. And me not being competitive I just don't care about what happens. I just have fun and I do very well.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    From my experience, Face camping is extremely, and i mean EXTREMELY rare to see nowdays, you must have done some REALLY nasty stuff for a killer to face camp you dude...

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2021

    I love survivor solo queue more than anything else lately to be honest.

    Playing by yourself makes it more of a tactical game than anything else, where you have to emphasize efficiency to succeed. That's why my current survivor build is Bond, Open-handed, Kindred, and Small Game. With the amount of information these perks give me, I'm constantly on the move and doing something with little down-time. What I do exactly depends on the situation, and these perks enable me to more reliably make the correct choice.

    I even find myself not only surviving more frequently, but also getting points in the 20-30k more often (and even hit a perfect 32k game recently).


    That said, there are a decent of tunnelers and campers lately which can ruin the experience. For the former, I use bond to take hits or even get downed purposefully if it saves a teammate from death. For the latter, kindred tells me when to leave someone to die and just do gens. The game experience is still hurt, especially by campers, but my information build has been making even those games tolerable as a solo.


    Edit: I will say though, the most annoying-as-hell thing to experience as a survivor, is definitely being paired with other survivors who are on a lower skill level. Match-making sucks right now, and being constantly paired with rank 15s as a rank 1, and using my build to watch them do literally nothing all game is kinda infuriating.

    Post edited by Beaburd on
  • imperialgoblin
    imperialgoblin Member Posts: 2

    I'm not sure if you're trolling, or you just don't play low-mid rank survivor. And it's generally not me being face-camped.

    It's almost always ghostfaces. I'm not sure what it is about ghostfaces who never use their power, bloodlust for a down, and then just turn the game into misery.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,170

    I only solo que as survivor in red ranks and honestly man, there's good games and bad games. Its really frustrating when you have bad teammates but its also extremely satisfying when you play with a team that just comes together, is well coordinated and everyone helps each other & gets out.

    I personally prefer solo to SWF just because its more difficult and the game was never built around SWF in the first place.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    I play about 50/50 and nearly all of my survivor matches are solo. For me it depends on my mood, if I'm having a good night it rolls right off me and if I'm having a bad night I switch back to killer or quit to not let it get to me. Anymore I find myself escaping around half the time by just playing efficiently and playing a little selfishly.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    Dude if its a facecamp it can be EASILY countered by BT, DS and gen rush, a Facecamping killer cant even see their surroundings and wont stop facecamping unless someone tries to unhook.

  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 190

    I wish they'd get rid of the match cancelling when a survivor leaves. I just sat for 5-10 minutes waiting for a match just to get stuck at a 5+ minute loading screen before it finally cancelled the match so I can wait another 5-10 minutes for another match. Even if it winds up being a 3v1 like it used to at least I could get credit towards this stupid glyph challenge.