I found the best way to trick a killer



  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    If you have to have a 4th perk to have a chance at the game as killer, I don't know what to tell you. I play some games, all serious. Others', just doing stupid ######### with friends to see if the killer will laugh. I play killer and try to make survivors laugh, too. This isn't a case where we tried to bully someone to death. It was just for fun. I feel like this community has forgotten in the old days where people would do dumb stuff to have fun and not take the game this serious. I guess that time has went past us.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    I thought about that once- glad to see someone put it into practice and get desired results lol.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    And if you, claiming to be an all Red Rank SWF, have to resort to Metagaming to sabotage the Killers before the match even starts, what does that say about you? The problem is that you don't appear to have any empathy, and your idea of laughs is at the detriment of others. What I am pointing out, what you did just for fun, clearly wasn't fun for them. And, you are lying now, or you were lying when you started this thread. The title of this thread and your initial post make it clear this was done to try and aggravate them and get some laughs if you could make them lose it in the end game chatter. We have a crystal clear picture of you and why you did it; no amount of attempting to sugarcoat it is going to show you in a better light.

    I notice you ignored my request for your Steam I.D. when I asked. Let's you and I take a trip back to the old days when everyone pretty much knew who everyone was in matches. Since you like laughs, and clearly think this behavior is acceptable, why don't you want to tell us who you are so all of us who want to "laugh with you" can return the favor. I mean, if you think it was a hoot for all involved, you shouldn't mind Killers recognizing your name when you play, right?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Yeah lol. Not everyone but a few did. The ones who really got pissed were the ones who didn't but tried to use mori's and never got someone to second hook.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    Mainly cuz I want to die and the entity can take the worthless item with it lol

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    Lmao. But that’s a good troll for a confident killer.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021
    1. Metagaming? If that is a way of saying that I was making the games easier on myself with mori's then yeah, I guess you're right.
    2. Why should I have empathy for something that isn't that serious from the start?
    3. You seem more angry about this than the killers that we faced. Honestly, not sure why but you seem to have had bad games before against people. I play both sides a lot and I still don't see why you're getting so up in arms over something that was just stupid. We faced mori's every match. If it was still the old mori's, we still would have done it. It's just a game.
    4. I never seen you say anything about showing you my steam id. If you want it, https://steamcommunity.com/search/users/ Lupin The 3rd

    I'm the first when you search it up. Blue Tuxedo with that dazzling smile! You can even see my YouTube channel where I play BOTH Killer and Survivor at Rank 1. Look at my comments and tell me how many people seem to be mad? Anything else you want from me? (Edit: Feel free to add me on Steam if you want! Or Discord and chat so we don't take up the forum over petty stuff. I try to be reasonable with whoever I chat with.)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You must have missed my earlier post where I asked for a name, so that if I (and other Killers) saw we pulled you in a room, we would know. That way we could join in your fun. My name in the game is exactly the same as it is here. I'm annoyed with your behavior because it is bad sportsmanship and you seem oblivious (or at least unwilling to admit) that it is ethically wrong. I realize that I'm archaic in my beliefs about good and bad sports, and that you may have no understanding whatsoever of what I'm talking about; more is the pity. People come to play the game in good faith, and have a hard enough time dealing with SWF without them using their Comms to manipulate the match before it has even begun. Do I care personally? No. But do I care about this kind of behavior because of the way it affects the overall community? Yes. Bad sportsmanship hurts all of us.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    I don't try to ruffle feathers on Steam with any person that I face. I have NEVER insulted someone over a match except for me complaining about desync over certain tiles or when the pallets wouldn't stun. I'm always genuine with others' who I face, either as killer or survivor. I don't delete comments unless they are just lies but I take screenshots before I do because I hate it when people get mad about something that I DIDN'T do. You can go through my comments also, if you want. There are like 2 that aren't very happy but it was out of my hands. The rest seemed pretty thrilled going against me. Hell, even when I play Spirit for dailies, I try to be nice and give survivors a breather against me, hence, my comment from Cowboy. I could have 4k'd them from the beginning but I ended up walking away and letting everyone get up since I do/feel that Spirit is unfair to go against. I practice what I preach and I don't try to "bully" a killer in a match nor as Killer.

    You know why people seem to enjoy going against me as Killer? It's because I don't get into my feelings and lose my temper just because I get outplayed. I tell them that they were damn good and I hope I see them again so I can get better. Even the killers' I go against, complimented me on how good I was at loopin' them but I never let it get to my head. I show respect where respect is shown to me. I don't get any and I won't bother even chatting with the person. It's a game. That's it. I do stupid ######### in video's sometimes for laughs, like duck, duck, goose or peekaboo Pig and I generally have fun doing it and others' seem to enjoy it as well. If you keep looking at this game, solely on winning as the fun factor, this game will drive you mad. I'll add you on Steam then send you the Discord if you want to chat sometime. Me and my friends usually differ on how to play killer/survivor and I'm usually considered a killer main, believe it or not because I do defend killers more than survivors but I'm always civil with others' and their opinions.

    (Edit: I tried typing your name into Steam and it gave me an error for the name. Is the ID your name?)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    I'm not judging you by anything you have done (or not done) other than this single thread. Your inability to own up to the fact it is ethically challenged (to say the least) is your issue, not mine. I didn't ask you to defend your gaming history, nor do I comment on it. I am merely holding your toes to the fire over your specific title of this thread, and what you originally posted. The fact you kept digging the hole deeper by being incapable of understanding why not everyone finds this as entertaining as you do, is also your problem.

    But let's play Devil's Advocate here; what if I'm just one of those weird people who likes gutting people on forums for fun? Could it be I hunt the threads looking for someone who has stepped in it so I can proceed to slowly, painfully, and psychotically drag them over the coals? What if I think that is funny? What if I get my jollies that way? What if it makes me feel powerful and because this is "just a forum" isn't to be taken seriously? What if getting you to act defensive and go into that defense of your history was a win condition for me? Would you find that funny? Wouldn't you find that a perverse thing for me to take enjoyment in? I'm just asking here since you know, none of this is serious.

    I don't know you. I am entirely focused on this thread and what you said. It isn't supportable behavior. You have to know that on some level, or you wouldn't have gotten defensive. For the record, I don't take any perverse pleasure in having to get into these debates, however many I seem to stick myself into. I feel more obligated than anything else, and annoyed by it. If you didn't intend the meaning you clearly stated when you created the title of this thread and by the context of your first post, you missed the mark you were going for. We don't see you as a mad prankster, a likeable rascal, or someone just having fun. We see you as someone metagaming by use of the SWF's 5th Perk (Comms) to further hobble the Killer in a match that you were already going into with a competitive edge. We see that, because that is all there is to it when you strip away your attempts to cast yourself in a better light. I'm actually trying to get through to you, because I don't think you are a terrible person at heart. I just think you are wearing blinders and being a bad sport.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I'm just showing that I don't go out of my way to make someone else's life hell. That's all. When I do something like this again, I'll post it again. It's a game. It's as simple as that and I'll keep playing the game same way as I enjoy playing it.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Haha love it never thought about this also make sure you're all Nea that should help them take the bait in my experience all toxic players are Nea with a clicker lol

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You really like sitting in queues, huh?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Yeah, I can't wait to hear about NOED, Keys and other stuff every day :) When someone mentions any of those, I'll be there laughing at how they lost a match because of something and rage on the forums like most do every day. It's a game. There is no rules against it and it was pretty funny.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I'm kinda surprised I thought you were all about player agency? This would be another form of strategy kina like baiting the opposing player into making a mistake no?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Yeah. Trying to throw shade at my character without directly saying it. It's why I moved on after my final sentence. People say they tunnel then still lose and get mad then rant on the forum is fine. You say something that was pretty funny to watch and not many people were upset during and it's all-out aggression. It's why I don't bother with talking to certain people on the forums. It's obvious that they take the game too seriously and anything that affects them is just harmful. It was harmless fun and most enjoyed themselves but there are a few on here that I've noticed complain about certain things heavily and will strike at ANYTHING that relates to them having a chance at killing or surviving.

    It was about a fun time with friends and it got turned into a them vs us thread. I don't know why I bother talking to certain ones on here. You can't feel guilty for something that wasn't hurting anyone. Maybe annoying them but ay, getting a 1k even with NOED will "annoy" certain people or not getting a 4-man escape bothers' others. From now on, I'm definitely posting more about stuff that I do with friends or as killer. Pretty interesting to watch people go nuts over something that isn't that big of a deal. Just like how killers used to throw up ebonies if they thought a group was SWFs lol.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I think you quoted the wrong guy I wasn't throwing shade your way

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    I know lol. I was speaking on what I've encountered since I posted this. I probably could have worded it better. I apologize for that. When I type, I usually speak in a general way because I'm a bit ADD and have trouble concentrating. It's why I usually edit stuff a lot because I might have double typed words and such. What I meant was in general, as a response to everything that was mentioned previously to me. That was nothing towards you at all. I just don't get why so many people take this game that seriously to the point that most of the forum is people complaining about stuff that isn't really affecting them personally. I try to play in a way for most to have fun but you can't stop from rustling someones' feathers no matter what you do or say. I don't want to edit the title because it was true on what I was saying, only if it was a small amount of 3 people who really got mad out of like 12 matches but I thought it was really funny and wanted to post while still playing.

    It's what happens when you don't fully focus on something. I was replying in real time in-between matches. It was probably the most fun I've had in DBD in awhile. The amount of mori's last night was astounding lol. I'm probably going to try what the others' said with broken keys but not even take them off to see the reactions. It was all in good fun and pretty much all the killers thought it was good. Just 3 angry ones but that wouldn't even been the case if they had 4k'd us, you know? Fun is subjective. I've said it before. Again, not talking about you. It's just the way I reply and type, I guess. I've done it all my life and don't know how to change it so never think I'm talking at you but more with you, if that makes sense? I'm a bit scatter-brained.

    (Edit: When I quoted you, I was inputting on what you said to him. Think of it like me being there and going, I know, right? Then speaking. Hope that helps. It'll help in the long run with me XD since I do it a LOT. Don't know to really address the comment to another by continuing the conversation except by just quoting.)

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    No worries I get what you were going for now. Probably doesn't help I'm half asleep now.

    I just has to chime in becuase he was ranting pretty hard about the importance of player agency as a reason to not address camping so it seemed disingenuous to now say baiting the killer was somehow abhorrent,

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I appreciate your understanding. I always type like that and it throws some people off but I think others get where I'm going. Also, no worries, Bro. It's almost 1 am here and I did a quick check on the forum for any new threads that didn't do with camping, keys, noed or something because dredging on about it won't really stop it and after awhile, you just don't even feel like giving input. Some people get why its funny but others don't and that's fine. If we were doing it to make the killers' life hell, I would be right there with the group but when it was just something really stupid and funny, I just had to post about it.

    I really wish I would have taken screenshots of the end game. A lot of the killers thought it was pretty funny when we took all the flashlights away at the last second and was wondering why lol. That's it. Just a laugh or two then move on but it got so much traction that I wasn't really expecting. I guess I made a decent thread and it was kept civil. So to that, I appreciate all who replied and left comments, whether they didn't like or thought it was funny. Anything to keep from seeing the same threads every day. Thank you for taking your time out to talk. I'm a bit of a talker XD

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited May 2021

    Bro I wouldn't even be mad I respect a good bamboozle

    That and I rarely get flashlight saved even with 3 or 4

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I know! I thought it was really clever! Like a reverse trap but instead of making a killer pissed, you just leave them confused; thinking about life while trying to murder you XD

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I run franklin on some killers even if theres no item in the lobby, simply because survivors can find some during the trial. And even if they dont, I dont think its a wasted slot imo

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Fair enough. It does help with certain scenarios like during a flashlight save and you can even bait it out. Wait for them to go back for the item and nail 'em again lol. I had a Wraith smack my flashlight out of my hands in the small room above Micheals' house and then just blocked the door (this was old Franklins) and shook his body, like no. My ITEM! Legit lost it lol. Thought it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. It was a purple, too. Man, I miss those days. You seen so much stupid stuff lol.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    I like you. I like you a lot. Please curb stomp them for my amusement as well.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    God you are a piece of work. Can't even just admit you're acting like a PoS getting their giggles from pissing off strangers with your insufferable antics. Grow up.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I am all about Player agency inside the match. This is something outside of it, and dependent upon using Comms (something not all Survivors even have). You will also note, I never said he couldn't do it. What I stated is it is a strange way to get one's jollies, a perverse hobby. His goal is to upset/aggravate the Player so they will be salty and upset in the after game chat. The fact that it also helps sabotage the Killer into playing one Perk down is just icing on the cake I suppose. The key thing is I'm not putting words in his mouth or making assumptions about his motives. I am taking his behavior exactly as he portrays it.

    In fact, it isn't that different from something you dislike. Imagine if someone camped you the entire match (I know you don't like that) just to see if they could make you DC or suicide on the hook, so they can take enjoyment from you being salty about it after the fact? In this case, it is the intent that matters. Imagine if you were in a debate with someone who started a thread titled:

    How To Camp a Survivor to Make Them Lose Their [BAD WORD]

    The poster proceeds to describe how they grab Survivors, camp them and slash them repeatedly on the hook just so they get angry and salty after the game. The poster says they do this because it is "funny," and claims it has no in-game purpose. I would likewise be calling them on being bad sports. I wouldn't be saying they can't do it, but I would (defending you even) be calling them on it exactly like I called the OP here. It is a Metagaming move and instigated for pretty creepy reasons.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    That's why I never use either of those perks, and if I see a lobby like that I'm lobby dodging anyway.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I mean I think it is perfectly reasonable to do this to the killer when almost every killer I run into slugs, tunnels, or face camps.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I wonder if this threat would have blown up as much if the tittle was something like.

    How to bamboozle the killer.

    Kinda sad to see this thread devolve into another "us vs them" post.

    There is zero difference between them having useless flashlights because of lightborn or them not having flashlights outside maybe 1 attempt at blinding.

    Switching out the flashlights or not has little to no effect on how that game goes. Lightborn still made it so you don't have to deal with flashlights. Wether they have them or not is irrelevant.

    As long as op didn't switch to all toolboxes or keys they did nothing wrong.

    Can people please think if something is worth getting upset over before getting upset over it. Or is today's society's ego really that fragile that the second they get trolled they need to get upset. No matter how harmless that trolling actually was.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited May 2021

    It isn't the intent to trick the Killer that is the primary issue, but rather the point of it being to antagonize people specifically so you can take a weird pleasure in them getting salty in the after game chat. I think using SWF's 5th Perk (Comms) to try and further stack things to one's advantage by Metagaming outside the match is of questionable ethics, but that isn't why I chimed in on this thread. I take issue with stated intent, as evidenced by the title of the thread and the OP's first post, which is to piss people off for laughs. It is just being a bad sport and a person who gets his jollies in a rather perverse way.

    And for the record, this isn't about "us versus them" for me at least. I don't care which role you are trying to aggravate for kicks, it is just plain obnoxious. I would call it out the same, and have in fact in the past when people were doing things as the Killer just to aggravate the Survivor Players outside of the game. There is that obnoxious habit of pretending to give people the hatch just so it can be slammed in their face, or pretending to let them crawl out the gate just to go get them before they make it out. Letting people bleed out for no game purpose is the same. All of the people I've called on this said the SAME thing, that it was just for laughs. Most of them also told me I take the game too serious. Imagine that.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I thought I was the only one who does this!

    I like to watch vids on the side and don't pay attention to lobbies, so I had to leave Lightborn on all the time

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    I hate last second switching with a burning passion. I don't care why you do it and in which direction from tryhard to normal or the other way around. As soon as I see 3-4 people do that they lost their chance of having a normal game.

    They can enjoy 5minutes m1 simulator with a killer either uselessly roaming the map avoiding all contact or blaiwitching it up in the basement (while I get something to eat or make a trip to the bathroom or even come here and check up on the newest posts).

    I won't give them a fast rejoining in the queue by dodging the lobby (which I categorically never do). If only 1 or 2 do it I will remember their name and character and interact with them as little as possible while playing normal with the other two (maybe akin to tunneling them) and stop all interaction after I got the non switcher to death hook aka I got theax amount of points for me without killing anyone because I don't want to kill the non switcher and won't try to kill the others in case they are better than me and I will only end up feeding them points.

    And to @AVoiceOfReason , independent of your intention with this post, you are promoting this tech for other swf and especially survivor only player that didn't know of it and will maybe adapt this in reverse to tryhard against killer. Similar to promoting a tech using a certain bug, glitch or whatever.

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    At this point it's not even an "Us vs Them" thread. It's how the OP gets his sick jollys antagonizing people through a game to see if they can make the killer rage in the after game chat.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The whole comms point is mood. There is a chat box on pc. Solos can do this too

    While i agree the op's choice of original tittle to this post was poor there is nothing to be antagonized over. Nothing antagonizing was done

    There is no advantage they are gaining as long as they are switching to no items. Which they did apperently. Lightborn isn't wasted here. You still dealt with their flashlights just by the perks existence

    If anything they are putting themself at a disadvantage because if the killer didn't pick a anti flashlight perk they lose the flashlights they could have used

    Closing the hatch in someone's face is different from this. Pretending to give hatch is like a brother pretending to give his sister a candy bar and then eating it himself before so can get it. What OP did was pretending to eat the candybar but then giving it anyway. There's a world if difference between that.

    The other examples you gave are good examples of antagonizing behaviour but this just isn't. Nothing harmfull was done. The only thing that happened is that instead of making flashlights useless lightborn made them dissapear

    As i said before. Think if something is worth being upset about before being upset about it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It was more than the now changed original Title. There was also the original, pre-edit post. :) The intent was to antagonize a Player for fun. That was it; that was the entire point of the original post. There is no cleaning that up or revising it after the fact. All the OP had to do was clarify that or apologize for that aspect of it. Instead, he dug deeper and deeper and eventually that Title got changed and the first post got a revision.

    Bad sportsmanship is bad sportsmanship. It is a weird thing to post about and an even weirder thing to do just to get one's jollies. If the OP didn't actually mean it that way, he could have corrected that. The intent was to be a jerk; there is no reason to be surprised that there are people who are going to say, "hey, being a jerk isn't funny." I see no difference between his behavior and the others I listed because the INTENT was the same, the reason for the act was the same. It would be hypocritical for me to treat them differently.

  • Polishnope
    Polishnope Member Posts: 130

    The funniest thing is people that are telling him that he did something wrong probably teabaggs every killer and make fun of it when he gets angry.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Sometimes I read stuff on this forum and really wonder why I’m here. People calling the OP “morally questionable” and suggesting that they’re an irredeemable bully because they switched off flashlights in a lobby, LOL.

    Maybe people should just learn how to play against flashlights (it’s actually pretty easy, especially since most flashlight warriors are boosted) and then they wouldn’t get so terrified about seeing them.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Fair enough. I don't remember fully what the original post was so i can't really comment about it

    Do still want to make it clear to everyone that if this happens to you that effectivelly nothing happened and there is zero reason to be upset about it

    Whatever the intent is, the act is harmless

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Heh. Well I have a copy or the original title and post, and it is crystal clear. However, in deference to the OP deciding to change that title and edit that post, I'll not just throw it right back up here, quoted, for another long dissection. Clearly the OP knows the originals were problematic or they wouldn't have been changed. I suppose I'll accept that as the closest we are going to come to an admission that the behavior was inappropriate.

    My view is this is a PvP game, and we all do what we have to do inside a match (within the rules) to win. I'm never going to blame or berate Survivors for body blocking, working to steal chases, bringing the best equipment they can, and so on. Their job is to get out alive and anything and every thing they do within the rules to achieve that is 100% valid. I feel the same way about Killers; they can camp, tunnel, slug, and/or use whatever Perk or Add-on(s) they want to kill the Survivors and I'm not going to give them grief. They are simply playing the game. There is a profound difference from playing the game to win within the rules, and merely using the game to antagonize or grief people for fun.

    I hope we can agree on that.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    Or killers repeatedly dodge your lobby, until the matchmaking gets so desperate to pair you with a killer that you go against a yellow rank, and you proceed to wipe the floor with them as red ranks, and they quit the game.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    No biggy, I just task manager out of that #########.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I really don't get the anger here, I would piss myself laughing if survivors did this to me, especially if I took lightborn. I've done similar as a duo where one brings a green key and one brings a green map. Would it be less "toxic" to just bring the ultra rare versions?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,936

    I mean, Franklins works well against any Item, not only flashlights.

    Lightborn is kind of a wasted Perk slot. It feels nice and dominant when you get blinded by 3 flashlights and nothing happens but it is easily countered without any Perks.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    You are correct that I dislike camping. You are incorrect that the killers motive matters to me. If he's camping me to win I'm going to dislike it. If he's doing it to make me dislike it I'm going to dislike it, even if the killer intended to make me laugh about it I'm still going to dislike it.

    Not sure how I would even know the killers intent while I'm being camped anywY, but would you be cool with it if the intent of other survivors who do this was an edge in the match?

    of as for the fake out requires comms and not everyone has that is what you dislike then don't worry you don't need to speak to do this. All you need is to type to your friends in our next match switch out at the last second and everyone who plays dbd can do that so no worries 👍

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Sad play. Imagine if you could tell who the killer was and they had doctor on so everyone used calm spirit and he switched at the last second. It's a douche move. Personally I don't let survivors items dictate my build, but that's a dick move and if you need that for an advantage I don't know what to say about you. Not much.