I found the best way to trick a killer
Get a 4-man SWFs together, everyone equip flashlights then at the last 12 seconds, unequip them. Almost guarantee the killer runs lightborn or franklins XD Thought it was pretty funny. So far, every killer has ran one, the other or both then got pissed at the end game chat for wasting their perk/perks lol.
That's actually so smart.
How to be toxic without being toxic
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I still can't believe it has worked every game so far lmao.
16 -
My group use to do this. Switch at 6 to our main character without the flashlights, also loads of fun with broken keys no add ons
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I actually run Lightborn 100% of the time. I often don't even pay attention to the lobbies.
If you ever get a killer who's running like two stupid perks and one of them is Lightborn, that's me. Hi!
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I mean it has potential, but it won't always work
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Could backfire. If I see it I'm going all out- ebony mori, most toxic perks on that killer, no mercy.
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Do it with keys instead
Flashlights aren't even good
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It is metagaming, i.e. attempting to trick the Killer by a last minute switch. I don't use the word "toxic" because I think it has no meaning anymore. However, I will say last minute switches by a coordinated SWF are certainly questionable in the ethics department. I could largely care less if someone brings a flashlight, or four of them. I just assume it is my birthday and I pulled a Bully Squad. It just means that you are ensuring yourself a very miserable game against me. Since I will be assuming you are Bully Squad, you get treated with zero courtesy. I'll play as mean as a rattlesnake, and not feel the slightest bit bad about it because the Survivors initiated it by attempting to metagame. Since I play Myers, I just add a Tombstone Piece and take the game to a 3v1 very quickly.
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How to ruin a funny post
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Franklin's is just part of my build at this point because of how many Keys I see.
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It was funny? I kind of missed that because it happens so often in fact. I suspect many Killers don't get the humor, particularly those that experience it first hand.
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The killers have an option to run those perks. Survivors are tricking the killer. The killer has a choice to fall for the trick.
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I don't know fam. I've seen killers leave lobbies at lightning speed the second any form of character switcheroo's start happening.
It's actually impressive how fast they can be
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We don't use the flashlights, hence, the point of watching them get mad because they assume we are going to bully them. We just play normally still but we usually get all 4 but sometimes 3 lol. I play both sides but man, it was hilarious to watch people lose it lol. I'm like, we took them away? No flashlights, no problems. It was just funny to watch their reactions lol.
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"I do a little trolling." - OP
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Again, where is the humor in that? I stated what I do when I see four flashlights, i.e. I don't load up Lightborn; I put in a Tombstone Piece and celebrate my good luck on drawing a Bully Squad that I don't have to pull punches with. And yes, Survivors (a SWF specifically) are Metagaming OUTSIDE the match using their 5th Perk (Comms) to try to setup the Killer. I find it amusing (so I suppose there is humor in this in a way) that you don't see the ethical problem there.
At no point did I ever say people shouldn't do it. I merely commented on the ethics of it. I stated that FUNNY thing I do when I see four flashlights. Are you saying I ruined the joke because the humor of my funny response is lost on you? :)
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The humor is watching the killer fall for it
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Ah, but the humor in my response is making people who THINK they are putting something over on someone get stung for it. Are you saying things are only funny when the "Killer" falls for it? Hustling a hustler or conning conmen is always funnier because it has the added measure of just deserts. I think it is hilarious (and put that content up on the internet) every time I get lucky enough to have one of those pulls. By the reaction to the videos, most people think it is hilarious.
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I like watching Survivors repeatedly fall for NOED :)
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What? Why is that funny as well as it not making sense
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I got the joke; perhaps you lack a sense of humor.
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I mean, that just gets you another 10 minutes in queue.
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Bro, I was playing yesterday and this killer was running fast and I KNEW he had NOED so I was going to the exit gate and another survivor took a protection hit for me. EVERYONE left immediately lol. I went back with BT, got him out but I died in the process but it was funny to watch him run in front of me to save me, just to do a backflip and probably cussing me out XD
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Oh yes, I almost forgot about you, the original poster. So is your goal simply to aggravate the other Players outside of the match? It appears you and I differ because I don't get my jollies trying to anger other Players, but rather from playing the game. It is a strange hobby you have. I would be saying this to you regardless of which role you were playing (Killer or Survivor) if you were bragging and having a good laugh about how to invoke salty reactions. This is just straight up bad sportsmanship. It means you went into the match with an ulterior motive besides simply playing. What's your name in Steam so I know when I pull you; I want to have some laughs too, see what I can do in the match to make you feel salty at the end. I need to know what kind of perverse fun I'm missing out on since you are talking it up.
11 -
You don't get it? The survivors literally "fall" when the killer hits them, injured or no, because NOED makes them Exposed. So they go down, or "fall," over and over.
It's a pun, because you each used a different definition for the word "fall."
13 -
It is funny...I lobby dodge or DC b4 the match no penalty and I avoid a toxic swf win win...and if it is evening I find a match quicker than them that is funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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It's a joke.
Don't you find it humorous that I'm tricking people?
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Jokes on you, I just dodge.
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Hmm... so if a killer decides to show respect by not dodging a lobby outright when he sees something like that, you game the system with a last minute switch.
Sorry, but that would be a hard "Task Manager> End process: Dead by Daylight" from me. Enjoy being sent back to the Q man.
Co'mon man, you trying to make the survivor Q's longer?
14 -
It's just in good fun. We've only been dodged twice but some of the killers have been pretty cool about it. They assumed we were going to go super try hard but it was some really chill matches. Other's completely lost it, though lol. Saying I wasted their perk/perks but in general, we didn't go out of our way to torture the killer. Our Q-times have been really fast, though. Usually 10-15 seconds each time. Just thought it would be funny to watch and I wasn't disappointed lol. For reference, I've seen others' do this to me and I've fell for it once or twice and at the end, I thought it was really well done so I wanted to try it with my friends. Just something niche' to spice up the game.
Besides, with people complaining about NOED, SWFs, Keys and other things, it's nice to see some change in the forums for once. At least, to me, it was nice to see something different from the usual threads. Look at the bright side on the matter, you don't have to worry about those flashlights lol.
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Good point and not everyone fell for it. Those who didn't thought it was pretty funny at end game when they almost switched and said, screw it lol. I always say, if you try to bully a killer, you'll usually lose the match since no gens get done. I stick by the motto.
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That still sounds like you're being pretty toxic. Sorry, but you're "tricking" someone into using perks that prevent them from getting bullied in order to have an easier time for yourself.
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I generally don't care about flashlights or even SWF. I'm usually the type that's "play like you want". I just find last minute switches to be a bit underhanded when I don't dodge lobbies outright as a rule.
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If it makes you feel any better, there were a ton of mori's. I remember a long time ago how using mori's, specially ebonies were considered toxic and unfair so it got nerfed into the ground. Toxic would literally be us bringing in keys/purple flashlights and doing our best to ruin the killers' day. It was just for fun.
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I feel you. Just wanted to spice the games up a bit. If we all switched to flashlights, I would be up in arms because then its obvious what is going on but doing the reverse is just pretty funny. Some killers get completely confused on what they just saw lol.
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If I see two flashlights I’d probably equip Lightborn, but if I see three or four players with flashlights I will likely lobby dodge. Lobbies are a dime a dozen when you’re killer. It takes a far better killer than I am to be willing to put up with that hassle. Even if I use lightborn it’s obvious that I’d be dealing with an swf group with only the goal in mind of being a royal pain in my ass. So no thank you. Hard pass.
4 -
Dude it's a game, don't need to take everything so serious. It's just a little trick to get a killer equip a perk that becomes useless. People don't immediately want to make the killer miserable.
It goes both ways by the way. The idea that only survivor players can be toxic and try to ruin other players fun is beyond ridiculous.
2 -
I had a team say that last night after burning a Dead Dawg offerring and quick switching to blendies with flashlights.
Fun is subjective. Most people don't find it fun to be manipulated into giving their opponents an easier time. And you're here bragging about how your full, clearly co-ordinated party is tricking mediocre killers into wasting perk slots.
7 -
That is a bit different. You're going out of your way to make it hard for the killer to see you and when they do, blind them to run away and hide once more. THAT is toxic. Take off your flashlights isn't and I do play both sides. I didn't come up with the idea, it was done to me a few times and wanted to try it out. Was I mad? No but I thought it was well done. That example is a group doing it to make a killers' life hell.
1 -
My example was me, the Myers, having a lot of fun. I should have clarified that.
What you were doing, no matter how much you try to say otherwise, is a full, co-ordinated party tricking killers you definitely could have beaten easily anyway into wasting perk slots to give you an even easier time. That may not be your intention, but that is the end result.
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We never once mocked anyone. The title represented what happened a few times doing it. No every killer went all nuts on us for it and we didn't "bully" anyone. We played the match as normal. Reversing that would have been different and we don't do that. I've seen people face camp someone to death with Bubba because they thought it was funny. THAT is toxic. It was almost impossible to get them safely. Take away flashlights to see how they would react isn't. Like a previous statement, switching to all Blendettes with Flashlights and choosing a map with low visibility with the intention of causing a killer to never find a survivor or work extra hard is not fun nor is it nice. Removing flashlight was just funny.
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I thought this strat for a loooooooooong time (called reserve Franklin Demise) but never want to share it, because I feel it may drop more Killer players.
This is why survivor should have their character locked at 30sec.
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I've always thought about that but never actually did it. It's really a good way to make a killer waste perk slots.
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We're all Rank 1. Mostly solo until night time where we play a few games together. If we were solo que and managed to do it, people would still lose it on here, I guess. We didn't go out of way to make the killers' life hell. We played normally. It was just for fun compared to all the crap we deal with on a daily basis. Just something to spice the games up. Hell, they brought a ton of mori's but we never once complained. It's the nature of the beast. Most of the people who play killer on here got more angry than the people that we played against.
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I ran into a few times already as Killer and finally decided to try it and wanted to see the reactions at end game chat. Most killer's were cool with it and some even thought it was pretty funny once we explained it. I posted it on here and it quickly went them vs. us. That wasn't the intent of it. Just thought it was really funny. We'll see a ton of NOED, Key and other threads tomorrow, though since that is always fun. Trying to mix it up a bit in the meantime.
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I used to try equipping a broken key to see if I could get the killer to equip Franklin's or use a mori. Never worked, though, so I gave up. :(
(I only play solo and I'm on console, so I can't coordinate with the other survivors to do something like four broken keys.)
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This was our first time trying it and it was pretty great at times. Other times, it had no effect and we just ended up getting mori's thrown at us for the trouble lol. Easy come, easy go.
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I'm simple trying to get you to see what your opponents were going through. As I said, no matter your intent, the end result is a team that was already extremely capable tricking their opponents into giving them an even easier time.
Now splice that in with back-to-back ridiculously difficult trials that are extremely stressful and require the killer to have a perfect build and play significantly better than their opponents just to do okay. Then you go against a full party that tricks you into wasting at least one perk slot because you didn't want to deal with the stress of flashlights.
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No, it isn't different. You are attempting to make the Killer play a Perk down.
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I see where you're coming from and this wasn't something I came up with. I've experienced it a few times and wanted to try it out for fun. The killers' trials are not that difficult, in my opinion but for others', they might be. I enjoy both sides and I learn from both sides, as well. It's how I got so good as killer and survivor. Again, not everyone fell for it and we got plenty of mori's to show for the effort. Toxic gets thrown around way too much on the forums. You do a certain perk build, you're toxic. You camp the hook, you're toxic. If you don't do what the other side wants, you're toxic.
The game was just as winnable without or without that extra perk. This was just for fun for a few games. Again, more people are getting mad on here than the people who we faced and thought it was also funny. Next time, I take screenshots with names blurred so everyone can see that only a few got pissed. It's not like they weren't running Undying, NOED, Ruin and that 4th perk with a mori. Even our profiles are never private so the killer can see that we are friends.
It was just in good fun. The amount of stuff we face daily and bite our tongue is more than I can count but we do something for laughs and the forums go full frontal about it. I usually don't post about my games against killers nor when I play as killer because if I get stomped, I learn and move on. I don't ran on the forums about keys, hatch, NOED and a bunch of random stuff. Only things that I truly find unfair. Definitely doing screenshots next time when we do something stupid. Hell, we once did Dwight Locker roulette in the basement. Jump in each locker over and over until we hear the killers' heartbeat and hide. Whoever gets grabbed first, loses and we run out. That was pretty hilarious, too.
A few times, we did all red Dwights and Urban Evasioned around the map to each gen like a bunch of ducks in a trail. Some killers thought it was funny and followed behind us. Others kept whacking until someone got downed and we still continued to the gen. It's about having fun and changing up the game a bit. Even when I play killer, I'll choose Pig or Ghost Face and play Duck, Duck, Goose with survivors or snail races. If you can't do that and can only play hardcore, you'll burn yourself out and get tilted all the time, which leads to people ranting on the forums. I know I just wrote a book but honestly, people need to learn to just chill out and have fun once in a while. Not every game has to be a straight sweat-fest and hate.