Licences and all but would 'Hello Zep' fit well as music for when you have the pigs trap activated?

I'm thinking in the sense of giving the player more fan service but at the same time the song is like a countdown to your death. Any thoughts? (Link is there for those who have no clue what I'm on about)
The dude geezer terrifies me 😳
I've just got the hang of ignoring the clown killer let alone some wackjob saying the wrong survivors name.
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You on the right post?
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Are you on the right post?
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No, U on the right post? lmao
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I guess so... I've just answered someone's post. You sure you're okay?
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Yes lmao
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I'd love this. I saw a mock-up on youtube of this theme as the Pig's TR, but thought it didn't really fit with the intensity of the other TR themes. For an activated RBT however... Yes. Absolutely. Perfect.
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Maybe overboard but a muffled "Game Over" with Amanda from saw 2 ending when close to the pig would be great
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As a huge Saw fan, this would be one of the best additions to the game imo. Wouldn't mind being on the edge of my seat bopping to it.
With that being said, Pig is a joke & her traps are not intimidating at all so having a little bit of an intense theme wouldn't hurt. Extra points if it syncs up to end when your head pops.
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I would love it, I have though of the RBT having a song that intensifies as the trap's phases go through
While phase 1 is calm, phase 2 is more intense, then up to phase 4 (last 30 seconds) its very intense, however I would love to see Hello Zep play while a trap is on your head
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Yes that will make her little stronger and i dont think that will be bad change, it will be pretty good. When trap is on your head you will hear only this music. 0 TR.
And i also Saw fan and i am so sad they never added this icon music.
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When trap is on your head you will hear only this music. 0 TR.
Holy crap that sounds terrifying. Pig definitely needs this.
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Having Hello Zepp play would make Pig way scarier! I really hope this soundtrack gets added to a part of her kit.
Better yet, am I the only one that would want a legendary skin for Zepp? Though they'd probably have to change The Pig's stun noise.
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It would be perfect that when the timer starts and I can't find the key, the music advances fast until it explodes and Jigsaw is laughing or saying Game Over.
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Yes, this would be wicked.
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As much as I adore the first three movies in the Saw franchise, as well as the iconic "Hello Zepp" theme music, I think that hearing it all the time would dilute its impact. In the films - especially in its first use - it triggers the emotion of shock, whereas in the game it would just be another action tune.
I love the theme, but using it for a chase just doesn't "fit" to me. Myer's chase music works because that's what it always was. Hello Zepp was used as a slow-burn creepy reveal. I'm personally happy that it's not in the game, even though I understand those who want it. It's a great, unforgettable tune.
EDIT: I skimmed the thread. I see that a lot of people would like for the tune to begin when reverse bear-trapped. That would be a different scenario, I wouldn't mind it so much then. It's more true to the theme's "point". Having it play when the endgame collapse begins would also be pretty badass. So yeah, that's cool. Just not as chase music. :)
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Hell yeah, I hope when Pig gets her update she gets music added to her RBTs.
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Eh, it doesn't fit with DBD. The music just seems very out of place, I do agree with some sort of horrific ambiance when having an active RBT though, with music getting more intense the less time you have.
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I think Amanda's Theme from Saw III would be great. But unlikely cause licensing issues.