Based on notes alone

Feral Frenzy. When active, The Legion can move at a faster rate, vault pallets, and missed attacks have a shorter cooldown. Successful attacks made during the Frenzy apply a new status effect – DEEP WOUND – and reset the power’s duration, allowing The Legion to chain their attacks to multiple Survivors.
Let me just activate my power, move faster towards the survivor, m1, and then chase for 20 seconds waiting for the survivor to drop. No need to hit twice just stay in chase... If you think resetting the damn cooldown is going to force all these pathetic campers and tunnelers to switch targets you are more braindead than I thought you were. Oh and while we created this new killer we also nerf BT to match the new killer's power instead of the other way around. Pallets are supposed to be a safe place for survivors to use and get some distance. Yet another killer is beeing released who can completely bypass it and is unaffected.
Discordance: Any time 2 or more survivors are working on the same Generator; the Generator's aura is highlighted for a short duration.
What a suprise more aura reading because todays killers can only find people by looking for auras. Because ######### survivors working together as a team.
Mad Grit: While carrying a Survivor, you suffer no cooldown for missed attacks, and hitting another Survivor will pause the carried Survivor’s wiggle timer for a moment.
Because ######### survivors trying to help eachother live while not working on generators instead. (still to situational and will see 0% play)
Iron Maiden: You open lockers faster. Additionally, when a Survivor exits a locker, their location is revealed, and they suffer from the Exposed status effect for a while.
You want to stealth away from the killer? Dont hide in lockers because the devs need more effects to show where you are located and add more 1 shot mechanics to the game! Because killers need training wheels to find survivors.
Breakdown: Any time you are removed from a hook (escaped or saved), the hook breaks and the Killer's aura is shown to you.
How long? 2 seconds? 5 seconds? 10 seconds? If the killer is camping this is useless. If he isnt its still useless...
Aftercare: A 2-way link is created between yourself and other Survivors when you cooperate. When you heal or rescue someone, or when someone heals or rescues you, a link is created, allowing you to see each other’s auras across the entire map.
Only fools would pick this perk over Empathy or Bond.
Distortion: You start the Trial with 3 tokens. When your aura would be shown to the killer, the perk activates, and a token is consumed. For a short period, your aura will not be shown to the Killer and you leave no scratch marks.
3 tokens is way to low for the amount of aura reading these days. Not worth replacing other perks for. Second DLC in a row where I suspect the perks will no longer be used by survivors after a week. Distortion might make it but highly doubt it.
These are my thoughts about the notes. Will see how it works ingame when streamers play PTB. Cant be bothered playing PTB myself since the game is already a grind and im just wasting tons of potential earned BP's.
Just like the big, the bleedout isn't active while in a chase. Try to read a little better next time.
Just skimming over the rest of the post it's a bunch of whiney bullshit. You haven't even played with or against any of this yet lmfao.4 -
I hope you are being sarcastic.
None of these killer perks affect the meta and you make braindead assumptions before you even played it.
The fact that you even mention streamers tell me you are just another flunky afraid of being cucked out of trying to emulate other people instead of thinking for themselves.0 -
How often will be used Discordance?
I mean, the problem for killers is survivors doing different gens. This perk will encourage survivors to not work on the same gen together.0 -
Also, can nurses calling reveal survivors healing from deep wounds?0
@Vietfox said:
How often will be used Discordance?
I mean, the problem for killers is survivors doing different gens. This perk will encourage survivors to not work on the same gen together.Yeah this is what I'm generally thinking about his perks overall.
They're useful... but very situational. I can't imagine dropping something for this at high ranks.
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Vietfox said:How often will be used Discordance?
I mean, the problem for killers is survivors doing different gens. This perk will encourage survivors to not work on the same gen together.0 -
Lol without even playing the game you are complaining that's fresh isn't it lol.
Breakdown is useless? A hook breaking down for 3 minutes each time the killer decides not to camp and let them play the game? That perk is useless really? Uh not ######### I will camp you if letting you go minus points from me and gives me a broken hook.
Empathy or bond is better? Both are one sided. The other person does not know where I am and it only benefits me.
This benefits 2 choosing this perk you are creating a 5th perk for another user. If this is your friend in the same game. Assuming you don't use cheesy comms to bypass the lack of information. It's strong play. You know exactly where your friend is at all times and same goes for him.
3 tokens is way less? So you want all aura reading perks to be obsolete?
Here is a tip for you. The reason Aura perks are so dominant is because survivors complained killer's camp. The reason killer's camp is because it's easier to let the others come find me than for me to leave and lose my kill and at the same time not finding anyone.
You cannot have your cake and eat it mate. camping or less aura perks?
Cuz I don't camp when I use BBQ I can quickly go find others and not waste me hook. If my BBQ is going to show nothing for 3 hooks...why should I bother to not camp and guarantee myself a kill? Because it's noob? No it's the easier a victory....
Same reason as to why you have meta survivor perks like SH and DS. That you guys will never complain about.
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Let me just activate my power, move faster towards the survivor, m1, and then chase for 20 seconds waiting for the survivor to drop. No need to hit twice just stay in chase...
Maybe you should have read the patch notes? The bleedout timer is not active while in chase.
Oh and while we created this new killer we also nerf BT to match the new killer's power instead of the other way around.
What nerf? Borrowed Time's bleedout timer no longer winds down in a chase, you do not need a medkit/selfcare/a second survivor to get rid of the bleedout timer, and it is not affected by Mangled status (Sloppy Butcher). You lost 5 seconds on what is now quite effectively a second health-state. Cry me a river.I'm not even going to go over your perk rant, it's pretty widely agreed from both side's early impressions that the Survivor perks are much more practical than the Killer's perks, to say the least.
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yeah, that change to BT is a huge advantage. No more being chased until you go into dying state again, no more going into dying state if you can't heal yourself. Honestly, this makes BT even more functional.
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@lukeydrew said:
No more being chased until you go into dying state again, no more going into dying state if you can't heal yourself. Honestly, this makes BT even more functional broken and problematic.FTFY
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@Acromio said:
@lukeydrew said:
No more being chased until you go into dying state again, no more going into dying state if you can't heal yourself. Honestly, this makes BT even more functional broken and problematic.FTFY
But how?
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why is so many people complaining about the new killer, he seems more realistic than the others
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lol PTB is out since 2 hours and noobs are already complaining
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BT is and has always been a cancer perk that rewards survivors for playing poorly (unhooking in front of the killer). Now it's even more cancerous, because as a killer you can't effectively punish a bad BT rescue. You HAVE to let them go. The bleedout change is one of the reasons why the new killer sucks.
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@Acromio said:
BT is and has always been a cancer perk that rewards survivors for playing poorly (unhooking in front of the killer). Now it's even more cancerous, because as a killer you can't effectively punish a bad BT rescue. You HAVE to let them go. The bleedout change is one of the reasons why the new killer sucks.The whole point of BT is to counter camping, now it counters tunneling as well.
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It'salways been busted AF. And now it's even more busted.
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What will happen if all survivors are using breakdown and just sabo the rest of the hooks then just do all gens away from the basement.
This with ds a flashlight and SWF could become a nightmare for killers and I main survivor but can see an issue here1