What do you think about changing how hooks affect survivors?

So, first off, to avoid inevitable comments wondering: I'm a rank 1 killer, rank 18 survivor (I'm pretty new, so I've only dabbled on the survivor side of things).
I see a lot of complaints about tunneling and camping (which I think are fair), and I also see a lot of general game complaints that I think stem from the weird difficulty players have in DBD from determining a win v a loss.
So here's my thought for discussion: what do you guys think about making the following changes, or something similar?
- Survivors no longer die on their 3rd hook state. Survivors do not progress hook states after reaching 2nd hook state while on hook.
- After a killer achieves 7?8? hooks by any means, all survivors will die immediately on being hooked
- Moris would work as normal (e.g., after an individual survivor has been hooked twice, they can be mori'd)
- Hook states work as normal, except every hook after the first hook has the qualities of a 2nd hook (e.g., struggle)
To me, this would help solve camping and tunneling, because you can't just remove a survivor entirely early on; and if you just camp a hook before getting your hook-to-kill quota, it doesn't solve anything, because you can't kill that survivor on that hook. In return, the killer can start removing people regularly after getting a set number of hooks. People might still be tunneled, especially if they're weaker survivors, but they will get to keep playing that game and improve.
Maybe a bad idea, but I'm hoping for some discussion around it. As far as I can tell, no perks would have to be changed, but maybe I missed something.
I'm gonna be straight with you, Chief. I rarely get caught but if I died instantly because of other survivor's screwing with the killer and got steamrolled, I would be livid.
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a survivor i've hooked twice constantly bodyblocking for their teammates knowing they no longer have consequences for their actions? or just working on gens literally nonstop because they're a waste of my time and they know it?
no thanks
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@AVoiceOfReason I thought about that, but I figure that happens anyway when your teammates screw around and don't get gens, and the best survivor either finds a hatch or dies on their first hook at the end of the game.
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@deckyr That's a fair point, but I think that ends up working in the Killer's favor - if survivors want to give you easy hooks, you can end the game even faster. There's still consequences as they feed you and end up dying for it. The gens thing is a fair point though - my hope was that lowering the hook count could make it so that Killers can still keep up, but maybe that's not doable
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Imagine how hard you could grief with this
- Meg gets hooked 8 times in a row
- Get hooked once and instantly die
- Meg gets hatch
- Uninstall
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I'd rather have my chance at the hatch or gate then. Ive seen some really stupid crap from randoms and I really don't want to be punished for it.
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I do not like this idea.
The whole point of dying on the hook is to make your teammates pick between saving you (and risking themselves) or working on gens. And they have to pick NOW. Not 30 minutes later.
Your idea takes all the threat out of being hooked, and the rush out of the timer; 'Just work on gens while I sit here. It's not like I can die.'
And I would hate to be hooked ONCE and die, because I had a potato teammate.
Also; the gens barely last long enough for 8 hooks unless the Killer plays REALLY well or the Survivors screw up. If hooks no longer killed via time limit; Survivors would just bang out gens instead of going for saves. The Killer would never reach 4 or 5 hooks, never mind 7 or 8.
Sorry, but this idea, while unique (and kudos on the uniqueness) is not good for the balance of the game.