Final 4.7.0 Tier List

Sorry for spamming these out, but I enjoy it so eh. Took some feedback, changed some spots, this should work. Also this takes into consideration their very best addons, and left = high tier and right = low tier.
Demo in C
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He belongs there, at least on Console.
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i play him on console and i believe he's really good
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His Shred freezes the game if you charge it, it's fairly well-known
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Demo should be on C tier, he is meh at everything. He is just too average honestly. I have played quite a bit of demo, he has strengths and weaknesses, but nothing remarkable.
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Wraith better than bubba?
Bubba better than Doctor?
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it does? i'm on series x so is this not an issue there? never had it before.
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Series X is not affected by most of the issues that the base Console are.
So no, it isn't present there.
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Oh, well either way technical issues aren't really a factor in most balance aspects.
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Yes, they are.
That's why there are different tier lists for Console because Nurse isn't nearly as good.
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You gravely underestimate clown tbh, Low B/High C.
To the person saying Demo is C, Demo is Mid/Low A, with the updated addons and tweaks, particularly Rotten pumpkin / Deer Lung. Glasses and Soda also nice now.
With Starstruck a thing now, i would move doctor to High B/Low A depending on maps. The rest i agree with.
Post edited by CrowVortex on1 -
Clown can’t be the worst killer imo. Call me biased but he can get consistent downs and good chase
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Why should starstruck be good with doctor? I got never hit with starstruck when i just run away in a straight line and the killer has no mobility.
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On current gen I’ve had no problem with nurse for the archive challenges. Sure I’m no god nurse but I could hit blinks pretty consistently for my hours on her
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Controversial tier lists like these are interesting, no disrespect to your opinions btw.
IMO killers that should be lower:
- Wraith, demo, billy, Myers, trapper, trickster
I know you said considering best addons, but be realistic, youre not going to bring a tombstone piece every game as myers.
IMO killers that should be higher:
- maybe Bubba
Overall, i just think you put too many killers too high, theres way too many killers in A and B tier so i think you should separate the tiers more. Nice tier list though it was interesting to think about.
If there's any killers anyone would like me to elaborate on, please ask and ill explain myself :)
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I think both of them are better than Doc tbh
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It's difficult for a lot of people because of the frames and freezing, not to mention the lower sensitivity
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If we are talking difficult on current gen we’ll talk slinger. The game literally freezes when you ads making quick scoping very difficult
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With his Terror radius being massive with Distressing and calm addons and his built in tracking, majority of the time 2 or 3 survivor's will be marked with it on a good map. And generally one of them will be out of position, allowing him to usually get 1 or 2 downs if survivor's clump together. Also good for discouraging people for going to the hooked person while exposed i find.
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Same with Demo and Blight.
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Iits useful against fast unhooks or bodyblocks, but i dont think it works for downs against decent survivor except with good chasers. I get downs with it but the survivor make really dumb plays.
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I started adding notes for things that I disagree with but it was easier to just say almost all of it I disagree with
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Much better, I was gonna question why Demo was so low. Glad to see you fixed it.
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i play on the ps4 slim and that doesnt happen?
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Im so happy clown is D haha...but actually, I main wraith and billy, and I dont think they're A tier, but it's nice to see some people think of them like that:) Your S tier is good too.
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Can't believe I took a minute out of my life to look at this tier list. Just bogus.
Fred/bubba on the same level as Plague, Ghosty, and Mike is just dog food to me even if he is on the left of them.
Don't even get me fukin started on trick suck ahead of my piggy. Ball this list up and throw in trash.
I do like Demo's potential to be a-tier though. To be safe I say be but could def be A so I'm coo with that.
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The real tier list, not sorted in order in tiers. Once you have played the game for 5k hours playing both sides. This is the only tier list that makes sense.
Only thing of note is i do think blight is brushing up against that line, and as people get better with blight, we may see in time that he moves up a tier.
Against, what i call, "Normal" survivors" the tiers stay the same, but they become:
Completely Broken OP
Terrible but still viable.
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And for god sake people CLOWN IS NOT THE WORST IN THIS GAME. Geez.,
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Good list. I couldn't find anything really to disagree with. If nit picking maybe oni 2-3 spots to left. I like it. Every has their own opinions of course on bottom 3 tiers but the top killers are pretty much agreed upon. The only thing I'm still confused about is seeing clown as weakest so much. Mobility is a problem for all low-tier killers but he has the best chase tool, and now has a speed increase bottle (minimal). Trapper as much as I somehow enjoy playing him is the worst as they are totally confused on how to qol/buff him. Last one nerfed him.
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If the majority of the playerbase can't use them to their full potential, then it affects the ranking.
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I'm sorry, but why is Demo so low on this list?
aw yeah that's better
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Oni and PH are no way in hell bad tier.
At least you gave Legion their own tier though.
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Yes, and yes.
DBD Steam charts show that it is at around 40K players per day.
Considering that DBD was free on PS+ and is included with Xbox Game Pass (which is a really good deal) AND the Switch exists, I'd say that Console's do outnumber PC.
It's fairly well-documented that Demo's Shred on Console has always lowered FPS and has always been an issue for many players. His Shred is one of, if not his best tool. Taking that away from him or nerfing him is extremely detrimental.
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I'm looking at it in terms of high MMR. Against oni, if you don't try to loop, and just drop pallets, by the time oni gets a hit, you can get 3-4 gens done. Same for PH, just predrop pallets and hold w. Again, this is assuming High MMR play where your teammates actually do gens.
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Trickster needs to be in his own F tier.
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i never understood why clown is ranked so low, hes one of the killer that most survivors, atleast when i played him dont know how to counter him
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Why did you put Deathalinger so high, above Huntress and Freddy? Respect your opinion and tier list btw 👍
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Freddy's power isn't as good as people make it out to be. Snares are good at anti-loop. But snares are just clown's bottles with extra steps. The trick to them is to drop the pallet, or leave the loop. The better trick is to find the clocks and/or constantly wake yourself and teammates up. The latest nerf to make clocks even stronger counters this. Remember, if you aren't dreaming, freddy is an m1 killer.
His other part of his power is good, which is his teleport. But the cooldown on it is quite long when you keep yourself awake. Most people don't realize that the cooldown for his teleport is extremely long, but for each survivor dreaming, he gets it 15% faster. This means if you are all asleep, yeah he is teleporting every 20 seconds. But if everyone stays awake, he has no snares, and his teleport takes a very long time to come back.
In short, you pre-drop pallets (except at god loops like shack), and keep yourself awake and hold W, and he has no power. But, teleporting is still quite strong, and even though the cooldown can be made long, it is still a very powerful ability. Which is why he creeps up to high MMR viable IMO.
For huntress, she is good, but she is not able to zone out as well as deathslinger due to her hatchet windup, so it becomes a true mindgame at loops. Granted her snowball potential is far greater, she often can't use that if survivors are playing optimally (splitting up on 4 different gens).
Deathslinger on the other hand, gets to zone you by existing. A high MMR deathslinger is going to be able to aim and fire instantly and be able to pull of insane flick shots that you just can't do with huntress. On top of that, because he can aim nearly instantly, you can bait out survivors far more by just tapping the right mouse button which makes them lose distance. With huntress, as soon as you press that button, they can start juking and be assured that you can't catch up to them as well because she slows down. Deathslinger also slows down, but since his aiming is so quick it's nearly impossible to properly juke a good one.
Now, keep in mind that any killer where the strategy to beating them is to just "pre-drop pallets" is going to do very well in solo queue against what i call "normal" survivors. Because while you are being chased pre-dropping pallets, even if you never get hit, your team is usually doing #########-all and you end up wasting every pallet on the map very quickly.
However, with a team of survivors who are actually doing gens, even maps with only like 8 pallets are enough. By the time you get to the point you need to drop the pallet, you wasted probably around 20-30 seconds. Even if the killer leaves you to go after another survivor, you just immediately hop on the nearest gen. If every survivor plays it safe, plays optimally, and just pre-drops pallets, its going to take you 8 x 20 seconds to break all the pallets, which is 160 seconds. Given that a gen is 80 seconds, and there 3 survivors working on them, that is the game. Now of course sometimes you end up getting the survivor caught in a deadzone, or if they are solo they can't communicate which pallets are dropped, it still results in you likely losing 3 gens before you can even land a hit.
The problem in general with the balance of this game, is the power of holding w, and just dropping pallets. If survivors all play optimally and do this, the killer is often lucky if they even get a single hook, with the exception of nurse and spirit. This is why survivors (myself included) often hate playing against nurse (only good ones) and spirit. Against nurse, the only thing you can do is be better than the nurse, which against good nurses, is very very hard. Against a spirit, the strategy is again, to pre-drop pallets. But unlike clown/freddy, all this does is create a 50/50 and she rarely has to actually break the pallet.
Nurse and spirit quite frankly don't even play the same game that other killers are playing.
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pig more like poo hahajshahahsha
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freddy, at this point, is quite literally worse hag with mint rag
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Also bro, chill out for a sec and lemme explain. Freddy's nerfed addons are absolute shite now. His spam ability of traps is limited, and he's just not as good. He's just kinda mediocre and his slowdown has been limited a whole lot. Plague is decent enough to be B-Tier, and if you can use Michael's addons to the best of his ability, it may take a while but that stuff has insane potential. Ghostface doesn't have a lot in chase but saying that he has quite decent ambush potential. Pig is a cool concept and has some decent slowdown, but if you can't bring yourself to play very dirty with her she can't do well. Playing Pig is like playing Nurse: if you can't do it right every game is a depip.
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I play this game on pc and console and I’ve never had this problem.
Think you need to sweep some dust off of your console :P
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Billy isn't that goes anymore. He's not bag, he's just not THAT good. Also, I would argue that Billy's potential isn't as good as Leatherface's. Not since the changes.
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Lol that Plague placement is nonsense.
She's actually amazing.
Also that Oni placement is ridiculous and it doesn't matter how you try to explain it away, we all know Oni is one of the best killers in the game so why waste your time?
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Look at my Console thread. "It's Becoming Harder and Harder to Enjoy this Game."
Go ahead and try to invalidate everyone else's clips and experiences.
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Playing dirty with pig? Like what? Tampered timer/Crate of gears about the only thing you can do with her anymore. Chasing trapped survivors is counter productive unless you know the survivors SUCK which case you would have won anyhow. Camping with stealth? NEW BT handles that now, so all the dirty pigs can be handled. The ones going for head pops ain't dirty. Fred's core is still there, add-ons were nothing special before, good fred players didn't use sweat ropes anyhow so double power recovery all I need. Plague is buggy as ######### and reliant to uch on survivors actions. I trully feel survivors need a debuff when sick. I do well with Mike but he no fred and just because he has good add-ons compared to fred don't change it.