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If you were to rework Myers how would you do it?

Member Posts: 3,089
edited May 2021 in General Discussions


My idea teir 1 he has 2 ways to get out of it. basic stalking or getting 2 hits in t1

T2 the shape moves 10% faster when out of sight being looked at, at all will set you back to normal speed and lasts 3 s after losing los

T3 he inflicts exposed to all survivors like normal. but if he is out of sight he gains the undetectable status and he can attempt to stab through a wall like in his trailer short range (the range where you can hear his breathing is increased by 4m)

Those who like to know how it works

Being looked at is simmlar to gf reveal but its instant and you only need to see 10% of him and since he is tall it should be fine

Your idea

Post edited by onemind on

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  • Member Posts: 799
    edited May 2021

    first thing, i'd add a 2018 skin which changes his sounds and music to be that of the 2018 movie

    crucially important. cannot explain how important this is. i would also add a skin where he is shirtless, but that is more self-serving than important. but it's still important, because being self serving is important and you should all treat yourselves to what you want!

    mechanically, the core concept is the same, but i would make the tombstone piece basekit.

    hear me out.

    instead of the mori condition being "evil within 3", the condition is that the survivor is in the dying state, and after having stalked the survivor completely dry. their aura has turned completely blood red and you cannot gain any more evil within from them. i would also make this process take longer, enough time for the survivors to have an "oh bad word" moment when they realise why he's still stalking even though he's already at EW3. i would like myers to personify what he does in the movies, and i would like his gameplay mechanics to reflect his sheer patience.

    "what if i get bodyblocked?"

    you made a mistake. don't hide from myers. run from myers. run and run and don't ever stop.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Hmm sounds interesting I personally like it but I know other wont

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    -he now starts in tier 2.

    scratched mirror now gives him tier 1 as an effect, alongside what it already does.

    (just change tier 2 to not actually be named and give tier 3 a cool name. much like oni's blood fury)

    -survivors regenerate their stalk over time.

    I think this would be enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Myers's problem is that his power spike takes so much effort to get and it's not strong enough to make up for it. If we were to keep his current concept and make changes to it, I would straight out remove T1 and give him a pallet breaking bonus in his T3. I think he needs a full rework though.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Yeah I'm seeing what people would do tho some ideas are good other not so much

  • Member Posts: 799

    oh... last thing i'd do

    i'd have it so that, in the menus and lobby, instead of looking ahead or at the survivors, he looks directly into the camera. like, legit have him stalking You while you're setting up his loadout and stuff.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    he doesn't really need a power rework, more of an addon pass

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Remove stage 2. Give him increase speed in the stage 1 and have a majority of the match played in this stage. Then increase the time it takes to build up to his stage 3 and that is a special activation / feeling of empowerment for the killer. The entire stage 2 feels unnecessary for the speed versus terror radius trade-off.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Make tier 3 more threatening and make tier 1 not a hinderance and he's good.

    Thing is conceptual he is really good, the payoff just isn't there.

    Tier 1 increase his movement speed to 110%. and let every hit drain a certain amount of evil of a character. so you can reach level 2 by stalking, hitting or a combination of both

    In tier 3 everything should just be better. just a flat 20% or so bonus on action speed in addition to the lunge increase and exposed, make him an actual juggernaut

    make it so you activate tier ups with the secondary killer action button so you don't need to do the awkward 99% stalk thing and you can choose to keep tier 1 if you want.

    then some addon changes. The tombstone pieces i would change to remove tier 3, slightly decrease the rate you drain a target. and when a survivor is fully drained you can mori them. You know so people don't get insta gibbed because someone else decided to dance in front of him

    Myers is a type of killer that is just plainly horrible now but could become quite decent with a few changes in the right places

  • Member Posts: 1,030
    edited May 2021

    Nothing much other than giving him is multi-stalk back. And maybe the ability to voluntarily switch between tiers 1 and 2, like Ghost Face.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Give him his multi-stalk back. And that's it.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Make him my husband and that's it

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited May 2021

    Reverse all of that but keep him at 115% speed during and that would be terrifying. Also, Stalk regenerates.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    I consider Myers one of their best killers, so no changes required. But if anything, i would change Tier 1. Something more interactive would be cool, eg if you're starving evil too long at tier 2, you drop back to tier 1 for example.

  • Member Posts: 246

    But Myers is worse than Oni, Leatherface, basically all snowball killers are better at what they do then him.

    Oni does not need to slow down to cause pressure, he simply plays as a regular m1 killer while gaining snowball potential.

    Leatherface has constant snowball pressure with his one shot chainsaw and although he suffers the same map pressure downside with Myers, his early game is not as weak.

    The only redeeming quality that Myers has are his add ons, some are very strong on certain maps and others can change his entire way he plays but were looking at his base kit. Add ons aside, he is struggling.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Yeah he isn't the best at what he does, but his overall package is still strong. Great survivors can deny you EW2 early on, but apart from that he feels powerful. Good stealth and very good snowballing, if you get a timely EW3. He is kind of a pubstomper like billy, high potential if unchecked.

    His design and atmosphere is top though. A killer who is just watching you is such a great concept, havent seent that in other games.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Too Easy

    If we theoretically had to rework him...

    Michael Myers

    Evil Within l: Undetectable, moves at normal movement speed. Attacking or grabbing a survivor instantly increases him to Evil Within ll.

    Evil Within ll: Loses Undetectable (16 meter TR) and maintains movement speed. Unlocks the stalk ability, stalking a survivor for 5 seconds tags them. Tagging 2 survivors increases him to Evil Within lll.

    Evil Within lll: Lasts for 60 seconds before reverting Michael Myers to Evil Within l while all survivors become unmarked. Increased TR (32 meter TR), increased movement speed (4.6m/s > 4.8m/s), and lunge (+25% Bonus).

    Exiting Evil Within lll increases how many survivors you need to mark to enter Evil Within lll by 1 up to a maximum of 2. Everytime, after the first time, you enter Evil Within lll, it's gets stronger.

    • Second Time: Survivors become exposed during Evil Within lll.
    • Third Time: 25% bonus lunge speed and duration during Evil Within lll.
    • Fourth Time: Downing a survivor refills the Evil Within lll duration.
  • Member Posts: 3,089

    This sounds much more consistent and a nice qol buffs only one thing that confuses me what benefits dose he have in t3 the first time

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Not anything to take your breath away: However, it gets strong as you keep entering EW3.

    Increased TR (32 meter TR), increased movement speed (4.6m/s > 4.8m/s), and lunge (+25% Bonus).

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited May 2021

    For convenience for each state I mention I'll list them as EW1, EW2 and EW3.

    Evil Within 2 is the Default - Can stalk in this state - Tap alternative power button to switch to Evil Within 1 for a set duration / Hold alternative power button when fully charged to switch to Evil Within 3 for a set duration

    Evil Within 1 - When switching to Evil Within 1 it works the same as before however it's for a set duration / Cannot cancel this status / Everything else functions the same - Can stalk in this state at a higher rate to fill the meter for Evil Within 3.

    Evil Within 3 - Functions the exact same as prior / Can now stalk survivors to fill meter without automatically activating power - To activate Evil Within 3 hold down the alternative power button.

    To tl;dr this - You have full control over when you're Evil Within 1 & 2 - Stalking at all states is purely to fill the meter for Evil Within 3.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited May 2021

    I main Myers, please leave him as he is right now, he doesnt need anything except changing the T1 stalk aura yellow addon (because its useless).

    I endorse Scott Jund Myers video, people reaaaaaaaaaaally understimate how insanely good a 8 meter TR is and how good 99% EW3 is on getting rid of the god looper in 5 seconds, the problem is giant maps like Mother's Dwelling (which screw any low mobility Killer anyway so its better to change the maps than Killeres individually).

    P.D. No, I dont want buffs to my main, I dont want to get spoonfed, if I wanted that I would be playing Stridor Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I would rework Tombstone Piece somehow.

    Multistalk would be a nice addition, and buffing tier 1 while making it switchable would be nice. Like maybe he can switch to it after Myers gets past tier 2, and then after tier 3 ends he can switch back to tier 1/2 any time. 

    Tier 1 should make him a 4.4m/s killer, make him a trapless Trapper for tier 2, and give him the big stuff for tier 3. 

    I would also add faster pallet/generator/wall breaking speed for tier 3. Makes tier 3 more interesting maybe, while making him scary to play against and fun to play as with the changes I thought of.

  • Member Posts: 799

    going through this thread i'm glad some of you guys aren't in charge. your open hatred of EW1 to the point of saying "just remove it" or contriving ways in which it literally just will not exist without addons is really uninspired. if anything it's the middle child EW2 that should go. myers oscillating between undetectable and lethal would be terrifying and hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Yeah his t1 is his worst part but as the title says if you had to rework him

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I think tier 1 has the potential to be more useful, although atm it's something you need to get out of immediately.

  • Member Posts: 764

    Maybe mayers need to be a bit faster in T3 (big radoius? ) and shorter T1.

  • Member Posts: 79

    I would just give him another button. When you press ctrl you do a slow dash that breaks down walls or pallets. As for why you cant put the other aspects of michaels coolness into a game. You cant just let him rob people or give him a car but you can let him go through walls and slam through things.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Give him no terror radius

  • Member Posts: 50

    Polish up his addons, aura reading while stalking

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I would give him the ability to kill in lockers with tombstone, also make him either easier to get out of t1 or make him faster

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited May 2021

    not exactly sure but he need to be closer to GF level, more consistent stealth, better exposed ability.

    He just need to be faster, Myer is so slow and boring to play as and against cause his ability do not fit the current fast-paced state of the game

  • Member Posts: 737

    Start in tier 2, when you're stalking make it similar to t1 in terms of undetectable, no lunge, slow speed.

    Tier 3 should have faster pallet breaks, tombstone effect for survivors already on death hook (For no other reason than looking cool and saving PWYF stacks) and some kind of tracking so you cant just hide it out, maybe intermittent screams or aura reveals when they are so far away.

    Also Halloween theme plays throughout T3 and map wide terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    I like the terroradius idea maybe not nap wide because I could get very annoying. But I like the t3 playing part

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited May 2021

    I reaaaaally like Myers and rarely lose with him. One of the most fun killers in the game. I'd only make minor tweaks.

    Make tier 1 less of a hinderance or give a brief exposure on the survivor you enter tier 2 off of.

    Reduce tier 2 base TR to 8m and make it unaffected by Monitor. Or tweak Dead Rabbit to be a flat reduction in TR for tier 2 and 3 instead of % based. I feel obligated to run Monitor on Myers.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Change his height so he can actually be stealthy. Dude isn't 6'10".

  • Member Posts: 724

    Make it possible to revert back into tier 1/alternate between tiers 1 and 2. Just an idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    Personally, I really want for Evil Within I to be made better and to become a proper tool in Myer's arsenal that he can use during a match. As it currently exists outside of Scratched Mirror builds, it is purely there to be a handicap.

    So I guess the changes I'd make would be:

    -Bump Myer's speed in EW1 up to 4.4 m/s (110%). Maybe remove/reduce his lunge penalty too.

    -EW1 regains its immunity to all survivor detection perks (Spine Chill and Premonition). To go really crazy, he could have a reverse OoO effect where he temporarily sees survivor's auras when they would attempt to read his aura while in EW1.

    -Stalking does not auto-tier up Myers. Once the meter is full, he can press the secondary power button to tier up.

    -While in Tier 2, Myers can hold the active ability button (same button survivors use for Dead Hard) to return to EW1. Doing so removes 25% of his meter. No musical flourish plays when he transitions from EW2 back to EW1.

    -Tiering up into EW3 now has a brief activation animation (equivalent in length and speed-reduction to the one Oni goes through when entering Blood Fury). This is just to reduce the cheese of 99ing EW3 and popping it right behind someone. No cooldown animation when coming out of EW3 though.

    -His add-ons would need tweaks here and there too.

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