
I'm not even someone who uses flashlights frequently, but Lightborn is a very problematic perk. Besides three particular killers (Wraith, Hag, and Nurse), flashlights have one and one utility only: blinding the killer. This perk completely counters a feature unlike anything else in the game. Not only that, but it actually punishes you for trying to use an item for its intended purpose. On top of that, it does not provide any feedback that it is in play. A killer never having to be afraid of being blinded just by equipping a perk is a cheap way out, no skill or game sense required.
At the very least, this perk needs to tell the survivor using the flashlight that Lightborn is in use. With how you devs are always changing and breaking flashlight angles, I don't think this is very much to ask. But taking it a step further, Lightborn should only use up flashlights 100/150/200% faster.
Edited for grammatical error.
You know that survivors also have perks that negates killer power and thats the point of perks
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Name one survivor perk that 100% hard stops a killer's power.
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Iron will
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What killer power does this negate?
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Dead hard counters a lot of killer powers (Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Hag, etc.), adrenaline counters Freddy, slippery meat and small game used to hard counter Trapper and small game for Hag. I could go on.
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Spirit power .Her power is based on sound ,ok it does not negates 100% of there power but lighborn also does not do that you can still blind a killer with lightborn and flashing a killer is additional activity that does not really do much for you unless killer is braindead ,also they lose 1 perk slot
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Also the perk isn't problematic, it's a complete waste of a perk slot if not most of your team is using it. Also simply just look at the blind? It get stuck right before the blind goes off so that's a good indicator, how about instead of the game holding your hand and telling you what perks the killer's running you use game knowledge to figure it out yourself.
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False. Since its buff, you can no longer blind a killer at all. Spirit can still hear footsteps, see grass movement, etc. etc. It does not stop her from using her ability to phase.
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even tho they are wasting one perk which is a lot, there are a lot of better tactics against flashlight than lightborn .And can we say that mad grit is stupid becuse it counters bodyblocking?Killer needs to have some perks that counter survivor tactic becuse he has 4 perks and survivors 16
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Yes, both Lightborn and Dead Hard should be nerfed/changed/made more fair IMO
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Calm Spirit completely negates The Doctors power.
Because survivors don't scream when shocked, they don't suffer from the 2.5s stun that would stop them from vaulting/dropping pallets.
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I believe you’re wrong on this. Do you have video footage? You don’t scream, but still tier up in madness and are unable to perform actions when shocked by shock therapy.
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Cute list, but these perks all have limitations. You have to be injured and not exhausted to use Dead Hard; Adrenaline works once and only once, and only after five generators are powered; Slippery Meat and Small Game have both been reworked as you said - so not sure why you're even bringing it up?
And none of them put a hard stop to a killer. Lightborn does put a hard stop on flashlights.
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Ever since dedicated servers went live, I lost the ability to reliably counter flashlights. Right now I keep Lightborn on 100% of the time because I can be blinded without the survivor even being in my FOV. I can immediately turn away and still be blinded. I've had blinds happen in the past when I was facing a wall. Not cool.
Lightborn really isn't that good a perk. It's basically me wasting a perk slot to avoid being annoyed by something that's out of my control. If someone has a flashlight, I could just slug everyone and avoid the blind problem without shooting myself in the foot wasting a valuable perk slot. Lightborn doesn't win games unless the survivors are really dumb and really intent on getting a blind, which means they're not doing gens and were probably going to lose, anyway.
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I have personal experience, I pretty much main Doctor, and every now and then go up against survivors who don't scream, and are completely immune to my shocks.
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If I see 2 or more flashlights you're darn right I'm bringing lightborn cause I'm not in the mood for getting blinded 50 million times.
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Yeah you know why they have limitations? Because they're actually effective at countering a key part of gameplay. A blind to a killer won't do much and you'll rarely get a save with a flashlight against a good killer. Dead hard completely counters a well placed killer power, also the injured part isn't a problem expect for like 5 killers and some of the rest included actively get super punished for playing well (Nurse, Huntress, PH, Blight, Twins, Deathslinger, Demogorgon, Spirit, Hag, Wraith). Like you're literally complaining about a perk that'll only be brought if more than 2 survivors bring in a flashlight.
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All perks that stop bleeding counter Twins
Calm Spirit deletes Doctor's ability to track you without addons
Spine Chill against stealth, even if they look away, you might still just see them coming & run away before they can even know
Dead Hard against any chase power
and since it not like Lightborn deletes the ability to play survivor, just using a certain item, so IW against Spirit as well
I do agree that Lighborn should notify the survivor at least tho, along with the rest of the hard counters, not being hard counters, but this just isnt the point to stand on
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This only negates the scream, it does not negate the additional action penalty of the m2
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spine chill
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There are some teams that purpousefully play in order to bully the killer, and some torches can blind you from the side if accurately aimed.
Lightborne is a sacrifice in order to prevent it, with a normal torch user it makes him only stronger because he will focus on genrushing when he face the fact he can't blind.
LB is only useful with bully squads.
And i think it should be a little buffed NOT making visible to the surv the killer has it.
It is 25% of killer perks invested, it should give 100% against torch saves.