So How is Freddy Now?

My poor Freddy was one of most hated killers. But he nerfed. Did you played against him after uptade? Is he good now or still so stong? What you thinking? Did nerf helped?
Not in a good state, in my opinion. For the moment we are stuck with a watered down version of his new and generic power, together with some useless add-ons. Yes, he still is an A Tier killer, but at what cost?
The best thing to do with Freddy is to revert his rework. It is the right thing to do. Always has been.
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I just want Old Freddy...
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Same as ever, only even less appealing to play as now. Playing against him is the exact same. The change to his movement speed when placing traps is meaningless, and the clocks spawn on the direct opposite side of the map to you, making it not worth to go and wake up to get the 30s immunity. So just a boring change for a boring killer, it fixed none of his issues and people want to play as him even less. Reminds me of a certain other killer that can go through walls, or that other other killer that can detach a small gremlin from her
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I really want to see him revamped to his old model, where he has to make people fall asleep instead of them passively doing it on its own, and then given powers within that - so perhaps Old Freddy can do gen teleports, but can't hit players on the gen immediately unless they were already in the dream world, so it's not as immediately powerful of an interruption tool. Or he can use snares and dream pallets, but it's less of a given that every survivor will be asleep. New Freddy has no flavor to him at all and I don't think many of his nerfs impacted his gameplay much. He just got slightly worse at doing the things he could already do, but his kit is still powerful with two types of slowdown and anti-looping capabilities.
He's a little less obnoxious without slowdown addons, but Freddy never needed addons to be able to slow the game to a crawl, just gen info perks and basic competence.
Post edited by Laluzi on1 -
He's alright. People just love being dramatic.
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He's the exact same,minus the obnoxious slowdown add-ons.
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At least his skills taking is increased from 0 to about billy's level, he is still strong if you pay high skills enough
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Those add-ons would be perfect for Freddy actually.
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Outside of his addons nothing changed much tbh.
75% of the time when you place a snare you stop to run the other direction so the slowdown doesn't matter at all
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You certainly weren't around for old Freddy AKA previously the worst Killer in the game then, same as the others who want old Freddy back.
Move on from the past, Freddy is infinitely more better this way.
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but he is boring as all hell
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Plays the exact same and people play against him the exact same, at the end of the day he's still annoying to go against and boring to play
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Seems like the nerf dissuaded people from picking him as often in my experience, I've seen less freddies the past month then at basically any point after his rework
I have a theory that many people played him for his easy kit and slowdown addons and since all the addons are gone, all they are left with is their own chase skill and perks
more people seem to also pick pallet freddy now, from the ones that I have faced recently
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Oh, we most certainly were. For example, Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing DBD (2018), and his rework only went live in 2019.
Second, he was not the worst killer. Despite the memes, he was extremely underrated and a solid mid-tier if you knew how to play him, which is something that demanded time and practice.
What happened to us Old Freddy is extremely unfair, and we deserve to get our killer back. We don't want to be stuck with a generic and unfun version of him. He is not better this way.
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Stronger? Yes. Unique? Hell no. They just took two or three killers and smashed it into one with no real theme. The dream realm may as well not exist.
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Hahaha good one ! 😂
EDIT: At topic he is the same as before minus his slowdown addons. The slowdown whilst placing snares is not even noticeable.
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I wish i could have old freddy back he is the reasom i bought the game back in november 2017
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Hes still strong and boring to vers. No counterplay at a loop if hes put snares down everywhere. But thankfully theres less of them.
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He's basically the same but he feels worse
Also only about 2 of his addons aren't z tier trash :(
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He plays exactly the same and is still strong. If you know how to put snares down at the right spots, he's still oppressive in chases. His addon pass was just uninspired and deserves a second look. Also, the 30 second immunity doesn't really make any sense anymore with the BT buff. Personally, he's still boring to play as and against.
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He's literally unchanged. The slowdown is only on holding the snares, so u can spam them as much as before, those 30 seconds invulnerability are nothing, he can still teleport or fake it as he likes. The only difference are his addons not being anymore disgustingly stupid. Rest is literally as boring as it was before LOL
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Yeah, reminds me of some people that want to bully killers and play gen simulator, the ones that want every killer nerfed to the ground..
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Still boring as ######### ... on both sides!
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He was boring back then as well. 7 seconds to hit was abused to hell and back by genrushing in front of Freddy to fish for skill checks, and Self-Care completely shut him down. It's also boring for Survivor because it was basically a guaranteed 4 man escape. If I recall correctl, Freddy had absolutely no chase power then, and was a literal M1 Killer.
If you'd like, I can actually fetch footage of old Freddy from Noob3's channel, he did a video a very long while back before the Freddy rework went live, I think.
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"We"? So, you speak for every single Freddy player out there?
And yes, he was the worst killer, you definitely weren't there at the time or completely forgot how Survivors abused the 7 second sleep by fishing for skill checks AND saving right in front of him during the 7 second period... and how Freddy had absolutely no chase power. SWFs also abused him too. "Uniqueness" is the only "argument" people who want old Freddy back have, because absolutely nothing makes logical sense otherwise. This forums frequently dunked on Freddy, was excited for the rework iirc, and considered him the worst for good reason.
And now, for some reason, now we have people clamoring for old Freddy... I don't know if this is a love for pain or a love for not getting anything done. I assume it's both.
If you'd like, I can pull up Noob3 videos on old Freddy, just to show you how nobody respected his power in the slightest, how chases went with him, and how not even boosted Survivors didn't fear him.
"solid mid-tier" Implying Old Freddy is as good as current Doctor, current Legion or any mid-tier Killer? ... Why?
Freddy was frustrating for Killer because of the 7 second sleep time and how this game is focused on chasing and downing, plus how he was a M1 Killer mid-chase and how Self-Care destroyed him completely. Freddy was boring for Survivor because it was easy to loop him, how his sleep state was unhealthy because of the forced slowdown iirc...
I'm not trying to insult you, but it was completely fair, the DLC is worth spending money on now, and you don't "deserve" anything. Again, not trying to insult you, but you're coming off as extremely entitled and this post screams "blinded by nostalgia".
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"We"? So, you speak for every single Freddy player out there?
Not for every single Freddy player, but I believe most Old Freddy mains would agree with me on this one.
And yes, he was the worst killer, you definitely weren't there at the time or completely forgot how Survivors abused the 7 second sleep by fishing for skill checks AND saving right in front of him during the 7 second period... and how Freddy had absolutely no chase power.
Yes, I remember that all too well. As I've said, and I can prove it if you want, I started playing DBD in 2018.
The abuse during the transition most certainly was one of his weaknesses and perhaps his biggest problem.
However, that is far from making him the worst killer at the time. As I've said, he required a lot of time and practice, but he had potential. And was much more fun to play then the current generic Freddy that we have.
You've mentioned the game's focus on chasing and downing, but you were not supposed to do that with him. You had to keep juggling people between awake and asleep, applying pressure with you insane slowdown, committing to chases only when you were ready, take advantages of people missing Skill Checks (Overcharge was god-tier for that). You could literally make gens take forever, if you were good enough.
I am not saying that he was perfect, because he wasn't. But all he required were a few buffs and QoL improvements, never a full rework.
And no worries, my friend, you didn't insult me. Yet, we Old Freddy do deserve our killer back, as what happened was extremely unfair. And I will not lose hope, for one day I will see this again:
"Pull in Dream"
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Of course, it's also completely possible that they don't agree with you, and possibly feel that this rework is good. You don't speak for everyone.
And no, you very clearly don't if you're doubling down on this and and thinking "uniqueness" is something that matters the most.
Actually, to play by these definitions, current Freddy is unique because of the gen teleporting, dream pallets and the snares. Slinger and those Killers with variations of Huntress powers are "unique" so... surely this is fine too, right?
And that wasn't even his biggest problem. Tied with that was the fact that he had no chase potential, which you're seemingly ignoring in favoring of doubling down on this. No way to secure hits and/or down, people run away and blow skill checks on gens and divide you around. And guess which is the best way to genrush? 3 Survivors on 3 different gens. Freddy had no teleport at the time so he couldn't divide pressure easily. Applying sleep and leaving was a worse equivalent of Deep Wound, you couldn't even run as fast as current Legion.
Freddy took a immense amount of time to even injure (or he'd just get looped for multiple gens) because of being a M1 Killer, which good Survivors love because they can run you around for a tremendous amount of time without worrying about your power while doing the tried and true tactics. I'm assuming you're also the type of person who thinks that it's the Killer's fault if they can't get hits, and the Survivor is "skilled" for always sitting in the perfect positions to prevent any kind of chance to """mindgame""" as a M1 Killer?
Also, if you weren't supposed to do that, the core thing to winning as Killer in this game, then that makes him a bad Killer, because of everything I've stated above.
"You had to keep juggling people between awake and asleep, applying pressure with you insane slowdown, committing to chases only when you were ready, take advantages of people missing Skill Checks (Overcharge was god-tier for that). You could literally make gens take forever, if you were good enough."
Yeah, see, I myself played Nightmare for quite a bit, getting his trophies/achievements on PSN on my way to getting all trophies... I did exactly this and it doesn't work against anything other than bad Survivors, because you get genrushed. This "YOU JUST HAVE TO BE GOOOOD" argument that everyone tries doesn't work because Freddy had no mobility and could not keep everyone asleep enough. Like I'm saying here, sleep was like Deep Wounds. It does nothing to stop genrush at all cuz the moment you leave, Survivors will blow the first check they see. And if you don't immediately come back and resleep them, they'll stay on the gen. And as a result, they're keeping you distracted while OTHER Survivors rush gens. Old Freddy, fundamentally, does not work. The concept behind him was terrible, this one is 100% better and can secure hits. And don't try "add-ons" and "perks", a Killer should not be reliant on either of those to not get bullied by anyone who doesn't respect his power.
Also, your playstyle is innately unhealthy for Survivors, because it encourages the 20 min Freddy games that people complain about, with Freddy not having to really outplay or think at all and just get looped for 20 mins until all the pallets are gone and the Survivors struggle to defend themselves... which is uninteractive for the Freddy, and annoying for the Survivor because their attempts to waste time would be futile no matter their skills, if your style worked against good Survivors (it doesn't).
"And no worries, my friend, you didn't insult me. Yet, we Old Freddy do deserve our killer back, as what happened was extremely unfair. And I will not lose hope, for one day I will see this again:"
Yeah, ok, so, if this doesn't convince you, I don't think I'm gonna be reading this any further. I'm frankly not interested in seeing a triple down on someone who thinks they "deserve" things, who will defend a unhealthy design no matter what anyone says and thinks it's "unfair" that it was changed... it's like I'm witnessing a cult mentality, almost. I don't want to continue this kind of argument if it's pointless.
Just in case, I'll show the video:
This video, closer to the beginning, shows the issues off, people saving and picking up Survivors in front of Freddy, and Freddy can't do anything. This only works because the team is bad at chases however. If they didn't make these big mistakes like a competent Survivor would, this wouldn't happen. And you don't need 1000 hours to loop a TRUE M1 Killer like old Freddy.
If you want videos from someone going against good Survivors with old Freddy, you can try Tru3's old videos to be reminded of the frustration, because you 100% have forgotten the pain and need to look at how Freddy was easily exploited. The devs themselves even admitted that the concept behind old Freddy was bad, BHVR said that during the showing of reworked Freddy's abilities in a stream, iirc.
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same as used to. the only difference is that now you cant pre place many snares on choke points, because now you have way less, 5- you cant use slow down addons but i dont care i didnt use them anyway the diff was meaningless most time with very minor porcentajes. id rather use nancy pieces instead to recover my power faster... so is the same if u were good with him you will still stomp as usual.
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I will understand if you don't wish to discuss the matter any further, but please allow me to answer one last time, then:
Yes, it is indeed possible and I don't speak for everyone. I am merely talking my own personal experience with my fellow Old Freddy mains.
No, Slinger and Trickster being so similar to Huntress is not something that I like, but that is not exactly the point here.
And no, I am not ignoring his lack of chase potential. While his first hit was extremely easy to get if the mindgames were done properly, downing a survivor was indeed a difficult task. That could have been one aspect of his power which required a buff, though I would favour mobility instead. And yes, the gen rush is a looming threat to every killer, and that is where his slowdown came into place. Thanatophobia or Old Dying Light helped a lot, as they were not tied to the Dream World. Not to mention that Ruin used to have a different effect back then. So, even if they instantly waked themselves up, there were other ways of preventing the gen rush.
I know what you've said about perks and add-ons, but it is rare to see a killer playing without them. They are a factor, and should be taken into account. And I agree that a killer should not be rely on them.
"I'm assuming you're also the type of person who thinks that it's the Killer's fault if they can't get hits, and the Survivor is "skilled" for always sitting in the perfect positions to prevent any kind of chance to """mindgame""" as a M1 Killer?"
No, I am not. You can read my comment history if you want to, but I've never said that.
As for an "unhealthy" that can be subjective. I absolutely despise fast-paced trials, so a 20 min game is often a blessing for me.
"I'm frankly not interested in seeing a triple down on someone who thinks they "deserve" things, who will defend a unhealthy design no matter what anyone says and thinks it's "unfair" that it was changed... it's like I'm witnessing a cult mentality, almost. I don't want to continue this kind of argument if it's pointless."
It is unfair that we lost something that we paid for and spent hours trying to master, at least in my opinion. You are not witnessing a cult mentality, merely an opinion of someone who really loved his old killer.
Las but not least, I have not forgotten the frustration. It is as I've said, he needed buffs, but not a full rework.
Also, here is our proof:
Old Freddy had the Christmas spirit :)
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He’s mostly fine tbh, as far as killer balance in this game goes at least.
Many people complain about his ability to teleport to gens which, whilst being strong, isn’t really an issue and is perfectly balanced and fair.
Nurse essentially has the same ability but with no cool down. She doesn’t need snares because she can just negate loops entirely. She doesn’t need movement speed because she can just blink to a survivor for the hit. She is widely considered to be either the strongest or second strongest killer in the game, yet she’s not seen as OP due to her skill cap.
Freddy is considered to be OP by many because he is easy to play and possesses a very well-rounded base kit including the ability to teleport to gens, even though he is massively weaker than nurse in pretty much every regard.
People like to complain and don’t really know what is truly overpowered and what is simply strong yet fair.
As for Freddy’s actual design, I can’t really comment as I did not play the old Freddy. His design seems mostly fine to me albeit with some very crappy addons, which lets be honest is not an issue unique to him.
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Snoozefest on both ends. Zero interactivity or skill expression.
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If you thinking Freddy is boring, do not play as him. And when you are facing with him as survivor, that is just one match. There is so much killers. You will be okey next match.
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I find new Freddy 100x better than the old one, 7 seconds mean free escape for survivors 90% of the time, just for them to awake on one skill check..he was like m1 killer that needed 7s to hit, he got wallhacks on distance, yeah, but that aint gonna help if loopers are good, he was and will always be the worst killer in the game, i get it, nostalgic and stuff, maybe even a survivor main, dunno, but dont say you are his main and everyone wants him back, cuz you know he was worst, bad designed killer, u mention something about patienc yet with those 7s you got all the time in the world Freddy is blessing for him, its fun for me and i love it, ty
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He was overated his anti loop doesn't even work until they are in dream. I wonder if they make changes according to stats then nurse should get buffed lmao.
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Still just as boring as both sides and even more boring to play as killer.
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7 seconds of Dream Transition was not the problem. The problem was that the survivor could do anything during those 7 seconds, when it should have been restricted to a actions, such as dropping pallets or vaulting windows (both of which you could play around with mindgames or old Pill Bottle, by the way).
Besides, survivors missing skill checks all the time was a good thing to you, hence why Overcharge was god-tier on him. Yes, Self-Care mid-chase was problematic and it needed to be addressed, but thats about it.
Look, if you find New Freddy fun that is okay. More power to you, I guess. I am just sharing my opinion here, the opinion of someone who lost his favourite killer.
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I play as Freddy still and will always main him no matter what, playing against him is still fun too <3
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Yeah... a basic M1 killer with lazily ported over aspects of other killers powers. Really makes me think of a dream demon.
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Good thing its based off the reboot and the dream power was directly based off of the (very cool) micro nap/nightmare sequences.