The level of bullying on this game is atrocious

Not going to name the groups bit this rank roulette gave plenty of higher rank survivors a perfect excuse to troll brown rank killers...I feel bad for the people I recommended this game to that played these passed two days...on a different note adept trickster is ridiculously hard to get
You've got three types of players. When confronted with a killer that is clearly below their skill level, survivors will:
1.) Humor the killer, playing badly enough to give them a chance to get some downs and do some of their objectives. This can unfortunately backfire and end up with the survivor getting camped to death, which new players and frustrated players are both likely to do.
2.) Do the objectives, get out, and queue up for the next game.
3.) Use their near-invulnerability from the killer's ineptitude to make fun of them for as long as possible, dragging out the match to farm them for points, baiting them, going out of their way to deny any hooks or downs the killer does manage to make, and mocking pretty much every move they make every step of the way.
People like feeling powerful. Combine it with an unwillingness to recognize the player on the other side is a real person trying to have fun and not a bot that exists for their amusement, or the kind of sociopathy that actively takes enjoyment in rubbing someone else's face in the dirt, and you see a lot of #3.
25 -
I totally agree. As a survivor main I hate to say this but I'm seeing killers' claims of survivor toxicity backed up more and more all the time.
13 -
And unfortunately they tell me that it has been all 3...wasted their money on the game and said f it went back to playing other games...its like these survivors are trying to run out new killers and kill the game quicker
4 -
What kills me is the they make survivor lobbies even worse with this behavior
8 -
Yeah I mean I really don't like taking sides or generalizing but my own experience has been that 100 percent of the negative behavior / toxicity has come from survivors so far. I feel legitimately embarrassed when I go to escape and everyone but me is doing the teabag dance. I wish I could say to the killer "I apologize for these guys, we're not ALL twelve years old". Similarly any trash talk I've seen in the end-game chat has been from survivors, sometimes even directed at the other survivors.
I know that this doesn't describe every survivor but it's a shame that it's so prevalent. If the reason why survivor matches get significantly less easy to find in the evening because killers just don't feel like dealing with sweaty survivor teams, I honestly can't blame them. Like you said, they're just making the lobbies worse (and therefore making the game worse for everybody) by being that way.
13 -
I have the same feelings as you. I'm a survivor main and I hate the fact that other survivors ate rude to killers. It just makes me feel terrible that they had s bad game because of my team and I feel we responsible. Survivor toxicity is a big problem that not only effect killers but survivors as well.
7 -
They like that, because it makes them feel powerful. Being able to make other people quit is funny to them and they justify it by saying they weren't cut out for DBD and should go play the Sims instead (if they didn't feel like putting up with complete bastards every game.)
And when the new killers they do this to don't quit... getting thrashed encourages you to become better. Getting made fun of encourages you to play nasty and punish the other side - to get back at them for treating you this way. Which contributes so much towards this cycle of survivors hating killers and killers hating survivors, and justifying everything they do because the other side is worse. Some of the nastiest people I have met justified their behavior by saying they needed to do it because killers are toxic, or because survivors all run piles of second chance perks and can't git gud on their own so they deserve it - when they were the ones being thoroughly unsportsmanlike without provocation.
I've run into way more awful survivors in game (both as foes and my teammates - I've run into killers that were dicks in postgame chat, and of course I've fallen afoul of BMing basement Bubbas, but more often I run into teammates that ream people out for honest mistakes or just call each other trash without even explaining what they're unhappy about), but while I was on the Steam forums, I met a ton of people who were proud of playing killer as nastily as possible, to the point of their walls of -reps being a point of pride. There is a ton of hostility in this community and it's impossible to avoid even when you go out of your way to play generously, because people are so pissed about their other games that they'll take it out on you.
8 -
I know exactly how you feel. I very rarely play killer because I’m not very good, and playing against survivors that just infinite loop and teabag doesn’t make me feel like I’m learning to improve.
9 -
I totally agree. Again, I don't want to pick sides, but in my relatively low game time (500 hours maybe) I've not ever had a killer be rude to me after the game. Not once. Never. A couple were kind of pricks during the game itself but usually nothing too serious. Many of the survivors I've gone against (or even played with), on the other hand, seemed very entitled to not only win the match but also mock the killer and scold anyone in their ranks who didn't play the way that they wanted them to.
I'm 43 years old. Junior high was 30 years ago for me and even then I didn't act like so many of today's players do. I don't get it. I don't understand the rise that some people get from trying to make a multiplayer game worse for the other players. I don't understand the joy that some people feel from trying to ruin other people's day. It doesn't hurt my feelings, it just makes me shake my head. Like "wow, someone actually felt the need to say that. I wonder what his home life is like". Then I just get depressed that each and every one of them help to keep this game in a perpetual cycle of negativity. It's so unnecessary. I play games to get AWAY from irritating people.
Same here. I'm decent as a survivor but know that I still need improvement (especially with looping, which I despise and have no interest in, but know that I HAVE to get better at because so much of the game revolves around it). If I'm a killer and try to catch someone who's a great looper I usually just give up and go look for something else to do rather than waste my time learning nothing more than how popular teabagging is.
3 -
I'm convinced something about dbd brings out the worst in people. I play in a swf and they can be a toxic at times. I don't agree with it and I hate being toxic. If everyone is OK I leave immediately and don't join in on the toxic behavior. But outside the game they are kind and nice people who have been good friends with me. I love them. But I'm always asking what about dbd brings out the worst in them.
2 -
Games are for entertainment though...
0 -
That was one of the reasons I stopped playing in the evening and I have a thicker skin than most cant imagine other people...and I love this game I want it to be better for others
3 -
This is a very cynical take but I think that competition brings out the worst in people. Everyone likes to act that no, it creates champions, it brings out the best in people, etc., and to that I say "not in the gaming world".
Again, that's a very cynical take and I admit that it's also painting with a very broad brush. When I used to play Mortal Kombat II in arcades - which I was extremely good at - I took great pride in shaking the hands of the people I beat and letting them know that they did a good job, that there's no shame in losing to someone who has more practice and experience, encouraging them to keep up their skills and letting them know that they'll be just as good as me or better, etc. I loved it. It felt good. I felt absolutely no need to be a dick to people unless they started things off by being a dick to me first. I just legitimately don't get it. I have no idea why someone would feel so emasculated for losing a game or so empowered for bragging about winning one.
The humor website Cracked has multiple different articles called something like "The Biggest (penis) Moves in Gaming". Each article describes, in detail, how players would find ways to completely screw over other players in as many devious ways as possible, sometimes (such as in the case of the game EVE Online) actually screwing them out of hundreds or thousands of dollars of real-life money. Reading the articles was funny at first, but then sad. They were like pieces of evidence in a large-scale gaming social experiment. They proved that no matter what, if a game has some way for a player to exploit and take advantage of it, someone's going to find it as soon as they possibly can. And if a game allows a player to be a jerk to everyone else, there are going to be loads of people for whom that is the primary goal.
I've been playing video games since 1982. I do it to have fun. I don't get this modern "WIN AT ALL COSTS AND LAUGH AT EVERYBODY ELSE" mentality. Belligerence in gaming says more to me about the nature of people than the nature of gaming.
4 -
I mean win but at least stop the tbagging and click baits and if you open the gate just leave is that so hard
0 -
I've seen something like this before, but I never really thought about it.
When I finally bought Bubba I played only him all day (this was before the rework) and I was doing terribly. One of the last games I decided to play was against a 4 man SFW that wasn't BMing or anything, except for one of them. After the match during post-game chat he was even talking trash. I told them about his behavior during the match and all of them began apologizing and saying that "he is a really nice guy irl, he's not normally like this".
Maybe this game is just cursed.
1 -
A majority of the replies to this is talking about in game objectives being toxic? How? It is your job as a survivor to finish gens and not let the killer get kills. If a killer gets a down and you body block them long enough and make him drop your TEAMMATE you did one of your jobs. The toxicity is messages during/after the game. In game objectives that give you BP are not toxic. Tea-bagging at a pallet is not toxic, you are trying to get to the killer to make him chase you and waste more of his/her time.
Is it frustrating? HELL. YEAH. That does not make it toxic. We as a community need to stop saying everything is toxic.
0 -
Entertainment at the expense of other people is self-centered at best, sadistic at worst. It actively makes this game worse by shrinking the playerbase and poisoning the players that remain.
The people who want to play to have a good time should not have to be saddled with the people who want to play to torment other players because that's what constitutes 'fun' for them.
6 -
One bad game makes people go on a punisher craze on the next team like you said...been guilty of it myself not going to lie but try not too
0 -
I mean, that means tunneling is good, right?
6 -
I agree completely. I don't care what anyone says to me after chat, I don't care if I win or lose. I don't care if someone feels that I didn't play aggressively enough or is mad that I survived by playing more conservatively than they did. These are random goons whose opinions don't matter to me, I'm not in a serious conversation with them. I don't care what they think of me.
But I know that other people aren't all the same. I know that people have actually listened when some jackass online told them to kill themselves. I know that there are people who just want to have fun and enjoy a game and get totally turned off of playing it because people keep hassling them for their performance, or because they're new. There's a real sense of entitlement that comes with this game. Not everyone is guilty of it of course, but it's there and it's a problem. Sadly it's probably the same for many online games, I wouldn't know because it's this exact type of thing that makes me uninterested in playing them. I only played GTA Online with friends in private lobbies because getting hacked and griefed and taunted constantly became tiresome.
I'm of the opinion that DBD is a truly great game. I want more people to enjoy it. When I play as a killer I feel good letting some (or all) of the survivors escape, especially if I can tell that they're new. It's just my philosophy I suppose. I don't care if I win or lose this game, I just want to chill and have fun. I care more about the gameplay than the "bragging rights". And I know that if I can help convince people that not everyone who plays the game is an ass, then I'm doing my part to help make the game just a little bit less toxic.
1 -
Tunneling is ANNOYING AF but that doesnt make it toxic nor make it bullying LMFAO
0 -
Not talking about that. Get your gens, use flashlights to rescue teammates, get off of hooks. Those are all objectives. Teabag dancing in the exit isn’t. It’s just BM.
6 -
I felt like gaming in the early 2000's when computers still were becoming a household wide thing was much better. Generally the amount of toxicity in games weren't as large scale until it hit around the the 2010's era it became a much more wide scale thing. Sure there was games back then before that, that had toxicity mainly fps like Halo. Once the COD days hit. The toxicity ramped up insanely fast, and it became a lot bigger. With more and more people playing video games more than ever with many different outlets or sources. We have this insane growth of toxicity. More people means the more chances of it becoming a large scale thing considering a lot of people don't have mentality or a mind of their own. I know back in the early 2000's I never really had an issue with Toxicity on the games I played like mmo's such as wow, toontown etc... It was only when the early 2010's ramped up I saw a lot of toxicity happen. A lot of the younger crowd who has everyone speak for them instead of themselves these days also don't make it any better. I've played a lot of Roblox and the Toxicity on the platform is absolutely insane. People just scamming each other left and right. Bypassing filters to name call a lot of other things in the mix, because moderation is a lot worse, because of the fact that so many people on the platform. At least on DBD there is usually some sort of repercussions if you report toxicity in the end game chat.
2 -
What do you perceive as "sadistic" behavior in a video game ABOUT killing? The mindset that people playing video games have to make it fun for you is a tad self-centered dont you think?
So dont walk to the exit gates? Let them tea bag while you clean up pallets or pull up youtube. Its really not that big of a deal. How can someone let a simple tea bad ruin their game that much?
Also you forgot bodyblocking and taking protection hits as objectives.
0 -
Anyone who genuinely believes survivor BMing is done for some tactical advantage has either never played this game or has critical knowledge missing from their understanding of human interaction.
Or do you get something out of tbagging the killer at the exit gates? No? How about fast vaulting at the hatch and refusing to leave until the killer shows up so you can click your flashlight at them and then leave once they're close enough to take a swing? Refusing to leave until the endgame collapse timer runs out? Leaving the exit gates to run the killer at a nearby tile and then go back to the gates because they're so much worse than you that you can? I've heard arguments that click spamming when the killer whiffs is trying to anger them and make them play poorly (which, nice job resorting to that kind of tactic in a party game), and I can accept fast vaulting to bait a chase gets bloodpoints even if the killer wasn't occupied (though of course, the impetus is that the player is baiting because they're not at all worried about the killer) but most of the BMing I experience from survivors is at a point in the match where nothing they do will have an outcome; the match has already been decided. They just want to rub it in.
I don't differentiate between somebody telling me I suck and to uninstall in the endgame chat and someone pointing at me, shaking their head, and tbagging at the gates/after I close the hatch they were running to. They're both being rude and were not fun to play with because they couldn't win or lose like a good sport. Whether someone's telling me my mom should die of cancer or that I'm bad at the game - it doesn't matter what they say, I already know they have nothing to convey to me but spite and that nothing they say is going to matter. It's just the fact that they're the kind of person that wants to behave like that to strangers they're playing a game with that gets me. And likewise... toxic, nasty, BMing, I don't care what the word is. I don't like them and they negatively impact my enjoyment of the game.
Players do things to be dicks to each other because it's funny. Clicking/fast vaulting to take attention off another player in duress is the minority and, while still annoying, is pretty easily discerned from people who are just clicking to mock you. And for the most part, the players doing it to be tactical do like tilting the killer; they've just come up with a fancy justification why they're not bad people for doing it.
4 -
That's a good observation. Call of Duty, as much as I used to love the series (simply haven't played any of the newer ones in years), did a hell of a lot to bring entitlement, bragging, chest-thumping hypermasculinity, and toxicity to the mainstream. It doesn't help that we, as a species, have become so tribal in the last ten or twenty years as well. In general people just seem angrier and meaner for less and less valid reasons, and it's gone unsupervised (or outright rewarded) for so long that it's become the new norm. It's sad that being a good sport is becoming the exception rather than the rule. I don't know. Not the way I was brought up.
3 -
Was this for me?
0 -
If they are able to leave and get more BP for themselves, why not? Its kind of ironic that you bring up the fact its a party game yet youre complaining about how others decide to play the game.
So saying if someone doesnt play a game YOUR way is self-centered is literally the pot calling the kettle black. Fun is how you perceive it and in no way should anyone be forced to play how you want them to because youre not having fun. PERIOD. THE END.
If tea-bagging at an exit game tilts you that bad you might want to take a break from the game my dude. You can use that time to clean up pallets or you could simply just pull up a youtube video.
0 -
Games these days are more competitive than ever. That's the main underlining problem with the industry now. We saw it with COD, and then when more and more companies have piggy backed off of cod, and more and more multiplayers are a thing now with some sort of competitive level. The problem is, is the industry has taken a huge sink down. People will find anything to get mad at these days, because they feel like they need to. A lot of people are just simply lacking a mind of their own, and they will just follow the behavior of their peers or players they play with. I've always been one for good sportsmanship. I still will talk trash if someone talks trash to me though. I'm not someone who takes it. Like you said in your post before. Good sportsmanship is the way to go, but the upcoming generation gets everything handed to them on a silver platter. Games are no exception. I'm only 22 almost 23, but I've always been one for fair competition if I lose well played. If I win well played. I think if everyone just was a good sport it would be a great thing, but the problem is, is that even outside sources of gaming are also becoming more Toxic. I fish a lot, and you'd think people would not be so toxic even in fishing. These days nope. I have problems with people even with fishing, because someone always has to say something even in you'd think a relaxing sport with barely no comp. People are feeding toxicity everywhere, and that's what this era has caused. It's an absolute trainwreck among all proportions.
0 -
Fishing? Good lord. Yes, it seems that everyone is angry at everyone and everything these days. Just like gaming, it's a shame that you can't enjoy a simple passive relaxing hobby such as fishing without dealing with someone else's bullshit.
You at least seem to have a good, realistic head on your shoulders for your age. That's good to see. Sadly many of the people who cause the most drama are around your age or younger. To an extent it's understandable - the human brain doesn't fully develop until the mid to late 20s, people don't generally mature until around the same time. But yes, I'd be lying if I said that at my age I didn't see a steady decrease in simple courtesy and respect for our fellow human beings.
I'm glad that people like yourself (and others in this thread) are members of this forum. I had a survivor colluding with the killer last night. The survivor pointed me out to the killer when I was trying to get distance, bodyblocked me from being able to escape around a wall, then teabagged me over and over once the killer got me down. I was hooked, more pointing, more teabagging, the two danced in front of me, etc. After the match my chat was spammed with "ha"s and "ehe"s.
That much is fine, I just wanted to make sure that I reported them properly. But by asking about whether it was okay to name them another user repeatedly scolded me for being a wet blanket, saying that I should quit taking the game "so seriously" and "get over it" because, according to them, it "rarely happens" and I should just "write a letter to Karen". The fact that this person was so bothered by this, and so eager to vilify me, for utilizing the report feature to inform the devs of players who deliberately broke the rules for the sole purpose of ruining someone else's game, was befuddling at best and sadly narrow thinking at worst. Why these kinds of things are tolerated or even dismissed with a laugh is why the community has the (somewhat undeserved) reputation that it does. Things just don't need to be that way.
1 -
Yeah, I'm unsurprised at anything you're saying here. This is the standard spiel - it's your own fault for being bothered that I'm rude to you, it's your fault your skin isn't thick enough to put up with online games and you should get off the internet for a while to get over it, it's your fault for not liking that my idea of playing Dead By Daylight is to annoy you and I have the right to treat you however I want as long as I'm not calling you slurs you so you're the one who's wrong for expecting anything else when you bought the game.
Using the guise of 'it's a party game' to justify any behavior is ridiculous. That's like claiming I could join in a game of Twister and spend the game 'accidentally' knocking everyone else over, because it's technically within the gameplay, it's a game, and I am having fun screwing over and hurting the other players. A game is not a game when all the players involved don't agree to the same standards.
But the worst thing is, your kind of player is so comfortable in the environment you've created that you don't even care how many people are driven away by it. Once everything boils away, you're the dominant strain that remains in the petri dish.
At least you didn't try to defend exit gate shenanigans. I can't win this argument because you don't care about the consequences of your actions, but if nothing else, you aren't pretending anymore that it's anything other than what it is.
4 -
This is one of the reasons I make it a point to always play nice.
I don't want the survivors to leave the game thinking I treated them unfairly.
I even avoid doing particularly powerful plays because I know that they're completely unfun and cheap for the survivors. I've only ever intentionally slugged once (I wanted their friend to pick them up so I could get my Mori daily), I've ran NOED one time (I had no other perks that had any actual value to fill my last slot), I only camp if there is virtually no chance of me getting another hook, and I only tunnel if I see a key or an Object (you are literally asking for it if you run OoO).
I want to feel powerful, but I know that that is absolutely not an excuse to ruin someone's day.
3 -
To be fair, based just off the themes and concept of this game.... It's a scummy game. Killers torture people and sacrifice them to an entity in endless loops. Can't really be surprised when the worst of people come out. Looking for love in all the wrong places.
I'm not condoning it, just not glossing over the obvious.
2 -
Yea, I have run into quite a few people who tried to be comp in fishing against me or had something to say to me. When I use fishing as an outlet to escape from society as a whole, because I just don't wanna deal with it lol. I've been playing games since I was 4. Started MMO's at 5 years old, so I have had a lot of time on MP games since then. So I can only speak from experience of how the industry has changed since then. Yea a lot of people my age still act like they are in middle school, but then again it's just an increasing number of people in general of all ages that seem to cause drama/toxicity everywhere including dbd. I try to be as nice as I can, but I don't take it if someone dishes it out towards me that's for sure.
1 -
Players like you are a credit to the game. Always love running into people after a match with your kind of attitude.
My favorite way to play killer is to get everyone or most on death hook, then either ignore the players who are already on death hook in favor of the ones who aren't, or leave the death hook players slugged so that someone else can pick them up. I'll keep whacking them around past the point where I'm hooking anybody, and I'll make them work for the last gens, but I won't kill anyone and I'll goof around if survivors get the idea to approach me. Everyone gets to play the game. Nets me a lot of positive messages after chat - and I'll admit, I feel the same way. I don't want survivors to leave unhappy over something I did. Same thing as a survivor - I'll often offer myself up if there's a 4-man escape and I didn't need the escape for something or other. But that's my brand of feeling powerful and feeling nice, anyway. Never used NOED, though I've been having a lot of fun with Devour Hope lately.
I only tunnel if I'm going for an adept/4k rift challenge and someone unhooked before I had a chance to leave - or if the player really made a point to BM me, because at that point, you get what you give.
1 -
I actually DONT play like that but its nice to assume things on the internet. just because someone gives you a counter doesnt mean they are that. I was quoting you with the party game line either way. i never said anything that you are saying. If the survivor is doing things that gets them BP then your arguement is not valid. So it wasnt fun that you got looped to the extreme, IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE.
If we are being honest if a simple teabag gets you so tilted you need to go on the forums to rant about it being bullying, dude you probably should take a break.
You should not assume things about someone who doesnt agree with you. THAT IS RUDE. Good-day Sir
0 -
Good for you. Same here. I try to treat people the way that they treat me.
I've also been gaming since I was 4 (1982). Man, has the industry changed. The internet has made gaming both amazingly deeper and profoundly worse. I guess the same can be said about what the internet has done for society as a whole.
You and Laluzi seem like really decent people, the kind that I'd be happy to be in a game with. Should you ever like to add me feel free, same name as the one I use here.
3 -
Holy hell.
Have you been interviewed by @WishIcouldmain yet?
You certainly qualify, and judging by this post it would be super interesting.
1 -
You're the one who came in here to rant about how bully behavior isn't bullying and it's everyone else's fault for being oversensitive on a thread complaining about how new players are being driven away by highly experienced players being dicks, and then proceeded to drop the laundry list of the usual reasons why it's their own fault for not enjoying other people being rude to them and wanting to be able to play the game without being subjected to it.
You can't get all surprised Pikachu when people assume that you're a part of the behavior you're very explicitly condoning. People generally don't defend bad things unless they identify with them.
And for the record, since one of your posts came in delayed - how is it not sadistic to derive enjoyment from making someone else feel bad? That's douchey no matter how you slice it. Forget the themes of the game. They're window dressing, and an excuse. 'It's a game about killers so you should expect me to be nasty' is as dumb as 'it's a game about killers so you should expect me to actually be violent and kill you.' It's a game. People play games about racing cars and slaying dragons. Games do not fundamentally change who we are as people and the only people that genuinely believe that are the middle-aged busybodies who think Pac-Man is corrupting the youths.
My idea of a good time involves not having random people go out of their way to be asses to me for the express purpose of provoking me into an angry reaction. I don't expect other people to go out of their way to make things fun for me, I expect them to not go out of their way to not make things fun for me, because that's not playing a game, that's just trolling someone. This extremely discerning standard applies to most people, so I'm not exactly the one demanding something unusual - it's the people who want to rain on everyone else's parade and think they have the god-given right to do that that are the aberrations and the ones who generally mess things up for the majority. I'm not talking about players who get tilted and play nasty in response, or the players who use unfun tactics because it's the best way to win and they like winning. I'm talking about the ones who start up a session of DBD to see how many ragequits they can cause in one day, or how many angry comments they can fish out.
I'm gonna be honest, the whole 'you're the entitled one if you think people don't have the right to treat you like crap for their own amusement - think of their amusement' is... pretty damn entitled. Why would I owe any consideration to the kinds of people whose bread and butter is giving no consideration to anyone else? It's obvious BHVR wants to cut down on the nastiness present in the community - the fact that they run surveys about this and then implemented a filter that (very badly) tries to prevent people from discussing heated topics, rather than just blocking slurs and calling it a day, makes this evident.
2 -
The bullying can be a little bad sometimes but I don't think its that much of an issue
0 -
Please enlighten me when I said it was ok to bully people? PLEASE DO. I said if it is getting them BP then no it is not. Its not the players fault they are trying to maximize the points they can get. Anything after that, ok. Until your BP is maxed youre not bullying. I have ran around looking for totems after the gate was opened to get more points. If I knew I was a much better player and can loop to get more bold points, I am gonna do it. I am not doing it to "bully" I am trying to get BP.
You tried comparing gameplay in DBD to playing twister and physically hitting someone. The whole topic ended there as you reached so far and dropped the straws. Bullying and talking nonsense has no place in the game but that doesnt make everything toxic because you have a bad game. That idea is absolute nonsense. Teabagging at an exit game celebrating the fact you won is now bullying? Really? Taking the entire time is another deal, that shouldnt happen.
I will teabag at pallets mid-chase and click my flashlight to tilt the killer and make them keep chase. Its not bullying, some of what youre saying is but not all. Youre blanketing everything into 1 and thats not how this works. Its like expecting the killer to be nice and let you get away. Its an entitled state of mind. Oh no I am not having fun or I dont think this is fun so its automatically bullying.
0 -
It used to be worse. Doesn't mean it's okay, just that it used to be way worse.
You'll see a lot of threads in the next few days about this sort of stuff due to the Rank Reset bug.
0 -
I haven't yet, but I would accept the offer if it was there.
1 -
Well, you haven't, because you and I have pretty different definitions of bullying. I can't cite that because your entire argument is that none of this behavior is actually bad to do. But I could cite any of your posts on how survivors being rude or dragging out the game isn't bad because they get points out of it, and all the ones telling me it's my own fault for not wanting to deal with people being unsportsmanlike at me.
If this is all for BP, then explain to me all the bloodpoints people get from spam-vaulting the killer over so they can open the hatch in their face, or waiting at the gates until the killer shows up so they can tbag before they leave. You don't need maxed BP to bully people... I'd also ask you to explain why it's so hard to show some basic empathy for fellow players, but that might be overreaching. Like, for example, for a red rank squad to show a bit of compassion for the rank 15 killer that's plainly given up and just wants to ######### move on to the next game, and isn't even trying to chase them anymore, but they won't let them because it's too funny watching them flail and because they can still extract some bloodpoints by running around just out of reach, but apparently this is all okay and you don't have to act like there's a human being behind the screen as long as there is a material benefit to screwing with some poor sod that's trying to play a game, and I know when to pick my battles. I will however call bullshit on the material gain being the impetus for this kind of behavior, because no. It might be a factor, but I call bullshit on it being the reason. Occasionally, yes. Some people are just mercenary with no psychological strings attached. Maybe that's you. But if most people were in it for the bloodpoints, they wouldn't be tbagging after every whiffed hit and they wouldn't be laughing in the endgame chat calling the killer names and telling them to play Civ 5 because they're ######### at the game. (Or screaming about crutch perks and undeserved kills when it turns out the killer as NOED and he actually takes some of them out when they finally stop screwing around.)
Because doing that is nasty. It doesn't matter if you're getting something out of it or not. It's being a dick at someone else's expense and there's no moral high ground to be had here.
You're cherrypicking my posts and grabbing whatever points are convenient to you, and you're making just as many assumptions about me as I have about you. Me not having fun does not equate to bullying. I play many perfectly by-the-book games where I don't have fun due to misplays, bad luck, map offerings, et cetera. Players that follow me around clicking, I ignore, because they're just trying to get me to chase them and that means I probably shouldn't spend time on them unless I have no idea where anyone else is. But I do understand their intent, while annoying, is purposeful. But players behaving in ways that have zero benefit to them, or would require a taxing routine of mental gymnastics to pretend were done for any other reason than to piss me off, is... bullying isn't typically the word I'd use for anything other than dragging a game out when the other side clearly cannot keep up with you, or doing crap like slugging people and refusing to hook them for four minutes, but definitely rude and pretty draining to encounter.
The whole post this took off on involved me conceding that certain things have functions beyond griefing the killer, but saying I didn't encounter them as much as I encountered players being rude for the hell of it, when there was no other reasonable explanation for their behavior - and that they were still frustrating to encounter. Which you did too, but you've been acting like that's all I'm talking about and ignoring everything else. My last few posts have been centered around that area, purely spiteful gestures with no gain attached, and you keep dodging the point. I don't see a reason to continue debating this with you as long as you continue to fixate on analogies instead of actually addressing the meat of the argument.
Also, thank you for confirming my belief that yes, you do take part in this behavior after all, you just don't think anyone has the right to have a problem with it because you achieve a result from it and therefore there's nothing wrong with trying to piss someone off as a strategy. Like I said, people don't defend these things unless they identify with them. I'm going to be extremely generous and take you at face value - as in, you don't actually find these things fun to do and you'd be just as happy playing DBD without an in-game language to piss people off with. It's just useful to you, nothing more.
I'm curious. What are your thoughts when the killer facecamps you or tunnels you out of the game in response to the tactical BMing? Is that fair turnabout, or are they at fault for taking your very logical strategy personally? And is it the killer's fault for thinking you were a nasty person who was making fun of them when you were trying to make them mad, but strategically?
Because I'm pretty sure if the target can't tell the difference, it's still functionally bully behavior. Just because you got something from it doesn't make it not mean.
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I pick the parts out that I dont agree with, everything else I do.
When I get facecamped after looping the killer for a long time, I laugh. Their facecamp is my champagne. Even if I die I still won because I wasted the killers time that much during chase and after. When I get the basement bubba treatment I laugh because its a game. They are most likely just trolling to get me mad.
If you dont allow them to troll you with the teabags at the gates 9/10 they leave. When Im playing killer and people click at me and teabag I know whats happening. I DONT ENGAGE.
As for SWFs showing compassion, PEOPLE MEME. They will literally play like a noob all game until the last gen is done and then slaughter them. It goes the same for both sides. I dont play a game and expect people to show compassion. I play to have MY fun. I dont play to make others feel warm inside.
Im also a killer main BTW. L OH L
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I truly think some are enjoying this rank reset problem for all the wrong reasons. Many are using it as an excuse to bully other players they know are less experienced just to "fw". I have actually seen this! This will cause those new to the game to flat out quit. I have talked to several friends who I introduced to the game and they are done after a few matches the last two days.
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I agree with everything @Laluzi is saying. I also think online games are a weird, emerging category and some of the bad behaviour we see is because a) this is a new space that we don't know how to regulate yet and b) capitalists got here first, so the whole thing is framed around profit rather than creating a healthy environment.
I think gaming will look very different in 30 years. Right now, we're in the wild west stage where people can get away with doing really antisocial stuff because it's hard to stop them.
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And the sad thing is with less and less killers the newer killers are going to be lobbied against higher ranks and possibly get driven from the game which will make lobbies worse for survivors...a friend of mine refuses to play killer anymore and will only play survivor after dealing with back to back clicky click squads using haddonfield and swamp offerings
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And what do they say?
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Just thinking out loud and agreeing that pallet jumping near the hatch or exit gates makes me ignore them even more or stare at the wall while I check stuff on my phone