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Who do you main and why?

Hopeful_Songbird Member Posts: 84
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I main Kate, Zarina, and Claudette. Claudette because sometimes I like stealth, Kate because I look like her, and Zarina because she has an admirable backstory.

For killer: I main Plague, Ghostface, and Spirit :)


  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Cheryl and meg for chaos duo, and pyramid head cause of sh2 and his ass

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181
    edited May 2021

    Cheryl in her Christmas Sweater because she's adorable. Felix because Idunknow.

    And Steve because of obvious reasons. He's got a great singing voice, and I appreciate it.

    On the Killer-Side, Wraith because Bing-Bong. I've been maining him the past three years or somethin. I'm really starting to like Trapper though.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Nea(The Entity) and The Spirit(The most balanced killer)

    Dont @me

  • ariegraves07
    ariegraves07 Member Posts: 13

    I usually main Claudette. She’s hella stealthy. Could hide right near a downed teammate and pull off a save with mettle of man and borrowed time. Works 90 percent of the time lmao

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,740

    survivor- Steve because I'm a stranger things fan and his outfits.

    Killer- Doctor because I love his power and he's super scary to play against.

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 624
    edited May 2021

    Dwight because he's cute. Claudette because sometimes blending is fun. Kate and Jane for being babes.

    Plague for being a babe, Demo because he's fun, Billy and Huntress because fun.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,894

    Survivors: Meg, Yui, and if Claire Redfield is the RE character they add to the game, then she’ll be on there too.

    Killer: no one really. Huntress is the killer I’ve played the most recently but I wouldn’t consider myself a Huntress main. I’d like to be a Spirit main again but just can’t because of her unfair gameplay.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743
    edited May 2021

    Feng and Trapper.

    Edit: Why? Because Feng looks so badass and Trapper because it forces me to play in a more tactical way.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Survivor: Jane, Cheryl, and Dwight are the ones I play most - they all have pretty attractive cosmetics and they're not disadvantageous, stats-wise. Except Dweet, but I can dress him up as a present and I can stick a locker on his hip, so I can't say no to him.

    Killer: Plague because she's drop-dead gorgeous and I love her lore (tragic figures will always appeal to me more than the psychopaths), and because her power has some amusing applications as well as deadly ones. Pig because she's got a really fun playstyle and she entices survivors to be friendly out of nowhere, which leads to pretty fulfilling games for me. I also play a lot of Wraith and Hag, because they're both pretty strong killers who can catch players terribly off guard, but also have some hilarious meme potential in them too.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I main Kate (obviously haha) because of her backstory, mostly. The whole bit about the Entity being drawn to her song in the woods has a very sad siren feel to me which I think is really interesting.

    She's got one of the more tolerable screams in the game.

    She's got extremely cute cosmetics! You can put together some really nice outfits that are also not totally obnoxiously bright. Flower in the Dark is one of my favorite Survivor cosmetic sets.

    Kate can also be deceptively stealthy. So much of her cosmetics shows a lot of her bright white skin, but if you use the Debut Night Curls (dark brown hair), Mustang Sally sweater (ugly sweater collection, hers is dark), and Route 66 Leather (black pants and boots) she's actually very camouflaged. I've hunkered in grass and corners Blendette style before and had Killers walk right by.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Meg, because I find her attractive and really like a lot of her outfits. Beyond that usually Dwight, because he tends to get some of my favorite perks the fastest.

    I haven't really played enough killer to say that I main anybody but my favorites to play as so far are Wraith, Billy, Myers, and Legion.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Billy because he can down instantly and has great mobility. Bill because come on, Bill gave his last dying breath to save his team in Left For Dead. Gotta love Pop-Pop.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited May 2021

    Nea because even when I play Survivor, I want to be the most dangerous thing in the trial.

    Currently main Trickster cuz I thought he'd be fun (albeit weak), though I'm seriously considering going back to Legion or hopping over to Plague. Puking on turbo-nerds never gets boring.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    I play this game for years now ... so I have some feelings for good old characters like Trapper, Billy and Wraith (######### the Nurse) from killer POV.

    I also main quite old survivors (Meg, Claudette ... and Ace) ... but I play more and more frequently Jane and Kate (good looking chicks with great cosmetics) :)

  • trashgirl
    trashgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2021

    I main Jake because he looks like a friend and I think it's funny. Otherwise it's Dwight because I like his perks.

    For Killers I don't really main anyone, I haven't managed to buy new ones and none of the free ones interest me too much.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Pig because I like killing Survivors with the Reverse Bear Traps.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Felix, because... well, look at him.

  • Itachi
    Itachi Member Posts: 55

    Huntress because she's fun to go for shots with. Unless I get lots of swfs then Nurse :)

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Freddy because he is best slasher.

    Kate because she is cute and hot.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    I main the killers Pig/Blight/Nurse. I like well thought out playstyles with pig being my first main with her ability to stall the game, I can take and control the game at my own pace alot of the time and it's just a good feeling. Blight and nurse because I like a technical challenge.

    For Survivor I just play Tap because I love the SAW series and I love his stake out perk. I run Stake out, Dead hard, spine chill, and BT. This is a "cover all of my bases" based build. Stake out for quicker gen or healing completes, spine chill for anti Stealth, dead hard to help loop killers, and BT to allow me to save allies. Sometimes, I'll replace DH with Lithe.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Survivor: Dwight

    His team-oriented play-style, nervous goody-goody nature, and affinity for lockers are something I relate with which draw me to him over others. Doesn't hurt that we sport similar hairstyles - I'm currently rocking the quarantine Dweard look though.

    Killer: Ghost Face

    If I was going to be a serial killer or otherwise murderer of some sort, regardless of my reasons, I'd definitely just want to have fun with it. Ghost face, from the playful trailer to the parodied Scary Movie series, and even the crouch spam with corner peaking, definitely makes him feel up my alley more than others in that regard.

  • BradQuackson
    BradQuackson Member Posts: 385

    Nurse, can actually beat 4 man SWF

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited May 2021

    Nea, mainly because of balanced landing and I really like the beany blonde head. It speaks to my inner 15 yr old sk8r girl.

    As far as killer. I tend to switche every rank reset and its Nurse season. Really because she my least played killer and I kind of miss her.

  • piggygooik
    piggygooik Member Posts: 576

    i main oni, blight , and the twins/ Daphine uh I mean yin jin for surv too

    Oni since I love how much fun I get from his power, I feel so powerful and I could also curve so well

    blight since he is a speedy boi

    twins: since they are the most unique killer and I just love playing the little gremlin

    daph- er I mean Yin jin since I love her outfits and dressing up like Daphne from scooby do

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,760

    Killer: Freddy

    Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing DBD, back in 2018. There countless reasons for that, but I believe the one thing that made fall in love with him was how unique he was back then when compared to the rest of the killer roaster.

    Survivor: Claudette

    Claudette has a tactical advantage (the art of blending), she has an interesting backstory, and she is really pretty... A perfect survivor.

    Her model update might change this, but we shall see how that goes.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Plague, because I'm tired of everyone else.

    Zarina, because I really like her.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Meg and Billy, mostly sticking to my old guns. Sometimes Kate and Oni, since he plays like flickbilly (flick back when)

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Bubba, Doc, and Pyramid Head.

    Bubba because he's easy to play and has some fun add-ons.

    Doctor because it's incredibly easy to find hiding survivors and Order exists.

    Pyramid Head because he is overwhelmingly difficult to bully and can actually punish greed and mistakes to a significant degree.

    I also play a good deal of Wraith, Trapper, and Slinger.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I find it hard to just play as one or just a few Survivors so I usually alternate between all of them. One day will be Meg Day and one day will be Claudette Day and so on. Not allowed to switch and all the points I earn go on that one character.

    I don't play Killer that often and when I do, it's usually just for challenges so it depends on the challenges. I do play as The Pig a lot just because I want boops.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    For survivor, I main Adam. Play a lot of different survivors though, the other mainly being Ash and Yui.

    For killer, it's Deathslinger and Plague. Used to be Twins, but they feel so awful to play now that they're not really fun anymore. Also really enjoying Blight now that he actually works on console.

  • skyguys
    skyguys Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2021

    Bill for 2 reasons: I leveled him up as my first character when I started playing for Borrowed Time, and 2, I don't buy cosmetics and he doesn't have any for sale. Needless to say, I won't hesitate to earn a time exclusive cosmetic with him without putting a single penny into the store (aka current rift.)

    Wraith because it's fun to zoom around the map while invisible.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I've actually started maining Trickster. He actually kind of wrecks all the Survivor strategies that I hate going against. Holding W forever? You get a bunch of knives thrown at your back. We're at a low loop where it is impossible to mind game? No worries, I'll lob knives over it. God windows or pallets? Well if I've gotten a few knives in you already, I can get the hit anyway. You've got Dead Hard? I mean you'll probably dodge 1-2 knives but that's it. Yeah he's not great in high wall structures, but that's when you gotta get your mind game on and I like pulling off mind games.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,289

    Kate/Zarina - killers tend to not tunnel them, their screams/cries don't bug me, they have cosmetics I like.

    Trapper - catching survivors in traps is very satisfying.

    Ghostface - he's fine to mess around with survivors.

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    1. Blight - He's fast af boi! Also very fun.

    2. Clown - He's hilarious.

    3. Spirit - Also very fun. Reading survivors znd being right feels amazing!

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I main Cheryl, Nea, and Kate. Cheryl because I really like her character from SH3, Nea because of her cosmetics, and Kate because I really like her backstory.

    For killers, Spirit and Nurse. I main both of them because I really like their backstories and cosmetics, and I like their powers.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Feng, Elodie and Yui cause they are hot

    Pig, Ghostface and PH because I have the most fun with them

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Nea, because survivor is the power role and I'm secretly a killer main. Jk

    Nea really though because early in my start of playing Dbd I was initiated into a late night nea gang run by a blue eyed mori spamming nurse.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Nobody. I dont have a main I just play lots of different killers and survivors. I could definetly say who I dont play often but I cant really say 1 specific main.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,433

    Ace: he is smiling in the entitys realm.

    Killer: so many bc i like their power.

  • PureHostility
    PureHostility Member Posts: 708
    edited May 2021

    Killers: playing all besides the small pp ez mode meta ("freddy" , oni and especially spirit, never touching that disgrace)

    Survivors: Claudette at dbd release, Nea as she released in 2016, then switched to Quentin when he came out, then to Kate. Waiting for a new survivor, preferable a fatty.

  • Retromind
    Retromind Member Posts: 156

    I swap between Dwight, Claud, Cheryl and Felix because all 4 of them have different builds and I really am lazy to switch perks on one survivor to play different builds every time I decide to do so.

    For killers I main everyone, I think it's good for you to know every weakness and strength of every killer no matter if you're killer main or survivor main.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited May 2021

    I rarely play survivor and they're all just model swaps, but Yui is the one I have the most perks and bloodpoints invested into so I guess I main her.

    For killer I main Demo. His shred is just a really nice and simple chase ability and he has some of the best map mobility and pressure in the game when you set his portals up correctly. The one I play the 2nd most would be Plague. She's also a very easy and chill killer to play, and she just feels right imo.

  • Eros_LucianoTTV
    Eros_LucianoTTV Member Posts: 42

    Survivor: Kate because i like her looks. Yui same reason as Kate.

    Killer: Dont really have a main but if i have to choose i will go for Trapper. It is very satisfying when u get to trap survivors on traps.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    As Survivor, it would be Meg. She was the 1st one I played when I started, she was the 1st one I brought to P3, and she gets the most play out of me, even since I branched out to play other people. You always remember your first, lol. I mainly play survivors for the different cosmetics (since my builds are pretty identical from one to the other) -- one day, I might want to be a Buuny Feng, the next an Oktoberfest Kate, or maybe Disco Ace or Scoops Ahoy Steve -- but I always end up finding my way back to Meg.

    As Killer, as much as I try to play a wide range, I have to call myself a Pig main at this point. I've played the most rounds as her, and she's the killer I'm the best with. I love her playstyle, the dynamic of the RBT's, the cute sound she makes when she gets stunned, and the meme potential with survivors who Boop the Snoot (which means you live against me, with pretty much no exceptions). I love playing Wraith and Doctor, I've been practicing my tail off at Huntress, Nurse, and Plague, I enjoy Trapper, Myers, and GF, and I want to improve at Pyramid Head -- but I always end up back with my Piggie. She wasn't the first killer I played regularly, but once I started with her, I was hooked (no pun intended).

  • ryankickassrb
    ryankickassrb Member Posts: 46

    Feng cause she has good cosmetics and her story relates to me. Parents against my passion for technology always trying to get me to follow math since I was good at that. Being seen as gifted as my talent with technology grew had huge potential to do something and because of that had a lot of pressure on me. But lost it to depression so I started looking for ways for thrill ending up resorting to drinking, drugs, and more. Then fell into a "spiral of self-destruction" as Feng's story puts it. The worst thing is I'm only 19 and haven't even lived a third of my life yet.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    My main survivor is Jeff because he’s criminally underrated and I relate to him a lot. I also play Quentin because he’s my favourite NOES character and Jane because she’s cute

    As for killer I main clown but play billy and slinger sometimes too