Anyone have a explanation?

Just got a firecracker in the bloodweb, the glided stampede event was a few months ago. Is this a glitch?
but buy it and have fun with it
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Is it a character you haven't used in a long time or whatnot?
I know I still have some survivors with those on the board just because I haven't gone into their bloodweb since the event ended
Otherwise IDK :D
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no, its laurie. ive been maining her for awhile now. the annoying part is that im level 49 p2, i wanna prestige but now i have a pretty rare item
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Had it happen yesterday too. Figure it’s a bug.
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Probably left over from the event of you haven't used that characters bloodweb in awhile it happens my Claudette still had blight serum in hers and my Feng has 4th anniversary cakes and med kits it's so much fun to go back and see all the uncollected event items just waiting to be collected
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update: i prestiged laurie and i just got another one, my friend also got one. pretty good job so far
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Currently a bug where you can get event firecrackers in survivor bloodwebs. Enjoy it while it lasts because, while this should just be a thing in the game in the first place, this is 100% getting patched in the next hotfix update (no fun allowed and all that) so stock up while you can.
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alright, thanks for the info
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yeah I had the same thing happen to me on bill after I got a new blood web so it wasn't left over.
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I wasn’t even playing during the event, so it’s either a bug or accidental early release for 5th anniversary celebration.